Exemple #1
 Layer2D BuildLayer(CasePalletSolution palletSolution, TruckProperties truckProperties, TruckConstraintSet constraintSet
     ,HalfAxis.HAxis axisOrtho, bool swapped)
     return new Layer2D(new Vector3D(palletSolution.PalletLength, palletSolution.PalletWidth, palletSolution.PalletHeight)
                         , new Vector2D(truckProperties.Length, truckProperties.Width)
                         , axisOrtho, swapped);
 public bool IsOrientationAllowed(HalfAxis.HAxis axis)
     if (HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_N == axis && HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_P == axis) return checkBoxX.Checked;
     else if (HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_N == axis && HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_P == axis) return checkBoxY.Checked;
     else if (HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_N == axis && HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_P == axis) return checkBoxZ.Checked;
     else return false;
Exemple #3
        public static bool SaveListToXMLFile(List <BoxPosition> boxPositions, string filename)
                XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

                var listElt = xmlDoc.CreateElement("BoxPositions");

                foreach (var bPos in boxPositions)
                    // BoxPosition
                    XmlElement boxPositionElt = xmlDoc.CreateElement("BoxPosition");
                    // Position
                    XmlAttribute positionAttribute = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("Position");
                    positionAttribute.Value = bPos.Position.ToString();
                    // AxisLength
                    XmlAttribute axisLengthAttribute = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("AxisLength");
                    axisLengthAttribute.Value = HalfAxis.ToString(bPos.DirectionLength);
                    // AxisWidth
                    XmlAttribute axisWidthAttribute = xmlDoc.CreateAttribute("AxisWidth");
                    axisWidthAttribute.Value = HalfAxis.ToString(bPos.DirectionWidth);
            catch (Exception /*ex*/)
        public void AddPosition(Vector2D vPosition, HalfAxis.HAxis lengthAxis, HalfAxis.HAxis widthAxis)
            // build 4D matrix
            Vector3D vAxisLength = HalfAxis.ToVector3D(lengthAxis);
            Vector3D vAxisWidth  = HalfAxis.ToVector3D(widthAxis);
            Vector3D vAxisHeight = Vector3D.CrossProduct(vAxisLength, vAxisWidth);
            Matrix4D mat         = Matrix4D.Identity;

            mat.M11 = vAxisLength.X;
            mat.M12 = vAxisLength.Y;
            mat.M13 = vAxisLength.Z;
            mat.M21 = vAxisWidth.X;
            mat.M22 = vAxisWidth.Y;
            mat.M23 = vAxisWidth.Z;
            mat.M31 = vAxisHeight.X;
            mat.M32 = vAxisHeight.Y;
            mat.M33 = vAxisHeight.Z;
            mat.M41 = 0.0;
            mat.M42 = 0.0;
            mat.M43 = 0.0;
            mat.M44 = 1.0;
            Transform3D localTransf       = new Transform3D(mat);
            Transform3D localTransfInv    = localTransf.Inverse();
            Transform3D originTranslation = Transform3D.Translation(localTransfInv.transform(VecTransf) - new Vector3D(0.5 * ForcedSpace, 0.5 * ForcedSpace, 0.0));

            var layerPos = new BoxPosition(
                originTranslation.transform(new Vector3D(vPosition.X, vPosition.Y, 0.0) + 0.5 * ForcedSpace * vAxisLength + 0.5 * ForcedSpace * vAxisWidth)
                , HalfAxis.ToHalfAxis(localTransfInv.transform(HalfAxis.ToVector3D(LengthAxis)))
                , HalfAxis.ToHalfAxis(localTransfInv.transform(HalfAxis.ToVector3D(WidthAxis)))

            layerPos.Position += new Vector3D(0.5 * ForcedSpace, 0.5 * ForcedSpace, 0.0);
            // add position
 public CylPosition Transform(Transform3D transf)
     return(new CylPosition(
Exemple #6
        public BoxPosition RotateZ180(Vector3D dim)
            Vector3D v = Position;

            v += dim.X * HalfAxis.ToVector3D(DirectionLength) + dim.Y * HalfAxis.ToVector3D(DirectionWidth);
            return(new BoxPosition(v, HalfAxis.Opposite(DirectionLength), HalfAxis.Opposite(DirectionWidth)));
Exemple #7
        public static bool LoadListFromXMLFile(out List <BoxPosition> boxPositions, string filename)
            boxPositions = new List <BoxPosition>();
                XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

                XmlElement eltBoxPositions = xmlDoc.DocumentElement;
                foreach (XmlNode nodeBP in eltBoxPositions.ChildNodes)
                    if (nodeBP is XmlElement eltBoxPosition)
                        string sPosition   = eltBoxPosition.Attributes["Position"].Value;
                        string sAxisLength = eltBoxPosition.Attributes["AxisLength"].Value;
                        string sAxisWidth  = eltBoxPosition.Attributes["AxisWidth"].Value;
                        boxPositions.Add(new BoxPosition(Vector3D.Parse(sPosition), HalfAxis.Parse(sAxisLength), HalfAxis.Parse(sAxisWidth)));
            catch (Exception /*ex*/)
Exemple #8
        public BoxPosition Translate(HalfAxis.HAxis axis, double value)
            Vector3D v = Position;

            v += value * HalfAxis.ToVector3D(axis);
            return(new BoxPosition(v, DirectionLength, DirectionWidth));
Exemple #9
        public BoxPosition ToBoxPosition(BBox3D bbox)
            Vector3D vOrig = Vector3D.Zero;

