Exemple #1
        // Select this pen into a graphics object.
        public void Select(IToolkitGraphics _graphics)
            PostscriptGraphics graphics = (_graphics as PostscriptGraphics);

            if (graphics != null)
                if (selectedInto == graphics &&
                    graphics.selectObject == this)
                    // Same pen as last time, so don't output a
                    // redundant version of the Postscript definitions.
                if (selectedInto != null)
                    selectedInto.selectObject = null;
                    selectedInto = null;
                graphics.writer.WriteLine("grestore gsave");
                switch (properties.PenType)
                case PenType.SolidColor:
                    Color color = properties.Color;
                                                #if CONFIG_EXTENDED_NUMERICS
                        ("{0} {1} {2} setrgbcolor",
                        ((double)(color.R)) / 255.0,
                        ((double)(color.G)) / 255.0,
                        ((double)(color.B)) / 255.0);

                    // TODO: other pen types
                                #if CONFIG_EXTENDED_NUMERICS
                graphics.writer.WriteLine("{0} setlinewidth",
                graphics.writer.WriteLine("{0} setlinewidth",
                // TODO: caps, joins, miters, etc
                selectedInto          = graphics;
                graphics.selectObject = this;
	// Select this pen into a graphics object.
	public void Select(IToolkitGraphics _graphics)
				PostscriptGraphics graphics = (_graphics as PostscriptGraphics);
				if(graphics != null)
					if(selectedInto == graphics &&
					   graphics.selectObject == this)
						// Same pen as last time, so don't output a
						// redundant version of the Postscript definitions.
					if(selectedInto != null)
						selectedInto.selectObject = null;
						selectedInto = null;
					graphics.writer.WriteLine("grestore gsave");
						case PenType.SolidColor:
							Color color = properties.Color;
								("{0} {1} {2} setrgbcolor",
								 ((double)(color.R)) / 255.0,
								 ((double)(color.G)) / 255.0,
								 ((double)(color.B)) / 255.0);

						// TODO: other pen types
					graphics.writer.WriteLine("{0} setlinewidth",
					graphics.writer.WriteLine("{0} setlinewidth",
					// TODO: caps, joins, miters, etc
					selectedInto = graphics;
					graphics.selectObject = this;
Exemple #3
        private void CompileFrameData(Frame f)
            int width            = f.Width;
            int height           = f.Height;
            int stride           = f.Stride;
            int fMaskStride      = f.MaskStride;
            int transparentPixel = f.TransparentPixel;

            int[]       fPalette    = f.Palette;
            byte[]      fData       = f.Data;
            byte[]      fMask       = f.Mask;
            PixelFormat pixelFormat = f.PixelFormat;

            int maskStride = (width + 7) / 8;

            byte[] mask = new byte[height * maskStride];
            if (fMask != null)
                // the mask in the frame is padded to 4-bytes, while the
                // masks in postscript are padded to 1-byte, so perform a
                // conversion if necessary, but direct copy if possible
                if (maskStride == fMaskStride)
                    Array.Copy(fMask, 0, mask, 0, mask.Length);
                    int i = 0;
                    int j = 0;
                    int k = 0;
                    while (i < height)
                        Array.Copy(fMask, j, mask, k, maskStride);
                        j += fMaskStride;
                        k += maskStride;
            byte[] data       = new byte[width * 3 * height];
            int    offset     = 0;
            int    maskOffset = 0;

            for (int y = 0, i = 0; y < height; ++y)
                for (int x = 0, ptr = offset; x < width; ++x)
                    switch (pixelFormat)
                    case PixelFormat.Format64bppPArgb:
                        byte a = fData[ptr + 7];
                        if (a != 0)
                            data[i + 2] = (byte)((fData[ptr + 1] * 255) / a);
                            data[i + 1] = (byte)((fData[ptr + 3] * 255) / a);
                            data[i]     = (byte)((fData[ptr + 5] * 255) / a);
                        i   += 3;
                        ptr += 8;

                    case PixelFormat.Format64bppArgb:
                        data[i + 2] = fData[ptr + 1];
                        data[i + 1] = fData[ptr + 3];
                        data[i]     = fData[ptr + 5];
                        i          += 3;
                        ptr        += 8;

                    case PixelFormat.Format48bppRgb:
                        data[i + 2] = fData[ptr + 1];
                        data[i + 1] = fData[ptr + 3];
                        data[i]     = fData[ptr + 5];
                        i          += 3;
                        ptr        += 6;

                    case PixelFormat.Format32bppPArgb:
                        byte a = fData[ptr + 3];
                        if (a != 0)
                            data[i + 2] = (byte)((fData[ptr] * 255) / a);
                            data[i + 1] = (byte)((fData[ptr + 1] * 255) / a);
                            data[i]     = (byte)((fData[ptr + 2] * 255) / a);
                        i   += 3;
                        ptr += 4;

