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A free software to manage all your plants and fields!

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A free and open source software to manage your garden and track plant growth.

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Build status Codacy Badge


Configuring database connection

By default this application targets your MSSQLLocalDB instance. If you don't have one, you can change connection string in appsettings.json file to target any instance of Microsoft SQL Server. Just change the value of DefaultConnection. Alternatively, you can add a new key to this dictionary that contains your custom connection string and reference it in Startup.cs:34.

Creating the database

Spice uses Entity Framework for connecting with database. Entity Framework enables programmers to use code first approach for database strategies and this approach was used to create Spice application. All you have to do is follow these points:

  1. If you have a database instance on your SQL Server which is named SpiceDatabase then either delete it, pick any other SQL Server instance or change database name in connection string.
  2. Make sure that in Solution Explorer default project is set to Spice.WebAPI.
  3. Open Packet Manager Console.
  4. Make sure that in Packet Manager Console "Default project" is set to Spice.Persistence.
  5. Type update-database and confirm it by pressing Enter.
  6. Database migration succeeded if you see "Done." in the last line of output.

Running unit tests

Spice comes to you with a wide set of unit and integration tests. To run tests follow these steps:

  1. Checkout this repository
  2. Restore NuGet packages for solution
    1. If you prefer using command line, execute dotnet restore
    2. If you prefer using Visual Studio 2017, open Solution Explorer, right-click the solution item (topmost in the project tree) and click Restore NuGet packages
  3. Build solution
    1. If you prefer using command line, execute dotnet build
    2. If you prefer using Visual Studio 2017, press Ctrl + Shift + B
  4. Run tests
    1. If you prefer using command line execute dotnet test for these projects (paths relative to folder containing .sln file):
      • Application\Tests\Spice.WebAPI.Tests\Spice.WebAPI.Tests.csproj
      • Application\Tests\Spice.Application.Tests\Spice.Application.Tests.csproj
      • Domain\Spice.Domain.Tests\Spice.Domain.Tests.csproj
    2. If you prefer using Visual Studio 2017 open Test Explorer window (Test -> Windows -> Test Explorer), then click Run all

Launching the application

When database is created, you can launch web application project by pressing F5 in Visual Studio (make sure its still a default project - its name should be displayed in bold in Solution Explorer). Now the project will build and when build succeeds a new browser window will be displayed with default page.

Deploying application with Visual Studio 2017 and Web Deploy 3.6

You can deploy Spice to another server or virtual machine is really easy. First, you have to set up remote host. Following these steps will help you configure Windows Server 2016 for web deploy:

  1. Install latest Windows Server 2016 either on physical or virtual machine and perform a basic setup.
  2. Install IIS Server with all options related (event IIS 6 integration)
  3. Download and install Web Deploy 3.6 on Windows Server 2016
  4. Make sure that access to ports 80 and 8172 is possible through firewall
  5. Add C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V3 to path variable
  6. Verify that web deploy service is up and running by vising https://localhost:8172/msdeploy.axd in your browser. You should be prompted with authentication box, type in your local account credentials. After confirming the form you will receive 404 error.
  7. Download and install .NET Core SDK 2.2.101 and .NET Core Runtime 2.2.101
  8. Launch IIS Manager and add new website with basic configuration. Verify that used account has access to chosen path. I used account by credentials.
  9. Change settings of application pool used by created site to "No managed code".
  10. Install and configure Microsoft SQL Server (Enterprise 2017 in my case) and Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (17.9.1 in my case)
  11. Configure network access to ports related to SQL Server ((here is a full list of ports)[]))
  12. In SQL Server Configuration Manager make sure that value for Named Pipes is "Enabled" under SQL Server Network Configuration -> Protocols for MSSQLSERVER
  13. Restart SQL Server service
  14. Using SQL Server Management Studio create a new login with name and password of your choice.
  15. In IIS Manager right-click your website, then Deploy -> Configure Web Deploy Publishing
  16. Click the button with three dots located near SQL Server connection string text box
  17. Choose SQL Server. In server name type ., pick the database name of your choice.
  18. Choose the other credentials option and click 'Set' button. Now fill the form with data created in step 13.
  19. (Optional) You can change the path where your config will be saved using last button with three dots.
  20. Confirm form by clicking 'Setup'.
  21. Navigate to the folder where your config file was saved and copy it to the machine with Visual Studio 2017 (e.g. via OneDrive, Google Drive or Dropbox).
  22. Open Spice solution in Visual Studio 2017, then right-click Spice.WebAPI in Solution Explorer and choose Publish.
  23. Click Run button, then Import Profile and choose the created publish profile.
  24. Click Configure... and Verify connection. Type in the password for Windows Server's administrator account. Verification passed if a green tick mark is shown on the right.
  25. Open publish profile file with text editor and copy value of SQLServerDBConnectionString.
  26. In the settings tab select netcoreapp2.2 for target structure, structure dependent for deployment mode, and portable for runtime. Expand the Entity Framework platform migrations and check the checkbox. Paste value copied in previous step to the field below. Click save. This step might be required each time you're publishing a project to remote server.
  27. Click Publish button to start publishing project. You might be prompted to accept untrusted server certificate, do it. You might be prompted again for Windows Server's admin password.
  28. After publishing succeed, your project url will open in browser.
  29. (Optional) After first publishing some files are created in Properties/PublishProfiles. You can add <AllowUntrustedCertificate>True</AllowUntrustedCertificate> inside the Property group. Note that there's an example publishing profile in dist folder.

