/// <summary>
        /// Register - add Customer Row row from serialized dictionary
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dictionaryCust">packaged customer info</param>
        /// <returns>int representing newly updated id for customer or -1 if error</returns>
        public int Register(byte[] bytCustomer)
            int custId = -1;
            Customer cust = new Customer();
            eStoreDBEntities dbContext = new eStoreDBEntities();

                Dictionary<string, Object> dictionaryCustomer = (Dictionary<string, Object>)Deserializer(bytCustomer);
                dbContext = new eStoreDBEntities();
                //  Change to retrieve and update based on Username  when SimpleMembership is added (next 2 lines)
                String username = Convert.ToString(dictionaryCustomer["username"]);
                cust = dbContext.Customers.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Username == username);
                cust.Username = Convert.ToString(dictionaryCustomer["username"]);
                cust.FirstName = Convert.ToString(dictionaryCustomer["firstname"]);
                cust.LastName = Convert.ToString(dictionaryCustomer["lastname"]);
                cust.Email = Convert.ToString(dictionaryCustomer["email"]);
                cust.Age = Convert.ToInt32(dictionaryCustomer["age"]);
                cust.Address1 = Convert.ToString(dictionaryCustomer["address1"]);
                cust.City = Convert.ToString(dictionaryCustomer["city"]);
                cust.Mailcode = Convert.ToString(dictionaryCustomer["mailcode"]);
                cust.Region = Convert.ToString(dictionaryCustomer["region"]);
                cust.Country = Convert.ToString(dictionaryCustomer["country"]);
                cust.Creditcardtype = Convert.ToString(dictionaryCustomer["creditcardtype"]);
                custId = cust.CustomerID;
            catch (Exception ex)
                ErrorRoutine(ex, "CustomerModel", "Register");
            return custId;
        /// <summary>
        /// GetCurrentProfile - obtain Customer Row row from db
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>packaged customer info in a dictionary and streamed to byte array</returns>
        public byte[] GetCurrentProfile(string username)
            Customer cust = new Customer();
            eStoreDBEntities dbContext = new eStoreDBEntities();
            Dictionary<string, Object> dictionaryCustomer = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
                dbContext = new eStoreDBEntities();
                cust = dbContext.Customers.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Username == username);

                if (cust != null)
                    dictionaryCustomer["username"] = cust.Username;
                    dictionaryCustomer["firstname"] = cust.FirstName;
                    dictionaryCustomer["lastname"] = cust.LastName;
                    dictionaryCustomer["email"] = cust.Email;
                    dictionaryCustomer["age"] = cust.Age;
                    dictionaryCustomer["address1"] = cust.Address1;
                    dictionaryCustomer["city"] = cust.City;
                    dictionaryCustomer["mailcode"] = cust.Mailcode;
                    dictionaryCustomer["region"] = cust.Region;
                    dictionaryCustomer["country"] = cust.Country;
                    dictionaryCustomer["creditcardtype"] = cust.Creditcardtype;
                    dictionaryCustomer["customerid"] = cust.CustomerID;
            catch (Exception ex)
                ErrorRoutine(ex, "CustomerModel", "GetCurrentProfile");
            return Serializer(dictionaryCustomer);
 /// <summary>
 /// Grab the product information to display in the catalogue
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>List of Product classes defined from EF</returns>
 public List<Product> GetAll()
     eStoreDBEntities dbContext;
     List<Product> allProducts = null;
         dbContext = new eStoreDBEntities();
         allProducts = dbContext.Products.ToList();
     catch (Exception ex)
         ErrorRoutine(ex, "ProductData", "GetAll");
     return allProducts;
        /// <summary>
        /// Get Closest Branches
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dictionaryAddresses">latitude and longitude coordinates determined by google</param>
        /// <returns>List of details of 3 closet branches</returns>
        public List<ClosestBranches> GetClosetBranches(Dictionary<string, object> dictionaryAddresses)
            eStoreDBEntities dbContext;
            List<ClosestBranches> branchDetails = new List<ClosestBranches>();

                dbContext = new eStoreDBEntities();
                float? latitude = Convert.ToSingle(dictionaryAddresses["lat"]);
                float? longitude = Convert.ToSingle(dictionaryAddresses["long"]);
                // executes stored proc via EF function
                branchDetails = dbContext.GetThreeClosestBranches(latitude, longitude).ToList();
            catch (Exception e)
                ErrorRoutine(e, "OrderModel", "GetClosestBranches");
            return branchDetails;
        /// <summary>
        /// Add Order Method - Adds order row, line item rows via trans
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="HashtableOrder"></param>
        /// <returns>populated dictionary with new order #, bo flag or error</returns>
        public byte[] AddOrder(byte[] bytOrder)
            Dictionary<string, Object> dictionaryOrder = (Dictionary<string, Object>)Deserializer(bytOrder);
            Dictionary<string, Object> dictionaryReturnValues = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
            // deserialize dictionary contents into local variables
            int[] qty = (int[])dictionaryOrder["qty"];
            string[] prodcd = (string[])dictionaryOrder["prodcd"];
            Decimal[] sellPrice = (Decimal[])dictionaryOrder["msrp"];
            int cid = Convert.ToInt32(dictionaryOrder["cid"]);

            bool boFlg = false;
            Decimal oTotal = Convert.ToDecimal(dictionaryOrder["amt"]);
            eStoreDBEntities dbContext;

