public void AssertThat_GetCorners_Throws_WhenPresentedAnArrayWhichIsTooSmall()
            var rect = new BoundingRectangle(new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(10, 10));

            Vector2[] arr = new Vector2[2];
        public void AssertThat_Inflate_ByNegativeValue_DecreasesSize()
            BoundingRectangle s = new BoundingRectangle(new Vector2(0), new Vector2(10));

            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector2(3), s.Inflate(-6).Min);
            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector2(7), s.Inflate(-6).Max);
        public void AssertThat_Inflate_IncreasesSize()
            BoundingRectangle s = new BoundingRectangle(new Vector2(0), new Vector2(10));

            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector2(-5), s.Inflate(10).Min);
            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector2(15), s.Inflate(10).Max);
        public void AssertThat_Intersection_ReturnsNothing_WhenNotOverlappingWithGapBottomLeft()
            var a = new BoundingRectangle(new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(10, 10));
            var b = new BoundingRectangle(new Vector2(-5, -5), new Vector2(-15, -15));

            // ReSharper disable once PossibleInvalidOperationException
        public void AssertThat_Intersection_ReturnsIntersectingArea()
            var a = new BoundingRectangle(new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(10, 10));
            var b = new BoundingRectangle(new Vector2(5, 5), new Vector2(15, 15));

            // ReSharper disable once PossibleInvalidOperationException
            var m = a.Intersection(b).Value;

            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector2(5, 5), m.Min);
            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector2(10, 10), m.Max);
        public void AssertThat_GetCorners_GetsCorners()
            var rect = new BoundingRectangle(new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(10, 10));

            var corners = rect.GetCorners();

            Assert.AreEqual(4, corners.Length);
            Assert.IsTrue(corners.Contains(new Vector2(0, 0)));
            Assert.IsTrue(corners.Contains(new Vector2(0, 10)));
            Assert.IsTrue(corners.Contains(new Vector2(10, 0)));
            Assert.IsTrue(corners.Contains(new Vector2(10, 10)));
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates the smallest BoundingRectangle that contains the two specified BoundingRectangle instances.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="original">One of the BoundingRectangles to contain.</param><param name="additional">One of the BoundingRectangles to contain.</param>
 public static BoundingRectangle CreateMerged(BoundingRectangle original, BoundingRectangle additional)
     BoundingRectangle result;
     CreateMerged(ref original, ref additional, out result);
     return result;
Exemple #8
 public IEnumerable<BoundingRectangle> Overlaps(BoundingRectangle query)
     //todo: this could be optimised to some kind of interval tree to more efficiently find overlaps
     return _screenSpaceBounds.Where(bound => bound.Intersects(query));
 public bool Intersects(BoundingRectangle box)
     bool result;
     Intersects(ref box, out result);
     return result;
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks whether the current BoundingRectangle intersects another BoundingRectangle.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="box">The BoundingRectangle to check for intersection with.</param><param name="result">[OutAttribute] true if the BoundingRectangle instances intersect; false otherwise.</param>
 public void Intersects(ref BoundingRectangle box, out bool result)
     result = box.Min.X < Max.X && box.Max.X > Min.X
           && box.Min.Y < Max.Y && box.Max.Y > Min.Y;
Exemple #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets whether or not the provided <see cref="BoundingRectangle"/> lies within the bounds of this <see cref="BoundingRectangle"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value">The <see cref="BoundingRectangle"/> to check for inclusion in this <see cref="BoundingRectangle"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="result"><c>true</c> if the provided <see cref="BoundingRectangle"/>'s bounds lie entirely inside this <see cref="BoundingRectangle"/>; <c>false</c> otherwise. As an output parameter.</param>
 public void Contains(ref BoundingRectangle value, out bool result)
     result = Vector2.Min(value.Min, Min) == Min &&
              Vector2.Max(value.Max, Max) == Max;
        public BoundingRectangle? Intersection(ref BoundingRectangle box)
            var min = Vector2.Max(Min, box.Min);
            var max = Vector2.Min(Max, box.Max);

