public static Image Convert(ImageFile file)
     return(Convert(file.GetData(), file.Format, file.Width, file.Height));
 public static byte[] GetA8R8G8B8(ImageFile file)
     return(GetA8R8G8B8(file.GetData(), file.Format, file.Width, file.Height));
Exemple #3
        private Image BuildImage(string size)
            const string MapFileFormat = "ui/map/{0}/{1}{2}_{3}.tex";

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Id))
                return null;

            var fileName = Id.ToString().Replace("/", "");
            var pack = Sheet.Collection.PackCollection;

            var filePath = string.Format(MapFileFormat, Id, fileName, string.Empty, size);
            IO.File file;
            if (!pack.TryGetFile(filePath, out file))
                return null;

            var imageFile = new ImageFile(file.Pack, file.CommonHeader);

            var maskPath = string.Format(MapFileFormat, Id, fileName, "m", size);
            IO.File mask;
            if (pack.TryGetFile(maskPath, out mask))
                // Multiply the mask against the file.
                var maskFile = new ImageFile(mask.Pack, mask.CommonHeader);
                return MultiplyBlend(imageFile, maskFile);

            return imageFile.GetImage();
Exemple #4
        private static Image MultiplyBlend(ImageFile image, ImageFile mask)
            if (image.Width != mask.Width || image.Height != mask.Height)
                throw new ArgumentException();
            // Using 32bit color
            const int BytesPerPixel = 4;

            var aArgb = Imaging.ImageConverter.GetA8R8G8B8(image);
            var bArgb = Imaging.ImageConverter.GetA8R8G8B8(mask);
            var result = new byte[aArgb.Length];

            for (var i = 0; i < aArgb.Length; i += BytesPerPixel) {
                // There are other algorithms that can do this with any alpha,
                // but I haven't the time to research them now.
                var bAlpha = bArgb[i + 3];
                if (bAlpha == 0) {
                    // Mask pixel is transparent, do not blend.
                    result[i] = aArgb[i];
                    result[i + 1] = aArgb[i + 1];
                    result[i + 2] = aArgb[i + 2];
                } else {
                    for (var j = 0; j < 3; ++j)     // Only blend RGB
                        result[i + j] = (byte)((aArgb[i + j] * bArgb[i + j]) / 255);
                result[i + 3] = aArgb[i + 3];  // Preserve alpha

            Image output;
            unsafe {
                fixed (byte* p = result) {
                    var ptr = (IntPtr)p;
                    using (var tempImage = new Bitmap(image.Width, image.Height, image.Width * BytesPerPixel, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb, ptr))
                        output = new Bitmap(tempImage);
            return output;
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempt to convert ImageFile to DDS file. Returns null if no DXT1/3/5 texture found.
        /// </summary>

        public static byte[] GetDDS(ImageFile file)
            var bytes2 = file.GetData();
            //var offset = bytes2[file.ImageHeader.EndOfHeader];
            var width  = file.ImageHeader.Width;
            var height = file.ImageHeader.Height;

            DDS_HEADER      header = new DDS_HEADER();
            DDS_PIXELFORMAT format = header.ddspf;

            format.dwFlags  = (uint)(DDPF_ENUM.DDPF_ALPHAPIXELS | DDPF_ENUM.DDPF_FOURCC);
            header.dwFlags |= (uint)DDSD_ENUM.DDSD_MIPMAPCOUNT;

            switch (file.ImageHeader.Format)
            case ImageFormat.Dxt1:
                format.dwFourCC            = 0x31545844;
                header.dwPitchOrLinearSize = (uint)(Math.Max((uint)1, ((width + 3) / 4)) * Math.Max((uint)1, ((height + 3) / 4)) * 8);

            case ImageFormat.Dxt3:
                format.dwFourCC            = 0x33545844;
                header.dwPitchOrLinearSize = (uint)(Math.Max((uint)1, ((width + 3) / 4)) * Math.Max((uint)1, ((height + 3) / 4)) * 16);

            case ImageFormat.Dxt5:
                format.dwFourCC            = 0x35545844;
                header.dwPitchOrLinearSize = (uint)(Math.Max((uint)1, ((width + 3) / 4)) * Math.Max((uint)1, ((height + 3) / 4)) * 16);

             * case ImageFormat.A8R8G8B8_1:
             * case ImageFormat.A8R8G8B8_2:
             * case ImageFormat.A8R8G8B8_4:
             * case ImageFormat.A8R8G8B8_5:
             *  format.dwFlags = (uint)(DDPF_ENUM.DDPF_ALPHA | DDPF_ENUM.DDPF_RGB);
             *  format.dwFourCC = 0x42475241;
             *  header.dwPitchOrLinearSize = (uint)(width * height);
             *  header.dwFlags &= ~(uint)DDSD_ENUM.DDSD_LINEARSIZE;
             *  header.dwFlags |= (uint)DDSD_ENUM.DDSD_PITCH;
             *  break;
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Texture format " + file.ImageHeader.Format.ToString() + " DDS export not supported!\n");


            format.dwSize = 32;

            header.dwSize        = 124; // why set this if it MUST be 124?
            header.dwHeight      = (uint)height;
            header.dwWidth       = (uint)width;
            header.dwMipMapCount = file.ImageHeader._Buffer[0x0E];
            header.dwCaps        = 0x08 | 0x400000 | 0x1000; // DDSCAPS_COMPLEX | DDSCAPS_MIPMAP | DDSCAPS_TEXTURE

            header.ddspf = format;

            List <byte> data = new List <byte>();

            int size = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf <DDS_HEADER>();

            byte[] headerBytes = new byte[size];

            var ptr = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size);

            System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.StructureToPtr(header, ptr, false);
            System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(ptr, headerBytes, 0, size);

            data.AddRange(System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.UTF8.GetBytes("DDS "));

 public static byte[] GetA8R8G8B8(ImageFile file)
     return GetA8R8G8B8(file.GetData(), file.Format, file.Width, file.Height);
 public static Image Convert(ImageFile file)
     return Convert(file.GetData(), file.Format, file.Width, file.Height);