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.NET 4.5 client library for the Mega API.

Available as a NuGet package: Mega

The library consists of two layers:

  1. A basic API messaging component that simply talks to Mega without understanding the message contents (Mega library).
  2. A high-level client that exposes Mega entities as an object model (Mega.Client library).

For almost all purposes, you will want to use the high-level client and its MegaClient class.


  • Fully asynchronous API.
  • Designed for serving both UI code and non-UI code equally well.
  • Hierarchical status reporting API for tasks and sub-tasks.
  • Automatic reconnect and retry.
  • Cancellation support for long-running operations.

Implementation status


  • Filesystem operations.
  • File upload.
  • File download.
  • Contact list functionality.
  • User invitation.
  • Send files/folders to contact.


  • Share usage functionality.


  • Share management functionality.
  • User registration.
  • Share URL creation.


The automated tests give you a good idea of how this library can be used. Here is an example snippet that simply downloads the biggest file in your cloud filesystem, without reporting any status to a UI:

	public async Task DownloadBiggestFile(string target)
		var client = new MegaClient("", "MySecretPassword123");
		var filesystem = await client.GetFilesystemSnapshotAsync();
		// Select the biggest file in the entire filesystem, no matter where it is located in the tree.
		var file = filesystem.AllItems
			.Where(i => i.Type == ItemType.File)
			.OrderByDescending(i => i.Size.Value)
		if (file == null)
			throw new Exception("There are no files in your account.");

		await file.DownloadContentsAsync(target);

Automated tests

The project comes with an automated test suite that tests both stand-alone pieces of functionality (e.g. crypto) and high-level client functionality (e.g. file upload/download).

The test data is included and tests accounts are automatically populated with the relevant data. All you need to do is to create a file called MegaAccounts.json in your Documents folder. This file should include credentials for two Mega accounts to use for testing. The file format is shown below.

	"Email1" : "",
	"Password1" : "password1",
	"Email2" : "",
	"Password2" : "password2"


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