Exemple #1
        public override void SerializePhysics(BitStream stream, MyNetworkClient sender, bool highOrientationCompression = false)
            // Serialize base
            base.SerializePhysics(stream, sender);

            Vector3D pos = Entity.WorldMatrix.Translation;

            if (stream.Writing)
                var g = MyCubeGridGroups.Static.Physical.GetGroup(Entity);
                stream.WriteByte((byte)(g.Nodes.Count - 1)); // Ignoring self
                foreach (var node in g.Nodes)
                    // Ignore self, already serialized
                    if (node.NodeData != Entity)
                        var target = MyMultiplayer.Static.ReplicationLayer.GetProxyTarget((IMyEventProxy)node.NodeData);

                        // ~26.5 bytes per grid, not bad
                        NetworkId networkId = MyMultiplayer.Static.ReplicationLayer.GetNetworkIdByObject(target);
                        PositionUpdateMsg msg = CreatePositionMsg(node.NodeData);
                        stream.WriteNetworkId(networkId); // ~2 bytes

                        HalfVector3 posDelta = (HalfVector3)(Vector3)(msg.Position - pos);
                        stream.Serialize(ref posDelta); // 6 bytes
                        stream.SerializeNorm(ref msg.Orientation); // 6.5 bytes
                        stream.Serialize(ref msg.LinearVelocity); // 6 bytes
                        stream.Serialize(ref msg.AngularVelocity); // 6 bytes
                byte numRecords = stream.ReadByte();
                for (int i = 0; i < numRecords; i++)
                    PositionUpdateMsg msg = default(PositionUpdateMsg);
                    NetworkId networkId = stream.ReadNetworkId();

                    HalfVector3 posDelta = default(HalfVector3);
                    stream.Serialize(ref posDelta);
                    msg.Position = posDelta + pos;

                    stream.SerializeNorm(ref msg.Orientation);
                    stream.Serialize(ref msg.LinearVelocity);
                    stream.Serialize(ref msg.AngularVelocity);

                    MyCubeGrid grid = MyMultiplayer.Static.ReplicationLayer.GetObjectByNetworkId(networkId) as MyCubeGrid;
                    if (grid != null)
                        grid.SyncObject.OnPositionUpdate(ref msg, sender);
        void Read(BitStream stream)
            // TODO: Read additional client data, context

            MyNetworkClient sender;
            if (!Sync.Clients.TryGetClient(EndpointId.Value, out sender))
                Debug.Fail("Unknown sender");

            var hasControlledEntity = stream.ReadBool();
            if (hasControlledEntity == false)
                Vector3D pos = Vector3D.Zero;
                stream.Serialize(ref pos); // 24B
                Position = pos;
                int numEntity = 0;
                if (stream.BytePosition < stream.ByteLength)
                    var entityId = stream.ReadInt64();
                    MyEntity entity;
                    if (!MyEntities.TryGetEntityById(entityId, out entity))

                    MySyncEntity syncEntity = entity.SyncObject as MySyncEntity;
                    if (syncEntity == null)

                    Context = (MyContextKind)stream.ReadInt32(2);

                    switch (Context)
                        case MyContextKind.Inventory:
                            entityId = stream.ReadInt64();
                        case MyContextKind.Terminal:
                            entityId = stream.ReadInt64();
                        case MyContextKind.Production:
                            entityId = stream.ReadInt64();
                            entityId = stream.ReadInt64();

                    MyEntities.TryGetEntityById(entityId, out entity);
                    ContextEntity = entity;

                    if (!syncEntity.ResponsibleForUpdate(sender))
                        // Also happens when entering cockpit due to order of operations and responsibility update change
                        //Debug.Fail("Server sending entity update for entity controlled by client, should happen only very rarely (packets out-of-order)");
                    syncEntity.SerializePhysics(stream, sender);

                    if (numEntity == 0)
                        Position = syncEntity.Entity.WorldMatrix.Translation;
 /// <summary>
 /// Shared area for SE and ME. So far it writes whether you have a controlled entity or not. In the latter case you get the spectator position
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="stream"></param>
 /// <param name="validControlledEntity"></param>
 private void WriteShared(BitStream stream, MyEntity controlledEntity)
     stream.WriteBool(controlledEntity != null);
     if (controlledEntity == null)
         Vector3D pos = MySpectatorCameraController.Static.Position;
         stream.Serialize(ref pos);
        private void ReadShared(BitStream stream, MyNetworkClient sender, out MyEntity controlledEntity)
            controlledEntity = null;

            var hasControlledEntity = stream.ReadBool();
            if (!hasControlledEntity)
                Vector3D pos = Vector3D.Zero;
                stream.Serialize(ref pos); // 24B
                Position = pos;
                var entityId = stream.ReadInt64();
                MyEntity entity;
                if (!MyEntities.TryGetEntityById(entityId, out entity))

                Position = entity.WorldMatrix.Translation;

                // TODO: Obsolete check?
                MySyncEntity syncEntity = entity.SyncObject as MySyncEntity;
                if (syncEntity == null)
                controlledEntity = entity;
Exemple #5
 protected bool SerializeServerTransform(BitStream stream, MyEntity entity, Vector3D? deltaPosBase, bool movingOnServer, uint timeStamp, bool lowPrecisionOrientation, float positionTolerancy, ref Vector3D outPosition, ref Quaternion outOrientation, ref MatrixD outWorldMartix, Func<MyEntity, Vector3D, bool> posValidation = null)
     stream.Serialize(ref timeStamp);
     if (stream.Writing)
         WriteTransform(stream, entity, deltaPosBase, lowPrecisionOrientation);
         return true;
         bool apply = ReadTransform(stream, entity, deltaPosBase, true, movingOnServer,ref outPosition, ref outOrientation, ref outWorldMartix, posValidation);
         return apply;
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Serializes transform into 10 to 30.5 bytes.
        /// </summary>
        protected bool SerializeTransform(BitStream stream, MyEntity entity, Vector3D? deltaPosBase, bool lowPrecisionOrientation, bool applyWhenReading, bool movingOnServer, uint timeStamp, Func<MyEntity, Vector3D, bool> posValidation = null, MovedDelegate moveHandler = null)
            stream.Serialize(ref timeStamp);
                WriteTransform(stream, entity, deltaPosBase, lowPrecisionOrientation);
                return true;
                bool apply = ReadTransform(stream, entity, deltaPosBase, applyWhenReading,movingOnServer, ref m_readTranslation, ref m_readQuaternion, ref m_readMatrix, posValidation, moveHandler);
                if (apply)
                    var old = entity.PositionComp.WorldMatrix;
                    entity.PositionComp.SetWorldMatrix(m_readMatrix, null);

                    if (moveHandler != null)
                        moveHandler(ref old, ref m_readMatrix);
                return apply;
 /// <summary>
 /// Serializes sync entity physics, default implementation serializes position, orientation, linear and angular velocity.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual void SerializePhysics(BitStream stream, MyNetworkClient sender, bool highOrientationCompression = false)
     PositionUpdateMsg msg = stream.Writing ? CreatePositionMsg(Entity) : default(PositionUpdateMsg);
     stream.Serialize(ref msg.Position); // 24B
     if (highOrientationCompression)
         stream.SerializeNormCompressed(ref msg.Orientation); // 29b
         stream.SerializeNorm(ref msg.Orientation); // 52b
     stream.Serialize(ref msg.LinearVelocity); // 6B
     stream.Serialize(ref msg.AngularVelocity); // 6B
     if (stream.Reading)
         OnPositionUpdate(ref msg, sender);