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Enterprise FizzBuzz

An enterprise edition of the FizzBuzz game in C#

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This core library represents the core-most parts and logic for FizzBuzz. It contains a single service: FizzBuzzService which can be configured via the constructor to play any variance of FizzBuzz


Dependency injection is built custom for this application, and so an entire start-up engine, service provider and service builder is built in.

All applications should start with the following:

  1. Construct an instance of FizzBuzzEngine with your instance of IStartup
  2. Initialise the FizzBuzzEngine and any services your IStartup needs by calling Build() on your instance of FizzBuzzEngine
  3. Run the application by calling either Run or RunAsync on your instance of FizzBuzzEngine. Run will stop further execution until your IStartup is finished executing.

Application state is managed via a provided implementation of IStartup, which is called after the FizzBuzzEngine has done any necessary start up.

You can add any core required parameters for startup into the constructor for your IStartup implementation, these will be injected automatically for you by the engine.

The following services are provided by default in FizzBuzzEngine:

  • IFizzBuzzService
  • IServiceFactory

Your IStartup can depend on any combination of these (including none or all).

Your IStartup can also replace either of these items with its own instances in the AddServices method - just add them as if they weren't already present, and you'll overwrite the existing instances

// Sample program.cs
internal class Program
    public static void Main()
        var engine = new FizzBuzzEngine<Startup>();

// Sample startup.cs
public class Startup : IStartup
    public void AddServices(IServiceContainer container)
        container.AddSingleton<IConsoleIo, ConsoleIo>();
        container.AddSingleton<IFizzBuzzConsole, FizzBuzzConsole>();
        container.AddSingleton<IFizzBuzzApp, FizzBuzzApp>();

    public Task Run(IServiceFactory factory)
        IFizzBuzzApp app = factory.Get<IFizzBuzzApp>();

        return app.Run();


This library represents abstractions of DependencyInjection. Any core libraries that want to extend DependencyInjection should inherit from this, not the base DependencyInjection


One of the most important things with any dependency injection container is performance. Ths custom DI container for this project is one of the fastest available - second only to Microsoft.DependencyInjection when the most popular containers are compared against it.

Latest results are as follows:

  • The first time is for 1,000,000 resolves of Service 1. Service 1 is a simple transient service with 0 dependencies
  • The second is for 1,000,000 resolves of Service 2. Service 2 is a singleton service with a single dependency of Service 1
  • The third is for 1,000,000 resolves of Service 3. Service 3 is a transient service with a single dependency of Service 2


Please note that the benchmarked times do not include the time it takes to register dependencies, only resolving them.


This is a custom logging library, which by default, logs to Console and the Debug window. You can add your own custom logging by creating a service which implements FizzBuzz.Logs.Outputs.ILogOutput and adding it in the configuration when calling AddLogging on your application's IServiceContainer.

// Sample output log
public class ConsoleLog : ILogOutput
    public void WriteError(string message)
        WriteLineInColor(message, ConsoleColor.Red);

    public void WriteInfo(string message)
        WriteLineInColor(message, ConsoleColor.White);

    public void WriteTrace(string message)
        WriteLineInColor(message, ConsoleColor.Cyan);

    public void WriteWarning(string message)
        WriteLineInColor(message, ConsoleColor.Yellow);

    private void WriteLineInColor(string message, ConsoleColor color)
        var initialColor = Console.ForegroundColor;

        Console.ForegroundColor = color;

        // Reset color
        Console.ForegroundColor = initialColor;

The logging container also supports local configuration to control log levels for specific areas of your code, applications, or 3rd party logs

// Sample set up (requires using FizzBuzz.Logs)
container.AddLogging((serviceFactory, setup) =>
    // Set the default global minimum log level

    // Set local log levels for specific log sources.
    // These override the default for the relevant services
    setup.SetMinimumLogLevel(LogLevel.Warning, "Microsoft");
    setup.SetMinimumLogLevel(LogLevel.Warning, "System");

    // Add any logging outputs for your app


This is a console implementation of the FizzBuzz game, with the necessary services required for console input/output.

Startup manages setting up dependencies and application configuration

IFizzBuzzApp manages running the application

IFizzBuzzConsole manages FizzBuzz specific input and output to the console

IConsoleIo manages all console input and output


This is an ASP NET Core implementation of the FizzBuzz game, with any route resolving to the FizzBuzz game.

The query string variable from specifies the range start for FizzBuzz (inclusive), and defaults to 1. The query string variable total specifies how many numbers to retrieve, and defaults to 20

All returned data is JSON formatted (string array)



Would retrieve: Buzz, 11, Fizz, 13, 14


Would retrieve: 1, 2, Fizz, 4, Buzz, Fizz, 7, 8, Fizz, Buzz, 11, Fizz, 13, 14, FizzBuzz, 16, 17, Fizz, 19, Buzz


Enterprise architecture version of the FizzBuzz game in C#







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