Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor. Creates an inequality proof that a token attribute is not equal to some value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prover">Token description.</param>
        /// <param name="attributeIndexForProver">1-based attribute index in token.</param>
        /// <param name="attributeValue">Attribute value to compare actual token attribute.</param>
        /// <returns>Inequality proof.</returns>
        public InequalityProof(ProverPresentationProtocolParameters prover, int attributeIndexForProver, byte[] attributeValue)
            // generate Pedersen Commitments to attributes
            ProverPresentationProtocolParameters[] provers = new ProverPresentationProtocolParameters[] { prover };
            int[] attributeIndices = new int[] { attributeIndexForProver };
            PedersenCommitment[] attributeCommitments = PedersenCommitment.PedersenCommmitmentsToAttributes(provers, attributeIndices);

            // create inequality proof using Pedersen Commitmetns
            FieldZqElement committedAttribute         = ProtocolHelper.ComputeXi(prover.IP, attributeIndexForProver - 1, attributeValue);
            ProverInequalityProofParameters ieqProver = new ProverInequalityProofParameters(attributeCommitments[0], committedAttribute, new CryptoParameters(prover.IP));


            // add UProve Integration proof
            this.UPIProof = new UProveIntegrationProof(provers, attributeIndices, attributeCommitments);
            this.UPIProof.IsGroupSerializable = false;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Genererates proof for when prover.CompareToKnownValue=true.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prover"></param>
        private void CreateProofForKnownValue(ProverInequalityProofParameters prover)
            // Pedersen Commitment to a random value a
            // A = g^a h^r
            FieldZqElement     a     = prover.FieldZq.GetRandomElement(true);
            FieldZqElement     r     = prover.FieldZq.GetRandomElement(true);
            PedersenCommitment openA = new PedersenCommitment(prover.G, prover.H, a, r, prover.Group);

            // B = g^(x-value)a
            DLRepOfGroupElement openB = new DLRepOfGroupElement(
                new GroupElement[1] {
                new FieldZqElement[1] {
                (prover.CommitmentX.CommittedValue - prover.Value) * a

            // C = (Xg^{-value})^a h^{-ya} = B
            PedersenCommitment openC = new PedersenCommitment(
                prover.CommitmentX.Value * prover.G.Exponentiate(prover.Value.Negate()),
                a.Negate() * prover.CommitmentX.Opening,

            // Create DL equations
            DLRepOfGroupElement[] equations = new DLRepOfGroupElement[]

            // generate proof
            EqualityMap map = this.GetEqualityMap();
            ProverEqualityParameters eqProver = new ProverEqualityParameters(equations, map, prover);

            this.Proof = new EqualityProof(eqProver);
            this.A     = openA.Value;
            this.B     = openB.Value;
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates proof for when prover.CompareToKnownValue=false.
        /// Computes X/Y and generates proof for showing the committed value
        /// in X/Y is not equal to 0.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prover">Prover parameters for comparing CommitmentX to CommitmentY</param>
        private void CreateProofForUnknownValue(ProverInequalityProofParameters prover)
            // Compute Pedersen Commitment X/Y
            PedersenCommitment newOpenX = new PedersenCommitment(
                new GroupElement[2] {
                prover.G, prover.H
                new FieldZqElement[2] {
                prover.CommitmentX.CommittedValue - prover.CommitmentY.CommittedValue, prover.CommitmentX.Opening - prover.CommitmentY.Opening

            // new prover parameters
            ProverInequalityProofParameters newProver = new ProverInequalityProofParameters(newOpenX, prover.FieldZq.Zero, prover);

            // generate proof
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a proof that two attribute values are different, without revealing them.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prover1">Equality proof parameters for the first token.</param>
        /// <param name="prover2">Equality proof parameters for the second token.</param>
        /// <returns>An inequality proof.</returns>
        public static InequalityProof GenerateUProveInequalityProof(EQProofUProveProverData prover1, EQProofUProveProverData prover2)
            if (!prover1.PPPP.IP.Gq.Equals(prover2.PPPP.IP.Gq))
                throw new ArgumentException("both provers must share the same group");
            // Create PedersenCommitments
            int commitmentIndex1    = ClosedPedersenCommitment.GetCommitmentIndex(prover1.PPPP.Committed, prover1.index);
            PedersenCommitment ped1 = new PedersenCommitment(prover1.PPPP, prover1.PP, prover1.CPV, commitmentIndex1);
            int commitmentIndex2    = ClosedPedersenCommitment.GetCommitmentIndex(prover2.PPPP.Committed, prover2.index);
            PedersenCommitment ped2 = new PedersenCommitment(prover2.PPPP, prover2.PP, prover2.CPV, commitmentIndex2);

            // Create EqualityProof
            CryptoParameters crypto = new CryptoParameters(prover1.PPPP.IP);                                            // Can use prover2.IP
            ProverInequalityProofParameters inequalityProver = new ProverInequalityProofParameters(ped1, ped2, crypto); // compares committed values in ped1 and ped2

            return(new InequalityProof(inequalityProver));
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an inequality proof using prover parameters.
        /// Throws an ArgumentException if prover parameters are invalid.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prover">Prover parameters</param>
        private void ConstructorHelper(ProverInequalityProofParameters prover)
            if (!prover.Verify())
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid prover inequality proof parameters.");
            this.Group = prover.Group;
            this.IsGroupSerializable = true;
            if (prover.CompareToKnownValue == true)

            this.Proof.IsGroupSerializable = false;
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor. Creates an inequality proof that an attribute in one token is not equal to an attribute in another token.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prover1">Token.</param>
        /// <param name="attributeIndexForProver1">Target attribute in first token, uses 1-based index.</param>
        /// <param name="prover2">Token</param>
        /// <param name="attributeIndexForProver2">Target attribute in second token, uses 1-based index</param>
        /// <returns>Proof of inequality.</returns>
        public InequalityProof(
            ProverPresentationProtocolParameters prover1,
            int attributeIndexForProver1,
            ProverPresentationProtocolParameters prover2,
            int attributeIndexForProver2)
            // generate Pedersen Commitments to attributes
            ProverPresentationProtocolParameters[] provers = new ProverPresentationProtocolParameters[] { prover1, prover2 };
            int [] attributeIndices = new int[] { attributeIndexForProver1, attributeIndexForProver2 };
            PedersenCommitment[] attributeCommitments = PedersenCommitment.PedersenCommmitmentsToAttributes(provers, attributeIndices);

            // create inequality proof using Pedersen Commitmetns
            ProverInequalityProofParameters ieqProver = new ProverInequalityProofParameters(attributeCommitments[0], attributeCommitments[1], new CryptoParameters(prover1.IP));


            // add UProve Integration proof
            this.UPIProof = new UProveIntegrationProof(provers, attributeIndices, attributeCommitments);
            this.UPIProof.IsGroupSerializable = false;
Exemple #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an inequality proof using prover parameters.
 /// Throws an ArgumentException if prover parameters are invalid.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="prover">Prover parameters</param>
 public InequalityProof(ProverInequalityProofParameters prover)