public void StringBuilderIndexOf() {
            // name of the song that I was listening when I create the function :)
            var sb = new StringBuilder("Blue Pilots Project - Million Clouds");

            Assert.AreEqual(5, sb.IndexOf("Pilots"));
            Assert.AreEqual(20, sb.IndexOf('-'));
            Assert.AreEqual(22, sb.IndexOf("m", 0, true));
Exemple #2
 private static int GetStartIndex(StringBuilder value)
    int startIndex = value.IndexOf("\r\n\"", false);
    if (startIndex >= 0)
       startIndex += 3;
       startIndex = value.IndexOf("\n\"", false);
       if (startIndex >= 0)
          startIndex += 2;
          startIndex = 0;
    return startIndex;
Exemple #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // расширение для StringBuilder (public, static not implement, first argument is this)
            string str = "hello World for test!";
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(str);
            Int32 index = sb.IndexOf('W');
            Console.WriteLine("sb.IndexOf('W') = "+ index);

            // расширение для IEnumerable (public, static not implement, first argument is this)
            List<string> list = new List<string>() { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" };

            "hello my little pony".ShowItems();

Exemple #4
        public LetNode(Token<TokenType> t)
            //Note:Syntax: let <var> = <expr>
            StringBuilder statement = new StringBuilder(t.TokenValue);

            //this._varName = statement.ExtractFirstToken();
            int idx = statement.IndexOf('=');
            if (idx < 0)
            this._varName = statement.ToString().Substring(0, idx).Trim();

            if (!_varName.IsValidVariableName())

            this._expression = statement.ToString().Trim();
            if (_expression.Length == 0)
        public string Generate(string csharpCode, bool formatOutput = false, params QuineParam[] extraParams)
            bool newlineEscaping = csharpCode.Contains(Newline);
            bool backslashEscaping = newlineEscaping || csharpCode.Contains('\\');
            bool minified = Minified;
            string printMethod = PrintMethod;
            if (csharpCode.Contains("using System;"))
                printMethod = printMethod.Replace("System.", "");

            int number = 0;
            string strNumberString = "{" + number++ + "}";
            string quotes1NumberString = "{" + number++ + "}";
            string backslashNumberString = backslashEscaping ? "{" + number++ + "}" : "";
            string newlineNumberString = (!minified || newlineEscaping) ? "{" + number++ + "}" : "";
            string space = minified ? "" : " ";
            string indent = "";
            if (!minified)
                int ind = csharpCode.IndexOf(KernelPattern);
                int newlineInd = csharpCode.LastIndexOf(Newline, ind);
                indent = csharpCode.Substring(newlineInd + Newline.Length, ind - newlineInd - Newline.Length);
            var existedExtraParams = extraParams.Where(p => csharpCode.IndexOf(p.KeyBegin) != -1);

            var kernel = new StringBuilder();
            kernel.AppendFormat("var {0}{5}={5}{4}{3}{4};{6}{1}({0},{5}{0},{5}{2}{4}{2}",
                StrName, printMethod, Quotes2, strNumberString, quotes1NumberString, space, minified ? "" : newlineNumberString + indent);
            if (backslashEscaping)
                kernel.AppendFormat(",{2}{0}{1}{1}{0}", Quotes2, backslashNumberString, space);
            if (newlineEscaping)
                kernel.AppendFormat(",{2}{0}{1}r{1}n{0}", quotes1NumberString, backslashNumberString, space);
            foreach (var p in existedExtraParams)
                string value = p.Value.Replace("{", "{{").Replace("}", "}}").Replace(Quotes1, quotes1NumberString);
                if (backslashEscaping)
                    value = value.Replace(Backslash, backslashNumberString);
                if (newlineEscaping)
                    value = value.Replace(Newline, newlineNumberString);
                kernel.AppendFormat(",{1}{0}", value, space);

            var str = new StringBuilder(csharpCode);
            str = str.Replace("{", "{{").Replace("}", "}}").Replace(Quotes1, quotes1NumberString);
            if (backslashEscaping)
                str = str.Replace(Backslash, backslashNumberString);
            if (newlineEscaping)
                str = str.Replace(Newline, newlineNumberString);
            str = str.Replace(KernelPattern, kernel.ToString());
            foreach (var p in existedExtraParams)
                int beginInd = str.IndexOf(p.KeyBegin);
                if (beginInd != -1)
                    int endInd = str.IndexOf(p.KeyEnd, beginInd);
                    if (endInd != -1)
                        if (beginInd == endInd)
                            str = str.Replace(p.KeyBegin, "{" + number++ + "}");
                            str = str.Remove(beginInd, endInd + p.KeyEnd.Length - beginInd);
                            str = str.Insert(beginInd, "{" + number++ + "}");

            var insertToResult = new StringBuilder();
            insertToResult.AppendFormat("var {0}{5}={5}{1}{2}{1};{6}{3}({0},{5}{0},{5}{4}{1}{4}",
                StrName, Quotes1, str, printMethod, Quotes2, space, minified ? "" : Newline + indent);
            if (backslashEscaping)
                insertToResult.AppendFormat(",{2}{0}{1}{1}{0}", Quotes2, Backslash, space);
            if (!minified || newlineEscaping)
                insertToResult.AppendFormat(",{2}{0}{1}r{1}n{0}", Quotes1, Backslash, space);
            foreach (var p in existedExtraParams)
                insertToResult.AppendFormat(",{1}{0}", p.Value, space);

