public static CCWJurisdiction GetCCWJurisdictionByCode(this IDbAppContext context, string code)
            CCWJurisdiction item = context.CCWJurisdictions.Where(x => x.Code != null && x.Code.Equals(code, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

        /// <summary>
        /// Update a seed item
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="item"></param>
        public static void UpdateSeedCCWJurisdictionInfo(this DbAppContext context, CCWJurisdiction item)
            CCWJurisdiction ccwjurisdiction = context.GetCCWJurisdictionByCode(item.Code);

            if (ccwjurisdiction == null)
                ccwjurisdiction.Code          = item.Code;
                ccwjurisdiction.ActiveFlag    = item.ActiveFlag;
                ccwjurisdiction.Description   = item.Description;
                ccwjurisdiction.EffectiveDate = item.EffectiveDate;
                ccwjurisdiction.ExpiryDate    = item.ExpiryDate;
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a CCWJurisdiction to the system, only if it does not exist.
        /// </summary>
        private static void AddInitialCCWJurisdiction(this IDbAppContext context, CCWJurisdiction initialCCWJurisdiction)
            CCWJurisdiction CCWJurisdiction = context.GetCCWJurisdictionByCode(initialCCWJurisdiction.Code);

            if (CCWJurisdiction != null)

            CCWJurisdiction               = new CCWJurisdiction();
            CCWJurisdiction.ActiveFlag    = initialCCWJurisdiction.ActiveFlag;
            CCWJurisdiction.Code          = initialCCWJurisdiction.Code;
            CCWJurisdiction.Description   = initialCCWJurisdiction.Description;
            CCWJurisdiction.EffectiveDate = initialCCWJurisdiction.EffectiveDate;
            CCWJurisdiction.ExpiryDate    = initialCCWJurisdiction.ExpiryDate;

Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SchoolBus" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Id">A system-generated unique identifier for a SchoolBus (required).</param>
        /// <param name="Status">Status of the school bus record - current values are Inactive, Active, Archived (required).</param>
        /// <param name="PermitClassCode">The enumerated class of School Bus from drop down (required).</param>
        /// <param name="BodyTypeCode">The enumerated body type of the School Bus from drop down (required).</param>
        /// <param name="SchoolBusSeatingCapacity">The maximum number of passengers in the bus based on the specific use of the bus including the driver. For example,  the same 2-per seat &amp;#x2F; 24-passenger model might have a seating capacity of 36 if the specific bus is to be used for small children,  3 per seat. (required).</param>
        /// <param name="ICBCRegistrationNumber">The registration number of the vehicle as entered by the user and confirmed by the CCW Web Services.</param>
        /// <param name="LicencePlateNumber">The License Plate Number for the vehicle.</param>
        /// <param name="VehicleIdentificationNumber">A code used by the automotive industry to uniquely identify individual motor vehicles. A vehicle identification number is frequently referred to using the acronym VIN and it is occasionally referred to as a chassis number..</param>
        /// <param name="SchoolBusOwner">A foreign key reference to the system-generated unique identifier for School Bus Owner.</param>
        /// <param name="PermitNumber">The (generated) permit number for the School Bus. The number is set by the system when the inspector generates a permit based on a business rule permit number format..</param>
        /// <param name="PermitIssueDate">The date a permit number was established for this School Bus..</param>
        /// <param name="IsOutOfProvince">True if the School Bus is registered outside of BC..</param>
        /// <param name="CCWJurisdiction">The Jurisdication of an Out Of Province Bus. Needed for querying CCW..</param>
        /// <param name="District">A foreign key reference to the system-generated unique identifier for a.</param>
        /// <param name="HomeTerminalAddress1">Address Line 1 of physical location of the School Bus..</param>
        /// <param name="HomeTerminalAddress2">Address Line 2 of physical location of the School Bus..</param>
        /// <param name="HomeTerminalCity">City of physical location of the School Bus..</param>
        /// <param name="HomeTerminalProvince">Province of physical location of the School Bus - free form..</param>
        /// <param name="HomeTerminalPostalCode">Postal Code of physical location of the School Bus..</param>
        /// <param name="HomeTerminalComment">A comment about the physical location of the bus so that the Inspector can more easily find it for an inspection..</param>
        /// <param name="RestrictionsText">Text of any restrictions to be printed on the school bus permit. Standard comments are associated with the Permit Class but the inspector can enter free form text..</param>
        /// <param name="NextInspectionDate">The next inspection date for this School Bus which is set when inspection results are saved.</param>
        /// <param name="NextInspectionTypeCode">Annual or Re-inspection based on the Pass&amp;#x2F;Fail status of the most recent inspection - An enumerated type (by the UI) to indicate the type of the next inspection.</param>
        /// <param name="SchoolDistrict">The School District in which the School Bus operates. The school bus may or may not be associated with the School District itself - we just track where it is regardless..</param>
        /// <param name="IsIndependentSchool">True if the School Bus is associated with an Independent School. If true,  the name of the Independent School should be in the companion field..</param>
        /// <param name="IndependentSchoolName">The name of the Independent School to which the School Bus is associated. Should be null if the companion isIndependentSchool is false..</param>
        /// <param name="UnitNumber">The unit number of the Bus as defined by the School Bus owner - freeform text..</param>
        /// <param name="MobilityAidCapacity">The number of mobility aid passenger seats in the bus..</param>
        /// <param name="Inspector">The inspector assigned to this schoolbus.</param>
        /// <param name="Notes">The set of notes about the school bus entered by users..</param>
        /// <param name="Attachments">The set of attachments about the school bus uploaded by the users..</param>
        /// <param name="History">The history of updates made to the School Bus..</param>
        /// <param name="CCWData">CCWData for this School Bus.</param>
        public SchoolBus(int Id, string Status, string PermitClassCode, string BodyTypeCode, int SchoolBusSeatingCapacity, string ICBCRegistrationNumber = null, string LicencePlateNumber = null, string VehicleIdentificationNumber = null, SchoolBusOwner SchoolBusOwner = null, int?PermitNumber = null, DateTime?PermitIssueDate = null, bool?IsOutOfProvince = null, CCWJurisdiction CCWJurisdiction = null, District District = null, string HomeTerminalAddress1 = null, string HomeTerminalAddress2 = null, City HomeTerminalCity = null, string HomeTerminalProvince = null, string HomeTerminalPostalCode = null, string HomeTerminalComment = null, string RestrictionsText = null, DateTime?NextInspectionDate = null, string NextInspectionTypeCode = null, SchoolDistrict SchoolDistrict = null, bool?IsIndependentSchool = null, string IndependentSchoolName = null, string UnitNumber = null, int?MobilityAidCapacity = null, User Inspector = null, List <Note> Notes = null, List <Attachment> Attachments = null, List <History> History = null, CCWData CCWData = null)
            this.Id                       = Id;
            this.Status                   = Status;
            this.PermitClassCode          = PermitClassCode;
            this.BodyTypeCode             = BodyTypeCode;
            this.SchoolBusSeatingCapacity = SchoolBusSeatingCapacity;

            this.ICBCRegistrationNumber      = ICBCRegistrationNumber;
            this.LicencePlateNumber          = LicencePlateNumber;
            this.VehicleIdentificationNumber = VehicleIdentificationNumber;
            this.SchoolBusOwner         = SchoolBusOwner;
            this.PermitNumber           = PermitNumber;
            this.PermitIssueDate        = PermitIssueDate;
            this.IsOutOfProvince        = IsOutOfProvince;
            this.CCWJurisdiction        = CCWJurisdiction;
            this.District               = District;
            this.HomeTerminalAddress1   = HomeTerminalAddress1;
            this.HomeTerminalAddress2   = HomeTerminalAddress2;
            this.HomeTerminalCity       = HomeTerminalCity;
            this.HomeTerminalProvince   = HomeTerminalProvince;
            this.HomeTerminalPostalCode = HomeTerminalPostalCode;
            this.HomeTerminalComment    = HomeTerminalComment;
            this.RestrictionsText       = RestrictionsText;
            this.NextInspectionDate     = NextInspectionDate;
            this.NextInspectionTypeCode = NextInspectionTypeCode;
            this.SchoolDistrict         = SchoolDistrict;
            this.IsIndependentSchool    = IsIndependentSchool;
            this.IndependentSchoolName  = IndependentSchoolName;
            this.UnitNumber             = UnitNumber;
            this.MobilityAidCapacity    = MobilityAidCapacity;
            this.Inspector              = Inspector;
            this.Notes       = Notes;
            this.Attachments = Attachments;
            this.History     = History;
            this.CCWData     = CCWData;