Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This updates the Range drawing for a given tracker
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tracker"></param>
        public void updateRange(Tracker tracker)
            double FOVAngle = tracker.FieldOfView.Value / 2;

            // We want to adjust the MinRange triangle, so we're using sin law
            if (tracker.MinRange.HasValue)
                double leftX       = (tracker.MinRange.Value * Math.Sin(Util.DEGREES_TO_RADIANS * FOVAngle)) / (Util.DEGREES_TO_RADIANS * (180.0 - FOVAngle - 90));
                double leftXPixels = DrawingResources.ConvertFromMetersToPixelsX(leftX, MainWindow.SharedCanvas);
                double YPixels     = DrawingResources.ConvertFromMetersToPixelsY(tracker.MinRange.Value, MainWindow.SharedCanvas);


                NearTriangle.Points.Add(new Point(50, 15));
                NearTriangle.Points.Add(new Point(50 + leftXPixels, 15 + YPixels));
                NearTriangle.Points.Add(new Point(50 - leftXPixels, 15 + YPixels));

            // Adjusting the FarLine
            if (tracker.MaxRange.HasValue)
                double leftX       = (tracker.MaxRange.Value * Math.Sin(Util.DEGREES_TO_RADIANS * FOVAngle)) / (Util.DEGREES_TO_RADIANS * (180.0 - FOVAngle - 90));
                double leftXPixels = DrawingResources.ConvertFromMetersToPixelsX(leftX, MainWindow.SharedCanvas);
                double YPixels     = DrawingResources.ConvertFromMetersToPixelsY(tracker.MaxRange.Value, MainWindow.SharedCanvas);

                FarLine.X1 = 50 + leftXPixels;
                FarLine.Y1 = YPixels;
                FarLine.X2 = 50 - leftXPixels;
                FarLine.Y2 = YPixels;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This updates the FOV draw lines for a given tracker
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tracker"></param>
        public void updateFOV(Tracker tracker)
            double FOVAngle    = tracker.FieldOfView.Value / 2;
            double leftX       = (tracker.MaxRange.Value * Math.Sin(Util.DEGREES_TO_RADIANS * FOVAngle)) / (Util.DEGREES_TO_RADIANS * (180.0 - FOVAngle - 90));
            double leftXPixels = DrawingResources.ConvertFromMetersToPixelsX(leftX, MainWindow.SharedCanvas);
            double YPixels     = DrawingResources.ConvertFromMetersToPixelsY(tracker.MaxRange.Value, MainWindow.SharedCanvas);

            RightLine.X2 = 50 + leftXPixels;
            RightLine.Y2 = YPixels;
            LeftLine.X2  = 50 - leftXPixels;
            LeftLine.Y2  = YPixels;

            //double topAngle = Util.NormalizeAngle(270 + FOVAngle);
            //double topX = Math.Cos(topAngle * Math.PI / 180);
            //double topY = Math.Sin(topAngle * Math.PI / 180);
            //Point newLeft = DrawingResources.ConvertPointToProperLength(new Point(topX, topY), DrawingResources.TRACKER_FOV_LENGTH);
            //LeftLine.X2 = newLeft.X;
            //LeftLine.Y2 = -newLeft.Y;

            //double bottomAngle = Util.NormalizeAngle(270 - FOVAngle);
            //double bottomX = Math.Cos(bottomAngle * Math.PI / 180);
            //double bottomY = Math.Sin(bottomAngle * Math.PI / 180);
            //Point newRight = DrawingResources.ConvertPointToProperLength(new Point(bottomX, bottomY), DrawingResources.TRACKER_FOV_LENGTH);
            //RightLine.X2 = newRight.X;
            //RightLine.Y2 = -newRight.Y;
Exemple #3
        protected override void OnDrop(DragEventArgs e)
            string DataType = e.Data.GetFormats(true)[0];

            //if the object dropped is a tracker
            if (DataType == "trackerControl")
                Point mouseLocation = e.GetPosition(sharedCanvas);

                // Grab the data we packed into the DataObject
                TrackerControl trackerControl = (TrackerControl)e.Data.GetData("trackerControl");

                // Hide the Ghost and Text since a Drop has been made
                MainWindow.GhostBorder.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Hidden;
                ghostTextBlock.Visibility         = System.Windows.Visibility.Hidden;

                // Return the Opacity of the TrackerControl
                trackerControl.Opacity = 1;

                trackerControl.Tracker.Location = DrawingResources.ConvertFromDisplayCoordinatesToMeters(mouseLocation, sharedCanvas);

                // Check if the TrackerControl is already a child of Shared Canvas
                Point canvasBounds = new Point(DrawingResources.ConvertFromMetersToPixelsX(DrawingResources.ROOM_WIDTH, sharedCanvas), DrawingResources.ConvertFromMetersToPixelsY(DrawingResources.ROOM_HEIGHT, sharedCanvas));

                if (!trackerControl.IsDescendantOf(SharedCanvas))

                    if (trackerControl.Tracker.Orientation == null)
                        trackerControl.Tracker.Orientation = 270;

