Exemple #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            while (true)
                Console.WriteLine("What Master Command to send to Koko? (SEND, MODIFY, REQUEST)");
                string input = Console.ReadLine();
                if (input.ToLower() != "exit" && (input.ToLower() == "send" || input.ToLower() == "modify" || input.ToLower() == "request"))
                    MasterCommand MS = new MasterCommand();
                    commandTypeExamples(input, ref MS);

                    //any command object sent must be stringified to JSON first, the string then is sent as bytes
                    string jsonString = Jil.JSON.Serialize(MS);
                    Console.WriteLine("Master Command serialized to JSON string: \n" + jsonString);
                    //Send any byte array through local host like i do here
                    if (!requestForSend)
                        Console.WriteLine("\n\nUDP packet with Master Command has been sent to Koko through localhost!\n\n");

Exemple #2
        static void setArguments(ref MasterCommand MS)
            List <bool> arugmentsAsListBool = new List <bool>();

            for (int k = 0; k < MS.argumentTypes.Length; k++)
            { //for this exmaple only int, stirng and boolean will be considered..
                Console.WriteLine("\nInsert value for argument n. " + (k + 1) + " of type " + getTypeFromInt(MS.argumentTypes[k]) + " with bit length of " + MS.argumentLengths[k] + ".\n");

                if (getTypeFromInt(MS.argumentTypes[k]) == "boolean")
                    //Adding bit for argument which is a boolean
                    bool secondArgumentWhichIsABoolean = Console.ReadLine().ToLower() == "true" ? true : false;
                else if (getTypeFromInt(MS.argumentTypes[k]) == "string")
                    //adding bits for argument which is a string
                    //When passing a string and you're counting its bits, remember it is ASCII encoding!!!!

                    string argumentStringToPass;
                    while (true)
                        argumentStringToPass = Console.ReadLine();
                        if (ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(argumentStringToPass).Length * 8 == MS.argumentLengths[k])
                            Console.WriteLine("The string must be of {0} ASCII characters exactly! Current is {1}", MS.argumentLengths[k], argumentStringToPass.Length);

                    BitArray tba = new BitArray(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(argumentStringToPass));
                    foreach (bool x in tba)
                else if (getTypeFromInt(MS.argumentTypes[k]) == "integer")
                    int tmpInt = 0;
                    int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out tmpInt);
                    BitArray tba = new BitArray(System.BitConverter.GetBytes(tmpInt));
                    foreach (bool x in tba)

            MS.arguments = arugmentsAsListBool;
Exemple #3
        static void msSetupForSend(ref MasterCommand MS, string commandNameOrIdToSend)
            MS.commandType = "SEND";
            //On my end I check first command name then command ID in DB so either is fine.
            //Just make sure that if you send command ID through you use MS.commandId instead of commandName.

            int  cmdId;
            bool isNumeric = int.TryParse(commandNameOrIdToSend, out cmdId);

            if (!isNumeric)
                MS.commandName = commandNameOrIdToSend;
                MS.commandId = commandNameOrIdToSend;

            //my pc mac address format is checked on my end
            MS.destinationMAC = "4C:ED:FB:6A:6C:A2";
            // josh pc MS.destinationMAC = "D8:9D:67:D0:B2:69";
Exemple #4
        static void sendCommandNewArguments(ResponseLocalhost resp)
            //parse json string containing MS related information
            commandFormattedForJSON cmd = Jil.JSON.Deserialize <commandFormattedForJSON>(resp.information);
            MasterCommand           MS  = new MasterCommand();

            MS.commandName     = cmd.commandName.ToLower();
            MS.argumentLengths = cmd.argumentLengths;
            MS.argumentTypes   = cmd.argumentTypes;
            msSetupForSend(ref MS, MS.commandName);
            setArguments(ref MS);

            //after creating the command to SEND (which has the new arguments) send it!