            var result = new StringBuilder(csharpCode);
            result = result.Replace(KernelPattern, insertToResult.ToString());
            foreach (var p in existedExtraParams)
                int beginInd = result.IndexOf(p.KeyBegin);
                if (beginInd != -1)
                    int endInd = result.IndexOf(p.KeyEnd, beginInd);
                    if (endInd != -1)
                        if (beginInd == endInd)
                            result = result.Replace(p.KeyBegin, p.KeySubstitute == "$key$" ? "" : p.KeySubstitute);
                            if (p.KeySubstitute == "$key$")
                                result = result.Replace(p.KeyBegin, "").Replace(p.KeyEnd, "");
                                result = result.Remove(beginInd, endInd + p.KeyEnd.Length - beginInd);
                                result = result.Insert(beginInd, p.KeySubstitute);

            if (formatOutput)
                return new CSharpParser().Parse(result.ToString()).ToString();
                return result.ToString();
Exemple #6
 private static int FindStartIndex(StringBuilder buffer, int messageIndex)
     int index = buffer.IndexOf(CarriageReturnLineFeed, messageIndex, false);
      return index >= 0 ? index : buffer.IndexOf(LineFeed, messageIndex, false);
Exemple #7
        private static int FindEndIndex(StringBuilder buffer, int startIndex)
            int index = buffer.IndexOf(String.Concat(CarriageReturnLineFeed, PyonFooter, CarriageReturnLineFeed), startIndex, false);
             if (index >= 0)
            return index;

             index = buffer.IndexOf(String.Concat(LineFeed, PyonFooter, LineFeed), startIndex, false);
             if (index >= 0)
            return index;

             //index = buffer.IndexOf(PyonFooter, startIndex, StringComparison.Ordinal);
             //if (index >= 0)
             //   return index;

             return -1;
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse first message from the data buffer and remove it from the buffer value.  The remaining buffer value is returned to the caller.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">Data buffer value.</param>
        /// <returns>JsonMessage or null if no message is available in the buffer.</returns>
        internal static JsonMessage GetNextJsonMessage(StringBuilder buffer)
            if (buffer == null) return null;

             // find the header
             int messageIndex = buffer.IndexOf(PyonHeader, false);
             if (messageIndex < 0)
            return null;
             // set starting message index
             messageIndex += PyonHeader.Length;

             // find the first CrLf or Lf character after the header
             int startIndex = FindStartIndex(buffer, messageIndex);
             if (startIndex < 0) return null;

             // find the footer
             int endIndex = FindEndIndex(buffer, startIndex);
             if (endIndex < 0)
            return null;

             // create the message and set received time stamp
             var message = new JsonMessage { Received = DateTime.UtcNow };
             // get the message name
             message.Key = buffer.Substring(messageIndex, startIndex - messageIndex);

             // get the PyON message
             buffer.SubstringBuilder(startIndex, message.Value, endIndex - startIndex);
             // replace PyON values with JSON values
             message.Value.Replace(": None", ": null");

             // set the index so we know where to trim the string (end plus footer length)
             int nextStartIndex = endIndex + PyonFooter.Length;
             // if more buffer is available set it and return, otherwise set the buffer empty
             if (nextStartIndex < buffer.Length)
            buffer.Remove(0, nextStartIndex);

             return message;
        public void ClearContent(StringBuilder content)
            content.Replace('\r', ' ');
            content.Replace('\n', ' ');
            content.Replace('\0', ' ');
            content.Replace('\t', ' ');

            while (content.IndexOf("  ") >= 0)
                content.Replace("  ", " ");

            while (content.IndexOf("href =") >= 0)
                content.Replace("href =", "href=");

            while (content.IndexOf("\"") >= 0)
                content.Replace("\"", "");

            while (content.IndexOf("'") >= 0)
                content.Replace("'", "");

            while (content.IndexOf("&amp;") >= 0)
                content.Replace("&amp;", "&");

        bool IsWorkflow(StringBuilder serviceData)

            var startIdx = serviceData.IndexOf("<XamlDefinition>", 0, false);
            if(startIdx >= 0)
                var endIdx = serviceData.IndexOf("</XamlDefinition>", startIdx, false);
                var dif = endIdx - startIdx;

                // we know a blank wf is larger then our max string size ;)
                return startIdx > 0 && dif > (GlobalConstants.MAX_SIZE_FOR_STRING - 1024);

            return false;
Exemple #11
        /// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Common code that is called from the Control tests to verify the properties associated with a control
        /// </summary>
        /// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        internal void TS_TestControlProperties()
            string[] frameworks = new string[] { m_le.Current.FrameworkId, DEFAULT_FRAMEWORK };

            ControlType ctType = m_le.Current.ControlType;
            XmlNode node;

            // Things such as GetBoundingRect, GetClickablePoint return diffent values if they are on or off the viewable portion, 
            // so bail out with an invalid configuration
            if (m_le.Current.IsOffscreen == true)
                // If we can scroll into view, try it
                if ((bool)m_le.GetCurrentPropertyValue(AutomationElement.IsScrollItemPatternAvailableProperty))
                    ScrollItemPattern sip = m_le.GetCurrentPattern(ScrollItemPattern.Pattern) as ScrollItemPattern;
                        Comment("Scrolling element({0}) into view", Library.GetUISpyLook(m_le));
                    catch (InvalidOperationException)
                        ThrowMe(CheckType.IncorrectElementConfiguration, "Cannot test properties for elements that are not visible");
                if (m_le.Current.IsOffscreen == true)
                    ThrowMe(CheckType.IncorrectElementConfiguration, "Cannot test properties for elements that are not visible");
                Comment("Element(" + Library.GetUISpyLook(m_le) + ") is now visible for testing");

