// When the text in a particular note box changes, update the particular note field(s) in the database
        private void NoteControl_TextAutocompleted(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
            if (this.IsProgrammaticControlUpdate)

            DataEntryNote control = (DataEntryNote)((TextBox)sender).Tag;

            control.ContentChanged = true;

            // Note that  trailing whitespace is removed only from the database as further edits may use it.
            this.UpdateRowsDependingOnThumbnailGridState(control.DataLabel, control.Content.Trim());
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate the controls based upon the control descriptions found in the template
        /// </summary>>
        public void CreateControls(FileDatabase database, DataEntryHandler dataEntryPropagator)
            // Check the arguments for null
            ThrowIf.IsNullArgument(dataEntryPropagator, nameof(dataEntryPropagator));
            ThrowIf.IsNullArgument(database, nameof(database));

            // Depending on how the user interacts with the file import process image set loading can be aborted after controls are generated and then
            // another image set loaded.  Any existing controls therefore need to be cleared.

            foreach (ControlRow control in database.Controls)
                // no point in generating a control if it doesn't render in the UX
                if (control.Visible == false)

                DataEntryControl controlToAdd;
                if (control.Type == Constant.DatabaseColumn.DateTime)
                    DataEntryDateTime dateTimeControl = new DataEntryDateTime(control, this);
                    controlToAdd = dateTimeControl;
                else if (control.Type == Constant.DatabaseColumn.File ||
                         control.Type == Constant.DatabaseColumn.RelativePath ||
                         control.Type == Constant.DatabaseColumn.Folder ||
                         control.Type == Constant.DatabaseColumn.Date ||
                         control.Type == Constant.DatabaseColumn.Time ||
                         control.Type == Constant.Control.Note)
                    // standard controls rendering as notes aren't editable by the user, so we don't need autocompletions on tht
                    Dictionary <string, string> autocompletions = null;
                    bool readOnly = control.Type != Constant.Control.Note;
                    if (readOnly == false)
                        autocompletions = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    DataEntryNote noteControl = new DataEntryNote(control, autocompletions, this)
                        ContentReadOnly = readOnly
                    controlToAdd = noteControl;
                else if (control.Type == Constant.Control.Flag || control.Type == Constant.DatabaseColumn.DeleteFlag)
                    DataEntryFlag flagControl = new DataEntryFlag(control, this);
                    controlToAdd = flagControl;
                else if (control.Type == Constant.Control.Counter)
                    DataEntryCounter counterControl = new DataEntryCounter(control, this);
                    controlToAdd = counterControl;
                else if (control.Type == Constant.Control.FixedChoice)
                    DataEntryChoice choiceControl = new DataEntryChoice(control, this);
                    controlToAdd = choiceControl;
                else if (control.Type == Constant.DatabaseColumn.ImageQuality)
                    DataEntryChoice choiceControl = new DataEntryChoice(control, this);
                    choiceControl.HideItems(new List <string> {
                        FileSelectionEnum.Corrupted.ToString(), FileSelectionEnum.Missing.ToString()
                    controlToAdd = choiceControl;
                else if (control.Type == Constant.DatabaseColumn.UtcOffset)
                    DataEntryUtcOffset utcOffsetControl = new DataEntryUtcOffset(control, this)
                        ContentReadOnly = true
                    controlToAdd = utcOffsetControl;
                    TracePrint.PrintMessage(String.Format("Unhandled control type {0} in CreateControls.", control.Type));
                this.ControlsByDataLabel.Add(control.DataLabel, controlToAdd);
            // Redundant check as for some reason CA1062 was still showing up as a warning.
            ThrowIf.IsNullArgument(dataEntryPropagator, nameof(dataEntryPropagator));
            this.dataEntryHandler = dataEntryPropagator;
        /// <summary>
        /// Add data event handler callbacks for (possibly invisible) controls
        /// </summary>
        public void SetDataEntryCallbacks(Dictionary <string, DataEntryControl> controlsByDataLabel)
            // Check the arguments for null
            ThrowIf.IsNullArgument(controlsByDataLabel, nameof(controlsByDataLabel));

            // Add data entry callbacks to all editable controls. When the user changes a file's attribute using a particular control,
            // the callback updates the matching field for that file in the database.
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, DataEntryControl> pair in controlsByDataLabel)
                //if (pair.Value.ContentReadOnly)
                //    continue;

                string controlType = this.FileDatabase.FileTableColumnsByDataLabel[pair.Key].ControlType;
                switch (controlType)
                case Constant.Control.Note:
                case Constant.DatabaseColumn.File:
                case Constant.DatabaseColumn.Folder:
                case Constant.DatabaseColumn.RelativePath:
                    DataEntryNote note = (DataEntryNote)pair.Value;
                    note.ContentControl.TextAutocompleted += this.NoteControl_TextAutocompleted;
                    //if (controlType == Constant.Control.Note)

                case Constant.DatabaseColumn.Date:
                case Constant.DatabaseColumn.Time:
                    DataEntryNote datetimeNote = (DataEntryNote)pair.Value;
                    datetimeNote.ContentControl.TextAutocompleted += this.NoteControl_TextAutocompleted;
                    if (controlType == Constant.Control.Note)

                case Constant.DatabaseColumn.DateTime:
                    // SAULXXX There are several issues with the XCEED DateTimePicker. In particular, the date in the
                    // text date area is not well coordinated with the date in the calendar, i.e., the two aren't necessarily in
                    // sync. As well, changing a date on the calendar doesnt' appear to trigger the DateTimeContro_ValueChanged event
                    // Various workarounds are implemented as commented below with SAULXXX DateTimePicker Workaround.
                    // If the toolkit is updated to fix them, then those workarounds can be deleted (but test them first).
                    DataEntryDateTime dateTime = (DataEntryDateTime)pair.Value;
                    dateTime.ContentControl.ValueChanged += this.DateTimeControl_ValueChanged;
                    // We need the lines below as otherwise it will show the panel's context menu, which is confusing, instead of nothing
                    dateTime.ContentControl.ContextMenu = new ContextMenu
                        Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed

                    // SAULXXX DateTimePicker Workaround.
                    // We need to access the calendar part of the DateTImePicker, but
                    // we can't do that until the control is loaded.
                    dateTime.ContentControl.Loaded += this.DateTimePicker_Loaded;

                case Constant.DatabaseColumn.UtcOffset:
                    DataEntryUtcOffset utcOffset = (DataEntryUtcOffset)pair.Value;
                    utcOffset.ContentControl.ValueChanged += this.UtcOffsetControl_ValueChanged;
                    // We need the lines below as otherwise it will show the panel's context menu, which is confusing, instead of nothing
                    utcOffset.ContentControl.ContextMenu = new ContextMenu
                        Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed

                case Constant.DatabaseColumn.DeleteFlag:
                case Constant.Control.Flag:
                    DataEntryFlag flag = (DataEntryFlag)pair.Value;
                    flag.ContentControl.Checked   += this.FlagControl_CheckedChanged;
                    flag.ContentControl.Unchecked += this.FlagControl_CheckedChanged;

                case Constant.DatabaseColumn.ImageQuality:
                case Constant.Control.FixedChoice:
                    DataEntryChoice choice = (DataEntryChoice)pair.Value;
                    choice.ContentControl.SelectionChanged += this.ChoiceControl_SelectionChanged;

                case Constant.Control.Counter:
                    DataEntryCounter counter = (DataEntryCounter)pair.Value;
                    counter.ContentControl.ValueChanged += this.CounterControl_ValueChanged;
