public string DecryptText(string inputstr)
            EncryptDecryptText decrypttext = new EncryptDecryptText();
            var formattedstring            = decrypttext.FormattedString(inputstr);

            formattedstring = formattedstring.Substring(0, formattedstring.IndexOf("numsp"));
            var indexes = inputstr.Substring(inputstr.IndexOf("numsp") + 5);

            string[] formattedIndex = indexes.Split(' ');
            int      inputLength    = formattedstring.Length;
            var      sqrRoot        = Math.Sqrt(inputLength);
            int      noofRows       = Convert.ToInt16(Math.Floor(sqrRoot));
            int      noofColumns    = noofRows;

            while (noofRows * noofColumns < inputLength)  // to calculate no of rows and no of coulumns
                noofColumns = noofColumns + 1;
            if (noofRows * noofColumns - inputLength != 0)
            {  // to add dummy input if the string is not in the exact matrix 3*3 or 4*4 or 5*5
                var insertIndex = noofRows * (noofColumns - (noofRows * noofColumns - inputLength - 1)) - 1;
                for (int extrainput = inputLength; extrainput < noofRows * noofColumns; extrainput++)
                    formattedstring = formattedstring.Insert(insertIndex, "-");
                    insertIndex    += noofRows;
            var decryptedmsg = "";
            int i = 0, j = 0;
            int count = 1, formattedindexcount = 1;

            while (j < noofRows)
                i = j;

                while (i < formattedstring.Length)
                    if (formattedstring[i] != '-')
                        decryptedmsg = decryptedmsg + formattedstring[i];

                    i = i + noofRows;
                    if (formattedindexcount <= formattedIndex.Length - 1 && count == Convert.ToInt16(formattedIndex[formattedindexcount]))
                        decryptedmsg = decryptedmsg + " ";
        public string EncryptText(string inputstr)
            var encryptedmsg = "";
            EncryptDecryptText encrypttext = new EncryptDecryptText();
            var        formattedInput      = encrypttext.FormattedString(inputstr);// to remove spaces for the text given
            int        indexcount          = 1;
            List <int> formattedIndex      = new List <int>();
            var        inputlength         = formattedInput.Length;

            foreach (char c in inputstr)   // To take the indexs for the spaces
                if (c == ' ')
            if (inputlength > 81)
                Console.WriteLine("The input should not exceed 81 characters ignoring spaces");

            var sqrRoot     = Math.Sqrt(inputlength);
            int noofRows    = Convert.ToInt16(Math.Floor(sqrRoot));
            int noofColumns = noofRows;

            while (noofRows * noofColumns < inputlength)
                noofColumns = noofColumns + 1;
            int i = 0, j = 0;

            while (j < noofColumns)
                i = j;
                int count = 0;
                while (i < inputlength)
                    encryptedmsg = encryptedmsg + formattedInput[i];
                    i            = i + noofColumns;
                encryptedmsg = encryptedmsg + " ";
            encryptedmsg += "numsp " + String.Join(" ", formattedIndex);
            return(encryptedmsg);  // to disaply the encryted msg