            // There is a better way of doing this, by quering the XML for specifics, but need to get this written
            ArrayList seenProps = new ArrayList();

            foreach (string frameWorkId in frameworks)
                foreach (XmlNode n in GetNodes(XMLPROPERTIES, ctType, frameWorkId))
                    node = n;
                    node = node.NextSibling;

                    if (node == null)

                    // Go through all the XML nodes for the properties that this control supports.
                    // This will only test the properties that it finds in the XML.
                    while (node != null)
                        string property = new StringBuilder(node.Name).Replace("_", ".").ToString();
                        AutomationProperty ap = Helpers.GetPropertyByName(property);
                        if (seenProps.IndexOf(ap.ProgrammaticName) == -1)

                            string patternName = property.Substring(0, property.IndexOf("."));

                            if ((patternName == "AutomationElement") || (PatternSupported(patternName)))

                                object currentValue = m_le.GetCurrentPropertyValue(ap);

                                Comment("Validating {0}.GetCurrentPropertyValue({1})={2}", ctType.ProgrammaticName, property, currentValue);
                                Comment("Node validation is {0}", node.InnerText.ToUpper(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));

                                switch (node.InnerText.ToUpper(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))
                                    case XML_NON_EMPTY_STRING:
                                            if (currentValue is string)
                                                string obj = (string)currentValue;
                                                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(obj))
                                                    ThrowMe(CheckType.Verification, "{0} : IsNullOrEmpty() returned true but should have been a valid string", property);
                                                ThrowMe(CheckType.Verification, "{0} : did not return correct data type, but returned {1}", property, currentValue.GetType().ToString());
                                    case XML_FALSE:
                                            if (currentValue is bool)
                                                bool obj = (bool)currentValue;
                                                if (obj != false)
                                                    ThrowMe(CheckType.Verification, "{0} : did not return a false, but returned {1}", property, obj);
                                                ThrowMe(CheckType.Verification, "{0} : did not return correct data type, but returned {1}", property, currentValue.GetType().ToString());
                                    case XML_TRUE:
                                            if (currentValue is bool)
                                                bool obj = (bool)currentValue;
                                                if (obj != true)
                                                    ThrowMe(CheckType.Verification, "{0} : did not return a true, but returned {1}", property, obj);
                                                ThrowMe(CheckType.Verification, "{0} : did not return correct data type, but returned {1}", property, currentValue.GetType().ToString());
                                    case XML_REQUIRED:
                                            if (currentValue == null || currentValue == AutomationElement.NotSupported)
                                                ThrowMe(CheckType.Verification, "{0} : did not return a valid value, but returned {1}", property,currentValue == null ? "<null>" : currentValue);
                                    case XML_NEVER:
                                            if (currentValue != null || currentValue != AutomationElement.NotSupported)
                                                ThrowMe(CheckType.Verification, "{0} : did not return AutomationElement.NotSupported but returned {1}", property,  currentValue );
                                    case XML_NULL:
                                            if (currentValue != null)
                                                ThrowMe(CheckType.Verification, "{0} :  was expected to return null but returned ({1})", property, currentValue );

                                    case XML_WARN_IF_NOT_NULL:
                                            if (currentValue != null)
                                                ThrowMe(CheckType.Verification, "{0} :  was expected to return null but did not", property);

                                    case XML_NOTNULL:
                                            if (currentValue == null)
                                                ThrowMe(CheckType.Verification, "{0} :  returned null and was expected to have a valid value", property);
                                    case XML_WARN_IF_NULL:
                                            if (currentValue == null)
                                                ThrowMe(CheckType.Verification, "{0} :  returned null and was expected to have a valid value", property);

                                    case XML_NaN:
                                            if (currentValue == null)
                                                ThrowMe(CheckType.Verification, "{0} :  returned 'null' and should have returned double.NaN", property);
                                            else if (currentValue is Point)
                                                Point obj = (Point)currentValue;
                                                if (!IsNaN(obj.X))
                                                    ThrowMe(CheckType.Verification, "{0} :  Point.X returned '{1}' and should have returned double.NaN", property, obj.X);
                                                if (!IsNaN(obj.Y))
                                                    ThrowMe(CheckType.Verification, "{0} :  Point.Y returned '{1}' and should have returned double.NaN", property, obj.Y);
                                            else if (currentValue is Rect)
                                                Rect obj = (Rect)currentValue;
                                                if (!IsNaN(obj.Bottom))
                                                    ThrowMe(CheckType.Verification, "{0} :  Point.Bottom returned '{1}' and should have returned double.NaN", property, obj.Bottom);
                                                if (!IsNaN(obj.Top))
                                                    ThrowMe(CheckType.Verification, "{0} :  Point.Top returned '{1}' and should have returned double.NaN", property, obj.Top);
                                                if (!IsNaN(obj.Left))
                                                    ThrowMe(CheckType.Verification, "{0} :  Point.Left returned '{1}' and should have returned double.NaN", property, obj.Left);
                                                if (!IsNaN(obj.Right))
                                                    ThrowMe(CheckType.Verification, "{0} :  Point.Right returned '{1}' and should have returned double.NaN", property, obj.Right);
                                            else if (!IsNaN(currentValue))
                                                ThrowMe(CheckType.Verification, "{0} :  should have returned NaN", property);
                                    case XML_NOT_NaN:
                                            if (currentValue == null)
                                                ThrowMe(CheckType.Verification, "{0} :  returned 'null' and should not have returned double.NaN", property);
                                            else if (currentValue is Point)
                                                Point obj = (Point)currentValue;
                                                if (IsNaN(obj.X))
                                                    ThrowMe(CheckType.Verification, "{0} :  Point.X should not have returned double.NaN", property);
                                                if (IsNaN(obj.Y))
                                                    ThrowMe(CheckType.Verification, "{0} :  Point.Y should not have returned double.NaN", property);
                                            else if (currentValue is Rect)
                                                Rect obj = (Rect)currentValue;
                                                if (IsNaN(obj.Bottom))
                                                    ThrowMe(CheckType.Verification, "{0} :  Rect.Bottom should not have returned double.NaN", property);
                                                if (IsNaN(obj.Top))
                                                    ThrowMe(CheckType.Verification, "{0} :  Rect.Top should not have returned double.NaN", property);
                                                if (IsNaN(obj.Left))
                                                    ThrowMe(CheckType.Verification, "{0} :  Rect.Left should not have returned double.NaN", property);
                                                if (IsNaN(obj.Right))
                                                    ThrowMe(CheckType.Verification, "{0} :  Rect.Right should not have returned double.NaN", property);
                                            else if (IsNaN(currentValue))
                                                ThrowMe(CheckType.Verification, "{0} :  returned NaN and should not have", property);