How do I help?

I'm glad you want to help! Just fork the project, add your changes and create a new pull request. Your pull request will automatically be reviewed by AppVeyor and Codacy. Please remember about unit tests for your changes as all PR's with untested changes will be rejected. And keep your code clean!

Third Party software used by Spice

Spice relies on the following packages (via NuGet):

For this software I give absolutely no warranty and I'm not responsible for their behaviour.

API Overview

Postman requests set

If you want to test Spice API before you start developing user interface, you can use Postman. All you have to do is import postman-requests.json file containing requests you might want to use. This file is located in the dist folder of this repository. Please remember that endpoints both described below and saved in postman-request.json might change in future versions.


Spice is all about plants. As of now, the following requests are available:

  • GET Request api/plants - returns list of all plants. Example:
        "id": "68d7f358-6b2f-444a-61ce-08d6719bd8d4",
        "name": "Avocado #1",
        "species": "Persea americana",
        "state": 0
        "id": "944e487e-0947-485b-61cf-08d6719bd8d4",
        "name": "Avocado #2",
        "species": "Persea americana",
        "state": 0
  • GET Request api/plants/guid - returns plant details by id (specified guid). Example:
// Requested uri: api/plants/68d7f358-6b2f-444a-61ce-08d6719bd8d4

    "id": "68d7f358-6b2f-444a-61ce-08d6719bd8d4",
    "name": "Avocado #1",
    "species": {
        "id": "1e7e9575-41e1-470c-9772-08d671982349",
        "name": "Avocado (Hass cultivar)",
        "latinName": "Persea americana"
    "field": {
        "id": "8b6e7f21-98b6-4e46-b2c2-08d67188be3c",
        "name": "Windowsill (bedroom)",
        "description": "Internal windowsill in bedroom."
    "row": 0,
    "column": 0,
    "planted": "2018-11-01T09:30:00",
    "state": 0,
    "nutrients": [
            "id": "b57da65c-f0d8-4566-3ad8-08d6719f52ff",
            "name": "Mineral water",
            "amount": "100 ml",
            "date": "2018-11-03T14:30:00"
            "id": "36e719ea-9020-4682-3ad9-08d6719f52ff",
            "name": "Mineral water",
            "amount": "150 ml",
            "date": "2018-11-08T08:30:00"
            "id": "5a7ae091-c21f-48aa-3ada-08d6719f52ff",
            "name": "Mineral water",
            "amount": "50 ml",
            "date": "2018-11-10T08:00:00"
            "id": "78a4bbd5-28fa-4a8c-3adb-08d6719f52ff",
            "name": "Mineral water",
            "amount": "250 ml",
            "date": "2018-11-20T19:40:00"
            "id": "cff14009-206f-4e15-3adc-08d6719f52ff",
            "name": "Organic fertilizer",
            "amount": "50 g",
            "date": "2018-11-09T11:25:00"
            "id": "f4696a14-6b2b-43db-3add-08d6719f52ff",
            "name": "Organic fertilizer",
            "amount": "150 g",
            "date": "2018-12-01T17:31:00"
            "id": "094f9561-9f43-44c1-3ade-08d6719f52ff",
            "name": "Anti-insect and Anti-fungi sticks",
            "amount": "2 pcs",
            "date": "2018-12-11T11:47:00"
    "events": [
            "id": "a1669fdb-a471-45b3-3d3e-08d6719bd8da",
            "type": 8,
            "occured": "2019-01-03T17:54:05.9362537"
            "id": "8d981e89-eeae-4e9c-3d3f-08d6719bd8da",
            "type": 6,
            "occured": "2019-01-03T17:57:05.759464"
            "id": "53525e74-0eb3-4538-3d40-08d6719bd8da",
            "type": 6,
