Exemple #1
        public CPIBond(int settlementDays,
                double faceAmount,
                bool growthOnly,
                double baseCPI,
                Period observationLag,
                ZeroInflationIndex cpiIndex,
                InterpolationType observationInterpolation,
                Schedule schedule,
                List<double> fixedRate,
                DayCounter accrualDayCounter,
                BusinessDayConvention paymentConvention = BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing,
                Date issueDate = null,
                Calendar paymentCalendar = null,
                Period exCouponPeriod = null,
                Calendar exCouponCalendar = null,
					 BusinessDayConvention exCouponConvention = BusinessDayConvention.Unadjusted,
                bool exCouponEndOfMonth = false)                
            :base(settlementDays, paymentCalendar == null ? schedule.calendar() : paymentCalendar, issueDate)
            frequency_ = schedule.tenor().frequency();
            dayCounter_ = accrualDayCounter;
            growthOnly_ = growthOnly;
            observationLag_ = observationLag;
            cpiIndex_= cpiIndex;
            observationInterpolation_ = observationInterpolation;

            maturityDate_ = schedule.endDate();

            // a CPIleg know about zero legs and inclusion of base inflation notional
            cashflows_ = new CPILeg(schedule, cpiIndex_,
                                    baseCPI_, observationLag_)



            foreach ( CashFlow i in cashflows_) 
Exemple #2
        public ZeroCouponInflationSwapHelper(
            Handle <Quote> quote,
            Period swapObsLag, // lag on swap observation of index
            Date maturity,
            Calendar calendar, // index may have null calendar as valid on every day
            BusinessDayConvention paymentConvention,
            DayCounter dayCounter,
            ZeroInflationIndex zii)
            : base(quote)
            swapObsLag_        = swapObsLag;
            maturity_          = maturity;
            calendar_          = calendar;
            paymentConvention_ = paymentConvention;
            dayCounter_        = dayCounter;
            zii_ = zii;

            if (zii_.interpolated())
                // if interpolated then simple
                earliestDate_ = maturity_ - swapObsLag_;
                latestDate_   = maturity_ - swapObsLag_;
                // but if NOT interpolated then the value is valid
                // for every day in an inflation period so you actually
                // get an extended validity, however for curve building
                // just put the first date because using that convention
                // for the base date throughout
                KeyValuePair <Date, Date> limStart = Utils.inflationPeriod(maturity_ - swapObsLag_,
                earliestDate_ = limStart.Key;
                latestDate_   = limStart.Key;

