RefineSingleElement() public static méthode

Refines a single element name. Refines the location string. Trims it, and replaces invlalid characters with underscore.
public static RefineSingleElement ( string elemName ) : string
elemName string Name of the element.
Résultat string
Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MemberWrapper"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="memberInfo">The member-info to build this instance from.</param>
        /// <param name="callerSerializer">The caller serializer.</param>
        public MemberWrapper(MemberInfo memberInfo, YAXSerializer callerSerializer)
            if (!(memberInfo.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property || memberInfo.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field))
                throw new Exception("Member must be either property or field");

            m_memberInfo = memberInfo;
            m_isProperty = (memberInfo.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property);

            Alias = StringUtils.RefineSingleElement(m_memberInfo.Name);

            if (m_isProperty)
                m_propertyInfoInstance = (PropertyInfo)memberInfo;
                m_fieldInfoInstance = (FieldInfo)memberInfo;

            m_memberType = m_isProperty ? m_propertyInfoInstance.PropertyType : m_fieldInfoInstance.FieldType;

            m_memberTypeWrapper = TypeWrappersPool.Pool.GetTypeWrapper(MemberType, callerSerializer);


            TreatErrorsAs = callerSerializer != null ? callerSerializer.DefaultExceptionType : YAXExceptionTypes.Error;

            // discovver YAXCustomSerializerAttributes earlier, because some other attributes depend on it
            var attrsToProcessEarlier = new HashSet <Type> {
                typeof(YAXCustomSerializerAttribute), typeof(YAXCollectionAttribute)

            foreach (var attrType in attrsToProcessEarlier)
                var customSerAttrs = m_memberInfo.GetCustomAttributes(attrType, true);
                foreach (var attr in customSerAttrs)

            foreach (var attr in m_memberInfo.GetCustomAttributes(false))
                // no need to preces, it has been proccessed earlier
                if (attrsToProcessEarlier.Contains(attr.GetType()))
                //if (attr is YAXCustomSerializerAttribute)
                //    continue; // no need to preces, it has been proccessed earlier

                if (attr is YAXBaseAttribute)
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="UdtWrapper"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="udtType">The underlying type to create the wrapper around.</param>
        /// <param name="callerSerializer">reference to the serializer
        /// instance which is building this instance.</param>
        public UdtWrapper(Type udtType, YAXSerializer callerSerializer)
            this.m_isTypeDictionary = false;
            this.m_udtType          = udtType;
            this.m_isTypeCollection = ReflectionUtils.IsCollectionType(this.m_udtType);
            this.m_isTypeDictionary = ReflectionUtils.IsIDictionary(this.m_udtType);

            this.Alias                       = StringUtils.RefineSingleElement(ReflectionUtils.GetTypeFriendlyName(this.m_udtType));
            this.Comment                     = null;
            this.FieldsToSerialize           = YAXSerializationFields.PublicPropertiesOnly;
            this.IsAttributedAsNotCollection = false;


            foreach (var attr in this.m_udtType.GetCustomAttributes(true))
                if (attr is YAXBaseAttribute)
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        ///     Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MemberWrapper" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="memberInfo">The member-info to build this instance from.</param>
        /// <param name="callerSerializer">The caller serializer.</param>
        public MemberWrapper(MemberInfo memberInfo, YAXSerializer callerSerializer)
            Order = int.MaxValue;

            if (!(memberInfo.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property || memberInfo.MemberType == MemberTypes.Field))
                throw new Exception("Member must be either property or field");

            _memberInfo = memberInfo;
            _isProperty = memberInfo.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property;

            Alias = StringUtils.RefineSingleElement(_memberInfo.Name);

            if (_isProperty)
                _propertyInfoInstance = (PropertyInfo)memberInfo;
                _fieldInfoInstance = (FieldInfo)memberInfo;

            _memberType = _isProperty ? _propertyInfoInstance.PropertyType : _fieldInfoInstance.FieldType;

            _memberTypeWrapper = TypeWrappersPool.Pool.GetTypeWrapper(MemberType, callerSerializer);
            if (_memberTypeWrapper.HasNamespace)
                Namespace       = _memberTypeWrapper.Namespace;
                NamespacePrefix = _memberTypeWrapper.NamespacePrefix;