            "occured": "2019-01-03T17:57:12.1350025"
            "id": "4e3c64df-a412-462a-3d42-08d6719bd8da",
            "type": 7,
            "occured": "2018-12-30T13:05:15"
            "id": "a2d7701f-72ff-40f5-3d43-08d6719bd8da",
            "type": 9,
            "occured": "2018-11-03T14:30:00"
            "id": "fb0080ee-4310-4e0b-3d44-08d6719bd8da",
            "type": 9,
            "occured": "2018-11-08T08:30:00"
            "id": "dccf0322-0832-4f3e-3d45-08d6719bd8da",
            "type": 9,
            "occured": "2018-11-10T08:00:00"
            "id": "d0ef6ffd-3118-4501-3d46-08d6719bd8da",
            "type": 9,
            "occured": "2018-11-20T19:40:00"
            "id": "f098f148-bd34-4c96-3d47-08d6719bd8da",
            "type": 9,
            "occured": "2018-11-09T11:25:00"
            "id": "494297d3-2338-4424-3d48-08d6719bd8da",
            "type": 9,
            "occured": "2018-12-01T17:31:00"
            "id": "437efb82-e8b1-4a25-3d49-08d6719bd8da",
            "type": 9,
            "occured": "2018-12-11T11:47:00"
            "id": "7bf15af3-83fa-4d4f-3d4a-08d6719bd8da",
            "type": 9,
            "occured": "2018-12-11T11:47:00"
  • POST Request api/plants - adds new plant with specified data. Example:
	"Name": "Avocado #1",
	"SpeciesId": "1e7e9575-41e1-470c-9772-08d671982349",
	"FieldId": "8b6e7f21-98b6-4e46-b2c2-08d67188be3c",
	"Row": 0,
	"Column": 0,
	"Planted": "2018-11-01 09:30:00",
	"State": "Healthy"

Note that if a plant is found growing on specified field, row and column this operation will result in Conflict. The same applies if either species or field does not exist. Please keep in mind that response contains 'Location' header with URI to newly created resource.

  • PUT Request api/plants/guid - updates plant data with specified id. Example:
// Requested uri: api/plants/68d7f358-6b2f-444a-61ce-08d6719bd8d4

	"Name": "Avocado #2",
	"SpeciesId": "73531e76-eaa7-42e8-9773-08d671982349",
	"FieldId": "b1ed0592-5e91-4690-b2c3-08d67188be3c",
	"Row": 1,
	"Column": 0,
	"Planted": "2018-11-02 10:00:00",
	"State": "Fruiting"

Note that if a plant is found growing on specified field, row and column this operation will result in Conflict. The same applies if either species or field does not exist.

  • DELETE Request api/plants/guid - deletes plant with specified id. Example:
// Requested uri: api/plants/944e487e-0947-485b-61cf-08d6719bd8d4
// Returns 204 No Content

Note that once a plant is deleted it is not possible to restore it!


Not all plants grow on fields - some are raised using hydroponics or just in a pot on your balcony. You should rather consider 'Field' as a group of plants, no matter where it grows. As of now, you can make such request to Spice API in fields context:

  • GET Request api/fields - returns list of all fields. Example:
        "id": "8b6e7f21-98b6-4e46-b2c2-08d67188be3c",
        "name": "Windowsill (bedroom)",
        "description": "Internal windowsill in bedroom."
        "id": "b1ed0592-5e91-4690-b2c3-08d67188be3c",
        "name": "Windowsill (living room)",
        "description": "Internal windowsill in living room."
        "id": "9e444078-0898-44f6-b2c4-08d67188be3c",
        "name": "Balcony",
        "description": "Balcony in living room."
        "id": "ba9d4125-ca60-49f4-b2c5-08d67188be3c",
        "name": "Field",
        "description": "Lots of sun from early morning untill afternoon."
  • GET Request api/fields/guid - returns field details by id (specified guid). Example:
// Requested uri: api/fields/8b6e7f21-98b6-4e46-b2c2-08d67188be3c