                                        throw new Exception(property + ": Bad fomatted XML, need to handle " + node.InnerText + " for " + property);
                        node = node.NextSibling;
        /// <summary>
        /// Splits the given string on every instance of a separator character, as long as the separator is not quoted. Each split
        /// piece is then unquoted if requested.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// 1) Unless requested to keep empty splits, a block of contiguous (unquoted) separators is treated as one separator.
        /// 2) If no separators are given, the string is split on whitespace.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        /// <param name="maxSplits"></param>
        /// <param name="keepEmptySplits"></param>
        /// <param name="unquote"></param>
        /// <param name="emptySplits">[out] a count of all pieces that were empty, and thus discarded, per remark (1) above</param>
        /// <param name="separator"></param>
        /// <returns>ArrayList of all the pieces the string was split into.</returns>
        internal static ArrayList SplitUnquoted
            string input,
            int maxSplits,
            bool keepEmptySplits,
            bool unquote,
            out int emptySplits,
            params char[] separator
            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(maxSplits >= 2, "There is no point calling this method for less than two splits.");

            string separators = new StringBuilder().Append(separator).ToString();

            ErrorUtilities.VerifyThrow(separators.IndexOf('"') == -1, "The double-quote character is not supported as a separator.");

            StringBuilder splitString = new StringBuilder();

            bool isQuoted = false;
            int precedingBackslashes = 0;
            int splits = 1;

            for (int i = 0; (i < input.Length) && (splits < maxSplits); i++)
                switch (input[i])
                    case '\0':
                        // Pretend null characters just aren't there.  Ignore them.
                        Debug.Assert(false, "Null character in parameter");

                    case '\\':

                    case '"':
                        if ((precedingBackslashes % 2) == 0)
                            if (isQuoted &&
                                (i < (input.Length - 1)) &&
                                (input[i + 1] == '"'))
                            isQuoted = !isQuoted;
                        precedingBackslashes = 0;

                        if (!isQuoted &&
                            (((separators.Length == 0) && char.IsWhiteSpace(input[i])) ||
                            (separators.IndexOf(input[i]) != -1)))
                            if (++splits == maxSplits)
                                splitString.Append(input, i + 1, input.Length - (i + 1));
                        precedingBackslashes = 0;

            ArrayList pieces = new ArrayList();
            emptySplits = 0;

            foreach (string splitPiece in splitString.ToString().Split(s_splitMarker, maxSplits))
                string piece = (unquote
                    ? Unquote(splitPiece)
                    : splitPiece);

                if ((piece.Length > 0) || keepEmptySplits)

            return pieces;
        private static string ParseStringValue(string property, IConfiguration config, ISet<string> visitedPlaceHolders, ILogger logger = null)

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(property))
                return property;

            StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(property);

            int startIndex = property.IndexOf(PREFIX);
            while (startIndex != -1)
                int endIndex = FindEndIndex(result, startIndex);
                if (endIndex != -1)
                    string placeholder = result.Substring(startIndex + PREFIX.Length, endIndex);
                    string originalPlaceholder = placeholder;

                    if (!visitedPlaceHolders.Add(originalPlaceholder))
                        throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Circular placeholder reference '{0}' in property definitions",
                    // Recursive invocation, parsing placeholders contained in the placeholder key.
                    placeholder = ParseStringValue(placeholder, config, visitedPlaceHolders);
                    // Handle array references foo:bar[1]:baz format -> foo:bar:1:baz
                    string lookup = placeholder.Replace('[', ':').Replace("]", "");
                    // Now obtain the value for the fully resolved key...
                    string propVal = config[lookup];
                    if (propVal == null)
                        int separatorIndex = placeholder.IndexOf(SEPARATOR);
                        if (separatorIndex != -1)
                            string actualPlaceholder = placeholder.Substring(0, separatorIndex);
                            string defaultValue = placeholder.Substring(separatorIndex + SEPARATOR.Length);
                            propVal = config[actualPlaceholder];
                            if (propVal == null)
                                propVal = defaultValue;
                    if (propVal != null)
                        // Recursive invocation, parsing placeholders contained in these
                        // previously resolved placeholder value.
                        propVal = ParseStringValue(propVal, config, visitedPlaceHolders);
                        result.Replace(startIndex, endIndex + SUFFIX.Length, propVal);
                        logger?.LogVerbose("Resolved placeholder '{0}'" + placeholder);
                        startIndex = result.IndexOf(PREFIX, startIndex + propVal.Length);
                        // Proceed with unprocessed value.
                        startIndex = result.IndexOf(PREFIX, endIndex + PREFIX.Length);
                else {
                    startIndex = -1;

            return result.ToString();
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads vectos from file.
        /// File format like in LIbSVM
        /// label index:value index2:value .....
        /// -1        4:0.5       10:0.9 ....
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName">Data set file name</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        //public static Problem<Vector> ReadVectorsFromFile(string fileName)