            TreatErrorsAs = callerSerializer != null ? callerSerializer.DefaultExceptionType : YAXExceptionTypes.Error;

            // discover YAXCustomSerializerAttributes earlier, because some other attributes depend on it
            var attrsToProcessEarlier = new HashSet <Type>
                typeof(YAXCustomSerializerAttribute), typeof(YAXCollectionAttribute)

            foreach (var attrType in attrsToProcessEarlier)
                var customSerAttrs = Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(_memberInfo, attrType, true);
                foreach (var attr in customSerAttrs)

            foreach (var attr in Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(_memberInfo, true))
                // no need to process, it has been processed earlier
                if (attrsToProcessEarlier.Contains(attr.GetType()))

                if (attr is YAXBaseAttribute)

            // now override some values from member-type-wrapper into member-wrapper
            // if member-type has collection attributes while the member itself does not have them,
            // then use those of the member-type
            if (_collectionAttributeInstance == null && _memberTypeWrapper.CollectionAttributeInstance != null)
                _collectionAttributeInstance = _memberTypeWrapper.CollectionAttributeInstance;

            if (_dictionaryAttributeInstance == null && _memberTypeWrapper.DictionaryAttributeInstance != null)
                _dictionaryAttributeInstance = _memberTypeWrapper.DictionaryAttributeInstance;
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        ///     Processes the specified attribute which is an instance of <c>YAXAttribute</c>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attr">The attribute to process.</param>
        private void ProcessYaxAttribute(object attr)
            if (attr is YAXCommentAttribute)
                var comment = (attr as YAXCommentAttribute).Comment;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(comment))
                    var comments = comment.Split(new[] { '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    for (var i = 0; i < comments.Length; i++)
                        comments[i] = string.Format(" {0} ", comments[i].Trim());

                    Comment = comments;
            else if (attr is YAXSerializableFieldAttribute)
                IsAttributedAsSerializable = true;
            else if (attr is YAXAttributeForClassAttribute)
                // it is required that YAXCustomSerializerAttribute is processed earlier
                if (ReflectionUtils.IsBasicType(MemberType) || HasCustomSerializer || MemberTypeWrapper.HasCustomSerializer ||
                    _collectionAttributeInstance != null && _collectionAttributeInstance.SerializationType ==
                    IsSerializedAsAttribute = true;
                    SerializationLocation   = ".";
            else if (attr is YAXValueForClassAttribute)
                // it is required that YAXCustomSerializerAttribute is processed earlier
                if (ReflectionUtils.IsBasicType(MemberType) || HasCustomSerializer || MemberTypeWrapper.HasCustomSerializer ||
                    _collectionAttributeInstance != null && _collectionAttributeInstance.SerializationType ==
                    IsSerializedAsValue   = true;
                    SerializationLocation = ".";
            else if (attr is YAXAttributeForAttribute)
                // it is required that YAXCustomSerializerAttribute is processed earlier
                if (ReflectionUtils.IsBasicType(MemberType) || HasCustomSerializer ||
                    _collectionAttributeInstance != null && _collectionAttributeInstance.SerializationType ==
                    IsSerializedAsAttribute = true;
                    string path, alias;
                    StringUtils.ExttractPathAndAliasFromLocationString((attr as YAXAttributeForAttribute).Parent,
                                                                       out path, out alias);

                    SerializationLocation = path;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(alias))
                        Alias = StringUtils.RefineSingleElement(alias);
            else if (attr is YAXElementForAttribute)
                IsSerializedAsElement = true;

                string path, alias;
                StringUtils.ExttractPathAndAliasFromLocationString((attr as YAXElementForAttribute).Parent, out path,
                                                                   out alias);

                SerializationLocation = path;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(alias))
                    Alias = StringUtils.RefineSingleElement(alias);
            else if (attr is YAXValueForAttribute)
                // it is required that YAXCustomSerializerAttribute is processed earlier
                if (ReflectionUtils.IsBasicType(MemberType) || HasCustomSerializer ||
                    _collectionAttributeInstance != null && _collectionAttributeInstance.SerializationType ==
                    IsSerializedAsValue = true;

                    string path, alias;
                    StringUtils.ExttractPathAndAliasFromLocationString((attr as YAXValueForAttribute).Parent, out path,
                                                                       out alias);