            //Check if the min of the overlap is not the min, this means the overlap is inverted and not actually an overlap
            if (Vector2.Min(min, max) != min)
                return null;

            return new BoundingRectangle(min, max);
Exemple #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks whether the current BoundingRectangle intersects another BoundingRectangle.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="box">The BoundingRectangle to check for intersection with.</param><param name="result">[OutAttribute] true if the BoundingRectangle instances intersect; false otherwise.</param>
 public void Intersects(ref BoundingRectangle box, out bool result)
     result = box.Min.X <Max.X && box.Max.X> Min.X &&
              box.Min.Y <Max.Y && box.Max.Y> Min.Y;
Exemple #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates the smallest BoundingRectangle that contains the two specified BoundingRectangle instances.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="original">One of the BoundingRectangle instances to contain.</param><param name="additional">One of the BoundingRectangle instances to contain.</param><param name="result">[OutAttribute] The created BoundingRectangle.</param>
 public static void CreateMerged(ref BoundingRectangle original, ref BoundingRectangle additional, out BoundingRectangle result)
     result = new BoundingRectangle(
         Vector2.Min(original.Min, additional.Min),
         Vector2.Max(original.Max, additional.Max)
        /// <summary>
        /// Expand bounding rectangle by distance / 2 at min and max (total of distance)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rectangle">The rectangle to mutate</param>
        /// <param name="distance"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static void Inflate(ref BoundingRectangle rectangle, float distance)
            var min = rectangle.Min - new Vector2(distance / 2);
            var max = rectangle.Max + new Vector2(distance / 2);

            if (distance < 0)
                if (Vector2.Min(min, max) != min)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("distance", "Distance specified to inflate rectangle is a negative value larger than the total diagonal size of the rectangle (doing this would invert the rectangle!");

            rectangle.Min = min;
            rectangle.Max = max;
 public bool Contains(BoundingRectangle value)
     bool result;
     Contains(ref value, out result);
     return result;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates the smallest BoundingRectangle that contains the two specified BoundingRectangle instances.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="original">One of the BoundingRectangle instances to contain.</param><param name="additional">One of the BoundingRectangle instances to contain.</param><param name="result">[OutAttribute] The created BoundingRectangle.</param>
 public static void CreateMerged(ref BoundingRectangle original, ref BoundingRectangle additional, out BoundingRectangle result)
     result = new BoundingRectangle(
         Vector2.Min(original.Min, additional.Min),
         Vector2.Max(original.Max, additional.Max)
Exemple #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks whether the current Ray intersects a BoundingRectangle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="box">The BoundingRectangle to check for intersection with.</param><param name="result">[OutAttribute] Distance at which the ray intersects the BoundingBox or null if there is no intersection.</param>
        public void Intersects(ref BoundingRectangle box, out float? result)
            const float EPSILON = 1e-6f;

            float? tMin = null, tMax = null;

            if (Math.Abs(Direction.X) < EPSILON)
                if (Position.X < box.Min.X || Position.X > box.Max.X)
                    result = null;
                tMin = (box.Min.X - Position.X) / Direction.X;
                tMax = (box.Max.X - Position.X) / Direction.X;

                if (tMin > tMax)
                    var temp = tMin;
                    tMin = tMax;
                    tMax = temp;

            if (Math.Abs(Direction.Y) < EPSILON)
                if (Position.Y < box.Min.Y || Position.Y > box.Max.Y)
                    result = null;
                var tMinY = (box.Min.Y - Position.Y) / Direction.Y;
                var tMaxY = (box.Max.Y - Position.Y) / Direction.Y;

                if (tMinY > tMaxY)
                    var temp = tMinY;
                    tMinY = tMaxY;
                    tMaxY = temp;

                if ((tMin.HasValue && tMin > tMaxY) || (tMax.HasValue && tMinY > tMax))
                    result = null;

                if (!tMin.HasValue || tMinY > tMin) tMin = tMinY;
                if (!tMax.HasValue || tMaxY < tMax) tMax = tMaxY;

