Exemple #1
        /// <param name="codeBaseUri">Uri pointing to the assembly</param>
        public static bool Contains(Uri codeBaseUri)
            if(codeBaseUri == null)
                Debug.Fail("codeBaseUri == null");
                return false;

                    GlobalAssemblyCache.FusionLoaded = true;
                    System.Reflection.Assembly systemAssembly = typeof(object).Assembly;
                    //^ assume systemAssembly != null && systemAssembly.Location != null;
                    string dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(systemAssembly.Location);
                    //^ assume dir != null;
                    GlobalAssemblyCache.LoadLibrary(Path.Combine(dir, "fusion.dll"));

                IAssemblyEnum assemblyEnum;
                int rc = GlobalAssemblyCache.CreateAssemblyEnum(out assemblyEnum, null, null, GAC, 0);

                if(rc < 0 || assemblyEnum == null)
                    return false;

                IApplicationContext applicationContext;
                IAssemblyName currentName;

                while(assemblyEnum.GetNextAssembly(out applicationContext, out currentName, 0) == 0)
                    //^ assume currentName != null;
                    AssemblyName assemblyName = new AssemblyName(currentName);
                    string scheme = codeBaseUri.Scheme;

                    if(scheme != null && assemblyName.CodeBase.StartsWith(scheme))
                            Uri foundUri = new Uri(assemblyName.CodeBase);
                                return true;

                return false;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the original location of the corresponding assembly if available, otherwise returns the
        /// location of the shadow copy.  If the corresponding assembly is not in the GAC, null is returned.
        /// </summary>
        public static string GetLocation(AssemblyReference assemblyReference)
            if(assemblyReference == null)
                Debug.Fail("assemblyReference == null");
                return null;

                    GlobalAssemblyCache.FusionLoaded = true;
                    System.Reflection.Assembly systemAssembly = typeof(object).Assembly;
                    //^ assume systemAssembly != null && systemAssembly.Location != null;
                    string dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(systemAssembly.Location);
                    //^ assume dir != null;
                    GlobalAssemblyCache.LoadLibrary(Path.Combine(dir, "fusion.dll"));

                IAssemblyEnum assemblyEnum;
                CreateAssemblyEnum(out assemblyEnum, null, null, GAC, 0);

                if(assemblyEnum == null)
                    return null;

                IApplicationContext applicationContext;
                IAssemblyName currentName;

                while(assemblyEnum.GetNextAssembly(out applicationContext, out currentName, 0) == 0)
                    //^ assume currentName != null;
                    AssemblyName aName = new AssemblyName(currentName);

                    if(assemblyReference.Matches(aName.Name, aName.Version, aName.Culture, aName.PublicKeyToken))
                        string codeBase = aName.CodeBase;

                        if(codeBase != null && codeBase.StartsWith("file:///"))
                            return codeBase.Substring(8);

                        return aName.GetLocation();

                return null;