                    SerializationLocation = path;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(alias))
                        Alias = StringUtils.RefineSingleElement(alias);
            else if (attr is YAXDontSerializeAttribute)
                IsAttributedAsDontSerialize = true;
            else if (attr is YAXSerializeAsAttribute)
                Alias = StringUtils.RefineSingleElement((attr as YAXSerializeAsAttribute).SerializeAs);
            else if (attr is YAXCollectionAttribute)
                _collectionAttributeInstance = attr as YAXCollectionAttribute;
            else if (attr is YAXDictionaryAttribute)
                _dictionaryAttributeInstance = attr as YAXDictionaryAttribute;
            else if (attr is YAXErrorIfMissedAttribute)
                var temp = attr as YAXErrorIfMissedAttribute;
                DefaultValue  = temp.DefaultValue;
                TreatErrorsAs = temp.TreatAs;
            else if (attr is YAXFormatAttribute)
                Format = (attr as YAXFormatAttribute).Format;
            else if (attr is YAXNotCollectionAttribute)
                // arrays are always treated as collections
                if (!ReflectionUtils.IsArray(MemberType))
                    IsAttributedAsNotCollection = true;
            else if (attr is YAXCustomSerializerAttribute)
                var serType = (attr as YAXCustomSerializerAttribute).CustomSerializerType;

                Type genTypeArg;
                var  isDesiredInterface =
                    ReflectionUtils.IsDerivedFromGenericInterfaceType(serType, typeof(ICustomSerializer <>),
                                                                      out genTypeArg);

                if (!isDesiredInterface)
                    throw new YAXException(
                              "The provided custom serialization type is not derived from the proper interface");
                if (genTypeArg != MemberType)
                    throw new YAXException("The generic argument of the class and the member type do not match");
                CustomSerializerType = serType;
            else if (attr is YAXPreserveWhitespaceAttribute)
                PreservesWhitespace = true;
            else if (attr is YAXSerializableTypeAttribute)
                // this should not happen
                throw new Exception("This attribute is not applicable to fields and properties!");
            else if (attr is YAXNamespaceAttribute)
                var nsAttrib = attr as YAXNamespaceAttribute;
                Namespace       = nsAttrib.Namespace;
                NamespacePrefix = nsAttrib.Prefix;
            else if (attr is YAXTypeAttribute)
                var yaxTypeAttr = attr as YAXTypeAttribute;
                var alias       = yaxTypeAttr.Alias;
                if (alias != null)
                    alias = alias.Trim();
                    if (alias.Length == 0)
                        alias = null;

                if (_possibleRealTypes.Any(x => x.Type == yaxTypeAttr.Type))
                    throw new YAXPolymorphicException(string.Format(
                                                          "The type \"{0}\" for field/property \"{1}\" has already been defined through another attribute.",
                                                          yaxTypeAttr.Type.Name, _memberInfo));

                if (alias != null && _possibleRealTypes.Any(x => alias.Equals(x.Alias, StringComparison.Ordinal)))
                    throw new YAXPolymorphicException(string.Format(
                                                          "The alias \"{0}\" given to type \"{1}\" for field/property \"{2}\" has already been given to another type through another attribute.",
                                                          alias, yaxTypeAttr.Type.Name, _memberInfo));

            else if (attr is YAXCollectionItemTypeAttribute)
                var yaxColletionItemTypeAttr = attr as YAXCollectionItemTypeAttribute;
                var alias = yaxColletionItemTypeAttr.Alias;
                if (alias != null)
                    alias = alias.Trim();
                    if (alias.Length == 0)
                        alias = null;

                if (_possibleCollectionItemRealTypes.Any(x => x.Type == yaxColletionItemTypeAttr.Type))
                    throw new YAXPolymorphicException(string.Format(
                                                          "The collection-item type \"{0}\" for collection \"{1}\" has already been defined through another attribute.",
                                                          yaxColletionItemTypeAttr.Type.Name, _memberInfo));

