static public EventString Draw(Rect position, object eventStringObj, GUIContent content)
            EventString eventString = eventStringObj as EventString;

            // Where the Left and Right UI area separate
            var labelDivider = position.x + InspectorValues.LabelWidth;

            // Scale dynamically when wide enuogh
            labelDivider += Mathf.Max(0, (position.width - InspectorValues.MinRectWidth) / InspectorValues.WidthScaler);

            // The Left Label Area
            var labelRect = position;

            labelRect.xMax = labelDivider;
            EditorGUI.SelectableLabel(labelRect, content.text);

            // The right UI Area
            var propBoxRect = position;

            propBoxRect.xMin = labelDivider;
            var boxStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.helpBox);

            // Use that to draw a box
            GUI.BeginGroup(propBoxRect, boxStyle);

            // Add margin for the box
            var propRect = propBoxRect;

            propRect.xMin  += PropertyBoxMargins;
            propRect.xMax  -= PropertyBoxMargins;
            propRect.yMin  += PropertyBoxMargins;
            propRect.yMax  += PropertyBoxMargins;
            propRect.height = InspectorValues.RowHeight;

            // The left Properties
            var leftPropRect = propRect;

            leftPropRect.width = ToggleWidth;

            // The right Properties
            var rightPropRect = propRect;

            rightPropRect.xMin = leftPropRect.xMax;

            // First Property Row
                var ToggleLabel = eventString.AsString ? "String" : "Type";
                eventString.AsString = EditorGUI.ToggleLeft(leftPropRect, ToggleLabel, eventString.AsString, LabelStyle);

                eventString.Value = EditorGUI.TextField(rightPropRect, eventString.Value);

                // Early exit if configured to not show dropdowns when in string mode
                if (CompactWhenString && eventString.AsString)

            // Second and Third Property row are disabled when string mode is active
                var category = eventString.GetEventCategory();

                // Second Property Row
                    leftPropRect.y  += InspectorValues.RowHeight + PropertyBoxMargins;
                    rightPropRect.y += InspectorValues.RowHeight + PropertyBoxMargins;

                    EditorGUI.LabelField(leftPropRect, "Category", LabelStyle);

                    // Check if the currently stored category is in the list of categories (since we need the index for the dropdown array)
                    int categoryIndex = IndexOf(EventCategories, category);

                    // When not found add default and select it
                    if (categoryIndex < 0)
                        categoryIndex = EditorGUI.Popup(rightPropRect, 0, ConcatArrays(new string[] { "-" }, EventCategories)) - 1;
                        categoryIndex = EditorGUI.Popup(rightPropRect, categoryIndex, EventCategories);

                    // User selected a valid category
                    if (categoryIndex >= 0)
                        // And a category that is different than before
                        if (!EventCategories[categoryIndex].Equals(category))
                            category          = EventCategories[categoryIndex];
                            eventString.Value = EventCategory.ConstructEventString(category, "");

                // Third Property Row
                    leftPropRect.y  += InspectorValues.RowHeight;
                    rightPropRect.y += InspectorValues.RowHeight;

                    EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(category == null);
                    EditorGUI.LabelField(leftPropRect, "Event", LabelStyle);

                    // No valid category selected yet
                    if (category == null)
                        EditorGUI.Popup(rightPropRect, 0, new string[] { "-" });
                    // We have a valid category
                        // Get the events for this category, prefixing an empty element to represent no choice
                        var eventNames = EventCategory.GetEventNamesInCategory(category);

                        // Check if the currently stored eventString is in the list of eventNames
                        int eventIndex = IndexOf(EventCategory.GetEventStringsInCategory(category), eventString.Value);

                        // When not found add default and adjust index
                        if (eventIndex < 0)
                            eventIndex = EditorGUI.Popup(rightPropRect, 0, ConcatArrays(new string[] { "-" }, eventNames)) - 1;
                            eventIndex = EditorGUI.Popup(rightPropRect, eventIndex, eventNames);

                        // User selected a valid eventName so store it
                        if (eventIndex >= 0)
                            eventString.Value = EventCategory.GetEventNameInCategory(category, eventNames[eventIndex]);

 public string GetEventCategory()