public void TestMadeFound() { //create an instance of the class clsOrder AnOrder = new clsOrder(); //create some test data Boolean Found = false; Boolean OK = true; Int32 OrderId = 1; //set the test data to the class and try to find it Found = AnOrder.Find(OrderId); if (AnOrder.Made != true) { OK = false; } //check to see if its true Assert.IsTrue(OK); }
public void TestDateDispatchFound() { //create an instance of the class clsOrder AnOrder = new clsOrder(); //create some test data Boolean Found = false; Boolean OK = true; Int32 OrderId = 1; //set the test data to the class and try to find it Found = AnOrder.Find(OrderId); if (AnOrder.DateDispatch != Convert.ToDateTime("14/02/2021")) { OK = false; } //check to see if its true Assert.IsTrue(OK); }
public void TestCustomerAddressFound() { //create an instance of the class clsOrder AnOrder = new clsOrder(); //create some test data Boolean Found = false; Boolean OK = true; Int32 OrderId = 1; //set the test data to the class and try to find it Found = AnOrder.Find(OrderId); if (AnOrder.Address != "5 Colin Grundy Drive") { OK = false; } //check to see if its true Assert.IsTrue(OK); }
public void DateAddedMin() { //Create an instance of the class we want to create clsOrder AnOrder = new clsOrder(); //String variable to store any error message String Error = ""; //Create a variable to store the test date data DateTime TestDate; //Set the date to today's date TestDate = DateTime.Now.Date; //Convert the date variable to a string variable string DateAdded = TestDate.ToString(); //Invoke the method Error = AnOrder.Valid(DateAdded, Description, ShippingAddress, Quantity); //Test to see that the result is correct Assert.AreEqual(Error, ""); }
public void ThisOrderOK() { //create an instance of the class clsOrderCollection AllOrders = new clsOrderCollection(); //create some test data for the class clsOrder TestOrder = new clsOrder(); TestOrder.Address = "some address"; TestOrder.CustomerId = 2; TestOrder.DateDispatch = DateTime.Now.Date; TestOrder.ItemName = "some Item"; TestOrder.ItemQuantity = 3; TestOrder.Made = true; TestOrder.OrderId = 7; //set the record based on the test data AllOrders.ThisOrder = TestOrder; //check to see they are both equal Assert.AreEqual(AllOrders.ThisOrder, TestOrder); }
public void DatePurchasedMin() { //create an instance of the class we want to create clsOrder AnOrder = new clsOrder(); //string variable to store any error message String Error = ""; //create a variable to store the test date data DateTime TestDate; //set the date totodays date TestDate = DateTime.Now.Date; //convert the date variable to a string variable string DatePurchased = TestDate.ToString(); //invoke the method Error = AnOrder.Valid(Address, DeliveryDate, DatePurchased); //test to see that the result is correct Assert.AreEqual(Error, ""); }
public void DateAddedMin() { //create an instance of the class we want to create clsOrder Order = new clsOrder(); //string variable to store any error message String Error = ""; //create a variable to store the test date data DateTime TestDate; //set the date to todays date TestDate = DateTime.Now.Date; //convert the date variable to a string variable string Date = TestDate.ToString(); //invoke the method Error = Order.Valid(ProductName, ProductNo, OrderNo, Date, Price); //test to see that the result is correct Assert.AreEqual(Error, ""); }
public void DeleteMethodOK() { clsOrderCollection AllOrder = new clsOrderCollection(); clsOrder TestItem = new clsOrder(); Int32 PrimaryKey = 0; TestItem.BookName = "The Good Times"; TestItem.Quantity = 2; TestItem.OrderDate = DateTime.Now.Date; TestItem.Price = 20; TestItem.Dispatched = true; AllOrder.ThisOrder = TestItem; PrimaryKey = AllOrder.Add(); TestItem.OrderNo = PrimaryKey; AllOrder.ThisOrder.Find(PrimaryKey); AllOrder.Delete(); Boolean Found = AllOrder.ThisOrder.Find(PrimaryKey); Assert.IsFalse(Found); }
public void DeleteMethodOK() { clsOrderCollection AllOrders = new clsOrderCollection(); clsOrder TestItem = new clsOrder(); Int32 PrimaryKey = 0; TestItem.ClothesAvailable = true; TestItem.OrderNo = 1; TestItem.Address = "105 Vancouver Road Leicester"; TestItem.DeliveryDate = DateTime.Now.Date; TestItem.DatePurchased = DateTime.Now.Date; AllOrders.ThisOrder = TestItem; PrimaryKey = AllOrders.Add(); TestItem.OrderNo = PrimaryKey; AllOrders.ThisOrder.Find(PrimaryKey); AllOrders.Delete(); Boolean Found = AllOrders.ThisOrder.Find(PrimaryKey); Assert.IsFalse(Found); }
