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The original Katana stack can be found at This repository includes some modifications in the client_trajectory part of the code, for testing purpose.

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Installing and testing the katana 300


Following is a procedure for a simple test of two trajectories with the Katana 300. Should there be any issues, please contact me. (My email address is on my Git profile page.)

ROS Distribution

Make sure you have hydro installed. If not sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-desktop-full

Make sure you are using hydro: echo $ROS_DISTRO

Create a catkin workspace

mkdir -p $HOME/ROS_katana/src
cd $HOME/ROS_katana/src
cd ..
source devel/setup.bash
cd src

Clone the repository

git clone -b hydro_devel

Install some dependencies

sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-control-msgs  ros-hydro-pr2-controllers libarmadillo-dev ros-hydro-convex-decomposition ros-hydro-moveit-msgs

Warning: There could me more dependencies needed. If there is an error during make, it will tell you which dependency is missing, please install it using the sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-

Make the packages

cd katana_300_ros
rosmake katana
rosmake katana_tutorials

Setup connection

If you are using a USB to serial converter:

sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyUSB0
sudo ln -sf /dev/ttyUSB0 /dev/ttyS3

Otherwise the port number ( dev/ttys# ) can be set in the file: /katana/launch/katana_300_6m180.launch

Set the environment variables

Put the following in your .bashrc..

gedit .bashrc

At the end of the file copy:

export KATANA_TYPE="katana_300_6m180"
source /opt/ros/hydro/setup.bash
source /home/ROS_katana/devel/setup.bash

Save and close gedit.

source .bashrc

Launch the katana and start calibration

Open new terminal window and

roslaunch katana katana.launch

Start the trajectory server and client

Open new terminal window and

roslaunch katana_tutorials follow_joint_trajectory_client.launch

Send the start trajectory command

Before running the following command make sure you are near the emergency stop button (or shutdown) and push it in case the Katana is headed for a collision.

Open new terminal window and

rostopic pub /katana/start_trajectory std_msgs/Bool 1

This should start the first trajectory with the Katana. After it is done: Ctrl + c or close the terminal window.

Return the Katana to the initial position

Open new terminal window and

rostopic pub /katana/start_trajectory2 std_msgs/Bool 1

The Katana should now return to the initial (calibration) position.

Original readme: katana_driver

This stack contains ROS hardware drivers, Gazebo plugins and other basic functionalities for the Neuronics Katana family of robot arms. Specifically, it provides:

  • JointTrajectory and FollowJointTrajectory execution on the physical arm (packages katana, kni, katana_trajectory_filter, katana_msgs),
  • simulation of the Katana arm in Gazebo (packages katana_gazebo_plugins, katana_arm_gazebo),
  • URDF descriptions (package katana_description),
  • simple teleoperation (packages katana_teleop, katana_joint_movement_adapter), and
  • some demo programs (package katana_tutorials).

For more information, visit the katana_driver ROS wiki page.


The original Katana stack can be found at This repository includes some modifications in the client_trajectory part of the code, for testing purpose.






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