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A Dangerous Land

Setup Instructions:

If you are just looking to play the game, you can visit the releases repository and follow the README instructions.

  1. Have current versions of Unity and Visual Studio installed. When you install Visual Studio, also install the "Game Development with Unity" module. If you already have VS installed, download and run the VS installer (not VS), select "Modify" and then install "Game Developmnt with Unity".

  2. Clone the repo to your desired working directory. By default Unity projects are created in ~/Documents/UnityProjects, so that's a good choice.

  3. Start Unity, select "Open" at the top right and select the project folder.

  4. In Unity select "File">"Open Scene" and open Assets/Scenes/MainScene.

  5. Open VS from Unity by selecting "Assets">"Open C# Project". The first time you do so you may be prompted to update your .NET version. Go ahead and do that (you may need to restart your computer).

  6. In VS go to "Project">"Manager NuGet Packages" and install MessagePack at the least. If you plan on working with MessagePack you can also install MessagePackAnalyzer as well.


Visit the documentation website!