            HalfAxis.HAxis axis = HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_P;

            switch (Side)
            case HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_N:
                vOrig = new Vector3D(bbox.PtMin.X, bbox.PtMax.Y, bbox.PtMin.Z);
                axis  = HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_N;

            case HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_N:
                vOrig = new Vector3D(bbox.PtMin.X, bbox.PtMin.Y, bbox.PtMin.Z);
                axis  = HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_P;

            case HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_P:
                vOrig = new Vector3D(bbox.PtMax.X, bbox.PtMin.Y, bbox.PtMin.Z);
                axis  = HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_P;

            case HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_P:
                vOrig = new Vector3D(bbox.PtMax.X, bbox.PtMax.Y, bbox.PtMin.Z);
                axis  = HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_N;

            default: break;
            return(new BoxPosition(vOrig + Position.X * HalfAxis.ToVector3D(axis) + Position.Y * Vector3D.ZAxis, axis, HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_P));
Exemple #10
        public BBox3D BoundingBox(Packable packable)
            BBox3D bbox = new BBox3D();

            if (packable is PackableBrick packableBrick)
                Vector3D dimensions = packableBrick.OuterDimensions;
                foreach (BoxPosition bpos in this)
                    Vector3D[] pts = new Vector3D[8];
                    Vector3D   vI  = HalfAxis.ToVector3D(bpos.DirectionLength);
                    Vector3D   vJ  = HalfAxis.ToVector3D(bpos.DirectionWidth);
                    Vector3D   vK  = Vector3D.CrossProduct(vI, vJ);
                    pts[0] = bpos.Position;
                    pts[1] = bpos.Position + dimensions.X * vI;
                    pts[2] = bpos.Position + dimensions.Y * vJ;
                    pts[3] = bpos.Position + dimensions.X * vI + dimensions.Y * vJ;
                    pts[4] = bpos.Position + dimensions.Z * vK;
                    pts[5] = bpos.Position + dimensions.Y * vJ + dimensions.Z * vK;
                    pts[6] = bpos.Position + HalfAxis.ToVector3D(bpos.DirectionWidth) * dimensions.Y;
                    pts[7] = bpos.Position + HalfAxis.ToVector3D(bpos.DirectionLength) * dimensions.X + HalfAxis.ToVector3D(bpos.DirectionWidth) * dimensions.Y;

                    foreach (Vector3D pt in pts)
        private Layer2D GenerateBestLayer(
            BProperties bProperties, PalletProperties palletProperties, PalletCornerProperties cornerProperties,
            PalletConstraintSet constraintSet, HalfAxis.HAxis hAxis)
            Layer2D bestLayer = null;
            // loop through all patterns
            foreach (LayerPattern pattern in LayerPattern.All)
                // is pattern allowed
                if (!_constraintSet.AllowPattern(pattern.Name)) continue;

                // direction 1
                Layer2D layer1 = BuildLayer(bProperties, palletProperties, cornerProperties,
                    constraintSet, hAxis, false, false);
                double actualLength = 0.0, actualWidth = 0.0;
                pattern.GetLayerDimensionsChecked(layer1, out actualLength, out actualWidth);
                pattern.GenerateLayer(layer1, actualLength, actualWidth);
                // save as best pattern
                if (null == bestLayer || bestLayer.Count < layer1.Count)
                    bestLayer = layer1;
                // direction 2 (opposite)
                Layer2D layer2 = BuildLayer(bProperties, palletProperties, cornerProperties,
                    constraintSet, HalfAxis.Opposite(hAxis), false, false);
                actualLength = 0.0; actualWidth = 0.0;
                pattern.GetLayerDimensionsChecked(layer2, out actualLength, out actualWidth);
                pattern.GenerateLayer(layer2, actualLength, actualWidth);
                // save as best pattern
                if (null == bestLayer || bestLayer.Count < layer2.Count)
                    bestLayer = layer2;
            return bestLayer;
        public BBox3D BoundingBox(PackProperties packProperties)
            BBox3D bbox = new BBox3D();

            foreach (BoxPosition bpos in this)
                Vector3D[] pts = new Vector3D[8];
                Vector3D   vI  = HalfAxis.ToVector3D(bpos.DirectionLength);
                Vector3D   vJ  = HalfAxis.ToVector3D(bpos.DirectionWidth);
                Vector3D   vK  = Vector3D.CrossProduct(vI, vJ);
                pts[0] = bpos.Position;
                pts[1] = bpos.Position + packProperties.Length * vI;
                pts[2] = bpos.Position + packProperties.Width * vJ;
                pts[3] = bpos.Position + packProperties.Length * vI + packProperties.Width * vJ;
                pts[4] = bpos.Position + packProperties.Height * vK;
                pts[5] = bpos.Position + packProperties.Width * vJ + packProperties.Height * vK;;
                pts[6] = bpos.Position + HalfAxis.ToVector3D(bpos.DirectionWidth) * packProperties.Width;
                pts[7] = bpos.Position + HalfAxis.ToVector3D(bpos.DirectionLength) * packProperties.Length + HalfAxis.ToVector3D(bpos.DirectionWidth) * packProperties.Width;

                foreach (Vector3D pt in pts)

