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  -Writing SpecFlow specifications without writing step definitions
  -A C# 4.0 implementation for SpecFlow of the Cucumber addon, CukeSalad, 
   by Antony Marcano and

SpecSalad allows the developer to write SpecFlow specifications without having to 
write step definitions, avoiding the problems of maintaining large step definition 
files which are hard to maintain and navigate through. Instead, the idea of tasks 
is used to identify what needs to be done and roles those who will do them. This 
approach splits the implementation of the tests into manageable chunks, making 
them easy to maintain and navigate.

Language Summary

   (Given | And) there is  (?<role>.*)
   (When | And) the (?<role>.*) (attempts to | was able to | were able to | did) 
         (  [,:] 
            (         (?<name>.*) '(?<value>.*)' 
               ( (,)? (?<name>.*) '(?<value>.*)' )* 
   (Then | And) the (?<role>.*) should (?<task>.*) '(?<expected_answer>.*)'
   (Then | And) the (?<role>.*) should (?<task>.*) that includes: (?<expected_content>.*)
   (Then | And) the (?<role>.*) should (?<task>.*)

To define a task, the implementation class must implement SpecSalad.ApplicationTask 
abstract class

To define a role, the class must inherit from SpecSalad.ApplicationRole

SpecSalad is available as a Nuget package which installs all the required 
dependencies (SpecFlow and NUnit) and inserts the assembly reference into the app 
config file of the test project.

It can also be installed manually by compiling the production source, adding a 
reference to the SpecSalad, SpecFlow, NUnit and adding the following lines to the 
app config file created by SpecFlow

      <stepAssembly assembly="SpecSalad" />

SpecSalad enhances the Gurkin language with formal text to allow parsing of the 
features from a human readable narative. The description of this formalism uses 
the following convention (RegEx) for brevity:
        (a|b|..)      - Required value alternatives where an empty side means 
        (a|b|..)?     - Optional value alternatives group of values alternatives
        a?            - Optional value
        (?<name>.*)   - Identifies named value that will be captured for test 


Given (I am | you are) (a|an) (?<role>.*)
All SpecSalad scenarios start with a Given that defines the ROLE performing that 
scenario. For example,

   Given I am a SpecSalad developer
   Given I am an Administrator
   Given you are a SpecSalad developer
   Given you are an Administrator

Subsequently, one or more tasks can be called to setup the environment for the 

   And (I | you) (attempt to | was able to | were able to | did) 
         (  [,:] 
            (         (?<name>.*) '(?<value>.*)' 
               ( (,)? (?<name>.*) '(?<value>.*)' )* 
   And I attempt to start the calculator
   And I attempt to add the number: 1
   And I attempt to add the number: first number '1'
   And I attempt to add the numbers: first number '1', second number '2', third number '3'


As above When allows for one or more tasks to be called, the syntax is exactly 
the same as the above And step.

   (When | And) (I | you) (attempt to | was able to | were able to | did) 
         (  [,:] 
            (         (?<name>.*) '(?<value>.*)' 
               ( (,)? (?<name>.*) '(?<value>.*)' )* 

   When I did add numbers together: first number '1' second number '2'
   And I attempt to subtract the numbers: first number '2' second number '1'


Asserts that the named task returns the expected answer using the Assert.Equals 
comparison function

   (Then | And) (I | you) should (?<task>.*) '(?<expected_answer>.*)'

   Then I should see the result number '5'

Asserts that the task returns a collection that contains the expected content 
item using the Assert.Contains comparison function

   (Then | And) (I | you) should (?<task>.*) that includes: (?<expected_content>.*)
   Then I should see on the screen text that includes: Hello World

The following syntax doesn't carry out any assert, but expects the task to do some 
custom comparison

   (Then | And) (I | you) should (?<task>.*)

   Then I should see correct result of some kind

For scenarios with multiple roles, an additional syntax is available that allows the 
developer to map the role to the step. These steps are identical to the above with 
the addition of a role name.
   (Given | And) there is a (?<role>.*)

   (When | And) the (?<role>.*) (attempts to | was able to | were able to | did) 
         (  [,:] 
            (         (?<name>.*) '(?<value>.*)' 
               ( (,)? (?<name>.*) '(?<value>.*)' )* 

   (Then | And) the (?<role>.*) should (?<task>.*) '(?<expected_answer>.*)'
   (Then | And) the (?<role>.*) should (?<task>.*) that includes: (?<expected_content>.*)

   (Then | And) the (?<role>.*) should (?<task>.*)

If multiple roles are defined in the scenario, and a step without a defined role 
is called then the first role defined in the scenario is used by default.

To define a task, the implementation class must implement SpecSalad.ApplicationTask
abstract class, which defines the following functionality.

      This method must be overridden, it is here that the role is called to carry 
      out the specific task

      provides access to the current scenario role
      This object contains all the parameters provided in the scenario step, there 
      are two methods for extracting the stored data

         Value()        - returns the first data items value which, by definition 
                          of the language, will be the first (?<role>.*)
         Value_Of(key)  - returns the value of the given key
   To define a role, the class must inherit from SpecSalad.ApplicationRole, this 
   base class provides the following additional functionality.

      StoreValue(key, value) - stores for the duration of the scenario a value 
                               with a given key
      Retrieve(key)          - returns a previously stored value


Using specflow without step definations






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