    "id": "8b6e7f21-98b6-4e46-b2c2-08d67188be3c",
    "name": "Windowsill (bedroom)",
    "description": "Internal windowsill in bedroom.",
    "latitude": 50.9657062,
    "longtitude": 22.3966112,
    "plants": [
            "id": "68d7f358-6b2f-444a-61ce-08d6719bd8d4",
            "name": "Avocado #1",
            "species": "Persea americana",
            "state": 0
  • POST Request api/fields - adds new field with specified data. Example:
	"Name": "Field",
	"Description": "Lots of sun from early morning untill afternoon.",
	"Latitude": 50.9657062,
	"Longtitude": 22.3966112

Note that if a field with specified name already exists this operation will result in Conflict. Please keep in mind that response contains 'Location' header with URI to newly created resource.

  • PUT Request api/fields/guid - updates field data with specified id. Example:
// Requested uri: api/fields/ba9d4125-ca60-49f4-b2c5-08d67188be3c

	"Name": "Field B",
	"Description": "Sunny from the afternoon until the sunset.",
	"Latitude": 50.9657062,
	"Longtitude": 22.3966112

Note that if a field with specified name already exists this operation will result in Conflict.

  • DELETE Request api/fields/guid - deletes field with specified id. Example:
// Requested uri: api/fields/ba9d4125-ca60-49f4-b2c5-08d67188be3c
// Returns 204 No Content

Note that once a field is deleted it is not possible to restore it and all underlying plants!


You can also group your plants into species. This might come in handy in the future - you could track which species use higher amount of nutrients, need more sun, or are more prone to pests. For now, you can make such API calls:

  • GET Request api/species - returns list of all species. Example:
        "id": "1e7e9575-41e1-470c-9772-08d671982349",
        "name": "Avocado (Hass cultivar)",
        "latinName": "Persea americana"
        "id": "73531e76-eaa7-42e8-9773-08d671982349",
        "name": "Avocado (Fuerte cultivar)",
        "latinName": "Persea americana"
        "id": "ef0ab7dc-aed5-40cc-9774-08d671982349",
        "name": "Bell pepper",
        "latinName": "Capsicum annuum"
  • GET Request api/species/guid - returns species details by id (specified guid). Example:
// Requested uri: api/species/1e7e9575-41e1-470c-9772-08d671982349

    "id": "1e7e9575-41e1-470c-9772-08d671982349",
    "name": "Avocado (Hass cultivar)",
    "latinName": "Persea americana",
    "description": "Know by Latin American cultures as 'butter of the gods'.",
    "plants": [
            "id": "68d7f358-6b2f-444a-61ce-08d6719bd8d4",
            "name": "Avocado #1",
            "species": "Persea americana",
            "state": 0
  • POST Request api/species - adds new species with specified data. Example:
	"Name": "Bell pepper",
	"LatinName": "Capsicum annuum",
	"Description": "Sweet pepper with no spiciness at all."

Note that if a species with specified name already exists this operation will result in Conflict. Please keep in mind that response contains 'Location' header with URI to newly created resource.

  • PUT Request api/species/guid - updates species data with specified id. Example:
// Requested uri: api/species/ef0ab7dc-aed5-40cc-9774-08d671982349

	"Name": "Spicy pepper",
	"LatinName": "Capsicum baccatum",
	"Description": "To get rid of spice drink a glass of milk or eat a spoon of butter.",

Note that if a species with specified name already exists this operation will result in Conflict.

  • DELETE Request api/species/guid - deletes species with specified id. Example:
// Requested uri: api/species/ef0ab7dc-aed5-40cc-9774-08d671982349
// Returns 204 No Content

Note that once a species is deleted it is not possible to restore it and all underlying plants!