 public static void Draw(BProperties boxProperties, HalfAxis.HAxis axis, PictureBox pictureBox)
     // get horizontal angle
     double angle = 45;
     // instantiate graphics
     Graphics3DImage graphics = new Graphics3DImage(pictureBox.Size);
     graphics.CameraPosition = new Vector3D(
         Math.Cos(angle * Math.PI / 180.0) * Math.Sqrt(2.0) * 10000.0
         , Math.Sin(angle * Math.PI / 180.0) * Math.Sqrt(2.0) * 10000.0
         , 10000.0);
     graphics.Target = Vector3D.Zero;
     graphics.SetViewport(-500.0f, -500.0f, 500.0f, 500.0f);
     // draw
     Box box = new Box(0, boxProperties);
     // set axes
     HalfAxis.HAxis lengthAxis = HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_P;
     HalfAxis.HAxis widthAxis = HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_P;
     switch (axis)
         case HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_P: lengthAxis = HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_P; widthAxis = HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_P; break;
         case HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_P: lengthAxis = HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_P; widthAxis = HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_N; break;
         case HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_P: lengthAxis = HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_P; widthAxis = HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_P; break;
         default: break;
     box.LengthAxis = treeDiM.StackBuilder.Basics.HalfAxis.ToVector3D(lengthAxis);
     box.WidthAxis = treeDiM.StackBuilder.Basics.HalfAxis.ToVector3D(widthAxis);
     // draw box
     // set to picture box
     pictureBox.Image = graphics.Bitmap;
Exemple #14
        public Vector3D Center(Vector3D dimensions)
            Vector3D vI = HalfAxis.ToVector3D(DirectionLength);
            Vector3D vJ = HalfAxis.ToVector3D(DirectionWidth);
            Vector3D vK = Vector3D.CrossProduct(vI, vJ);

            return(Position + (0.5 * dimensions.X * vI) + (0.5 * dimensions.Y * vJ) + (0.5 * dimensions.Z * vK));
Exemple #15
        public Layer3DBoxIndexed Sort(Packable packable)
            Vector3D dimensions = packable.OuterDimensions;
            Vector3D minPoint   = BoundingBox(packable).PtMin;
            Dictionary <int, double> dictIndexDist = new Dictionary <int, double>();

            foreach (var boxPos in this)
                int    index   = boxPos.Index;
                double maxDist = boxPos.BPos.MaxDistance(dimensions, minPoint);

                if (dictIndexDist.ContainsKey(index))
                    dictIndexDist[index] = Math.Max(dictIndexDist[index], maxDist);
                    dictIndexDist.Add(index, maxDist);
            // sort by ascending distance
            var sortedDict = from entry in dictIndexDist orderby entry.Value ascending select entry;

            // instantiate new layer
            Layer3DBoxIndexed sortedLayer = new Layer3DBoxIndexed(ZLow, LayerIndex);

            foreach (var elt in sortedDict)
                int index        = elt.Key;
                var boxPositions = FindAll(bp => bp.Index == index);

                Vector3D vAxisWidth = HalfAxis.ToVector3D(boxPositions[0].BPos.DirectionWidth);
                    delegate(BoxPositionIndexed bp1, BoxPositionIndexed bp2)
                    double abscissa1 = Vector3D.DotProduct(bp1.BPos.Position, vAxisWidth);
                    double abscissa2 = Vector3D.DotProduct(bp2.BPos.Position, vAxisWidth);

                    if (abscissa1 > abscissa2)
                    else if (abscissa2 < abscissa1)
                foreach (var bpos in boxPositions)
Exemple #16
 public string Tooltip(double height)
     return(string.Format("{0} * {1} = {2}\n {3} | {4}"
                          , Count
                          , NoLayers(height)
                          , CountInHeight(height)
                          , HalfAxis.ToString(AxisOrtho)
                          , PatternName));
 public static CylPosition Transform(CylPosition cylPosition, Transform3D transform)
     return(new CylPosition(
Exemple #18
        public void AddPosition(Vector2D vPosition, HalfAxis.HAxis lengthAxis, HalfAxis.HAxis widthAxis)
            // build 4D matrix
            Vector3D vAxisLength = HalfAxis.ToVector3D(lengthAxis);
            Vector3D vAxisWidth  = HalfAxis.ToVector3D(widthAxis);
            Vector3D vAxisHeight = Vector3D.CrossProduct(vAxisLength, vAxisWidth);
            Matrix4D mat         = Matrix4D.Identity;

            mat.M11 = vAxisLength.X;
            mat.M12 = vAxisLength.Y;
            mat.M13 = vAxisLength.Z;
            mat.M21 = vAxisWidth.X;
            mat.M22 = vAxisWidth.Y;
            mat.M23 = vAxisWidth.Z;
            mat.M31 = vAxisHeight.X;
            mat.M32 = vAxisHeight.Y;
            mat.M33 = vAxisHeight.Z;
            mat.M41 = 0.0;
            mat.M42 = 0.0;
            mat.M43 = 0.0;
            mat.M44 = 1.0;
            Transform3D localTransf       = new Transform3D(mat);
            Transform3D localTransfInv    = localTransf.Inverse();
            Transform3D originTranslation = Transform3D.Translation(localTransfInv.transform(VecTransf) - new Vector3D(0.5 * ForcedSpace, 0.5 * ForcedSpace, 0.0));

            var layerPos = new BoxPosition(
                originTranslation.transform(new Vector3D(vPosition.X, vPosition.Y, 0.0) + 0.5 * ForcedSpace * vAxisLength + 0.5 * ForcedSpace * vAxisWidth)
                , HalfAxis.ToHalfAxis(localTransfInv.transform(HalfAxis.ToVector3D(LengthAxis)))
                , HalfAxis.ToHalfAxis(localTransfInv.transform(HalfAxis.ToVector3D(WidthAxis)))

