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Server Project for CATE

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Set Up

Secrets file

The project contains a secrets file that is encrypted. In order to run the project you will need to decrypt this file. Run this command:

./build.ps1 -target Decrypt -secret=<<the secret>>

Ask the CATE/RowdyRuff team lead for the secret.

Alternatively, if you are not in the CATE/RowdyRuff team (and hence the team lead won't tell you the secret) you can create your own appsettings.json file with the following template:

  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "DefaultConnection": "Server=.\\SQLExpress;Database=RowdyRuff;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true"
  "Logging": {
    "IncludeScopes": false,
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Debug",
      "System": "Information",
      "Microsoft": "Information"
  "BahmniConnection": {
    "Username": <<Bahmni API username>>,
    "Password": <<Bahmni API password>>  

Solution Structure

This is ASP.NET Core application (target .NET framework 4.6.1)

  • RowdyRuff: main ASP.NET UI project. Each feature-related functions are organized into different areas, .e.g. Main and Video:
  • RowdyRuff.Core: containing model classes
  • RowdyRuff.Repository: persistence layer, containing Entity Framework related code, mapping model classes to database tables
  • RowdyRuff.Common: common classes

Note: At the moment RowdyRuff project has a postcompile command to copy all the output dll of RowdyRuff.Repository project to its output directory. The reason is because RowdyRuff doesn't have any dependency to RowdyRuff.Repository, however at runtime, it needs RowdyRuff.Repository dlls to run properly

Technical Details

Startup configuration

When the application is started up, methods in Startup class of RowdyRuff project are invoked to initialize the UI layer. Startup class will use BootstrapperLoader to dynamically find all Bootstrapper classes in any dlls startingwith RowdyRuff... and invoke methods in those bootstrapper classes to initialize other layers. The reason is to avoid putting everything (.e.g. database initialization code) in Startup (and to avoid UI project to have reference to projects that it doesn't need, .e.g. Repository)

The flow is as follow:

Startup constructor is called
    Create BootstrapperLoader
    BootstrapperLoader looks for all dlls starting with RowdyRuff in current executing diretory that contains at least one class with name Bootstrapper
    BootstrapperLoader creates instances of those Bootstrapper class. Bootstrapper class must have either default constructor or a constructor that accepts single parameter of type IConfigurationRoot

Startup ConfigureServices() is called
    BootstrapperLoader looks for any ConfigureService(IServiceCollection) method in bootstrapper classes found above and invoke those

Startup Configure() is called
    BootstrapperLoader looks for Configure(...) or ConfigureDevelopment(...) methods in bootstrapper classes and invoke those. Configure() and ConfigureDevelopment() can inject any dependencies that it needs, as long as it's registered with IServiceCollection. This is similar to how Startup class works at the moment