public void TestOrderQuantityFound() { //Create an instance of the class we want to create clsOrder AnOrder = new clsOrder(); //Boolean variable to store the result of the search Boolean Found = false; //Boolean variable to record if the data is OK (assume it is) Boolean OK = true; //Create some test data to use with the method Int32 OrderId = 7; //Invoke the method Found = AnOrder.Find(OrderId); //Check the Order Id if (AnOrder.OrderQuantity != 1) { OK = false; } //Test to see that the result is correct Assert.IsTrue(OK); }
public void TestProductNoFound() { // create an instance of the class we want to create clsOrder OrderProcessing = new clsOrder(); //boolean variable to store the result of the search Boolean Found = false; //boolean variable to record if data is ok (assume it is) Boolean OK = true; //create some test data to use with the method Int32 ProductNo = 1; //invoke the method Found = OrderProcessing.Find(ProductNo); //check the address no if (OrderProcessing.ProductNo != 1) { OK = false; } //test to see that the result is correct Assert.IsTrue(OK); }
public void ListandCountsOK() { clsOrderCollection AllOrder = new clsOrderCollection(); List <clsOrder> TestList = new List <clsOrder>(); clsOrder TestItem = new clsOrder(); //properties TestItem.OrderNo = 1; TestItem.BookName = "The Good Times"; TestItem.Quantity = 2; TestItem.OrderDate = DateTime.Now.Date; TestItem.Price = 20; TestItem.Dispatched = true; TestList.Add(TestItem); AllOrder.OrderList = TestList; Assert.AreEqual(AllOrder.Count, TestList.Count); }
public void TestClothesAvailableFound() { //create an instance of the class we want to create clsOrder AOrder = new clsOrder(); //boolean variable to store the result of the search Boolean Found = false; //boolean variable to record if data is OK (assume it is) Boolean OK = true; //create some test data to use with the method Int32 OrderNo = 1; //invoke the method Found = AOrder.Find(OrderNo); //check the property if (AOrder.ClothesAvailable != true) { OK = false; } //test to see that the result is correct Assert.IsTrue(OK); }
public void UpdateMethodOK() { //create an instance of the class clsOrderCollection AllOrders = new clsOrderCollection(); //create the item of test data clsOrder TestItem = new clsOrder(); //var to store primary key Int32 PrimaryKey = 0; //set the properties TestItem.Address = "some address"; TestItem.CustomerId = 2; TestItem.DateDispatch = DateTime.Now.Date; TestItem.ItemName = "Zack Snyder's cut"; TestItem.ItemQuantity = 2; TestItem.Made = true; TestItem.OrderId = 5; //set ThisOrder to the test data AllOrders.ThisOrder = TestItem; //Add the record PrimaryKey = AllOrders.Add(); //set the primary key of the test data TestItem.OrderId = PrimaryKey; //modify test data TestItem.Address = "2 Jefferson Avenue"; TestItem.CustomerId = 2; TestItem.DateDispatch = DateTime.Now.Date; TestItem.ItemName = "Zack Snyder's cut"; TestItem.ItemQuantity = 2; TestItem.Made = true; //set the record based on the new test data AllOrders.ThisOrder = TestItem; //update the record AllOrders.Update(); //find the record AllOrders.ThisOrder.Find(PrimaryKey); //test to see if they are both equal Assert.AreEqual(AllOrders.ThisOrder, TestItem); }
public void ListandCountOK() { //create an instance of the class clsOrderCollection AllOrders = new clsOrderCollection(); //create a list for the class List <clsOrder> TestList = new List <clsOrder>(); //create some test data for the class clsOrder TestItem = new clsOrder(); TestItem.Address = "some address"; TestItem.CustomerId = 3; TestItem.DateDispatch = DateTime.Now.Date; TestItem.ItemName = "Maaz needs Mac 10"; TestItem.ItemQuantity = 7; TestItem.Made = true; TestItem.OrderId = 4; //add the test data to the list TestList.Add(TestItem); //set the record based on the test data AllOrders.OrderList = TestList; //check to see they are both equal Assert.AreEqual(AllOrders.Count, TestList.Count); }
public void UpdateMethodOK() { clsOrderCollection AllOrders = new clsOrderCollection(); clsOrder TestItem = new clsOrder(); Int32 PrimaryKey = 0; TestItem.ClothesAvailable = true; TestItem.OrderNo = 1; TestItem.Address = "105 Vancouver Road Leicester"; TestItem.DeliveryDate = DateTime.Now.Date; TestItem.DatePurchased = DateTime.Now.Date; AllOrders.ThisOrder = TestItem; PrimaryKey = AllOrders.Add(); TestItem.OrderNo = PrimaryKey; TestItem.ClothesAvailable = false; TestItem.OrderNo = 3; TestItem.Address = "21 Oxford Street Leicester"; TestItem.DeliveryDate = DateTime.Now.Date; TestItem.DatePurchased = DateTime.Now.Date; AllOrders.ThisOrder = TestItem; AllOrders.Update(); AllOrders.ThisOrder.Find(PrimaryKey); Assert.AreEqual(AllOrders.ThisOrder, TestItem); }
public void InstanceOK() { clsOrder AnOrder = new clsOrder(); Assert.IsNotNull(AnOrder); }
public void InstanceOk() { clsOrder OrderProcessing = new clsOrder(); Assert.IsNotNull(OrderProcessing); }