            // spacing ?
            layerPos.Position += new Vector3D(0.5 * ForcedSpace, 0.5 * ForcedSpace, 0.0);
            var bposAdj = layerPos.Adjusted(DimBoxTotal);
            // bulge ?
            Vector3D vecBulge = Vector3D.Zero;

            if (Bulge.X > 0)
                vecBulge += 0.5 * Bulge.X * HalfAxis.ToVector3D(bposAdj.DirectionLength);
            if (Bulge.Y > 0)
                vecBulge += 0.5 * Bulge.Y * HalfAxis.ToVector3D(bposAdj.DirectionWidth);
            if (Bulge.Z > 0)
                vecBulge += 0.5 * Bulge.Z * HalfAxis.ToVector3D(bposAdj.DirectionHeight);
            bposAdj.Position += vecBulge;
            // add position
Exemple #19
 public static BoxPosition Transform(BoxPosition boxPosition, Transform3D transform)
     if (!boxPosition.IsValid)
         throw new Exception("Invalid box position : can not transform");
     return(new BoxPosition(
                , HalfAxis.Transform(boxPosition.DirectionLength, transform)
                , HalfAxis.Transform(boxPosition.DirectionWidth, transform)
Exemple #20
        public static BoxPosition Parse(string s)
            string[] sArray       = s.Split('|');
            var      v            = Vector3D.Parse(sArray[0]);
            string   sOrientation = sArray[1];

            sOrientation = sOrientation.Trim();
            sOrientation = sOrientation.TrimStart('(');
            sOrientation = sOrientation.TrimEnd(')');
            string[] vOrientation = sOrientation.Split(',');
            return(new BoxPosition(v, HalfAxis.Parse(vOrientation[0]), HalfAxis.Parse(vOrientation[1])));
Exemple #21
 public FilmRectangle(
     Vector3D origin,
     HalfAxis.HAxis axis1, HalfAxis.HAxis axis2,
     Vector2D dimensions,
     double dBorder)
     _origin = origin;
     _axis1 = axis1;
     _axis2 = axis2;
     _dimensions = dimensions;
     _dBorder = dBorder;
Exemple #22
        public void AddPosition(Layer layer, Vector2D vPosition, HalfAxis.HAxis lengthAxis, HalfAxis.HAxis widthAxis)
            Matrix4D matRot = Matrix4D.Identity;
            Vector3D vTranslation = Vector3D.Zero;

            if (_swapped && !layer.Inversed)
                matRot = new Matrix4D(
                    0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0
                    , 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
                    , 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
                    , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
                vTranslation = new Vector3D(layer.PalletLength, 0.0, 0.0);
            else if (!_swapped && layer.Inversed)
                matRot = new Matrix4D(
                    -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
                    , 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0
                    , 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
                    , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
                vTranslation = new Vector3D(layer.PalletLength, layer.PalletWidth, 0.0);
            else if (_swapped && layer.Inversed)
                matRot = new Matrix4D(
                    0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
                    , -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
                    , 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
                    , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0
                vTranslation = new Vector3D(0.0, layer.PalletWidth, 0.0);
            Transform3D transfRot = new Transform3D(matRot);
            HalfAxis.HAxis lengthAxisSwapped = StackBuilder.Basics.HalfAxis.ToHalfAxis(transfRot.transform(StackBuilder.Basics.HalfAxis.ToVector3D(lengthAxis)));
            HalfAxis.HAxis widthAxisSwapped = StackBuilder.Basics.HalfAxis.ToHalfAxis(transfRot.transform(StackBuilder.Basics.HalfAxis.ToVector3D(widthAxis)));

            matRot.M14 = vTranslation[0];
            matRot.M24 = vTranslation[1];
            matRot.M34 = vTranslation[2];

            Transform3D transfRotTranslation = new Transform3D(matRot);
            Vector3D vPositionSwapped = transfRotTranslation.transform(new Vector3D(vPosition.X, vPosition.Y, 0.0));

            if (!layer.IsValidPosition(new Vector2D(vPositionSwapped.X, vPositionSwapped.Y), lengthAxisSwapped, widthAxisSwapped))
                _log.Warn(string.Format("Attempt to add an invalid position in pattern = {0}, Variant = {1}, Swapped = true", this.Name, _variantIndex));
            layer.AddPosition(new Vector2D(vPositionSwapped.X, vPositionSwapped.Y), lengthAxisSwapped, widthAxisSwapped);
Exemple #23
 *      /// <summary>
 *      /// Compute layer bouding box
 *      /// </summary>
 *      /// <param name="bProperties">Case properties</param>
 *      /// <returns>bounding box</returns>
 *      public BBox3D BoundingBox(BProperties bProperties)
 *      {
 *          BBox3D bbox = new BBox3D();
 *          foreach (BoxPosition bpos in this)
 *          {
 *              Vector3D[] pts = new Vector3D[8];
 *              Vector3D vI = HalfAxis.ToVector3D(bpos.DirectionLength);
 *              Vector3D vJ = HalfAxis.ToVector3D(bpos.DirectionWidth);
 *              Vector3D vK = Vector3D.CrossProduct(vI, vJ);
 *              pts[0] = bpos.Position;
 *              pts[1] = bpos.Position + bProperties.Length * vI;
 *              pts[2] = bpos.Position + bProperties.Width * vJ;
 *              pts[3] = bpos.Position + bProperties.Length * vI + bProperties.Width * vJ;
 *              pts[4] = bpos.Position + bProperties.Height * vK;
 *              pts[5] = bpos.Position + bProperties.Width * vJ + bProperties.Height * vK; ;
 *              pts[6] = bpos.Position + HalfAxis.ToVector3D(bpos.DirectionWidth) * bProperties.Width;
 *              pts[7] = bpos.Position + HalfAxis.ToVector3D(bpos.DirectionLength) * bProperties.Length + HalfAxis.ToVector3D(bpos.DirectionWidth) * bProperties.Width;
 *              foreach (Vector3D pt in pts)
 *                  bbox.Extend(pt);
 *          }
 *          return bbox;
 *      }
 *      public BBox3D BoundingBox(PackProperties packProperties)
 *      {
 *          BBox3D bbox = new BBox3D();
 *          foreach (BoxPosition bpos in this)
 *          {
 *              Vector3D[] pts = new Vector3D[8];
 *              Vector3D vI = HalfAxis.ToVector3D(bpos.DirectionLength);
 *              Vector3D vJ = HalfAxis.ToVector3D(bpos.DirectionWidth);
 *              Vector3D vK = Vector3D.CrossProduct(vI, vJ);
 *              pts[0] = bpos.Position;
 *              pts[1] = bpos.Position + packProperties.Length * vI;
 *              pts[2] = bpos.Position + packProperties.Width * vJ;
 *              pts[3] = bpos.Position + packProperties.Length * vI + packProperties.Width * vJ;
 *              pts[4] = bpos.Position + packProperties.Height * vK;
 *              pts[5] = bpos.Position + packProperties.Width * vJ + packProperties.Height * vK; ;
 *              pts[6] = bpos.Position + HalfAxis.ToVector3D(bpos.DirectionWidth) * packProperties.Width;
 *              pts[7] = bpos.Position + HalfAxis.ToVector3D(bpos.DirectionLength) * packProperties.Length + HalfAxis.ToVector3D(bpos.DirectionWidth) * packProperties.Width;
 *              foreach (Vector3D pt in pts)
 *                  bbox.Extend(pt);
 *          }
 *          return bbox;
 *      }
        public double Thickness(BProperties bProperties)
            if (Count == 0)
            BoxPosition bPos      = this[0];
            Vector3D    diagonale = bProperties.Length * HalfAxis.ToVector3D(bPos.DirectionLength)
                                    + bProperties.Width * HalfAxis.ToVector3D(bPos.DirectionWidth)
                                    + bProperties.Height * Vector3D.CrossProduct(HalfAxis.ToVector3D(bPos.DirectionLength), HalfAxis.ToVector3D(bPos.DirectionWidth));

