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The API for the tasklist program.

Setup: .NetCore 2.2 Installation

.NetCore is an opensource framework that is used to run C# code on machines that are non-windows based, mac/linux, etc., in addition to Windows. The install link is here Download .Net v2.2.0 as that is the version that this API is based off of. Newer versions might work, but to avoid running into issues, please stick to V2.2.0. You will want to use the download link underneath SDK 2.2.101, and download the x64 installer. Run the installer. To verify you have installed it correctly, you will need to look into your "Installed Programs", and make sure that you can see it listed.

Setup: Visual Studio 2017, and download the 2017 - community edition. Theres nothing special to this one, if you can run visual studio, you have done this correctly. Use default installation settings, feel free to add in any additional features that intrest you. This is an IDE, and so you can customize it any way that you would like.

Setup: Microsoft SQL Management Server 2017, and download the specialized developer version. This is where our database will live, and we will need this to test results, add new features, and anything else that were doing really. This is required by all means. If anyone runs into installation questions, please let me know, but, from memory, I used all default settings, and used localhost as my default user. If you stick to the default installation settings, you should have no issues.

Setup: Downloading the API

Download this project from github, and save it somewhere where you can easily access it. After you save it, open the solution into visual studio. Inside of visual studio, click on Package Manager Console (it should be located on the bottom left side of your screen, near breakpoints, and Task Runner Explorer. Inside of this window, type "Update-Database". This will create your database inside of SQL Management Studio. Next, head over to Microsoft SQL Management Studio, and open it up. Click connect when prompted, and then expact databases, select 2450WebsiteDb, and click file -> open. Open the SeedScript 2450.sql file that is within the project. Run this script. If you run into issues, you may need to select 2450WebsiteDb from the dropdown on the top left of the toolbar, then run it again. This will seed your database with the default content that I have created for it, as well as task, and category associations, user accounts, etc. Now, back inside of visual studio, in the toolbar, you will see a green arrow followed by "IIS Express". Click this to launch the API. You should see your default browser pop up with two seeded values. Do not close this, that is the window that your API is running in. From here, you should be able to run your Website project, and be able to see a successful login using the username "User_1", and password "password". This will not route you anywhere however, as this part of the software has yet to be written, but I am currently working on it.


If you have any issues, or you need help, please let me know as soon as possible, and I will help you resolve those issues. I will review all code-pushes before they are accepted into the codebase, and if they are not accepted, I will let you know what the issues are, and how we can fix them. Thanks guys, and I am sorry about the lengthy setup, but because this course is aimed at building enterprise solutions in a group, I felt that we should actually be building an "enterprise" -ish solution, using many of the practices, and softwares that we will encounter on the job.


The API for the tasklist program.






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