            // check that the observation lag of the swap
            // is compatible with the availability lag of the index AND
            // it's interpolation (assuming the start day is spot)
            if (zii_.interpolated())
                Period pShift = new Period(zii_.frequency());
                Utils.QL_REQUIRE((swapObsLag_ - pShift) > zii_.availabilityLag(), () =>
                                 "inconsistency between swap observation of index "
                                 + swapObsLag_ +
                                 " index availability " + zii_.availabilityLag() +
                                 " index period " + pShift +
                                 " and index availability " + zii_.availabilityLag() +
                                 " need (obsLag-index period) > availLag");
Exemple #3
 public CPIBondHelper(Handle <Quote> price, int settlementDays, double faceAmount, bool growthOnly, double baseCPI,
                      Period observationLag, ZeroInflationIndex cpiIndex, InterpolationType observationInterpolation,
                      Schedule schedule, List <double> fixedRate, DayCounter dayCounter, BusinessDayConvention paymentConvention,
                      double redemption, Date issueDate, Calendar paymentCalendar = null,
                      Period exCouponPeriod = null, Calendar exCouponCalendar = null,
                      BusinessDayConvention exCouponConvention = BusinessDayConvention.Unadjusted, bool exCouponEndOfMonth = false,
                      bool useCleanPrice = true)
     : base(price, new CPIBond(settlementDays, faceAmount, growthOnly, baseCPI, observationLag, cpiIndex, observationInterpolation, schedule,
                               fixedRate, dayCounter, paymentConvention, issueDate, paymentCalendar, exCouponPeriod, exCouponCalendar,
                               exCouponConvention, exCouponEndOfMonth), useCleanPrice)
     cpiBond_ = bond_ as CPIBond;
 public ZeroCouponInflationSwap(Type type,
                                double nominal,
                                Date startDate, // start date of contract (only)
                                Date maturity,  // this is pre-adjustment!
                                Calendar fixCalendar,
                                BusinessDayConvention fixConvention,
                                DayCounter dayCounter,
                                double fixedRate,
                                ZeroInflationIndex infIndex,
                                Period observationLag)
     : this(type, nominal, startDate, maturity, fixCalendar, fixConvention, dayCounter, fixedRate,
            infIndex, observationLag, false, new Calendar(), new BusinessDayConvention())
Exemple #5
 private List<BootstrapHelper<ZeroInflationTermStructure>> makeHelpers(Datum[] iiData, int N,
                                           ZeroInflationIndex ii, Period observationLag,
                                           Calendar calendar,
                                           BusinessDayConvention bdc,
                                           DayCounter dc)
    List <BootstrapHelper<ZeroInflationTermStructure>> instruments = new  List<BootstrapHelper<ZeroInflationTermStructure>>();
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
       Date maturity = iiData[i].date;
       Handle<Quote> quote = new Handle<Quote>(new SimpleQuote(iiData[i].rate / 100.0));
       BootstrapHelper<ZeroInflationTermStructure> anInstrument = new ZeroCouponInflationSwapHelper(quote, observationLag, maturity,
                 calendar, bdc, dc, ii);
    return instruments;
Exemple #6
        public CPIBond(int settlementDays,
                       double faceAmount,
                       bool growthOnly,
                       double baseCPI,
                       Period observationLag,
                       ZeroInflationIndex cpiIndex,
                       InterpolationType observationInterpolation,
                       Schedule schedule,
                       List <double> fixedRate,
                       DayCounter accrualDayCounter,
                       BusinessDayConvention paymentConvention = BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing,
                       Date issueDate = null)
            : base(settlementDays, schedule.calendar(), issueDate)
            frequency_                = schedule.tenor().frequency();
            dayCounter_               = accrualDayCounter;
            growthOnly_               = growthOnly;
            baseCPI_                  = baseCPI;
            observationLag_           = observationLag;
            cpiIndex_                 = cpiIndex;
            observationInterpolation_ = observationInterpolation;

            maturityDate_ = schedule.endDate();

            // a CPIleg know about zero legs and inclusion of base inflation notional
            cashflows_ = new CPILeg(schedule, cpiIndex_,
                                    baseCPI_, observationLag_)


            foreach (CashFlow i in cashflows_)
Exemple #7
 public CPILeg(Schedule schedule,
               ZeroInflationIndex index,
               double baseCPI,
               Period observationLag)
     schedule_          = schedule;
     index_             = index;
     baseCPI_           = baseCPI;
     observationLag_    = observationLag;
     paymentDayCounter_ = new Thirty360();
     paymentAdjustment_ = BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing;
     fixingDays_        = new List <int>()
     observationInterpolation_ = InterpolationType.AsIndex;
     subtractInflationNominal_ = true;
     spreads_ = new List <double>()
Exemple #8
 public CPICoupon(double baseCPI, // user provided, could be arbitrary
                  Date paymentDate,
                  double nominal,
                  Date startDate,
                  Date endDate,
                  int fixingDays,
                  ZeroInflationIndex index,
                  Period observationLag,
                  InterpolationType observationInterpolation,
                  DayCounter dayCounter,
                  double fixedRate, // aka gearing
                  double spread       = 0.0,
                  Date refPeriodStart = null,
                  Date refPeriodEnd   = null)
     : base(paymentDate, nominal, startDate, endDate, fixingDays, index, observationLag, dayCounter, refPeriodStart, refPeriodEnd)
     baseCPI_   = baseCPI;
     fixedRate_ = fixedRate;
     spread_    = spread;
     observationInterpolation_ = observationInterpolation;
     Utils.QL_REQUIRE(Math.Abs(baseCPI_) > 1e-16, "|baseCPI_| < 1e-16, future divide-by-zero problem");
Exemple #9
        public CPICashFlow(double notional,
                           ZeroInflationIndex index,
                           Date baseDate,
                           double baseFixing,
                           Date fixingDate,
                           Date paymentDate,
                           bool growthOnly = false,
                           InterpolationType interpolation = InterpolationType.AsIndex,
                           Frequency frequency             = Frequency.NoFrequency)
            : base(notional, index, baseDate, fixingDate, paymentDate, growthOnly)
            baseFixing_    = baseFixing;
            interpolation_ = interpolation;
            frequency_     = frequency;