  • GET Request api/species/guid/summary - returns summary of nutrients applied to all plants of selected species. Example:
// Requested uri: api/species/1e7e9575-41e1-470c-9772-08d671982349/summary
// Note that you can get nutrition summary for selected period of time by adding start and end date parameters, eg: api/species/1e7e9575-41e1-470c-9772-08d671982349/summary?fromDate=2018-01-01T00:00:00&toDate=2018-12-31T23:59:59

        "nutrient": {
            "id": "e95b4df9-cec7-439d-f47d-08d6719b259d",
            "name": "Mineral water",
            "description": "Either tap or bottled.",
            "dosageUnits": "ml"
        "totalAmount": 550,
        "firstAdministration": "2018-11-03T14:30:00",
        "lastAdministration": "2018-11-20T19:40:00"
        "nutrient": {
            "id": "72a26221-45f4-43dd-f47e-08d6719b259d",
            "name": "Organic fertilizer",
            "description": "Some plants do not require it.",
            "dosageUnits": "g"
        "totalAmount": 200,
        "firstAdministration": "2018-11-09T11:25:00",
        "lastAdministration": "2018-12-01T17:31:00"
        "nutrient": {
            "id": "66f3ec7e-d702-427b-f47f-08d6719b259d",
            "name": "Anti-insect and Anti-fungi sticks",
            "description": "Just put two into the soil.",
            "dosageUnits": "pcs"
        "totalAmount": 2,
        "firstAdministration": "2018-12-11T11:47:00",
        "lastAdministration": "2018-12-11T11:47:00"


Nutrients are very important in your plants growth. You can add some for further progress tracking using these endpoints:

  • GET Request api/nutrients - returns list of all nutrients. Example:
        "id": "e95b4df9-cec7-439d-f47d-08d6719b259d",
        "name": "Mineral water",
        "description": "Either tap or bottled."
        "id": "72a26221-45f4-43dd-f47e-08d6719b259d",
        "name": "Organic fertilizer",
        "description": "Some plants do not require it."
        "id": "66f3ec7e-d702-427b-f47f-08d6719b259d",
        "name": "Anti-insect and Anti-fungi sticks",
        "description": "Just put two into the soil."
  • GET Request api/nutrients/guid - returns nutrient details by id (specified guid). Example:
// Requested uri: api/nutrients/e95b4df9-cec7-439d-f47d-08d6719b259d

    "id": "e95b4df9-cec7-439d-f47d-08d6719b259d",
    "name": "Mineral water",
    "description": "Either tap or bottled.",
    "dosageUnits": "ml"
  • POST Request api/nutrients - adds new nutrient with specified data. Example:
	"Name": "Mineral water",
	"Description": "Either tap or bottled.",
	"DosageUnits": "ml"

Note that if a nutrient with specified name already exists this operation will result in Conflict. Please keep in mind that response contains 'Location' header with URI to newly created resource.

  • PUT Request api/nutrients/guid - updates nutrients data with specified id. Example:
// Requested uri: api/nutrients/72a26221-45f4-43dd-f47e-08d6719b259d

	"Name": "Fertilizer",
	"Description": "Natural plant fertilizer.",
	"DosageUnits": "g"

Note that if a nutrient with specified name already exists this operation will result in Conflict. The same thing applies if a nutrient was already administered to any plant, thus you can only edit unadministered nutrients.

  • DELETE Request api/nutrients/guid - deletes nutrients with specified id. Example:
// Requested uri: api/nutrients/72a26221-45f4-43dd-f47e-08d6719b259d
// Returns 204 No Content

Note that once a nutrient is deleted it is not possible to restore it and all underlying plants!

Plant nutrients

Your plants would not survive long without nutrients. With this option you can track the lifecycle of your plants. For now, you can make such API calls:

  • GET Request api/plants/guid/nutrients - returns list of administered plant nutrients. Example:
// Requested uri: api/plants/68d7f358-6b2f-444a-61ce-08d6719bd8d4/nutrients

        "id": "b57da65c-f0d8-4566-3ad8-08d6719f52ff",
        "name": "Mineral water",
        "amount": "100 ml",
        "date": "2018-11-03T14:30:00"
        "id": "36e719ea-9020-4682-3ad9-08d6719f52ff",
        "name": "Mineral water",
        "amount": "150 ml",
        "date": "2018-11-08T08:30:00"
        "id": "5a7ae091-c21f-48aa-3ada-08d6719f52ff",
        "name": "Mineral water",
        "amount": "50 ml",
        "date": "2018-11-10T08:00:00"
        "id": "78a4bbd5-28fa-4a8c-3adb-08d6719f52ff",
        "name": "Mineral water",
        "amount": "250 ml",
        "date": "2018-11-20T19:40:00"
        "id": "cff14009-206f-4e15-3adc-08d6719f52ff",
        "name": "Organic fertilizer",
        "amount": "50 g",
        "date": "2018-11-09T11:25:00"
        "id": "f4696a14-6b2b-43db-3add-08d6719f52ff",
        "name": "Organic fertilizer",
        "amount": "150 g",
        "date": "2018-12-01T17:31:00"
        "id": "094f9561-9f43-44c1-3ade-08d6719f52ff",
        "name": "Anti-insect and Anti-fungi sticks",
        "amount": "2 pcs",
        "date": "2018-12-11T11:47:00"
  • GET Request api/plants/guid/nutrients/guid - returns administered plant nutrient details by plant id (first guid parameter) and nutrition record id (second guid parameter). Example:
// Requested uri: api/plants/68d7f358-6b2f-444a-61ce-08d6719bd8d4/nutrients/094f9561-9f43-44c1-3ade-08d6719f52ff