            // having a positive tMin and a negative tMax means the ray is inside the box
            // we expect the intesection distance to be 0 in that case
            if ((tMin.HasValue && tMin < 0) && tMax > 0)
                result = 0;

            // a negative tMin means that the intersection point is behind the ray's origin
            // we discard these as not hitting the AABB
            if (tMin < 0)
                result = null;

            result = tMin;
Exemple #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks whether the Ray intersects a specified BoundingRectangle.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="box">The BoundingRectangle to check for intersection with the Ray.</param>
 public float? Intersects(BoundingRectangle box)
     float? result;
     Intersects(ref box, out result);
     return result;
Exemple #20
        private static float EstimateError(Layer batch, IGeometry geometry, BoundingRectangle screenSpaceBounds)
            float totalError = 0;
            foreach (var bound in batch.Overlaps(screenSpaceBounds))
                var overlap = bound.Intersection(screenSpaceBounds);

                if (!overlap.HasValue)

                var size = overlap.Value.Max - overlap.Value.Min;
                totalError += size.X * size.Y;

            return totalError;
Exemple #21
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks whether the current BoundingRectangle intersects another BoundingRectangle.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="box">The BoundingBox to check for intersection with.</param>
 [Pure] public bool Intersects(BoundingRectangle box)
     Intersects(ref box, out bool result);
Exemple #22
 /// <summary>
 /// Calculate the intersection of this rectangle and another
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="box"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 [Pure] public BoundingRectangle?Intersection(BoundingRectangle box)
     return(Intersection(ref box));
Exemple #23
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates the smallest BoundingRectangle that contains the two specified BoundingRectangle instances.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="original">One of the BoundingRectangles to contain.</param><param name="additional">One of the BoundingRectangles to contain.</param>
 public static BoundingRectangle CreateMerged(BoundingRectangle original, BoundingRectangle additional)
     CreateMerged(ref original, ref additional, out BoundingRectangle result);
        public void AssertThat_InflateSphere_ByNegativeValueLargerThanSize_Throws()
            BoundingRectangle s = new BoundingRectangle(Vector2.Zero, new Vector2(10));

            var result = s.Inflate(-50);
 public BoundingRectangle? Intersection(BoundingRectangle box)
     return Intersection(ref box);
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets whether or not the provided <see cref="BoundingRectangle"/> lies within the bounds of this <see cref="BoundingRectangle"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value">The <see cref="BoundingRectangle"/> to check for inclusion in this <see cref="BoundingRectangle"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="result"><c>true</c> if the provided <see cref="BoundingRectangle"/>'s bounds lie entirely inside this <see cref="BoundingRectangle"/>; <c>false</c> otherwise. As an output parameter.</param>
 public void Contains(ref BoundingRectangle value, out bool result)
     result = Vector2.Min(value.Min, Min) == Min
           && Vector2.Max(value.Max, Max) == Max;
Exemple #27
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets whether or not the provided <see cref="BoundingRectangle"/> lies within the bounds of this <see cref="BoundingRectangle"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value">The <see cref="BoundingRectangle"/> to check for inclusion in this <see cref="BoundingRectangle"/>.</param>
 /// <returns><c>true</c> if the provided <see cref="BoundingRectangle"/>'s bounds lie entirely inside this <see cref="BoundingRectangle"/>; <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
 [Pure] public bool Contains(BoundingRectangle value)
     Contains(ref value, out bool result);
 public bool Equals(BoundingRectangle other)
     return Min.Equals(other.Min) && Max.Equals(other.Max);
Exemple #29
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines whether two instances of BoundingBox are equal.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="other">The BoundingBox to compare with the current BoundingBox.</param>
 [Pure] public bool Equals(BoundingRectangle other)
     return(Min.Equals(other.Min) &&