Exemple #24
        public Layer3DBox GetBoxLayer(int iLayerIndex, ref bool hasInterlayer, ref double zInterlayer)
            if (null == _parentAnalysis)
                throw new Exception("_parentAnalysis not set.");

            double interlayerThickness = (null != _parentAnalysis.InterlayerProperties) ? _parentAnalysis.InterlayerProperties.Thickness : 0.0;
            double packHeight          = _parentAnalysis.PackProperties.Height;
            double zLow = _parentAnalysis.PalletProperties.Height;
            int    i    = 0;

            while (i <= iLayerIndex - 1)
                LayerDescriptor desc = _listLayers[i];
                zLow += (desc.HasInterlayer ? interlayerThickness : 0.0) + packHeight;
            zInterlayer   = zLow;
            hasInterlayer = _listLayers[iLayerIndex].HasInterlayer;
            zLow         += hasInterlayer ? interlayerThickness : 0.0;

            Transform3D swapTransform = Transform3D.Identity;

            if (_listLayers[iLayerIndex].Swapped)
                Matrix4D matRot = new Matrix4D(
                    -1.0, 0.0, 0.0, _parentAnalysis.PalletProperties.Length
                    , 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, _parentAnalysis.PalletProperties.Width
                    , 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
                    , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
                swapTransform = new Transform3D(matRot);

            // build BoxLayer
            Layer3DBox layer = new Layer3DBox(zLow + (hasInterlayer ? interlayerThickness : 0.0), 0);

            foreach (BoxPosition b in _layer)
                    new BoxPosition(
                        swapTransform.transform(b.Position + zLow * Vector3D.ZAxis)
                        , HalfAxis.Transform(b.DirectionLength, swapTransform)
                        , HalfAxis.Transform(b.DirectionWidth, swapTransform))
Exemple #25
        public bool IntersectWithContent(CylPosition cylPosition)
            Vector3D cylDirection = HalfAxis.ToVector3D(cylPosition.Direction);

            foreach (CylPosition c in Positions)
                Vector3D vDiff     = c.XYZ - cylPosition.XYZ;
                double   axisProj  = Vector3D.DotProduct(cylDirection, vDiff);
                Vector3D vDiffProj = vDiff - axisProj * cylDirection;
                if (axisProj < CylLength && vDiffProj.GetLength() < CylRadius)
        // static methods
        static public double EstimateWeight(
            BoxProperties boxProperties, PackArrangement arrangement, HalfAxis.HAxis orientation
            , int[] noWalls, double thickness, double surfacicMass)
            double length = 0.0, width = 0.0, height = 0.0;
            PackProperties.GetDimensions(boxProperties, orientation, arrangement, ref length, ref width, ref height);
            Vector3D vDimensions = new Vector3D(
                length + noWalls[0] * thickness
                , width + noWalls[1] * thickness
                , height + noWalls[2] * thickness);

            double area = (noWalls[0] * vDimensions.Y * vDimensions.Z
                + noWalls[1] * vDimensions.X * vDimensions.Z
                + noWalls[2] * vDimensions.X * vDimensions.Y) * UnitsManager.FactorSquareLengthToArea;
            return area * surfacicMass;
Exemple #27
        public static LayerDesc Parse(string value)
            Regex r = new Regex(@"(?<name>|(?<axis>))", RegexOptions.Singleline);
            Match m = r.Match(value);

            if (m.Success)
                string         patternName = m.Result("${name}");
                HalfAxis.HAxis axis        = HalfAxis.Parse(m.Result("${axis}"));
                return(new LayerDesc(patternName, axis));
                throw new Exception("Failed to parse LayerDesc");
Exemple #28
 public double Dimension(HalfAxis.HAxis axis)
     switch (axis)
         case HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_N:
         case HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_P:
             return _length;
         case HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_N:
         case HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_P:
             return _width;
         case HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_N:
         case HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_P:
             return Height;
             return 0.0;
        public static LayerDesc Parse(string value)
            Regex r = new Regex(@"(?<name>.*)\|(?<axis>.*)\|(?<swap>.*)", RegexOptions.Singleline);
            Match m = r.Match(value);

