public virtual MvcMailMessage NewQuestion(Question question, UserProfile to)
            string subject;
            if (EmailConfig.IsReceivingEmailSetted)
                var hash = UserManager.SentEmailHash(to.UserId, question.Id);
                subject = Resources.Global.NewQuestionSubject + " - Id:" + hash;
                subject = Resources.Global.NewQuestionSubject;

            ViewBag.UserName = to.UserName;
            ViewBag.Question = question;

            return Populate(x =>
                x.Subject = subject;
                x.ViewName = "NewQuestion";
        public ActionResult EditQuestion(Question data, string QuesID)
            data.Id = Int32.Parse(QuesID);
            data.UserId = WebSecurity.CurrentUserId;
            if (ModelState.IsValid)

            return RedirectToAction("Index");
        public ActionResult CreateQuestion(Question data, string tags)
            if (Request.IsAuthenticated && (!tags.Equals("")))
                //Create a list for the tags
                var tagList = new List<String>();

                //Split the given string by commas
                var boxtags = tags.Split(',');

                //If the last character is a comma, create a list without that
                if (boxtags[boxtags.Length - 1].Equals(" "))
                    tagList = boxtags.Take(boxtags.Length - 1).ToList();
                    tagList = boxtags.ToList();

                //Remove all leading and trailing whitespaces from the tage
                var tagsWithoutWhitespaces = new List<String>();
                foreach (var item in tagList)

                //If the created question is valid, add a new question to the database
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    QuestionManager.AddQuestion(data, WebSecurity.GetUserId(User.Identity.Name), tagsWithoutWhitespaces);
            return RedirectToAction("Index");
 /// <summary>
 /// Question edit
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="data">Question's data</param>
 public static void EditQuestion(Question data)
     using (var db = new QaAContext())
         var q = from question in db.Questions where (question.Id == data.Id) select question;
         var editableData = q.SingleOrDefault();
         editableData.Title = data.Title;
         editableData.Content = data.Content;
         HttpContext.Current.Cache.UpdateCache("GetQuestion" + data.Id, data);
        /// <summary>
        /// Add Question to the Database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">Question's data</param>
        public static void AddQuestion(Question data, int userID, List<string> tagList)
            using (var db = new QaAContext())
                //Set the actual datetime
                data.Date = DateTime.Now;
                data.UserId = userID;

                //Tag handling
                //Check the tag's existence, if tag does not exist, then we insert the tag
                Tag tag = null;
                foreach (var item in tagList)
                    var q = (from t in db.Tags where item.Equals(t.Name) select t).ToArray();
                    if (q.Length == 0)
                        tag = new Tag();
                        tag.Name = item;

                        //Add tag to the question
                        var qt = new QuestionHasTag();
                        qt.QuestionId = data.Id;
                        qt.TagId = tag.Id;
                    //In the case, the tag exist
                        var query = from t in db.Tags where item.Equals(t.Name) select t;
                        tag = query.Single();
                        var qt = new QuestionHasTag();
                        qt.QuestionId = data.Id;
                        qt.TagId = tag.Id;
                    HttpContext.Current.Cache.UpdateCache("Tags", item);


                int pageCache = 5;

                HttpContext.Current.Cache.UpdateCache("AllQuestions", data);
                HttpContext.Current.Cache.UpdateCache("LatestQuestions", data);
                HttpContext.Current.Cache.UpdateCache("QuestionsByUser" + data.UserId, data);

                for (int i = 1; i < pageCache; i++)
                    HttpContext.Current.Cache.UpdateCache("PageQuestions" + i, data);

                foreach (var qht in data.QuestionHasTags)
                    for (int i = 1; i < pageCache; i++)
                        HttpContext.Current.Cache.UpdateCache("QuestionsByTag" + qht.TagId + "Page" + i, data);

                HttpContext.Current.Cache.UpdateCache("QuestionsByUser" + data.UserId, data);

                //Send mails to the subscripted users
                IUserMailer usermailer = new UserMailer();
                var tagsOfQuestion = data.QuestionHasTags.Select(s=>s.TagId).ToList();
                var tos = db.UserProfiles.Where(up => (up.Subscriptions.Any(u => tagsOfQuestion.Any(x => x == u.TagId)) && up.Email!=null && up.IsVerified==true)).ToList();

                foreach (var user in tos)
                    usermailer.NewQuestion(data, user).SendAsync();