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UnityHook is a simple platform for hooking managed function calls, targeting specifically assemblies compiled for Unity3d games.

Installed hooks allow overriding hooked functions' return values, essentially granting complete control over managed code execution in a targeted game.

Code formatting

This project uses AStyle to keep it's contents formatted. Take the following steps to format all source code:

  1. Download AStyle
  2. If needed, compile, and add the binary to your PATH variable
  3. Run the formatter on all *.cs files with the formatting options file found in the root of the repo. When using the recursive option, don't let your terminal expand the wildcard. AStyle is capable of handling the wildcard itself. eg; astyle.exe --options=hearthsim_codestyle.ini --recursive "./*.cs"

Minimal dependancies

This branch tries to keep the amount of compile-time dependancies as small as possible. Minimal compile-time dependancies make it easier to distribute the HooksRegistry binary (and independant of Hooker). All compiled binaries are more robust and have a higher chance of working when new game versions are released. This also has a big downside; every method call has to be done in a dynamic way and complex operations are tedious because of the dynamic overhead.

Because of the tedious work it also forces us to come up with more 'outside of the box' solutions. This alone makes the projects interesting and challenging to work on!


  1. Clone the repo;
  2. Open UnityHook solution file with Visual Studio;
  3. Build project Hooker;
  4. Build project HookRegistry;
  5. All binary files can be found inside the bin folder of each project.


Hooker is the project that actually injects code into original game assemblies/libraries (= .dll files). It can be used to 'hook' and 'restore' assemblies. Run hooker.exe help for information about the options to pass. To hook game assemblies you need to tell it the location of the game folder and the path to a compiled HookRegistry. The Hooker currently has support for following games

  • Hearthstone


HookRegistry is the project that contains code to be executed when a hooked method/function has been called while the game is running. The project compiles to 1 binary file that must be passed to Hooker. Currently implemented hooks are following

  • Hearthstone
    • Disable SSL connection between client/server;
    • Duplicate packets transferred between client/server to other TCP streams. These streams try to attach to the HearthStone packet dumper tool.
  • General
    • Hooking into the Unity logger.

Hooks file

The file which contains all methods to be hooked. See {REPOPATH}\Hooker\example_hooks for more information about it's syntax. The example_hooks file is needed for the example at the next section.

NOTE: The hooker will always hook all methods entered in the Hooks file, if found. Hooking a method which is not expected by HooksRegistry has NO side effect on the game!

Usage Example

The example expects the example_hooks file to be used as of the latest commit, including the HookRegistry compiled binary.

Effects of the example

  • The game creates a non secure connection to the server (NOT over TLS);
  • All transferred network packets are being duplicated to other TCP streams.

What you need

  • The (compiled) binaries PATH from Hooker. Refered to as {HOOKERPATH};
  • The (compiled) binary FILE from HookRegistry. Referred to as {REGISTRY};
  • The PATH to the game folder. Referred to as {GAMEDIR};
  • A hooks FILE, as mentioned above. Referred to as {HOOKS}.


  1. Call Hooker.exe;
{HOOKERPATH}\Hooker.exe hook -d "{GAMEDIR}" -h "{HOOKS}" -l "{REGISTRY}"
  1. Verify that that Hooker did not encounter a problem;
    • Requested methods are hooked;
    • Original assemblies are duplicated next to the original as {name}.original.dll;
    • Patched assemblies are written to the game directory as {name}.out.dll;
    • Patched assemblies replace the original assemblies as {name}.dll;
    • HookRegistry assembly is copied next to the game assemblies;
  2. Run the Game - Watch the game log for lines starting with [HOOKER].

To restore, run the command {HOOKERPATH}\Hooker.exe restore -d "{GAMEDIR}"


  • This project is intended to run within the context of the Unity Engine. If Unity Engine is not initialised when HookRegistry is initialised, then the hooked functionality will not be run. Each method will perform as if unhooked when outside of the Unity Engine context.


Platform to hook into Unity3D assemblies







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  • C# 100.0%