            if (m.Success)
                string         patternName = m.Result("${name}");
                HalfAxis.HAxis axis        = HalfAxis.Parse(m.Result("${axis}"));
                bool           swapped     = string.Equals("t", m.Result("${swap}"), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);
                return(new LayerDescBox(patternName, axis, swapped));
                throw new Exception("Failed to parse LayerDesc");
 public override bool AllowOrientation(HalfAxis.HAxis axisOrtho)
     switch (axisOrtho)
         case HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_N:
         case HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_P:
             return _axesAllowed[0];
         case HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_N:
         case HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_P:
             return _axesAllowed[1];
         case HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_N:
         case HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_P:
             return _axesAllowed[2];
             throw new Exception("Invalid axis");
Exemple #31
        public void MinMax(double boxLength, double boxWidth, out Vector2D vMin, out Vector2D vMax)
            Vector3D[] pts = new Vector3D[4];
            pts[0] = new Vector3D(_position.X, _position.Y, 0.0);
            pts[1] = new Vector3D(_position.X, _position.Y, 0.0) + HalfAxis.ToVector3D(_lengthAxis) * boxLength;
            pts[2] = new Vector3D(_position.X, _position.Y, 0.0) + HalfAxis.ToVector3D(_widthAxis) * boxWidth;
            pts[3] = new Vector3D(_position.X, _position.Y, 0.0) + HalfAxis.ToVector3D(_lengthAxis) * boxLength + HalfAxis.ToVector3D(_widthAxis) * boxWidth;

            vMin = new Vector2D(double.MaxValue, double.MaxValue);
            vMax = new Vector2D(double.MinValue, double.MinValue);
            foreach (Vector3D v in pts)
                vMin.X = Math.Min(v.X, vMin.X);
                vMin.Y = Math.Min(v.Y, vMin.Y);
                vMax.X = Math.Max(v.X, vMax.X);
                vMax.Y = Math.Max(v.Y, vMax.Y);
Exemple #32
        private BBox3D ComputeLoadBBox3D()
            double palletLength = ParentTruckAnalysis.ParentSolution.PalletLength;
            double palletWidth  = ParentTruckAnalysis.ParentSolution.PalletWidth;
            double palletHeight = ParentTruckAnalysis.ParentSolution.PalletHeight;

            BBox3D bbox   = new BBox3D();
            int    iLayer = 0;

            while (iLayer < NoLayers)
                foreach (BoxPosition bPositionLayer in Layer)
                    // actual position in load
                    BoxPosition bpos = new BoxPosition(
                        new Vector3D(
                            , bPositionLayer.Position.Y
                            , bPositionLayer.Position.Z + palletHeight * iLayer)
                        , bPositionLayer.DirectionLength
                        , bPositionLayer.DirectionWidth);

                    Vector3D[] pts = new Vector3D[8];
                    Vector3D   vI  = HalfAxis.ToVector3D(bpos.DirectionLength);
                    Vector3D   vJ  = HalfAxis.ToVector3D(bpos.DirectionWidth);
                    Vector3D   vK  = Vector3D.CrossProduct(vI, vJ);
                    pts[0] = bpos.Position;
                    pts[1] = bpos.Position + palletLength * vI;
                    pts[2] = bpos.Position + palletWidth * vJ;
                    pts[3] = bpos.Position + palletLength * vI + palletWidth * vJ;
                    pts[4] = bpos.Position + palletHeight * vK;
                    pts[5] = bpos.Position + palletWidth * vJ + palletHeight * vK;;
                    pts[6] = bpos.Position + HalfAxis.ToVector3D(bpos.DirectionWidth) * palletWidth;
                    pts[7] = bpos.Position + HalfAxis.ToVector3D(bpos.DirectionLength) * palletLength + HalfAxis.ToVector3D(bpos.DirectionWidth) * palletWidth;

                    foreach (Vector3D pt in pts)
        public bool IsValidPosition(Vector2D vPosition, HalfAxis.HAxis lengthAxis, HalfAxis.HAxis widthAxis)
            // check layerPos
            // get 4 points
            Vector3D[] pts = new Vector3D[4];
            pts[0] = new Vector3D(vPosition.X, vPosition.Y, 0.0);
            pts[1] = new Vector3D(vPosition.X, vPosition.Y, 0.0) + HalfAxis.ToVector3D(lengthAxis) * BoxLength;
            pts[2] = new Vector3D(vPosition.X, vPosition.Y, 0.0) + HalfAxis.ToVector3D(widthAxis) * BoxWidth;
            pts[3] = new Vector3D(vPosition.X, vPosition.Y, 0.0) + HalfAxis.ToVector3D(lengthAxis) * BoxLength + HalfAxis.ToVector3D(widthAxis) * BoxWidth;

            foreach (Vector3D pt in pts)
                if (pt.X < (0.0 - _epsilon) || pt.X > (DimContainer.X + _epsilon) || pt.Y < (0.0 - _epsilon) || pt.Y > (DimContainer.Y + _epsilon))
Exemple #34
        private LayerPosition ApplyReflection(LayerPosition layerPos, Matrix4D matRot, Vector3D vTranslation)
            Vector3D    dimensions = Analysis.ContentDimensions;
            Transform3D transfRot  = new Transform3D(matRot);

