Exemple #1
        // Legacy entry point for testing
        private static void LegacyMain(string[] args)
            DirectoryInfo    debugDirectoryInfo = Directory.GetParent(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory());
            string           workingDirectory   = debugDirectoryInfo.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.FullName;
            string           filename           = "AssertTrue.sol";
            string           solcPath           = workingDirectory + "\\Tool\\solc.exe";
            string           filePath           = workingDirectory + "\\Test\\regression\\" + filename;
            SolidityCompiler compiler           = new SolidityCompiler();
            CompilerOutput   compilerOutput     = compiler.Compile(solcPath, filePath);
            AST ast = new AST(compilerOutput);

        public bool Execute(string filename)
            string filePath = testDirectory + "\\" + filename;

            // read the program text
            string programText = File.ReadAllText(filePath);

            // get the text of AST traversal
            SolidityCompiler compiler       = new SolidityCompiler();
            CompilerOutput   compilerOutput = compiler.Compile(solcPath, filePath);
            AST     ast         = new AST(compilerOutput);
            ASTNode sourceUnits = ast.GetSourceUnits();

            return(TextCompare(programText, sourceUnits.ToString()));