Exemple #1
        static Color GetAccentColor(Context context)
            Color rc;

            using (var value = new TypedValue())
                if (context.Theme.ResolveAttribute(global::Android.Resource.Attribute.ColorAccent, value, true) && Forms.IsLollipopOrNewer)                 // Android 5.0+
                    rc = Color.FromUint((uint)value.Data);
                else if (context.Theme.ResolveAttribute(context.Resources.GetIdentifier("colorAccent", "attr", context.PackageName), value, true))                  // < Android 5.0
                    rc = Color.FromUint((uint)value.Data);
                else                                    // fallback to old code if nothing works (don't know if that ever happens)
                    // Detect if legacy device and use appropriate accent color
                    // Hardcoded because could not get color from the theme drawable
                    var sdkVersion = (int)SdkInt;
                    if (sdkVersion <= 10)
                        // legacy theme button pressed color
                        rc = Color.FromHex("#fffeaa0c");
                        // Holo dark light blue
                        rc = Color.FromHex("#ff33b5e5");
Exemple #2
        static Color GetButtonColor(Context context)
            Color rc = ColorButtonNormalOverride;

            if (ColorButtonNormalOverride == Color.Default)
                using (var value = new TypedValue())
                    if (context.Theme.ResolveAttribute(global::Android.Resource.Attribute.ColorButtonNormal, value, true) && Forms.IsLollipopOrNewer)                     // Android 5.0+
                        rc = Color.FromUint((uint)value.Data);
                    else if (context.Theme.ResolveAttribute(context.Resources.GetIdentifier("colorButtonNormal", "attr", context.PackageName), value, true))                      // < Android 5.0
                        rc = Color.FromUint((uint)value.Data);