            // Define a transaction scope for the operations.
            using (TransactionScope transaction = new TransactionScope())
                    dbContext = new eStoreDBEntities();
                    Order myOrder = new Order();

                    // back to the db to get the right Customer based on session customer id
                    var selectedCusts = dbContext.Customers.Where(c => c.CustomerID == cid);
                    myOrder.Customer = selectedCusts.First();

                    // build the order
                    myOrder.OrderDate = DateTime.Now;
                    myOrder.OrderAmount = oTotal;
                    dbContext.Orders.Add(myOrder); // Add order and get OrderID for line Item

                    for (int idx = 0; idx < qty.Length; idx++)
                        if (qty[idx] > 0)
                            OrderLineitem item = new OrderLineitem();
                            string pcd = prodcd[idx];
                            var selectedProds = dbContext.Products.Where(p => p.ProductID == pcd);
                            item.Product = selectedProds.First(); // got product for item

                            if (item.Product.QtyOnHand > qty[idx])   // enough stock
                                item.Product.QtyOnHand = item.Product.QtyOnHand - qty[idx];
                                item.QtySold = qty[idx];
                                item.QtyOrdered = qty[idx];
                                item.QtyBackOrdered = 0;
                                item.SellingPrice = sellPrice[idx];
                            else  // not enough stock
                                item.QtyBackOrdered = qty[idx] - item.Product.QtyOnHand;
                                item.Product.QtyOnBackOrder = item.Product.QtyOnBackOrder + (qty[idx] - item.Product.QtyOnHand);
                                item.Product.QtyOnHand = 0;
                                item.QtyOrdered = qty[idx];
                                item.QtySold = item.QtyOrdered - item.QtyBackOrdered;
                                item.SellingPrice = sellPrice[idx];
                                boFlg = true; // something backordered

                    dbContext.SaveChanges();   // made it this far, persist changes
                    // throw new Exception("Rollback");  // test trans by uncommenting out this line

                    // Mark the transaction as complete.

                    dictionaryReturnValues.Add("orderid", myOrder.OrderID);
                    dictionaryReturnValues.Add("boflag", boFlg);
                    dictionaryReturnValues.Add("message", "");
                catch (Exception e)  // if the catch is hit, the trans will be rolled back by the framework
                    ErrorRoutine(e, "OrderData", "AddOrder");
                    dictionaryReturnValues.Add("message", "Problem with Order");
                return Serializer(dictionaryReturnValues);
 /// <summary>
 /// Retrieve Order information for a single customer
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cid"></param>
 /// <returns>List of Order instances for a particular customer</returns>
 public List<Order> GetAllForCust(int custid)
     eStoreDBEntities dbContext;
     List<Order> allOrders = null;
         dbContext = new eStoreDBEntities();
         allOrders = dbContext.Orders.Where(o => o.Customer.CustomerID == custid).ToList();
     catch (Exception ex)
         ErrorRoutine(ex, "OrderData", "GetAllForCust");
     return allOrders;
        /// <summary>
        /// Get All details for all orders for a customer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="custid"> customerid</param>
        /// <returns>List of details for all orders customer owns </returns>
        public List<OrderDetailsModel> GetAllDetailsForAllOrders(int custid)
            List<OrderDetailsModel> allDetails = new List<OrderDetailsModel>();

                eStoreDBEntities db = new eStoreDBEntities();

                // LINQ way of doing INNER JOINS
                var results = from o in db.Orders
                              join l in db.OrderLineitems on o.OrderID equals l.OrderID
                              join p in db.Products on l.ProductID equals p.ProductID
                              where (o.CustomerID == custid)
                              select new OrderDetailsModel
                                  OrderID = o.OrderID,
                                  ProductName = p.ProductName,
                                  SellingPrice = l.SellingPrice,
                                  QtySold = l.QtySold,
                                  QtyOrdered = l.QtyOrdered,
                                  QtyBackOrdered = l.QtyBackOrdered,
                                  OrderDate = o.OrderDate

                allDetails = results.ToList<OrderDetailsModel>();
            catch (Exception e)
                ErrorRoutine(e, "OrderData", "GetAllDetailsForAllOrders");
            return allDetails;