            HalfAxis.HAxis axisLength = HalfAxis.ToHalfAxis(transfRot.transform(HalfAxis.ToVector3D(layerPos.LengthAxis)));
            HalfAxis.HAxis axisWidth  = HalfAxis.ToHalfAxis(transfRot.transform(HalfAxis.ToVector3D(layerPos.WidthAxis)));
            matRot.M14 = vTranslation[0];
            matRot.M24 = vTranslation[1];
            matRot.M34 = vTranslation[2];
            Transform3D transfRotTranslation = new Transform3D(matRot);

            Vector3D transPos = transfRotTranslation.transform(new Vector3D(layerPos.Position.X, layerPos.Position.Y, layerPos.Position.Z));

            return(new LayerPosition(
                       new Vector3D(transPos.X, transPos.Y, transPos.Z)
                       - dimensions.Z * Vector3D.CrossProduct(HalfAxis.ToVector3D(axisLength), HalfAxis.ToVector3D(axisWidth))
                       , axisLength
                       , axisWidth));
Exemple #35
        private Vector3D[] Points(Vector3D dim)
            Vector3D position = Position;
            Vector3D vI       = HalfAxis.ToVector3D(DirectionLength);
            Vector3D vJ       = HalfAxis.ToVector3D(DirectionWidth);
            Vector3D vK       = Vector3D.CrossProduct(vI, vJ);

            var points = new Vector3D[8];

            points[0] = position;
            points[1] = position + dim[0] * vI;
            points[2] = position + dim[0] * vI + dim[1] * vJ;
            points[3] = position + dim[1] * vJ;

            points[4] = position + dim[2] * vK;
            points[5] = position + dim[2] * vK + dim[0] * vI;
            points[6] = position + dim[2] * vK + dim[0] * vI + dim[1] * vJ;
            points[7] = position + dim[2] * vK + dim[1] * vJ;

Exemple #36
        public BBox3D BBox(Vector3D dimensions)
            BBox3D   bbox = new BBox3D();
            Vector3D vI   = HalfAxis.ToVector3D(DirectionLength);
            Vector3D vJ   = HalfAxis.ToVector3D(DirectionWidth);
            Vector3D vK   = Vector3D.CrossProduct(vI, vJ);

            Vector3D[] pts = new Vector3D[8];
            pts[0] = Position;
            pts[1] = Position + dimensions.X * vI;
            pts[2] = Position + dimensions.Y * vJ;
            pts[3] = Position + dimensions.X * vI + dimensions.Y * vJ;
            pts[4] = Position + dimensions.Z * vK;
            pts[5] = Position + dimensions.Y * vJ + dimensions.Z * vK;
            pts[6] = Position + HalfAxis.ToVector3D(DirectionWidth) * dimensions.Y;
            pts[7] = Position + HalfAxis.ToVector3D(DirectionLength) * dimensions.X + HalfAxis.ToVector3D(DirectionWidth) * dimensions.Y;
            foreach (Vector3D pt in pts)
Exemple #37
        public BBox3D(BoxPosition bPos, Vector3D dim)
            Vector3D lengthAxis = HalfAxis.ToVector3D(bPos.DirectionLength);
            Vector3D widthAxis  = HalfAxis.ToVector3D(bPos.DirectionWidth);
            Vector3D heightAxis = HalfAxis.ToVector3D(bPos.DirectionHeight);

            var points = new Vector3D[8];

            points[0] = bPos.Position;
            points[1] = bPos.Position + dim[0] * lengthAxis;
            points[2] = bPos.Position + dim[0] * lengthAxis + dim[1] * widthAxis;
            points[3] = bPos.Position + dim[1] * widthAxis;

            points[4] = bPos.Position + dim[2] * heightAxis;
            points[5] = bPos.Position + dim[2] * heightAxis + dim[0] * lengthAxis;
            points[6] = bPos.Position + dim[2] * heightAxis + dim[0] * lengthAxis + dim[1] * widthAxis;
            points[7] = bPos.Position + dim[2] * heightAxis + dim[1] * widthAxis;

