Exemple #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a resource using tile as position
 /// </summary>
 /// <param id="entry">Entry defining the type of this game object</param>
 /// <param id="game">Game this game object is in</param>
 /// <param id="player">Owner of this game object</param>
 /// <param id="mapTiles">Tile where this game object is placed</param>
 public override void Initialize(EntryDb entry, WildmenGame game, Player player, Tile mapTile)
   this.entry = (ResourceDb)entry;
   this.Amount = this.entry.InitialAmount;
   this.game = game;
   this.Owner = player;
   this.NearestTile = mapTile;
   this.MapPosition = mapTile.MapPosition;
   this.RecalculatePosition = true;
Exemple #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Initialize the GameEffect
    /// </summary>
    /// <param id="game">game this effect belongs to</param>
    /// <param id="tile"></param>
    public virtual void Initialize(WildmenGame game, Tile tile)
      this.game = game;
      this.Tile = tile;

      if (Entry != null)
        if (Entry.Spell.OnSpellStartGameEntity != null && Entry.Spell.Target == SpellEntry.TargetType.GameEntity)
          Entry.Spell.OnSpellStartGameEntity(game, this, caster, targetEntity);
        else if (Entry.Spell.OnSpellStartTile != null && Entry.Spell.Target == SpellEntry.TargetType.Tile)
          Entry.Spell.OnSpellStartTile(game, this, caster, targetTile);

      targetEntity = null;
      targetTile = null;

      UpdateOffset = -UI.Instance.UpdateNumber % Speed;

Exemple #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a game object using tile as position
 /// </summary>
 /// <param id="entry">Entry defining the type of this game object</param>
 /// <param id="game">Game this game object is in</param>
 /// <param id="player">Owner of this game object</param>
 /// <param id="mapTiles">Tile where this game object is placed</param>
 public abstract void Initialize(EntryDb entry, WildmenGame game, Player player, Tile mapTiles);
Exemple #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Gives unit an order with specified parameters
 /// </summary>
 /// <param id="order">New game object order</param>
 /// <param id="orderParam">Order's EntryDb parameter</param>
 /// <param id="targetTile">Tracked tile at the moment of giving order</param>
 /// <param id="targetGameObject">Tracked game object at the moment of giving order</param>
 /// <returns>Returns true if the order was successfully applied to the game object</returns>
 public virtual bool SetOrder(GameObjectOrder order, EntryDb orderParam, Tile targetTile, GameObject targetGameObject)
   if (Health == 0) return false;
   if (targetTile == null && targetGameObject == null) return false;
   if (!CanDoOrder(order)) return false;
   return true;
Exemple #5

    /// <summary>
    /// Disposes resources used by this instance
    /// </summary>
    public override void Dispose()
      entry = null;
      FurtestTile = null;
      foreach (var item in claimedTiles)
Exemple #6
    public int GetTerrainBarHeight(Tile tile)
      if (tile == null) return -1;

      Tile bot = GetSurroundingTile(tile, Direction.Bottom);
      if (bot == null) return tile.Elevation;

      Tile botLeft = GetSurroundingTile(tile, Direction.BottomLeft);
      Tile botRight = GetSurroundingTile(tile, Direction.BottomRight);

      int barsize = 1;
      if (botLeft != null)
        barsize = (int)Math.Max(barsize, (tile.Elevation - botLeft.Elevation));

      if (botRight != null)
        barsize = (int)Math.Max(barsize, (tile.Elevation - botRight.Elevation));

      barsize = (int)Math.Max(barsize, (tile.Elevation - bot.Elevation));

      return barsize;
Exemple #7
    // DRAWING

    private void DrawMap(Vector2 offset, Player controlPlayer, Tile mouseoverTile)
      for (int y = 0; y < Map.Height; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < Map.Width; x++)
          Tile tile = Map.Tiles[x, y];
          if (UI.MakeRect(tile.GetDrawPosition(offset), MapBoard.TILE_SIZE).Intersects(UI.Instance.ScreenRectangle))
            tile.Draw(offset, tile == mouseoverTile, controlPlayer);
Exemple #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Method that deserializes the data from the line starting at given position in given context depending on the MessageType
 /// </summary>
 /// <param id="mt">MessageType defining the extend of deserialization which is to be performed</param>
 /// <param id="line">String array containing the serialized data</param>
 /// <param id="position">Current position in the array</param>
 /// <param id="context">Context of the serialized data, game where this INetworkSerializable object is in</param>
 public override void Deserialize(MessageType mt, string[] line, ref int position, WildmenGame context)
   int id;
   base.Deserialize(mt, line, ref position, context);
   switch (mt)
     case MessageType.GameTransfer:
     case MessageType.GameEffectCreate:
       id = int.Parse(line[position++]);
       owner = context.Players.First(p => p.Id == id);
       unitEntry = Db.Instance.Units[line[position++]];
       color = new Color(byte.Parse(line[position++]), byte.Parse(line[position++]), byte.Parse(line[position++]));
       this.position = new Vector2(float.Parse(line[position++], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), float.Parse(line[position++], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
       tile = context.Map.Tiles[int.Parse(line[position++]), int.Parse(line[position++])];
       throw new Exception();
Exemple #9