        //    List<float> labels = new List<float>();

        //    List<Vector> vectors = new List<Vector>();

        //    using (FileStream fileStream = File.OpenRead(fileName))
        //    {
        //        using (StreamReader input = new StreamReader(fileStream))
        //        {

        //            int max_index = 0;

        //            while (input.Peek() > -1)
        //            {
        //                string[] parts = input.ReadLine().Trim().Split();

        //                //label
        //                labels.Add(float.Parse(parts[0]));

        //                //other parts with index and value
        //                int m = parts.Length - 1;

        //                List<Vector.Node> nodes = new List<Vector.Node>();

        //                int index = 0;
        //                float value;
        //                for (int j = 0; j < m; j++)
        //                {

        //                    string[] nodeParts = parts[j + 1].Split(':');
        //                    index = int.Parse(nodeParts[0]);
        //                    value = float.Parse(nodeParts[1], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

        //                    nodes.Add(new Vector.Node(index, (float)value));
        //                    // v[index] = value;

        //                }

        //                if (m > 0)
        //                {
        //                    max_index = Math.Max(max_index, index);
        //                }
        //                vectors.Add(new Vector(nodes));
        //            }

        //            //assing max index as  vector Dimension,
        //            //not always true for different data sets
        //            for (int i = 0; i < vectors.Count; i++)
        //            {
        //                vectors[i].Dimension = max_index;
        //            }

        //        }
        //    }

        //    //Problem<Vector> vectorProblem = new Problem<Vector>(vectors.ToArray(),labels.ToArray());

        //    //vectorProblem.Elements = vectors.ToArray();
        //    //vectorProblem.ElementsCount = vectors.Count;
        //    //vectorProblem.Labels = labels.ToArray();

        //    //return vectorProblem;

        //    return new Problem<Vector>(vectors.ToArray(), labels.ToArray());

        /// <summary>
        /// Reads vectos from file.
        /// File format like in LIbSVM
        /// label index:value index2:value .....
        /// -1        4:0.5       10:0.9 ....
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName">Data set file name</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Problem<SparseVec> ReadVectorsFromFile(string fileName, int numberOfFeatures)
            //initial list capacity 8KB, its only heuristic
            int listCapacity = 1 << 13;

            //if maxIndex is grether than numberOfFeatures
            int indexAboveFeature = 0;

            //list of labels
            List<float> labels = new List<float>(listCapacity);

            //counts how many labels we have
            Dictionary<float, int> coutLabels = new Dictionary<float, int>(10);

            //list of array, each array symbolize vector
            // List<KeyValuePair<int, float>[]> vectors = new List<KeyValuePair<int, float>[]>(listCapacity);
            //new List<List<KeyValuePair<int, double>>>();

            //vector parts (index and value) separator
            char[] vecPartsSeparator = new char[] { ' ' };
            //separator between index and value in one part
            char[] idxValSeparator = new char[] { ':' };
            int max_index = numberOfFeatures;

            List<KeyValuePair<int, float>> vec = new List<KeyValuePair<int, float>>(32);

            //list of Vectors, currently use SparseVector implementation from dnAnalitycs
            List<SparseVec> dnaVectors = new List<SparseVec>(listCapacity);

            using (FileStream fileStream = File.OpenRead(fileName))
                using (StreamReader input = new StreamReader(fileStream))

                    //todo: string split function to many memory allocation,
                    while (input.Peek() > -1)
                        int indexSeparatorPosition = -1;
                        string inputLine = input.ReadLine().Trim();

                        int index = 0;

                        float value = 0;

                        #region old code

                        string[] parts =inputLine.Split(vecPartsSeparator,StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);


                        //other parts with index and value
                        int m = parts.Length - 1;

                        //list of index and value for one vector
                        List<KeyValuePair<int, double>> vec = new List<KeyValuePair<int, double>>(m);
                        //extract index and value
                        for (int j = 0; j < m; j++)

                            //string[] nodeParts = parts[j + 1].Split(idxValSeparator);
                            //index = int.Parse(nodeParts[0]);
                            //value = float.Parse(nodeParts[1], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                            //it is more memory eficcient than above version with split
                            indexSeparatorPosition = parts[j + 1].IndexOf(idxValSeparator[0]);
                            index = int.Parse(parts[j+1].Substring(0,indexSeparatorPosition) );
                            value = float.Parse(parts[j+1].Substring(indexSeparatorPosition+1));

                            vec.Add(new KeyValuePair<int, double>(index, value));
                            // v[index] = value;


                        //add one space to the end of line, needed for parsing
                        string oneLine = new StringBuilder(inputLine).Append(" ").ToString();

                        int partBegin = -1, partEnd = -1;

                        partBegin = oneLine.IndexOf(vecPartsSeparator[0]);
                        //from begining to first space is label
                        float dataLabel = float.Parse(oneLine.Substring(0, partBegin), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                        if (coutLabels.ContainsKey(dataLabel))
                            coutLabels[dataLabel] = 1;

                        index = -1;

                        value = -1;
                        partEnd = oneLine.IndexOf(vecPartsSeparator[0], partBegin + 1);

