public Graves(List<Card> poneGrave, List<Card> ptwoGrave, String poneName, String PtwoName, MainWindow mainWindow)
     playerOneGrave = poneGrave;
     playerTwoGrave = ptwoGrave;
     PlayerOneName = poneName;
     PlayerTwoName = PtwoName;
     playerOne_GraveStack_TextBox.Content = PlayerOneName;
     playerTwo_GraveStack_TextBox.Content = PlayerTwoName;
     playerOne_GraveStack.ItemsSource = playerOneGrave;
     playerTwo_GraveStack.ItemsSource = playerTwoGrave;
     this.mainWindow = mainWindow;
     WarningGrave_TextBox.Text = "Please keep in mind that creatures killed by triggers doesn't show up here. Ask Stoneblade to make a better log :)";
 public DownloadCards(MainWindow mainWindow)
     this.mainWindow = mainWindow;
 public LogInput(SolforgeRawLog rawLog, MainWindow mainWindow)
       this.rawLog = rawLog;
       this.mainWindow = mainWindow;