            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(Math.Abs(baseFixing_) > 1e-16, () => "|baseFixing|<1e-16, future divide-by-zero error");

            if (interpolation_ != InterpolationType.AsIndex)
                Utils.QL_REQUIRE(frequency_ != Frequency.NoFrequency, () => "non-index interpolation w/o frequency");
Exemple #10
        public CPICashFlow(double notional,
                         ZeroInflationIndex index,
                         Date baseDate,
                         double baseFixing,
                         Date fixingDate,
                         Date paymentDate,
                         bool growthOnly = false,
                         InterpolationType interpolation = InterpolationType.AsIndex,
                         Frequency frequency = Frequency.NoFrequency)
            : base(notional, index, baseDate, fixingDate,paymentDate, growthOnly)
            baseFixing_= baseFixing;
             interpolation_= interpolation;

             if(Math.Abs(baseFixing_) <= 1e-16)
               throw new ApplicationException("|baseFixing|<1e-16, future divide-by-zero error");

             if (interpolation_ != InterpolationType.AsIndex)
               if ( frequency_ == Frequency.NoFrequency)
                  throw new ApplicationException ("non-index interpolation w/o frequency");
Exemple #11
 public CPILeg(Schedule schedule,
             ZeroInflationIndex index,
             double baseCPI,
             Period observationLag)
     schedule_ = schedule;
      index_ = index;
      baseCPI_ = baseCPI;
      observationLag_ = observationLag;
      paymentDayCounter_ = new Thirty360();
      paymentAdjustment_ = BusinessDayConvention.ModifiedFollowing;
      paymentCalendar_ = schedule.calendar();
      fixingDays_ = new List<int>() { 0 };
      observationInterpolation_ = InterpolationType.AsIndex;
      subtractInflationNominal_ = true;
      spreads_ = new List<double>() { 0 };
Exemple #12
 public CPICoupon(double baseCPI, // user provided, could be arbitrary
                 Date paymentDate,
                 double nominal,
                 Date startDate,
                 Date endDate,
                 int fixingDays,
                 ZeroInflationIndex index,
                 Period observationLag,
                 InterpolationType observationInterpolation,
                 DayCounter dayCounter,
                 double fixedRate, // aka gearing
                 double spread = 0.0,
                 Date refPeriodStart = null,
                 Date refPeriodEnd = null,
                 Date exCouponDate = null)
     : base(paymentDate, nominal, startDate, endDate, fixingDays, index, 
        observationLag, dayCounter, refPeriodStart, refPeriodEnd, exCouponDate)
     baseCPI_ = baseCPI;
      fixedRate_ = fixedRate;
      spread_ = spread;
      observationInterpolation_ = observationInterpolation;
      Utils.QL_REQUIRE( Math.Abs( baseCPI_ ) > 1e-16, () => "|baseCPI_| < 1e-16, future divide-by-zero problem" );
        public ZeroCouponInflationSwap(Type type,
                                       double nominal,
                                       Date startDate, // start date of contract (only)
                                       Date maturity,  // this is pre-adjustment!
                                       Calendar fixCalendar,
                                       BusinessDayConvention fixConvention,
                                       DayCounter dayCounter,
                                       double fixedRate,
                                       ZeroInflationIndex infIndex,
                                       Period observationLag,
                                       bool adjustInfObsDates,
                                       Calendar infCalendar,
                                       BusinessDayConvention infConvention)
            : base(2)
            type_           = type;
            nominal_        = nominal;
            fixedRate_      = fixedRate;
            infIndex_       = infIndex;
            observationLag_ = observationLag;
            dayCounter_     = dayCounter;

            // first check compatibility of index and swap definitions
            if (infIndex_.interpolated())
                Period pShift = new Period(infIndex_.frequency());
                if ((observationLag_ - pShift) <= infIndex_.availabilityLag())
                    throw new ApplicationException(
                              "inconsistency between swap observation of index " + observationLag_ +
                              " index availability " + infIndex_.availabilityLag() +
                              " interpolated index period " + pShift +
                              " and index availability " + infIndex_.availabilityLag() +
                              " need (obsLag-index period) > availLag");
                if (infIndex_.availabilityLag() >= observationLag_)
                    throw new  ApplicationException(
                              "index tries to observe inflation fixings that do not yet exist: "
                              + " availability lag " + infIndex_.availabilityLag()
                              + " versus obs lag = " + observationLag_);

            if (infCalendar == null)
                infCalendar = fixCalendar;
            if (infConvention == new BusinessDayConvention())
                infConvention = fixConvention;

            if (adjustInfObsDates)
                baseDate_ = infCalendar.adjust(startDate - observationLag_, infConvention);
                obsDate_  = infCalendar.adjust(maturity - observationLag_, infConvention);
                baseDate_ = startDate - observationLag_;
                obsDate_  = maturity - observationLag_;

