Exemple #1
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public void testCuriousWikipediaString() throws Exception
        public virtual void testCuriousWikipediaString()
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final':
//ORIGINAL LINE: final org.apache.lucene.analysis.util.CharArraySet protWords = new org.apache.lucene.analysis.util.CharArraySet(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new java.util.HashSet<>(java.util.Arrays.asList("rrdpafa", "pupmmlu", "xlq", "dyy", "zqrxrrck", "o", "hsrlfvcha")), false);
            CharArraySet protWords = new CharArraySet(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new HashSet <>(Arrays.asList("rrdpafa", "pupmmlu", "xlq", "dyy", "zqrxrrck", "o", "hsrlfvcha")), false);

//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final':
//ORIGINAL LINE: final byte table[] = new byte[] { -57, 26, 1, 48, 63, -23, 55, -84, 18, 120, -97, 103, 58, 13, 84, 89, 57, -13, -63, 5, 28, 97, -54, -94, 102, -108, -5, 5, 46, 40, 43, 78, 43, -72, 36, 29, 124, -106, -22, -51, 65, 5, 31, -42, 6, -99, 97, 14, 81, -128, 74, 100, 54, -55, -25, 53, -71, -98, 44, 33, 86, 106, -42, 47, 115, -89, -18, -26, 22, -95, -43, 83, -125, 105, -104, -24, 106, -16, 126, 115, -105, 97, 65, -33, 57, 44, -1, 123, -68, 100, 13, -41, -64, -119, 0, 92, 94, -36, 53, -9, -102, -18, 90, 94, -26, 31, 71, -20 };
            sbyte[]  table = new sbyte[] { -57, 26, 1, 48, 63, -23, 55, -84, 18, 120, -97, 103, 58, 13, 84, 89, 57, -13, -63, 5, 28, 97, -54, -94, 102, -108, -5, 5, 46, 40, 43, 78, 43, -72, 36, 29, 124, -106, -22, -51, 65, 5, 31, -42, 6, -99, 97, 14, 81, -128, 74, 100, 54, -55, -25, 53, -71, -98, 44, 33, 86, 106, -42, 47, 115, -89, -18, -26, 22, -95, -43, 83, -125, 105, -104, -24, 106, -16, 126, 115, -105, 97, 65, -33, 57, 44, -1, 123, -68, 100, 13, -41, -64, -119, 0, 92, 94, -36, 53, -9, -102, -18, 90, 94, -26, 31, 71, -20 };
            Analyzer a     = new AnalyzerAnonymousInnerClassHelper2(this, protWords, table);

            checkAnalysisConsistency(random(), a, false, "B\u28c3\ue0f8[ \ud800\udfc2 </p> jb");
Exemple #2
        // not so useful since its all one token?!
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public void testLetterAsciiHuge() throws Exception
        public virtual void testLetterAsciiHuge()
            Random       random    = random();
            int          maxLength = 8192; // CharTokenizer.IO_BUFFER_SIZE*2
            MockAnalyzer left      = new MockAnalyzer(random, jvmLetter, false);

            left.MaxTokenLength = 255;     // match CharTokenizer's max token length
            Analyzer right         = new AnalyzerAnonymousInnerClassHelper2(this);
            int      numIterations = atLeast(50);

            for (int i = 0; i < numIterations; i++)
                string s = TestUtil.randomSimpleString(random, maxLength);
                assertEquals(s, left.tokenStream("foo", newStringReader(s)), right.tokenStream("foo", newStringReader(s)));
Exemple #3
        public virtual void testVersion36()
            Analyzer a = new AnalyzerAnonymousInnerClassHelper2(this);

            assertAnalyzesTo(a, "this is just a t\u08E6st [email protected]", new string[] { "this", "is", "just", "a", "t", "st", "lucene", "apache.org" });   // new combining mark in 6.1
 //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
 //ORIGINAL LINE: public void testCuriousWikipediaString() throws Exception
 public virtual void testCuriousWikipediaString()
     //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final':
     //ORIGINAL LINE: final org.apache.lucene.analysis.util.CharArraySet protWords = new org.apache.lucene.analysis.util.CharArraySet(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new java.util.HashSet<>(java.util.Arrays.asList("rrdpafa", "pupmmlu", "xlq", "dyy", "zqrxrrck", "o", "hsrlfvcha")), false);
     CharArraySet protWords = new CharArraySet(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("rrdpafa", "pupmmlu", "xlq", "dyy", "zqrxrrck", "o", "hsrlfvcha")), false);
     //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final':
     //ORIGINAL LINE: final byte table[] = new byte[] { -57, 26, 1, 48, 63, -23, 55, -84, 18, 120, -97, 103, 58, 13, 84, 89, 57, -13, -63, 5, 28, 97, -54, -94, 102, -108, -5, 5, 46, 40, 43, 78, 43, -72, 36, 29, 124, -106, -22, -51, 65, 5, 31, -42, 6, -99, 97, 14, 81, -128, 74, 100, 54, -55, -25, 53, -71, -98, 44, 33, 86, 106, -42, 47, 115, -89, -18, -26, 22, -95, -43, 83, -125, 105, -104, -24, 106, -16, 126, 115, -105, 97, 65, -33, 57, 44, -1, 123, -68, 100, 13, -41, -64, -119, 0, 92, 94, -36, 53, -9, -102, -18, 90, 94, -26, 31, 71, -20 };
     sbyte[] table = new sbyte[] {-57, 26, 1, 48, 63, -23, 55, -84, 18, 120, -97, 103, 58, 13, 84, 89, 57, -13, -63, 5, 28, 97, -54, -94, 102, -108, -5, 5, 46, 40, 43, 78, 43, -72, 36, 29, 124, -106, -22, -51, 65, 5, 31, -42, 6, -99, 97, 14, 81, -128, 74, 100, 54, -55, -25, 53, -71, -98, 44, 33, 86, 106, -42, 47, 115, -89, -18, -26, 22, -95, -43, 83, -125, 105, -104, -24, 106, -16, 126, 115, -105, 97, 65, -33, 57, 44, -1, 123, -68, 100, 13, -41, -64, -119, 0, 92, 94, -36, 53, -9, -102, -18, 90, 94, -26, 31, 71, -20};
     Analyzer a = new AnalyzerAnonymousInnerClassHelper2(this, protWords, table);
     checkAnalysisConsistency(random(), a, false, "B\u28c3\ue0f8[ \ud800\udfc2 </p> jb");
 // not so useful since its all one token?!
 //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
 //ORIGINAL LINE: public void testLetterAsciiHuge() throws Exception
 public virtual void testLetterAsciiHuge()
     Random random = random();
     int maxLength = 8192; // CharTokenizer.IO_BUFFER_SIZE*2
     MockAnalyzer left = new MockAnalyzer(random, jvmLetter, false);
     left.MaxTokenLength = 255; // match CharTokenizer's max token length
     Analyzer right = new AnalyzerAnonymousInnerClassHelper2(this);
     int numIterations = atLeast(50);
     for (int i = 0; i < numIterations; i++)
       string s = TestUtil.randomSimpleString(random, maxLength);
       assertEquals(s, left.tokenStream("foo", newStringReader(s)), right.tokenStream("foo", newStringReader(s)));
	  public virtual void testVersion36()
		Analyzer a = new AnalyzerAnonymousInnerClassHelper2(this);
		assertAnalyzesTo(a, "this is just a t\u08E6st [email protected]", new string[] {"this", "is", "just", "a", "t", "st", "lucene", "apache.org"}); // new combining mark in 6.1