                        while (partEnd > 0)

                            indexSeparatorPosition = oneLine.IndexOf(idxValSeparator[0], partBegin);
                            index = int.Parse(oneLine.Substring(partBegin + 1, indexSeparatorPosition - (partBegin + 1)));

                            if (index < 1)
                                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("indexes should start from 1 not from 0");

                            value = float.Parse(oneLine.Substring(indexSeparatorPosition + 1, partEnd - (indexSeparatorPosition + 1)), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                            vec.Add(new KeyValuePair<int, float>(index, value));
                            partBegin = partEnd;
                            partEnd = oneLine.IndexOf(vecPartsSeparator[0], partBegin + 1);


                        if (vec.Count > 0)
                            max_index = Math.Max(max_index, index);


                        //we implictie set numberOfFeatures if max_index is less then numberOfFeatures
                        if (max_index <= numberOfFeatures)
                            max_index = numberOfFeatures;
                            //how many previosus vectors has wrong (less) dim size
                            indexAboveFeature = dnaVectors.Count;

                        // vectors.Add(vec.ToArray());

                        dnaVectors.Add(new SparseVec(max_index, vec));

                        //clear vector parts
                    }//end while


            for (int i = 0; i < indexAboveFeature; i++)
                dnaVectors[i].Dim = max_index;

            int numberOfClasses = coutLabels.Count;
            var elementClasses = coutLabels.Keys.ToArray();
           // Array.Sort(elementClasses);

            return new Problem<SparseVec>(dnaVectors.ToArray(), labels.ToArray(), max_index,numberOfClasses,elementClasses);
        private void SubstituteParam(StringBuilder source, CodeDataGeneratorParam p)
            if (p.Value != null)
                int beginInd = source.IndexOf(p.KeyBegin);
                if (beginInd != -1)
                    int endInd = source.IndexOf(p.KeyEnd, beginInd);

                    int ind, length;
                    if (!p.SaveKey)
                        ind = beginInd;
                        length = endInd + p.KeyEnd.Length - ind;
                        ind = beginInd + p.KeyBegin.Length;
                        length = endInd - ind;
                    source = source.Remove(ind, length);

                    if (!IgnoreIndents)
                        source = InsertWithIndents(source, ind, p.Value);
                        source = source.Insert(ind, p.Value);
Exemple #16
 public void IndexTest()
     StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder("Hello");
     Assert.AreEqual(1, str.IndexOf("el"));
     Assert.AreEqual(3, str.LastIndexOf("l"));
Exemple #17
        public static string ClearComments(this string html)
            html = html.CleanHeader();

            var starts = new List<int>();
            for (var i = 0; i < html.Length; i++)
                if (i >= html.Length - 4)

                i = html.IndexOf(@"<!--", i, StringComparison.Ordinal);
                if (i == -1)

            var ends = starts.Select(start => html.IndexOf(@"-->", start, StringComparison.Ordinal) + 3).ToList();

            var content = new StringBuilder(html).ToString(); 
            //Enable cleaning mso styling
            content = starts.Select((t, i) => html.Substring(t, ends[i] - t)).Aggregate(content, (current, comment) => current.Replace(comment, ""));

            content = content.Replace(@"<![if !vml]>", "");
            content = content.Replace(@"<![endif]>", "");

            content = content.Substring(content.IndexOf("<body"));
            content = content.Substring(content.IndexOf(">") + 1);
            content = content.Remove(content.LastIndexOf("</body>"), content.Length - content.LastIndexOf("</body>"));

            //deleting index from description
            if (content.Contains("<div style='mso-element:comment-list'>"))
                content = content.Remove(content.IndexOf("<div style='mso-element:comment-list'>"));

            for (int i = 0; ; i++)
                if (!content.Contains(">["))
                //content = content.Remove(content.IndexOf(">[")+1, 5);
                content = content.Remove(content.IndexOf(">[") + 1, (content.IndexOf("]</a>")+1) - (content.IndexOf(">[") + 1));
            return content.Trim();

 public string RemoveTags(string content)
     var templateParts = new string[] { "<", ">" };
     int startPos = content.IndexOf(templateParts[0]);
     if (startPos == -1) return content.Replace('\0', ' ').Trim(); ;
     int endPos = content.IndexOf(templateParts[1], startPos + templateParts[0].Length);
     while (startPos != -1 && endPos != -1)
         content = content.Remove(startPos, endPos + 1 - startPos);
         startPos = content.IndexOf(templateParts[0]);
         if (startPos == -1) return content.Replace('\0', ' ').Trim();
         endPos = content.IndexOf(templateParts[1], startPos + templateParts[0].Length);
     return content.Replace('\0', ' ').Trim();//TrimEnd('\0');
 bool IsSource(StringBuilder serviceData)
     return serviceData.IndexOf("<Source ", 0, false) == 0;
        public static string GetWordAfter(string stringToStartAfter, StringBuilder entireString, int indexToStartAt, StringComparison comparison)
            int indexOf = entireString.IndexOf(stringToStartAfter, indexToStartAt, true);
            if (indexOf != -1)
                int startOfWord = indexOf + stringToStartAfter.Length;

