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Forge Configurator Inventor

Demo application showcasing Configuration with Design Automation for Inventor


See high level diagram


Web Application

  1. .NET Core 3.1
  2. Node.js
  3. (recommended) Visual Studio Code with extensions:

App Bundles

  1. Autodesk Inventor 2021
  2. Visual Studio 2019


  1. Clone repository
  2. Create a forge app at, and select the Design Automation API and Data Management API APIs
  3. Enter https://localhost:5001 as the callback URL.
  4. Note the Client ID and Secret generated.
  5. Specify forge credentials.
  6. Copy AppBundles\InventorBinFolder.props.template to AppBundles\InventorBinFolder.props
  7. Replace the PATH_TO_YOUR_INVENTOR_BIN string in the AppBundles\InventorBinFolder.props file with your actual Inventor bin folder path, for example: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Inventor 2021\Bin
  8. (Optional) Specify if access should be limited in WebApplication\appsettings.json. Set Enabled to true or false, and populate the Domains and Addresses fields with comma delimited lists such as ["", ""] and ["", ""].


  • Building the projects also installs required packages (this can take several minutes).

Web Application and App Bundles

  • Open the forge-configurator-inventor.sln file with Visual Studio 2019 and build the solution.

Web Application Alone

  • From a command prompt, go to the WebApplication directory, and run dotnet build.

Run The Web Application Without Debugging

Clear and load initial data during app launch time

  • Create initial data: from the WebApplication directory, run dotnet run initialize=true
  • Clear data: from the WebApplication directory, run dotnet run clear=true
  • Clear and then load initial data: from the WebApplication directory, run dotnet run initialize=true clear=true
  • When the app finishes the initialization process it remains running and expects client calls. You can leave it running and follow by opening the site or stop it and move to the the Debugging section

Run after initial data is created

  • From a command prompt, go to the WebApplication directory, and run dotnet run

Open site

  • Navigate to https://localhost:5001
    • You may need to refresh the browser after it launches if you see the error This site can't be reached
    • If you see the error Your Connection is not private, click Advanced and then Proceed to localhost (unsafe). This is due a development certificate being used.

Debug The Web Application With VS Code

  1. Make sure that application is fully initialized, before you start debugging session. Please see the Clear and load initial data
  2. Open the repository root folder in VS Code
  3. In the Run tab, select the Server/Client configuration and click the "Start Debugging" (arrow) button
    • Some browser errors are normal, see open site
    • Disregard C# errors related to AppBundles in VS Code

Run/Debug Tests


  • Note that running the tests clears initialization data, so you will either need to change forge credentials before running them, or run the initializer again afterward. See Clear and load initial data...
  1. From Visual Studio 2019
    • Open Test Explorer and select tests to run or debug
  2. From Visual Studio Code
    • Open a test file in the WebApplication.Tests directory and click on either Run Test or Debug Test above one of the methods decorated with the [Fact] attribute. Or, above the class declaration click on either Run All Tests or Debug All Tests
  3. From the command line, in either the root or WebApplication.Tests directory run dotnet test


  1. In Visual Studio Code, on the Run tab, select the Debug Jest All configuration and click the "Start Debugging" (arrow) button
    • Note that once you run the tests they will only run again if they changed since the last time
  2. Alternatively, using the command line go to WebApplication/ClientApp and execute npm test

UI Tests

  • For UI tests we are using CodeCeptJs framework. All tests are stored in ClientApp/src/ui-tests/ and we filter all files end with *_test.js.
  • Set environment variables SDRA_USERNAME and SDRA_PASSWORD for Sign-in workflow. We are using Autodesk Account credentials for Sign-in.
    • Also you can create a .env file in the WebApplication/ClientApp directory to define the environment variables - for more details follow this link:
  • Note that the server needs to be running for these tests
  1. From the WebApplication/ClientApp directory:
    • For all UI tests Run this command: npx codeceptjs run or npm run uitest.
    • For particular file you can use this command: npx codeceptjs run src/ui-tests/<test file name>

Additional Information

Specify Forge credentials

Use one of the following approaches:

  • Set environment variables FORGE_CLIENT_ID and FORGE_CLIENT_SECRET.
  • Create appsettings.Local.json in the WebApplication directory and use the following as its content template:
    "Forge": {
        "clientId": "<YOUR CLIENT ID>",
        "clientSecret": "<YOUR CLIENT SECRET>"
  • Set environment variables Forge__ClientId and Forge__ClientSecret.
  • (not on dev machine) Modify appsettings.json (or appsettings.<ENVIRONMENT>.json) with the template above.


We are using the forge service on the backend

.NET Core

We are using the latest version of .NET Core (3.1 at the time of writing)

The project was initally created using the command dotnet new react

Forge Design Automation


We are using the Inventor and Revit engines.


Used for storing your designs. For communication with Forge Design Automation


Client app



We are using redux-thunk for complex and asynchronous operations

Redux DevTool

In index.js replace

const store = createStoreWithMiddleware(mainReducer);


const store = createStoreWithMiddleware(mainReducer, window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__ && window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__());

Autodesk HIG React

Table is not part of todays React HIG implementation so we will use

How to

Add npm package to project

We are using npm.

  1. Using command line go to WebApplication/ClientApp and run npm install <package>
    • Note that packages are normally installed as part of the build, but only if the npm_modules directory is not found. This means that when new packages are added, WebApplication/ClientApp/npm install needs to be run again manually by other users (who did not add the new package).

Manually run linter

  • For JavaScript code: npm run lint
  • For CSS: npm run lint-css



Demo for Autodesk Forge Design Automation for Inventor







No releases published


No packages published


  • JavaScript 51.1%
  • C# 46.1%
  • CSS 2.3%
  • Other 0.5%