            //any command object sent must be stringified to JSON first, the string then is sent as bytes
            string jsonString = Jil.JSON.Serialize(MS);

            Console.WriteLine("Master Command serialized to JSON string: \n" + jsonString);
            //Send any byte array through local host like i do here

            Console.WriteLine("\n\nUDP packet with Master Command has been sent to Koko through localhost!\n\n");
Exemple #5
        static void commandTypeExamples(string commandType, ref MasterCommand MS)
            if (commandType.ToUpper() == "MODIFY")
                MS.commandType = "MODIFY";

                Console.WriteLine("Do you wnat to update or create a new command?");
                if (Console.ReadLine().ToUpper() == "CREATE")
                    MS.createNewCommand = true;
                    Console.WriteLine("\nChoose a command ID:");
                    MS.commandId = Console.ReadLine();
                    Console.WriteLine("\nCommand name:");
                    MS.commandName = Console.ReadLine();
                    Console.WriteLine("\nCommand description:");
                    MS.description = Console.ReadLine();
                    Console.WriteLine("\nSet argument lengths:");
                    MS.createNewCommand = false;
                    Console.WriteLine("\nChoose a command ID of an existing command to modify: \n");
                    MS.commandId = Console.ReadLine();
                    Console.WriteLine("\nNew command name:");
                    MS.commandName = Console.ReadLine();
                    Console.WriteLine("\nNew command description:");
                    MS.description = Console.ReadLine();
                    Console.WriteLine("\nNew argument lengths:");
                List <int> argLenghts = new List <int>();
                List <int> argTypes   = new List <int>();
                while (true)
                    int tmpInt     = 1;
                    int tmpArgtype = 1;

                    Console.WriteLine("\nWhat type is argument n. " + (argTypes.Count + 1) + "?\n1 - Boolean\n2 - String\n3 - Integer\n");
                    int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out tmpArgtype);

                    if (tmpArgtype == 2)
                        Console.WriteLine("\nSince argument n. " + (argLenghts.Count + 1) + " is of type " + getTypeFromInt(tmpArgtype) + ", you must specify its length now. Do so by value or length? (value/length)\n");
                        while (true)
                            string input = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
                            if (input == "value")
                                Console.WriteLine("\nWhat is the string based on which the number of bits will be determined?\n");
                                //adding bits for argument which is a string
                                //When passing a string and you're counting its bits, remember it is ASCII encoding!!!!
                                string argumentStringToPass;
                                while (true)
                                    argumentStringToPass = Console.ReadLine();
                                    if (ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(argumentStringToPass).Length > 0)
                                        Console.WriteLine("\nThe string must be of at least 1 valid ASCII character\n");
                                tmpInt = argumentStringToPass.Length * 8;
                            else if (input == "length")
                                Console.WriteLine("\nHow many bits should the string be of?\n");
                                while (true)
                                    if (int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out tmpInt) && tmpInt > 0)
                                        Console.WriteLine("\nTry with a proper int value, also greater than 0\n");

                                Console.WriteLine("\nChoose either length or value!\n");
                        if (tmpArgtype == 1) //is boolean
                            tmpInt = 1;
                        else if (tmpArgtype == 3) //is int
                            tmpInt = 32;

                    Console.WriteLine("\nAdd another argument? (yes/no)\n");
                    if (Console.ReadLine().ToLower() != "yes")
                MS.argumentLengths = argLenghts.ToArray();
                MS.argumentTypes   = argTypes.ToArray();

                setArguments(ref MS);
            else if (commandType.ToUpper() == "SEND")
                Console.WriteLine("What command name/ command ID to execute from DB?");
                msSetupForSend(ref MS, Console.ReadLine());
                //argument lengths and types are SAME as on database's command.
                Console.WriteLine("Send command with default arguments as in DB? (yes)/(no) \n");
                if (Console.ReadLine().ToUpper() == "NO")
                    requestForSend = true;
                    MS.commandType = "REQUEST";
            else if (commandType.ToUpper() == "REQUEST")
                Console.WriteLine("What command name / command ID to request from DB?");
                string commandNameOrIdToSend = Console.ReadLine();
                MS.commandType = "REQUEST";
                //On my end I check first command name then command ID in DB so either is fine.
                //Just make sure that if you send command ID through you use MS.commandId instead of commandName.
                int  cmdId;
                bool isNumeric = int.TryParse(commandNameOrIdToSend, out cmdId);
                if (!isNumeric)
                    MS.commandName = commandNameOrIdToSend;
                    MS.commandId = commandNameOrIdToSend;
                Console.WriteLine("DELETE command if it exists in DB? (yes)/(no)\n");
                MS.deleteRequestedCommand = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper() == "YES" ? true : false;