                // if the cursor is outside the canvas, put the tracker back in stackpanel.
                else if (!(mouseLocation.X < canvasBounds.X && mouseLocation.Y < canvasBounds.Y))

            //if the objet dropped is a device.
            else if (DataType == "deviceControl")
                Point mouseLocation = e.GetPosition(sharedCanvas);

                // Grab the data we packed into the DataObject
                DeviceControl deviceControl = (DeviceControl)e.Data.GetData("deviceControl");

                // Hide the Ghost and Text since a Drop has been made
                MainWindow.GhostBorder.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Hidden;
                ghostTextBlock.Visibility         = System.Windows.Visibility.Hidden;

                // Return the Opacity of the DeviceControl
                deviceControl.Opacity = 1;

                PairableDevice device   = deviceControl.PairableDevice;
                IADevice       iaDevice = deviceControl.IADevice;

                IARequest request = new IARequest(Routes.SetLocationRoute);
                request.Parameters["identifier"] = iaDevice.Name;

                Point canvasBounds = new Point(DrawingResources.ConvertFromMetersToPixelsX(DrawingResources.ROOM_WIDTH, sharedCanvas), DrawingResources.ConvertFromMetersToPixelsY(DrawingResources.ROOM_HEIGHT, sharedCanvas));

                //if the dragged device is a pairable device (i.e iPad)
                if (!iaDevice.SupportedRoutes.Contains(Routes.GetLocationRoute))
                    Point mouseLocationOnCanvas = mouseLocation = DrawingResources.ConvertFromDisplayCoordinatesToMeters(mouseLocation, sharedCanvas);
                    bool  pairedToNewDevice     = false;

                    foreach (KeyValuePair <PairablePerson, PersonControl> keyPair in PersonControlDictionary)
                        Point  personLocation = keyPair.Key.Location.Value;
                        double distance       = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(mouseLocationOnCanvas.X - personLocation.X, 2) + Math.Pow(mouseLocationOnCanvas.Y - personLocation.Y, 2));

                        //if the mouse drop is close to a person, pair the device with that person.
                        if (distance < 0.3 && (device.HeldByPersonIdentifier == keyPair.Key.Identifier || keyPair.Key.PairingState != PairingState.Paired))
                            if (device.PairingState == PairingState.Paired || device.PairingState == PairingState.PairedButOccluded)

                            kinectManager.PairingRecognizer.Pair(device, keyPair.Key);
                            pairedToNewDevice = true;

                    //if the mouse drop is not close to a person then unpair the device.
                    if (!pairedToNewDevice)

                //if the dragged device is not a pairable device (i.e table-top)
                else if (iaDevice.SupportedRoutes.Contains(Routes.GetLocationRoute))
                    if (mouseLocation.X < canvasBounds.X && mouseLocation.Y < canvasBounds.Y)
                        // Dropped within Canvas, so we want to place it on the canvas
                        device.Location = DrawingResources.ConvertFromDisplayCoordinatesToMeters(mouseLocation, sharedCanvas);
                        request.SetBodyWith(new IntermediatePoint(device.Location.Value));
                        // Not dropped within Canvas, so we want to put it back on the stack panel
                        device.Location = null;

                    // Send a request to the Device that their location has changed
                    kinectManager.IntAirAct.SendRequest(request, iaDevice);
Exemple #4
        protected override void OnDragOver(DragEventArgs e)

            Point mouseLocation = e.GetPosition(sharedCanvas);
            Point canvasBounds  = new Point(DrawingResources.ConvertFromMetersToPixelsX(DrawingResources.ROOM_WIDTH, sharedCanvas), DrawingResources.ConvertFromMetersToPixelsY(DrawingResources.ROOM_HEIGHT, sharedCanvas));

            // If the Cursor is within the Canvas
            if (mouseLocation.X < canvasBounds.X && mouseLocation.Y < canvasBounds.Y)
                // Ensure the Ghost and Text are Visible while dragging
                MainWindow.GhostBorder.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
                ghostTextBlock.Visibility         = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;

                // Relocate Ghost
                Canvas.SetLeft(MainWindow.GhostBorder, mouseLocation.X - (MainWindow.GhostBorder.Width / 2));
                Canvas.SetTop(MainWindow.GhostBorder, mouseLocation.Y - (MainWindow.GhostBorder.Height / 2));

                // Update Location Text
                Point p = DrawingResources.ConvertFromDisplayCoordinatesToMeters(mouseLocation, sharedCanvas);
                ghostTextBlock.Text = "(" + Math.Round(p.X, 1) + ", " + Math.Round(p.Y, 1) + ")";

                // Relocate Ghost Text
                Canvas.SetLeft(ghostTextBlock, mouseLocation.X - (MainWindow.GhostBorder.Width / 2));
                Canvas.SetTop(ghostTextBlock, mouseLocation.Y - (MainWindow.GhostBorder.Height / 2));

            // If the Cursor is not within the Canvas
                // Hide the Ghost and Text because it would be drawn off the Canvas
                MainWindow.GhostBorder.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Hidden;
                ghostTextBlock.Visibility         = System.Windows.Visibility.Hidden;