                    case PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb:
                        data[i + 2] = fData[ptr++];
                        data[i + 1] = fData[ptr++];
                        data[i]     = fData[ptr++];
                        i          += 3;

                    case PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb:
                        data[i + 2] = fData[ptr++];
                        data[i + 1] = fData[ptr++];
                        data[i]     = fData[ptr++];
                        i          += 3;

                    case PixelFormat.Format16bppRgb565:
                        int g = fData[ptr++];
                        int r = fData[ptr++];
                        int b = (g & 0x1F) * 255 / 31;
                        g         = (r << 3 & 0x38 | g >> 5 & 0x07) * 255 / 63;
                        r         = (r >> 3) * 255 / 31;
                        data[i++] = (byte)r;
                        data[i++] = (byte)g;
                        data[i++] = (byte)b;

                    case PixelFormat.Format16bppRgb555:
                        int g = fData[ptr++];
                        int r = fData[ptr++];
                        int b = (g & 0x1F) * 255 / 31;
                        g         = (r << 3 & 0x18 | g >> 5 & 0x07) * 255 / 31;
                        r         = (r >> 2 & 0x1F) * 255 / 31;
                        data[i++] = (byte)r;
                        data[i++] = (byte)g;
                        data[i++] = (byte)b;

                    case (PixelFormat.Format16bppGrayScale):
                        byte all = data[ptr++];
                        data[i++] = (byte)all;
                        data[i++] = (byte)all;
                        data[i++] = (byte)all;

                    case PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed:
                        int idx   = fData[ptr++];
                        int color = fPalette[idx];
                        data[i++] = (byte)(color >> 16);
                        data[i++] = (byte)(color >> 8);
                        data[i++] = (byte)(color);
                        if (transparentPixel == idx)
                            int mptr = maskOffset + x / 8;
                            mask[mptr] |= (byte)(1 << (7 - (x & 0x07)));

                    case PixelFormat.Format4bppIndexed:
                        int idx   = fData[ptr++] >> 4;
                        int color = fPalette[idx];
                        data[i++] = (byte)(color >> 16);
                        data[i++] = (byte)(color >> 8);
                        data[i++] = (byte)(color);
                        if (transparentPixel == idx)
                            int mptr = maskOffset + x / 8;
                            mask[mptr] |= (byte)(1 << (7 - (x & 0x07)));
                        if (x < width)
                            idx       = fData[ptr++] & 0x0F;
                            color     = fPalette[idx];
                            data[i++] = (byte)(color >> 16);
                            data[i++] = (byte)(color >> 8);
                            data[i++] = (byte)(color);
                            if (transparentPixel == idx)
                                int mptr = maskOffset + x / 8;
                                mask[mptr] |= (byte)(1 << (7 - (x & 0x07)));

                    case PixelFormat.Format1bppIndexed:
                        byte r0    = (byte)(fPalette[0] >> 16);
                        byte g0    = (byte)(fPalette[0] >> 8);
                        byte b0    = (byte)(fPalette[0]);
                        byte r1    = (byte)(fPalette[1] >> 16);
                        byte g1    = (byte)(fPalette[1] >> 8);
                        byte b1    = (byte)(fPalette[1]);
                        byte val   = fData[ptr++];
                        byte m     = 0x80;
                        int  j     = 0;
                        int  limit = ((width - x) < 8) ? (width - x) : 8;
                        int  mptr  = ptr - 1;
                        while (j < limit)
                            m = (byte)(m >> j);
                            if ((val & m) == 0)
                                data[i++] = r0;
                                data[i++] = g0;
                                data[i++] = b0;
                                if (transparentPixel == 0)
                                    mask[mptr] |= (byte)(1 << j);
                                data[i++] = r1;
                                data[i++] = g1;
                                data[i++] = b1;
                                if (transparentPixel == 1)
                                    mask[mptr] |= (byte)(1 << j);
                        x += j;

                        imageDataDict  = null;
                        imageData      = null;
                        maskDataDict   = null;
                        maskDataStream = null;
                        // Not reached.
                    offset     += stride;
                    maskOffset += maskStride;
            imageData      = PostscriptGraphics.ASCII85Encode(data);
            maskDataStream = String.Format
                                 ("currentfile /ASCII85Decode filter " +
                                 "/ReusableStreamDecode filter " +
                                 "{0} /maskstream exch def ",
Exemple #4
 // Constructor.
 public PostscriptPen(Pen properties)
     this.properties   = properties;
     this.selectedInto = null;
	// Constructor.
	public PostscriptPen(Pen properties)
				this.properties = properties;
				this.selectedInto = null;