Exemple #1
        private Tuple <ulong, ulong> PerformSeedSearch()
            Log("Searching for a matching seed... Search may take a while.");
            SeedSearchUtil.SpecificSeedSearch(RaidInfo, out long frames, out ulong seed, out ulong threeDay, out string ivSpread);
            if (ivSpread == string.Empty)
                Log($"No results found within the specified search range.");
                return(new Tuple <ulong, ulong>(0, 0));

            var species  = RaidInfo.Den.IsEvent ? RaidInfo.RaidDistributionEncounter.Species : RaidInfo.RaidEncounter.Species;
            var specName = SpeciesName.GetSpeciesNameGeneration((int)species, 2, 8);
            var form     = TradeExtensions.FormOutput((int)(RaidInfo.Den.IsEvent ? RaidInfo.RaidDistributionEncounter.Species : RaidInfo.RaidEncounter.Species), (int)(RaidInfo.Den.IsEvent ? RaidInfo.RaidDistributionEncounter.AltForm : RaidInfo.RaidEncounter.AltForm), out _);
            var results  = $"\n\nDesired species: {(uint)RaidInfo.Den.Stars + 1}★ - {specName}{form}\n" +
                           $"\n{ivSpread}\n" +
                           $"\nStarting seed: {RaidInfo.Den.Seed:X16}\n" +
                           $"Target frame seed: {seed:X16}\n" +
                           $"Three day roll: {threeDay:X16}\n" +
                           $"Skips to target frame: {frames:N0}\n";

            return(new Tuple <ulong, ulong>(seed, threeDay));