    /// <summary>
    /// Determines whether a building can be placed at given position
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="map">Map, where the building-placement should be checked</param>
    /// <param name="baseTile">Base tile of the building-check</param>
    /// <param name="ignoreBuilding">Should the existing structures be ignored</param>
    /// <returns>Whether a building can be built at given position</returns>
    public static bool CanPlace(MapBoard map, Tile baseTile, bool ignoreBuilding = false)
      int height = baseTile.Elevation;
      foreach (var d in new Direction[] { Direction.Center, Direction.TopLeft, Direction.Top, Direction.TopRight })
        Tile item = map.GetSurroundingTile(baseTile, d);
        if (item == null) return false;
        if (!ignoreBuilding && item.Building != null) return false;
        if (item.Resource != null) return false;
        if (item.Elevation < MapBoard.SEA_LEVEL) return false;
        if (Math.Abs(item.Elevation - height) > 1) return false;
      return true;
Exemple #10

    /// <summary>
    /// Updates the tracking of game objects and tiles
    /// </summary>
    private void UpdateTracking()
      bool mouseMoved = UI.Instance.MouseVector != lastMouseVector;

      // If tile targeting is enabled, select tile under the cursor
      if ((mouseoverTileTracking || autoCursor) && mouseMoved)
        mouseoverTile = game.Map.GetTile(UI.Instance.MouseVector + screenOffset);
      else if (!mouseoverTileTracking && !autoCursor)
        mouseoverTile = null;

      // If game object targeting is enabled, select game object under the cursor
      if ((gameObjectTracking || autoCursor) && mouseMoved)
        GameObject temp = GetGameObject(UI.Instance.MouseVector + screenOffset);
        // Verify visibility
        if (temp != null &&
          (temp.NearestTile == null || controllingPlayer.Fow[temp.NearestTile.X, temp.NearestTile.Y] != 2))
          temp = null;

        mouseoverGameObject = temp;
      else if (!gameObjectTracking && !autoCursor)
        mouseoverGameObject = null;
Exemple #11

    /// <summary>
    /// Flushes all the information about the map and resets the MapUI (while keeping the Game and ControllingPlayer)
    /// </summary>
    private void FlushMapInfo()
      inGameState = InGameStateEnum.Default;

      mouseoverTile = null;
      mouseoverGameObject = null;
      map = null;

      mouseoverTileTracking = false;
      gameObjectTracking = true;
      mouseSelecting = false;
Exemple #12
    public Direction? GetRelation(Tile origin, Tile target)
      int oriX = origin.X;
      int oriY = origin.Y;
      int tgtX = target.X;
      int tgtY = target.Y;

      bool oddEq = origin.Odd == target.Odd;

      bool xEq = origin.X == target.X;
      bool yEq = origin.Y == target.Y;

      if (xEq && yEq && oddEq) return Direction.Center;

      int oddZero = origin.Odd ? 0 : 1;
      int oddOne = 1 - oddZero;

      if (oddEq)
        if (xEq)
          if (oriY - 1 == tgtY) return Direction.Top;
          if (oriY + 1 == tgtY) return Direction.Bottom;
        else if (yEq)
          if (oriX - 2 == tgtX) return Direction.Left;
          if (oriX + 2 == tgtX) return Direction.Right;
        if (oriY - oddZero == tgtY)
          if (oriX - 1 == tgtX) return Direction.TopLeft;
          if (oriX + 1 == tgtX) return Direction.TopRight;
        else if (oriY + oddOne == tgtY)
          if (oriX - 1 == tgtX) return Direction.BottomLeft;
          if (oriX + 1 == tgtX) return Direction.BottomRight;
      return null;
Exemple #13
 public Tile GetSurroundingTile(Tile tile, Direction direction)
   bool oddTile = tile.Odd;
   int tileX = tile.X;
   int tileY = tile.Y;
   GetSurroundingTile(ref tileX, ref tileY, ref oddTile, direction);
   if (tileX < 0 || tileY < 0) return null;
   if (tileX >= Width || tileY >= Height) return null;
   return Tiles[tileX, tileY];
Exemple #14
    public void ChangeHeight(Tile tile, int newAmount)