            foreach (var pt in points)
Exemple #38
 public void SetFaceColor(HalfAxis.HAxis iFace, Color color)
     _colors[(int)iFace] = color;
 public void SetColor(HalfAxis.HAxis axis, Color color)
     _colors[(int)axis] = color;
Exemple #40
 public TriangleIndices[] TrianglesByFace(HalfAxis.HAxis axis)
     TriangleIndices[] tri = new TriangleIndices[2];
     ulong n = (ulong)axis;
     switch (axis)
         case HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_N:
             tri[0] = new TriangleIndices(0, 4, 3, n, n, n, 1, 2, 0);
             tri[1] = new TriangleIndices(3, 4, 7, n, n, n, 0, 2, 3);
         case HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_P:
             tri[0] = new TriangleIndices(1, 2, 5, n, n, n, 0, 1, 3);
             tri[1] = new TriangleIndices(5, 2, 6, n, n, n, 3, 1, 2);
         case HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_N:
             tri[0] = new TriangleIndices(0, 1, 4, n, n, n, 0, 1, 3);
             tri[1] = new TriangleIndices(4, 1, 5, n, n, n, 3, 1, 2);
         case HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_P:
             tri[0] = new TriangleIndices(7, 6, 2, n, n, n, 2, 3, 0);
             tri[1] = new TriangleIndices(7, 2, 3, n, n, n, 2, 0, 1);
         case HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_N:
             tri[0] = new TriangleIndices(0, 3, 1, n, n, n, 2, 0, 3);
             tri[1] = new TriangleIndices(1, 3, 2, n, n, n, 3, 0, 1);
         case HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_P:
             tri[0] = new TriangleIndices(4, 5, 7, n, n, n, 0, 1, 2);
             tri[1] = new TriangleIndices(7, 5, 6, n, n, n, 2, 1, 3);
     return tri;
Exemple #41
 public void SetFaceTextures(HalfAxis.HAxis iFace, List<Texture> textures)
     _textureLists[(int)iFace] = textures;
 public override Color GetColor(HalfAxis.HAxis axis)
     return _color;
 public static void GetDimensions(
     BoxProperties boxProperties
     , HalfAxis.HAxis boxOrientation
     , PackArrangement arrangement
     , ref double length, ref double width, ref double height)
     if (null == boxProperties) return;
     length = arrangement._iLength * boxProperties.Dim(PackProperties.DimIndex0(boxOrientation));
     width = arrangement._iWidth * boxProperties.Dim(PackProperties.DimIndex1(boxOrientation));
     height = arrangement._iHeight * boxProperties.Dim(3 - PackProperties.DimIndex0(boxOrientation) - PackProperties.DimIndex1(boxOrientation));
 private Layer2D BuildLayer(PackProperties packProperties, PalletProperties palletProperties, PackPalletConstraintSet constraintSet, HalfAxis.HAxis axisOrtho, bool swapped, bool inversed)
     double forcedSpace = constraintSet.MinimumSpace.Value;
     return new Layer2D(
             new Vector3D(packProperties.Length + forcedSpace, packProperties.Width + forcedSpace, packProperties.Height)
             , new Vector2D(
                 palletProperties.Length + constraintSet.OverhangX + forcedSpace
                 , _palletProperties.Width + constraintSet.OverhangY + forcedSpace)
             , axisOrtho, swapped);
 public override bool AllowOrthoAxis(HalfAxis.HAxis orthoAxis)
     return (orthoAxis == HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_N) || (orthoAxis == HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_P);
 public override string ToString() => string.Format("{0}|{1}|{2}", PatternName, HalfAxis.ToString(AxisOrtho), Swapped ? "t" : "f");
 abstract public bool AllowOrthoAxis(HalfAxis.HAxis orthoAxis);
 public override bool AllowOrthoAxis(HalfAxis.HAxis orthoAxis)
     return _allowedOrthoAxis[(int)orthoAxis];
 Layer2D BuildLayer(BoxProperties boxP, BoxProperties caseP, HalfAxis.HAxis orthoAxis, bool swapped)
     return new Layer2D(new Vector3D(boxP.Length, boxP.Width, boxP.Height)
                         , new Vector2D(caseP.InsideLength, caseP.InsideWidth)
                         , orthoAxis
                         , swapped);
 public override Color GetColor(HalfAxis.HAxis axis)
     return _colors[(int)axis];
 /// <summary>
 /// Texture pair
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="axis">Face normal axis</param>
 /// <param name="position">Position</param>
 /// <param name="size">Size</param>
 /// <param name="angle">Angle</param>
 /// <param name="bmp">Image used as texture</param>
 public void AddTexture(HalfAxis.HAxis axis, Vector2D position, Vector2D size, double angle, Bitmap bmp)
     _textures.Add(new Pair<HalfAxis.HAxis, Texture>(axis, new Texture(bmp, position, size, angle)));
 public void SetAllowedOrthoAxis(HalfAxis.HAxis axis, bool allowed)
     _allowedOrthoAxis[(int)axis] = allowed;
Exemple #53
 abstract public Color GetColor(HalfAxis.HAxis axis);
 private static int DimIndex1(HalfAxis.HAxis axis)
     switch (axis)
         case HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_N: return 2;
         case HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_X_P: return 1;
         case HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_N: return 2;
         case HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Y_P: return 0;
         case HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_N: return 0;
         case HalfAxis.HAxis.AXIS_Z_P: return 1;
         default: return 1;
 public override string Tooltip(double height)
 => $"{Count} * {NoLayers(height)} = {CountInHeight(height)}\n {HalfAxis.ToString(AxisOrtho)} | {PatternName} | {SwappedString}";
Exemple #56
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new pack
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">Name</param>
 /// <param name="description">Description</param>
 /// <param name="box">Inner box</param>
 /// <param name="arrangement">Arrangement</param>
 /// <param name="axis">Axis</param>
 /// <param name="wrapper">Wrapper</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public PackProperties CreateNewPack(
     string name, string description
     , BoxProperties box
     , PackArrangement arrangement
     , HalfAxis.HAxis axis
     , PackWrapper wrapper)
     // instantiate and initialize
     PackProperties packProperties = new PackProperties(this
         , box
         , arrangement
         , axis
         , wrapper);
     packProperties.Name = name;
     packProperties.Description = description;
     // insert in list
     // notify listeners
     return packProperties;
        /// <summary>
        /// constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="doc">Reference of parent <see cref="Document"/></param>
        /// <param name="box">Reference </param>
        public PackProperties(Document doc
            , BoxProperties box
            , PackArrangement arrangement
            , HalfAxis.HAxis orientation
            , PackWrapper wrapper)
            : base(doc)
            _boxProperties = box;

            _arrangement = arrangement;
            _orientation = orientation;
            _wrapper = wrapper;
 public CylPosition(Vector3D vPosition, HalfAxis.HAxis axis)
     _vPosition = vPosition;
     _axis = axis;        
Exemple #59
 public Orientation(HalfAxis.HAxis dir0, HalfAxis.HAxis dir1)
 {   _dir0 = dir0; _dir1 = dir1; }
Exemple #60
 public Position(int index, Vector3D xyz, HalfAxis.HAxis axis1, HalfAxis.HAxis axis2)
     _index = index; _xyz = xyz; _axis1 = axis1; _axis2 = axis2;