                // Let's not count the start of the word if it's a newline
                while (entireString[startOfWord] == WhitespaceChars[0] ||
                    entireString[startOfWord] == WhitespaceChars[1] ||
                    entireString[startOfWord] == WhitespaceChars[2] ||
                    entireString[startOfWord] == WhitespaceChars[3])

                int endOfWord = entireString.IndexOfAny(WhitespaceChars, startOfWord);
                if (endOfWord == -1)
                    endOfWord = entireString.Length;

                return entireString.Substring(startOfWord, endOfWord - startOfWord);
                return null;
Exemple #21
        // TODO: cjr: would be best to have this non default to false, so that will be the next step once it all works
        public StringBuilder ToServiceDefinition(bool prepairForDeployment = false)
            //TODO this method replicates functionality that is available in the server. There is a serious need to create a common library for resource contracts and resource serialization.
            StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();

            if(ResourceType == ResourceType.WorkflowService)
                var msg = Environment.ResourceRepository.FetchResourceDefinition(Environment, GlobalConstants.ServerWorkspaceID, ID, false);
                StringBuilder xaml = WorkflowXaml;

                if ((xaml==null || xaml.Length==0) && msg != null && msg.Message != null)
                    xaml = msg.Message;
                if (xaml != null && xaml.Length != 0)
                    var service = CreateWorkflowXElement(xaml);
                    // save to the string builder ;)
                    XmlWriterSettings xws = new XmlWriterSettings { OmitXmlDeclaration = true };
                    using (XmlWriter xwriter = XmlWriter.Create(result, xws))
            else if(ResourceType == ResourceType.Source || ResourceType == ResourceType.Service)
                var msg = Environment.ResourceRepository.FetchResourceDefinition(Environment, GlobalConstants.ServerWorkspaceID, ID, prepairForDeployment);
                result = msg.Message;

                if(result == null || result.Length == 0)
                    result = WorkflowXaml;

                if(ResourceType == ResourceType.Service)
                    var completeDefintion = CreateServiceXElement(result);
                    result = completeDefintion.ToStringBuilder();

                //2013.07.05: Ashley Lewis for bug 9487 - category may have changed!
                var startNode = result.IndexOf("<Category>", 0, true) + "<Category>".Length;
                var endNode = result.IndexOf("</Category>", 0, true);
                if(endNode > startNode)
                    var len = (endNode - startNode);
                    var oldCategory = result.Substring(startNode, len);
                    if(oldCategory != Category)
                        result = result.Replace(oldCategory, Category);
                throw new Exception("ToServiceDefinition doesn't support resources of type source. Sources are meant to be managed through the Web API.");

            return result;
Exemple #22
    public void TestEx()
        StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

        /// <summary>
        /// constructor, open template from file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AFullPath"></param>
        public ProcessTemplate(string AFullPath = null)
            if ((AFullPath == null) || (AFullPath.Length == 0))

            if (!File.Exists(AFullPath))
                throw new Exception("Cannot find template file " + AFullPath + "; please adjust the TemplateDir parameter");

            StreamReader r;
            r = File.OpenText(AFullPath);
            FTemplateCode = new StringBuilder();

            while (!r.EndOfStream)
                string line = r.ReadLine().TrimEnd(new char[] { '\r', '\t', ' ', '\n' }).Replace("\t", "    ");


            // add other files, {#INCLUDE <filename>}
            while (FTemplateCode.Contains("{#INCLUDE "))
                Int32 pos = FTemplateCode.IndexOf("{#INCLUDE ");
                Int32 newLinePos = FTemplateCode.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine, pos);
                string line = FTemplateCode.Substring(pos, newLinePos - pos);
                Int32 bracketClosePos = FTemplateCode.IndexOf("}", pos);
                string filename = FTemplateCode.Substring(pos + "{#INCLUDE ".Length, bracketClosePos - pos - "{#INCLUDE ".Length).Trim();

                // do this recursively, to get snippets and code in the right place, even from the include files
                ProcessTemplate includedTemplate = new ProcessTemplate(Path.GetDirectoryName(AFullPath) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + filename);

                FTemplateCode = FTemplateCode.Replace(line, includedTemplate.FTemplateCode.ToString());

                foreach (string key in includedTemplate.FSnippets.Keys)
                    FSnippets.Add(key, includedTemplate.FSnippets[key]);

            // split off snippets (identified by "{##")
            if (FTemplateCode.Contains("{##"))
                StringCollection snippets = StringHelper.StrSplit(FTemplateCode.ToString(), "{##");

                // first part is the actual template code
                FTemplateCode = new StringBuilder(snippets[0]);

                for (int counter = 1; counter < snippets.Count; counter++)
                    string snippetName = snippets[counter].Substring(0, snippets[counter].IndexOf("}"));

                    // exclude first newline
                    string snippetText = snippets[counter].Substring(snippets[counter].IndexOf(Environment.NewLine) + Environment.NewLine.Length);

                    // remove all whitespaces from the end, but keep one line ending for ENDIF etc
                    snippetText = snippetText.TrimEnd(new char[] { '\n', '\r', ' ', '\t' }) + Environment.NewLine;
                    FSnippets.Add(snippetName, snippetText);

            // just make sure that there is a newline at the end, for ENDIF etc
        /// <summary>
        /// clean up the code, remove spaces, too many empty lines
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void BeautifyCode(ref StringBuilder s)
            // remove spaces at end of line
            while (s.IndexOf(" " + Environment.NewLine) != -1)
                s.Replace(" " + Environment.NewLine, Environment.NewLine);

            // remove 2 or more empty lines and replace with just one
            while (s.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine) != -1)
                s.Replace(Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine, Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);
        public void ExtensionMethods_IndexOf_WhenStringBuilderDoesContainValueAndIndexIsAfter_ExpectNegativeIndex()
            //------------Setup for test--------------------------
            StringBuilder value = new StringBuilder("a b c");

            //------------Execute Test---------------------------
            var result = value.IndexOf("a", 1, false);