                if (alias != null &&
                    _possibleCollectionItemRealTypes.Any(x => alias.Equals(x.Alias, StringComparison.Ordinal)))
                    throw new YAXPolymorphicException(string.Format(
                                                          "The alias \"{0}\" given to collection-item type \"{1}\" for field/property \"{2}\" has already been given to another type through another attribute.",
                                                          alias, yaxColletionItemTypeAttr.Type.Name, _memberInfo));

            else if (attr is YAXDontSerializeIfNullAttribute)
                IsAttributedAsDontSerializeIfNull = true;
            else if (attr is YAXElementOrder)
                Order = (attr as YAXElementOrder).Order;
                throw new Exception("Added new attribute type to the library but not yet processed!");
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the specified attribute.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attr">The attribute to process.</param>
        private void ProcessYAXAttribute(object attr)
            if (attr is YAXCommentAttribute)
                string comment = (attr as YAXCommentAttribute).Comment;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(comment))
                    string[] comments = comment.Split(new[] { '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    for (int i = 0; i < comments.Length; i++)
                        comments[i] = String.Format(" {0} ", comments[i].Trim());

                    this.Comment = comments;
            else if (attr is YAXSerializableTypeAttribute)
                var theAttr = attr as YAXSerializableTypeAttribute;
                this.FieldsToSerialize = theAttr.FieldsToSerialize;
                if (theAttr.IsSerializationOptionSet())
                    this.SerializationOption = theAttr.Options;
                    this.m_isSerializationOptionSetByAttribute = true;
            else if (attr is YAXSerializeAsAttribute)
                this.Alias = StringUtils.RefineSingleElement((attr as YAXSerializeAsAttribute).SerializeAs);
            else if (attr is YAXNotCollectionAttribute)
                if (!ReflectionUtils.IsArray(this.m_udtType))
                    this.IsAttributedAsNotCollection = true;
            else if (attr is YAXCustomSerializerAttribute)
                Type serType = (attr as YAXCustomSerializerAttribute).CustomSerializerType;

                Type genTypeArg;
                bool isDesiredInterface = ReflectionUtils.IsDerivedFromGenericInterfaceType(serType, typeof(ICustomSerializer <>), out genTypeArg);

                if (!isDesiredInterface)
                    throw new YAXException("The provided custom serialization type is not derived from the proper interface");

                if (genTypeArg != this.UnderlyingType)
                    throw new YAXException("The generic argument of the class and the type of the class do not match");

                this.CustomSerializerType = serType;
            else if (attr is YAXPreserveWhitespaceAttribute)
                this.PreservesWhitespace = true;
            else if (attr is YAXNamespaceAttribute)
                var nsAttrib = (attr as YAXNamespaceAttribute);
                this.Namespace       = nsAttrib.Namespace;
                this.NamespacePrefix = nsAttrib.Prefix;
            else if (attr is YAXCollectionAttribute)
                this.m_collectionAttributeInstance = attr as YAXCollectionAttribute;
            else if (attr is YAXDictionaryAttribute)
                this.m_dictionaryAttributeInstance = attr as YAXDictionaryAttribute;
                throw new Exception("Attribute not applicable to types!");
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the specified attribute which is an instance of <c>YAXAttribute</c>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attr">The attribute to process.</param>
        private void ProcessYaxAttribute(object attr)
            if (attr is YAXCommentAttribute)
                string comment = (attr as YAXCommentAttribute).Comment;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(comment))
                    string[] comments = comment.Split(new [] { '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    for (int i = 0; i < comments.Length; i++)
                        comments[i] = String.Format(" {0} ", comments[i].Trim());

