private void updateLayer(ILayer l, int step, float min, float max, long version)
            var lc = new LayerConfig(l, step, min, max, version);

            if (l == null || _layer.Equals(lc))

            _layer       = lc;
            mapGfxObject = MapGfxObject.LoadFromLayer(l, step, min, max);
Exemple #2
        public static MapGfxObject LoadFromLayer(ILayer l, int step, float min, float max)
            #region map
            float heightCoef = 1f;
            float scale      = ((max - min) * heightCoef);

            int   shiftX = 0;
            int   shiftY = 0;
            float shittZ = 0;
            // TODO optimize for arrays
            shittZ = min * heightCoef;
            int          yMax   = l.Resolution.Y - 1;
            int          xMax   = l.Resolution.X - 1;
            int          vCount = yMax * xMax;
            MapGfxObject map    = new MapGfxObject();
            // HACK I - add one
            var verts = new List <Vector3>()
            var cols = new List <Vector3>()
            var texs = new List <Vector2>()
            var inc = new List <int>()
            var gray = new Vector3(.66f, .66f, .66f);

            for (int x = 0; x < xMax + 1; x++)
                var topHeight = getVal(l[x, 0], scale, 0);
                var top       = new Vector3(x, topHeight, 0);
                texs.Add(new Vector2(x, 0));

            for (int y = 1; y < yMax + 1; y++)
                var firstInARowHeight = getVal(l[0, y], scale, 0);
                var firstInARow       = new Vector3(0, firstInARowHeight, y);
                texs.Add(new Vector2(0, y));

                for (int x = 1; x < xMax + 1; x++)
                    var currentHeight = getVal(l[x, y], scale, 0);

                    var tr = new Vector3(x, currentHeight, y);       // Top Left Of The Quad (Top)
                    texs.Add(new Vector2(x, y));

                    var tlIndex = Index(x - 1, y - 1, xMax + 1);
                    var trIndex = Index(x, y - 1, xMax + 1);//current
                    var blIndex = Index(x - 1, y, xMax + 1);
                    var brIndex = Index(x, y, xMax + 1);



            #region old
            //for (int y = 0; y < yMax; y++)
            //    for (int x = 0; x < xMax; x++)
            //    {
            //        var trHeight = getVal(l[(x + 1) , (y) ], scale, 0) + shittZ;
            //        var tlHeight = getVal(l[(x) , (y) ], scale, 0) + shittZ;
            //        var blHeight = getVal(l[(x) , (y + 1) ], scale, 0) + shittZ;
            //        var brHeight = getVal(l[(x + 1) , (y + 1) ], scale, 0) + shittZ;
            //        float xCor = x  + shiftX;
            //        float yCor = y  + shiftY;

            //        var tl = new Vector3(xCor, tlHeight, yCor);       // Top Left Of The Quad (Top)
            //        var br = new Vector3(xCor + step, brHeight, yCor + step); // Bottom Right Of The Quad (Top)
            //        var tr = new Vector3(xCor + step, trHeight, yCor);        // Top Right Of The Quad (Top)
            //        var bl = new Vector3(xCor, blHeight, yCor + step);        // Bottom Left Of The Quad (Top)

            //        int iCount = verts.Count;
            //        verts.Add(tl);
            //        verts.Add(tr);
            //        verts.Add(br);
            //        verts.Add(bl);

            //        inc.Add(iCount);
            //        inc.Add(iCount +1);
            //        inc.Add(iCount + 2);

            //        inc.Add(iCount +3);
            //        inc.Add(iCount );
            //        inc.Add(iCount + 2);

            //        texs.Add(new Vector2(x, y));
            //        texs.Add(new Vector2(x + step, y + step));
            //        texs.Add(new Vector2(x + step, y));
            //        texs.Add(new Vector2(x, y+ step));

            //        cols.Add(gray);
            //        cols.Add(gray);
            //        cols.Add(gray);
            //        cols.Add(gray);
            //    }
            //// HACK II
            //verts.Add(new Vector3());
            //verts.Add(new Vector3());

            //texs.Add(new Vector2());
            //texs.Add(new Vector2());


            //cols.Add(new Vector3());
            //cols.Add(new Vector3());

            map.vertices      = verts.ToArray();
            map.colors        = cols.ToArray();
            map.indices       = inc.ToArray();
            map.texturecoords = texs.ToArray();