    "id": "094f9561-9f43-44c1-3ade-08d6719f52ff",
    "nutrient": {
        "id": "66f3ec7e-d702-427b-f47f-08d6719b259d",
        "name": "Anti-insect and Anti-fungi sticks",
        "description": "Just put two into the soil.",
        "dosageUnits": "pcs"
    "amount": 2,
    "date": "2018-12-11T11:47:00"
  • POST Request api/plants/guid/nutrients - adds new nutrition record with specified data. Example:
// Requested uri: api/plants/68d7f358-6b2f-444a-61ce-08d6719bd8d4/nutrients

	"NutrientId": "66f3ec7e-d702-427b-f47f-08d6719b259d",
	"Amount": 2.0,
	"Date": "2018-12-11 11:47:00",
	"CreateEvent": true

Note that if a plant is not found this operation will result in Conflict. The same applies if nutrient does not exist. Also, you will receive a Conflict response if specified date is earlier than plant date. Please keep in mind that response contains 'Location' header with URI to newly created resource. The date parameter is completely optional - a request processing date is used if not specified otherwise.

  • PUT Request api/plants/guid/nutrients/guid - updates nutrition record with specified id (second guid parameter) for plant with specified id (first guid parameter). Example:
// Requested uri: api/plants/68d7f358-6b2f-444a-61ce-08d6719bd8d4/nutrients/094f9561-9f43-44c1-3ade-08d6719f52ff

	"NutrientId": "66f3ec7e-d702-427b-f47f-08d6719b259d",
	"Amount": 3.0,
	"Date": "2018-12-11 11:47:00",
	"CreateEvent": true

Note that if a plant is not found this operation will result in Conflict. The same applies if either nutrient or the nutrition record itself does not exist. Also, you will receive a Conflict response if specified date is earlier than plant date.

  • DELETE Request api/plants/guid/nutrients/guid - deletes nutrition record with specified id (second guid parameter) from plant with specified id (first guid parameter). Example:
// Requested uri: api/plants/68d7f358-6b2f-444a-61ce-08d6719bd8d4/nutrients/094f9561-9f43-44c1-3ade-08d6719f52ff
// Returns 204 No Content

Note that once a nutrition record is deleted it is not possible to restore it! Important: if an event was created while adding nutrition info it won't be deleted and you have to remove such event manually!

  • GET Request api/plants/guid/nutrients/summary - returns summary of nutrients administered to a plant grouped by nutrient. Example:
// Requested uri: api/plants/68d7f358-6b2f-444a-61ce-08d6719bd8d4/nutrients/summary
// Note that you can get nutrition info for selected period of time by adding start and end date parameters, eg: plants/68d7f358-6b2f-444a-61ce-08d6719bd8d4/nutrients/summary?fromDate=2018-01-01T00:00:00&toDate=2018-12-31T23:59:59

        "nutrient": {
            "id": "e95b4df9-cec7-439d-f47d-08d6719b259d",
            "name": "Mineral water",
            "description": "Either tap or bottled.",
            "dosageUnits": "ml"
        "totalAmount": 550,
        "firstAdministration": "2018-11-03T14:30:00",
        "lastAdministration": "2018-11-20T19:40:00"
        "nutrient": {
            "id": "72a26221-45f4-43dd-f47e-08d6719b259d",
            "name": "Organic fertilizer",
            "description": "Some plants do not require it.",
            "dosageUnits": "g"
        "totalAmount": 200,
        "firstAdministration": "2018-11-09T11:25:00",
        "lastAdministration": "2018-12-01T17:31:00"
        "nutrient": {
            "id": "66f3ec7e-d702-427b-f47f-08d6719b259d",
            "name": "Anti-insect and Anti-fungi sticks",
            "description": "Just put two into the soil.",
            "dosageUnits": "pcs"
        "totalAmount": 2,
        "firstAdministration": "2018-12-11T11:47:00",
        "lastAdministration": "2018-12-11T11:47:00"

