Exemple #1
         * <summary>
         * Throws an exception if the ZraStatusCode within the ZraStatus structure is not success.
         * </summary>
         * <param name="zraStatus">The ZraStatus structure to check</param>
        public static void ThrowIfError(this ZraStatus zraStatus)
            if (zraStatus.ZraStatusCode == ZraStatusCode.Success)

            IntPtr errorStringPtr = LibZra.ZraGetErrorString(zraStatus);

            throw new ZraException(zraStatus, Marshal.PtrToStringUTF8(errorStringPtr));
Exemple #2
  * <param name="status">The status structure that should be described</param>
  * <returns>A pointer to a string describing the error corresponding to the code supplied.</returns>
 [DllImport("libzra")] public static extern IntPtr ZraGetErrorString(ZraStatus status);