            //------------Assert Results-------------------------
            Assert.AreEqual(-1, result);
        /// check if all placeholders have been replaced in the template; ignore IFDEF
        public Boolean CheckTemplateCompletion(StringBuilder s)
            int posPlaceholder = s.IndexOf("{#");
            string remainingTemplatePlaceholders = "";

            while (posPlaceholder > -1)
                string latestPlaceholder = s.Substring(posPlaceholder + 2, s.IndexOf("}", posPlaceholder) - posPlaceholder - 2);
                remainingTemplatePlaceholders +=
                    latestPlaceholder + Environment.NewLine;
                posPlaceholder = s.IndexOf("{#", posPlaceholder + 2);

            if (remainingTemplatePlaceholders.Length > 0)
                if (FDestinationFile.Length > 0)
                    StreamWriter FWriter;
                    FWriter = File.CreateText(FDestinationFile + ".error");

                    throw new Exception("The template has not completely been filled in. " +
                        Environment.NewLine + "You are missing: " + Environment.NewLine +
                        remainingTemplatePlaceholders + Environment.NewLine +
                        "Check file " + FDestinationFile + ".error");
                    TLogging.Log("Failure in this code: ");

                    throw new Exception("The template has not completely been filled in. " +
                        Environment.NewLine + "You are missing: " + Environment.NewLine +

            return true;
        public void ExtensionMethods_IndexOf_WhenStringBuilderContainsValue_ExpectValidIndex()
            //------------Setup for test--------------------------
            StringBuilder value = new StringBuilder("a b c");

            //------------Execute Test---------------------------
            var result = value.IndexOf("b", 0, true);

            //------------Assert Results-------------------------
            Assert.AreEqual(2, result);
        StringBuilder RemoveSignature(StringBuilder sb)
            const string SignatureStart = "<Signature xmlns";
            const string SignatureEnd = "</Signature>";

            var startIdx = sb.IndexOf(SignatureStart, 0,false);
            if (startIdx >= 0)
                var endIdx = sb.IndexOf(SignatureEnd, startIdx,false);

                if (endIdx >= 0)
                    var len = endIdx - startIdx + SignatureEnd.Length;
                    return sb.Remove(startIdx, len);

            return sb;
Exemple #29
        internal static int GetIndexAfter(string stringToSearchFor, StringBuilder entireStringToSearchIn)
            int indexOfString = entireStringToSearchIn.IndexOf(stringToSearchFor);
            if (indexOfString == -1)
                return -1;
                int returnValue = indexOfString + stringToSearchFor.Length + 1;
                if (entireStringToSearchIn[returnValue] == '\n')

                return returnValue;
Exemple #30
        public static void SetClassNameAndNamespace(string classNamespace, string elementName, StringBuilder templateCode, bool useGlobalContent, string replacementContentManagerName, string inheritance)

            string namespaceToReplace = StringFunctions.GetWordAfter("namespace ", templateCode);
            bool isScreen = namespaceToReplace.Contains("Screen");
            string classNameToReplace = StringFunctions.GetWordAfter("public partial class ", templateCode);
            if (isScreen)
                templateCode.Replace("namespace " + namespaceToReplace,
                    "namespace " + classNamespace);

                if (useGlobalContent)
                    // replace the content mangaer name with the global content manager
                    templateCode.Replace("\"" + classNameToReplace + "\"", replacementContentManagerName);

                string whatToReplaceWith = "";

                //if (projectNamespace.Contains(".Entities."))
                // Not sure why we require the period at the end of Entities
                if(classNamespace.Contains(".Entities") && classNamespace.IndexOf('.') == classNamespace.IndexOf(".Entities"))
                    // This is a full namespace.  Okay, let's just use that
                    whatToReplaceWith = "namespace " + classNamespace;
                    // We gotta put Entities at the end ourselves
                    whatToReplaceWith = "namespace " + classNamespace + ".Entities";

                templateCode.Replace("namespace " + namespaceToReplace,

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(inheritance))

                var indexOfClass = templateCode.IndexOf("class " + elementName);

                if (indexOfClass != -1)
                    int length = ("class " + elementName).Length;
                    templateCode.Insert(indexOfClass + length, " : " + inheritance);

        static void Main(string[] args)
            StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
            str.Append("Hello_World !!!");
            Console.WriteLine("Index is at: " + str.IndexOf("World", 1));
            Console.WriteLine("Index is at: " + str.IndexOf("H"));
            Console.WriteLine("Index is at: " + str.IndexOf("e"));
            Console.WriteLine("Index is at: " + str.IndexOf("l"));
            Console.WriteLine("Index is at: " + str.IndexOf("l", 3));
            Console.WriteLine("Index is at: " + str.IndexOf("o"));
            Console.WriteLine("Index is at: " + str.IndexOf("W"));
            Console.WriteLine("Index is at: " + str.IndexOf("o"));
            Console.WriteLine("Index is at: " + str.IndexOf("r"));
            Console.WriteLine("Index is at: " + str.IndexOf("l"));
            Console.WriteLine("Index is at: " + str.IndexOf("d"));

            Console.WriteLine("Substring 5 to end: " + str.Substring(5));

            Console.WriteLine("Substring 1, length 1: " + str.Substring(1, 1));

            StringBuilder[] strs = str.Split(new String[] { " ", "_" });

            Console.WriteLine("Does string contain Hello? " + str.Contains("Hello"));

            Console.WriteLine("Does string end with !!!? " + str.EndsWith("!!!"));

            Console.WriteLine("Last index of !: " + str.LastIndexOf("!"));

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");