Plant events

There's a lot happening during your plant lifecycle. With this option you can track all the events that occur. For now, you can make such API calls:

  • GET Request api/plants/guid/events - returns list of plant events. Example:
// Requested uri: api/plants/68d7f358-6b2f-444a-61ce-08d6719bd8d4/events

        "id": "a1669fdb-a471-45b3-3d3e-08d6719bd8da",
        "type": 8,
        "occured": "2019-01-03T17:54:05.9362537"
        "id": "8d981e89-eeae-4e9c-3d3f-08d6719bd8da",
        "type": 6,
        "occured": "2019-01-03T17:57:05.759464"
        "id": "53525e74-0eb3-4538-3d40-08d6719bd8da",
        "type": 6,
        "occured": "2019-01-03T17:57:12.1350025"
  • GET Request api/plants/guid/events/guid - returns plant event details by plant id (first guid parameter) and event record id (second guid parameter). Example:
// Requested uri: api/plants/68d7f358-6b2f-444a-61ce-08d6719bd8d4/events/4e3c64df-a412-462a-3d42-08d6719bd8da

    "id": "4e3c64df-a412-462a-3d42-08d6719bd8da",
    "type": 7,
    "description": "Great progress after fertilizing.",
    "occured": "2018-12-30T13:05:15"
  • POST Request api/plants/guid/events - adds new event with specified data. Example:
// Requested uri: api/plants/68d7f358-6b2f-444a-61ce-08d6719bd8d4/events

	"Type": "Insects",
	"Description": "Spotted some Leptinotarsa decemlineata on the leaves today.",
    "Occured": "2018-12-30 13:00:00"

Note that if a plant is not found this operation will result in Conflict. Also, you will receive a Conflict response if specified occurence date is earlier than plant date or in the future. Please keep in mind that response contains 'Location' header with URI to newly created resource. The occurence date parameter is completely optional - a request processing date is used if not specified otherwise. The other optional parameter is 'CreateEvent' - if it is not specified, default value is false.

  • PUT Request api/plants/guid/events/guid - updates event record with specified id (second guid parameter) for plant with specified id (first guid parameter). Example:
// Requested uri: api/plants/68d7f358-6b2f-444a-61ce-08d6719bd8d4/events/4e3c64df-a412-462a-3d42-08d6719bd8da

    "Type": "Growth",
    "Description": "Great progress after fertilizing.",
    "Occured": "2018-12-30T13:05:15"

Note that if a plant is not found this operation will result in Conflict. The same applies if event record does not exist. Also, you will receive a Conflict response if specified occurence date is earlier than plant date or in the future.

  • DELETE Request api/plants/guid/events/guid - deletes event record with specified id (second guid parameter) from plant with specified id (first guid parameter). Example:
// Requested uri: api/plants/68d7f358-6b2f-444a-61ce-08d6719bd8d4/events/4e3c64df-a412-462a-3d42-08d6719bd8da
// Returns 204 No Content

Note that once an event record is deleted it is not possible to restore it!

  • GET Request api/plants/guid/events/summary - returns summary of events occured to a plant grouped by event type. Example:
// Requested uri: api/plants/68d7f358-6b2f-444a-61ce-08d6719bd8d4/events/summary
// Note that you can get event log for selected period of time by adding start and end date parameters, eg: plants/ef9f019b-d93e-4f5b-ba8d-08d66bd675e4/events/summary?fromDate=2018-01-01T00:00:00&toDate=2018-12-31T23:59:59

        "type": 6,
        "totalCount": 2,
        "firstOccurence": "2019-01-03T17:57:05.759464",
        "lastOccurence": "2019-01-03T17:57:12.1350025"
        "type": 7,
        "totalCount": 1,
        "firstOccurence": "2018-12-30T13:05:15",
        "lastOccurence": "2018-12-30T13:05:15"
        "type": 8,
        "totalCount": 1,
        "firstOccurence": "2019-01-03T17:54:05.9362537",
        "lastOccurence": "2019-01-03T17:54:05.9362537"


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