      Tile t;
      if (null != (t = GetSurroundingTile(tile, Direction.Top))) t.UpdateTerrainBarHeight();
      if (null != (t = GetSurroundingTile(tile, Direction.TopLeft))) t.UpdateTerrainBarHeight();
      if (null != (t = GetSurroundingTile(tile, Direction.TopRight))) t.UpdateTerrainBarHeight();
Exemple #15
    /// <summary>
    /// Constructor of this class
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="unit">Unit, the death effect should be created from</param>
    public UnitDeathEffect(Unit unit)
      owner = unit.Owner;
      color = owner.PlayerColor;
      unitEntry = (UnitDb)unit.Entry;
      position = unit.Position + unit.AlignmentOffset;
      tile = unit.NearestTile;

      Speed = 10;
      Duration = 10;
      Graphical = true;
Exemple #16
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes this instance and claims the tiles
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="entry">Type of this building</param>
    /// <param name="game">The game this building is in</param>
    /// <param name="player">The owner of this building</param>
    /// <param name="baseTile">The base tile determining the position of this building</param>
    public override void Initialize(EntryDb entry, WildmenGame game, Player player, Tile baseTile)
      Logger.Log(string.Format("Building #{0} initialized", this.ObjectUID), "Server update");
      this.game = game;
      this.Owner = player;
      this.entry = (BuildingDb)entry;
      this.NearestTile = baseTile;
      this.MapPosition = baseTile.MapPosition;
      this.RecalculatePosition = true;

      this.Health = this.entry.Health;
      this.Construction = 0;

      if (Construction >= this.entry.ConstructionAmount)
Exemple #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Disposes resources used by this instance
 /// </summary>
 public override void Dispose()
   owner = null;
   unitEntry = null;
   tile = null;
Exemple #18
    /// <summary>
    /// Claim the surrounding tiles for this building
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="baseTile">The base tile the surrounding tiles will be taken from</param>
    private void ClaimTiles(Tile baseTile)
      this.NearestTile = baseTile;
      this.claimedTiles = new List<Tile>();
      foreach (var d in new Direction[] { Direction.Center, Direction.TopLeft, Direction.Top, Direction.TopRight })
        Tile item = game.Map.GetSurroundingTile(baseTile, d);
        if (FurtestTile == null || FurtestTile.DrawZLevel > item.DrawZLevel)
          FurtestTile = item;

      foreach (var tile in claimedTiles)
Exemple #19
    /// <summary>
    /// Gives unit an order with specified parameters
    /// </summary>
    /// <param id="order">New game object order</param>
    /// <param id="orderParam">Order's EntryDb parameter</param>
    /// <param id="targetTile">Tracked tile at the moment of giving order</param>
    /// <param id="targetGameObject">Tracked game object at the moment of giving order</param>
    /// <returns>Returns true if the order was successfully applied to the game object</returns>
    public override bool SetOrder(GameObjectOrder order, EntryDb orderParam, Tile targetTile, GameObject targetGameObject)
      if (this.game.IsServer) Debug.Fail("Server isn't supposed to call this routine");

      if (!base.SetOrder(order, orderParam, targetTile, targetGameObject))
        game.SendData(Network.MakeClientMessage(MessageType.GameObjUpdate, this));
        return false;

      if (!CanDoOrder(order))
        GameEffect ge = new ScrollTextEffect("Unit cannot attack", Position, 50, new Vector2(0, -1f));
        ge.Initialize(game, NearestTile);

        return false;

      BuildingDb bldgEntry;

      switch (order)
        case GameObjectOrder.Idle:
          if (targetTile == null) return false;
          OrderTarget = null;
          OrderRange = MOVEMENT_RANGE;
          OrderPosition = targetTile.MapPosition + new Vector2(MapBoard.TILE_XSPACING, MapBoard.TILE_YSPACING) / 2;
        case GameObjectOrder.Attack:
          if (targetGameObject == null) return false; // Hit something
          if (targetGameObject == this) return false; // Don't hit yourself
          OrderTarget = targetGameObject;
          OrderRange = entry.AttackRange;
          OrderTimeout = entry.AttackSpeed;
        case GameObjectOrder.Construct:
          OrderRange = entry.ConstructRange;
          OrderTimeout = entry.ConstructSpeed;

          if (targetGameObject != null && targetGameObject.GetEntityType == GameEntityType.Building)
            OrderTarget = targetGameObject;
            OrderEntry = null;
          else if (targetGameObject == null || targetGameObject.GetEntityType == GameEntityType.Unit)
            if (orderParam == null) return false;
            bldgEntry = (BuildingDb)orderParam;
            if (bldgEntry.OnlyOneAllowed && Owner.Buildings.Any(q => q.Entry == orderParam))
              ScrollUpMessage("Only one such building allowed at a time", 50, false);
              return false;
            if (bldgEntry.UnlockedBy != null)
              Building bldg = Owner.Buildings.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Entry == bldgEntry.UnlockedBy);
              if (bldg == null || !bldg.Constructed)
                ScrollUpMessage("Building unavailable", 100, true);
                return false;