                    this.Comment = comments;
            else if (attr is YAXSerializableFieldAttribute)
                IsAttributedAsSerializable = true;
            else if (attr is YAXAttributeForClassAttribute)
                // it is required that YAXCustomSerializerAttribute is processed earlier
                if (ReflectionUtils.IsBasicType(MemberType) || CustomSerializerType != null ||
                    (m_collectionAttributeInstance != null && m_collectionAttributeInstance.SerializationType == YAXCollectionSerializationTypes.Serially))
                    IsSerializedAsAttribute = true;
                    SerializationLocation   = ".";
            else if (attr is YAXValueForClassAttribute)
                // it is required that YAXCustomSerializerAttribute is processed earlier
                if (ReflectionUtils.IsBasicType(MemberType) || CustomSerializerType != null ||
                    (m_collectionAttributeInstance != null && m_collectionAttributeInstance.SerializationType == YAXCollectionSerializationTypes.Serially))
                    IsSerializedAsValue   = true;
                    SerializationLocation = ".";
            else if (attr is YAXAttributeForAttribute)
                // it is required that YAXCustomSerializerAttribute is processed earlier
                if (ReflectionUtils.IsBasicType(MemberType) || CustomSerializerType != null ||
                    (m_collectionAttributeInstance != null && m_collectionAttributeInstance.SerializationType == YAXCollectionSerializationTypes.Serially))
                    IsSerializedAsAttribute = true;
                    string path, alias;
                    StringUtils.ExttractPathAndAliasFromLocationString((attr as YAXAttributeForAttribute).Parent, out path, out alias);

                    SerializationLocation = path;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(alias))
                        Alias = StringUtils.RefineSingleElement(alias);
            else if (attr is YAXElementForAttribute)
                IsSerializedAsElement = true;

                string path, alias;
                StringUtils.ExttractPathAndAliasFromLocationString((attr as YAXElementForAttribute).Parent, out path, out alias);

                SerializationLocation = path;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(alias))
                    Alias = StringUtils.RefineSingleElement(alias);
            else if (attr is YAXValueForAttribute)
                // it is required that YAXCustomSerializerAttribute is processed earlier
                if (ReflectionUtils.IsBasicType(this.MemberType) || CustomSerializerType != null ||
                    (m_collectionAttributeInstance != null && m_collectionAttributeInstance.SerializationType == YAXCollectionSerializationTypes.Serially))
                    IsSerializedAsValue = true;

                    string path, alias;
                    StringUtils.ExttractPathAndAliasFromLocationString((attr as YAXValueForAttribute).Parent, out path, out alias);

                    SerializationLocation = path;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(alias))
                        Alias = StringUtils.RefineSingleElement(alias);
            else if (attr is YAXDontSerializeAttribute)
                IsAttributedAsDontSerialize = true;
            else if (attr is YAXSerializeAsAttribute)
                Alias = StringUtils.RefineSingleElement((attr as YAXSerializeAsAttribute).SerializeAs);
            else if (attr is YAXCollectionAttribute)
                m_collectionAttributeInstance = attr as YAXCollectionAttribute;
            else if (attr is YAXDictionaryAttribute)
                m_dictionaryAttributeInstance = attr as YAXDictionaryAttribute;
            else if (attr is YAXErrorIfMissedAttribute)
                var temp = attr as YAXErrorIfMissedAttribute;
                DefaultValue  = temp.DefaultValue;
                TreatErrorsAs = temp.TreatAs;
            else if (attr is YAXFormatAttribute)
                Format = (attr as YAXFormatAttribute).Format;
            else if (attr is YAXNotCollectionAttribute)
                // arrays are always treated as collections
                if (!ReflectionUtils.IsArray(MemberType))
                    IsAttributedAsNotCollection = true;
            else if (attr is YAXCustomSerializerAttribute)
                Type serType = (attr as YAXCustomSerializerAttribute).CustomSerializerType;

                Type genTypeArg;
                bool isDesiredInterface = ReflectionUtils.IsDerivedFromGenericInterfaceType(serType, typeof(ICustomSerializer <>), out genTypeArg);

                if (!isDesiredInterface)
                    throw new YAXException("The provided custom serialization type is not derived from the proper interface");
                else if (genTypeArg != this.MemberType)
                    throw new YAXException("The generic argument of the class and the member type do not match");
                    CustomSerializerType = serType;
            else if (attr is YAXPreserveWhitespaceAttribute)
                PreservesWhitespace = true;
            else if (attr is YAXSerializableTypeAttribute)
                // this should not happen
                throw new Exception("This attribute is not applicable to fields and properties!");
            else if (attr is YAXNamespaceAttribute)
                var nsAttrib = (attr as YAXNamespaceAttribute);
                Namespace       = nsAttrib.Namespace;
                NamespacePrefix = nsAttrib.Prefix;
                throw new Exception("Added new attribute type to the library but not yet processed!");