            OrderTarget = null;
            OrderEntry = (BuildingDb)orderParam;
            OrderPosition = targetTile.MapPosition + new Vector2(MapBoard.TILE_XSPACING, MapBoard.TILE_YSPACING) / 2;
        case GameObjectOrder.Spell:

          EffectDb effect = (EffectDb)orderParam;

          if (effect.UnlockedBy != null)
            Building bldg = Owner.Buildings.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Entry == effect.UnlockedBy);
            if (bldg == null || !bldg.Constructed)
              ScrollUpMessage("Spell unavailable", 100, true);
              return false;

          OrderEntry = effect;
          OrderRange = effect.CastRange;
          OrderTimeout = effect.Cooldown;
          switch (effect.Spell.Target)
            case SpellEntry.TargetType.Tile:
              if (targetTile == null) return false;
              OrderRange = effect.CastRange;
              OrderPosition = targetTile.MapPosition + new Vector2(MapBoard.TILE_XSPACING, MapBoard.TILE_YSPACING) / 2;
            case SpellEntry.TargetType.GameEntity:
              if (targetGameObject == null) return false;
              OrderTarget = targetGameObject;
        case GameObjectOrder.Gather:
          if (targetGameObject == null) return false;
          OrderTarget = targetGameObject;
          if (targetGameObject.GetEntityType == GameEntityType.Resource)
            lastGatheredResource = (Resource)targetGameObject;
          else if (targetTile != null && targetTile.Resource != null)
            lastGatheredResource = targetTile.Resource;
            return false;
          OrderRange = entry.GatherRange;
          OrderTimeout = entry.GatherSpeed;
        case GameObjectOrder.Train:
          if (targetGameObject == null) return false;
          if (targetGameObject.GetEntityType != GameEntityType.Building) return false;
          bldgEntry = (BuildingDb)((Building)targetGameObject).Entry;
          if (bldgEntry.Trains == null) return false;
          if (bldgEntry.Trains.All(p=>p.TrainFrom != this.Entry)) return false;

          OrderTarget = targetGameObject;
          OrderRange = MOVEMENT_RANGE;
          OrderTimeout = TRAIN_QUEUE_CHECK_TIMEOUT;
      State = GameObjectState.MovingToOrder;
      this.Order = order;
      game.SendData(Network.MakeClientMessage(MessageType.GameObjUpdate, this));
      return true;
Exemple #20
    /// <summary>
    /// Draws a building of given type at given tile
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="offset">Screen offset</param>
    /// <param name="tile">Tile, where the building should be drawn</param>
    /// <param name="highlight">Highlight mode</param>
    /// <param name="entry">Type of the building</param>
    public static void Draw(Vector2 offset, Tile tile, GameObjectHighlightMode highlight, BuildingDb entry)
      float x = tile.MapPosition.X;
      int height = tile.Elevation;
      float y = tile.MapPosition.Y - height * MapBoard.ELEVATION_SCALING;
      Vector2 position = new Vector2(x, y).Round();
      Vector2 textureSize = entry.Texture.Size();
      float aOffX = textureSize.X / 2 - MapBoard.TILE_XSPACING / 2;
      float aOffY = textureSize.Y - MapBoard.TILE_YSPACING;
      Vector2 alignmentOffset = new Vector2(-aOffX, -aOffY);
      Vector2 drawPosition = position - offset + alignmentOffset;

      Color c = Color.Lerp(Color.White, Color.Transparent, .5f);
      if (highlight == GameObjectHighlightMode.InvalidPlacement)
        c = Color.Lerp(c, Color.Red, .5f);

      UI.Instance.Draw(drawPosition, entry.Texture, c, 1f);
Exemple #21
 public void DrawOverlay(Vector2 offset, Player controlPlayer, Tile mouseoverTile, GameObject mouseoverGameObj)
   DrawGameObjectsOverlay(offset, controlPlayer, mouseoverGameObj);
   DrawGameEffectsOverlay(offset, controlPlayer);
Exemple #22
    public MapBoard(WildmenGame game, int width, int height)
      Game = game;
      Valid = true;

      Width = width;
      Height = height;

      Tiles = new Tile[Width, Height];

      float zLevelStep = 0.5f / (Height * 4);

      Tile.ConstructorParamBundle paramBundle = new Tile.ConstructorParamBundle();
      paramBundle.zLevelStep = zLevelStep;
      paramBundle.map = this;

      for (int j = 0; j < Height; j++)
        for (int i = 0; i < Width; i++)
          bool oddTile = i % 2 == 1;
          paramBundle.isBorder = j == Height - 1;
          int layer = j * 2 + (oddTile ? 1 : 0);
          paramBundle.zLevel = zLevelStep * layer * 2;
          Tiles[i, j] = new Tile(i, j, paramBundle);