            Date infPayDate   = infCalendar.adjust(maturity, infConvention);
            Date fixedPayDate = fixCalendar.adjust(maturity, fixConvention);

            // At this point the index may not be able to forecast
            // i.e. do not want to force the existence of an inflation
            // term structure before allowing users to create instruments.
            double T = Utils.inflationYearFraction(infIndex_.frequency(), infIndex_.interpolated(),
                                                   dayCounter_, baseDate_, obsDate_);
            // N.B. the -1.0 is because swaps only exchange growth, not notionals as well
            double fixedAmount = nominal * (Math.Pow(1.0 + fixedRate, T) - 1.0);

            legs_[0].Add(new SimpleCashFlow(fixedAmount, fixedPayDate));
            bool growthOnly = true;

            legs_[1].Add(new IndexedCashFlow(nominal, infIndex, baseDate_, obsDate_, infPayDate, growthOnly));

            for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
                for (int i = 0; i < legs_[j].Count; i++)

            switch (type_)
            case Type.Payer:
                payer_[0] = +1.0;
                payer_[1] = -1.0;

            case Type.Receiver:
                payer_[0] = -1.0;
                payer_[1] = +1.0;

                throw new ApplicationException("Unknown zero-inflation-swap type");
Exemple #14
 public CPIBondHelper(Handle<Quote> price, int settlementDays, double faceAmount, bool growthOnly, double baseCPI, 
     Period observationLag, ZeroInflationIndex cpiIndex, InterpolationType observationInterpolation,
     Schedule schedule, List<double> fixedRate, DayCounter dayCounter, BusinessDayConvention paymentConvention,
     double redemption, Date issueDate, Calendar paymentCalendar = null,
     Period exCouponPeriod = null, Calendar exCouponCalendar = null,
     BusinessDayConvention exCouponConvention = BusinessDayConvention.Unadjusted, bool exCouponEndOfMonth = false,
     bool useCleanPrice = true)
     : base(price, new CPIBond(settlementDays, faceAmount, growthOnly, baseCPI, observationLag, cpiIndex, observationInterpolation, schedule,
                               fixedRate, dayCounter, paymentConvention, issueDate, paymentCalendar, exCouponPeriod, exCouponCalendar,
                               exCouponConvention, exCouponEndOfMonth), useCleanPrice)
     cpiBond_ = bond_ as CPIBond;
Exemple #15
        public CPISwap(Type type,
                       double nominal,
                       bool subtractInflationNominal,
                       // float+spread leg
                       double spread,
                       DayCounter floatDayCount,
                       Schedule floatSchedule,
                       BusinessDayConvention floatPaymentRoll,
                       int fixingDays,
                       IborIndex floatIndex,
                       // fixed x inflation leg
                       double fixedRate,
                       double baseCPI,
                       DayCounter fixedDayCount,
                       Schedule fixedSchedule,
                       BusinessDayConvention fixedPaymentRoll,
                       Period observationLag,
                       ZeroInflationIndex fixedIndex,
                       InterpolationType observationInterpolation = InterpolationType.AsIndex,
                       double?inflationNominal = null)
            : base(2)
            type_    = type;
            nominal_ = nominal;
            subtractInflationNominal_ = subtractInflationNominal;
            spread_                   = spread;
            floatDayCount_            = floatDayCount;
            floatSchedule_            = floatSchedule;
            floatPaymentRoll_         = floatPaymentRoll;
            fixingDays_               = fixingDays;
            floatIndex_               = floatIndex;
            fixedRate_                = fixedRate;
            baseCPI_                  = baseCPI;
            fixedDayCount_            = fixedDayCount;
            fixedSchedule_            = fixedSchedule;
            fixedPaymentRoll_         = fixedPaymentRoll;
            fixedIndex_               = fixedIndex;
            observationLag_           = observationLag;
            observationInterpolation_ = observationInterpolation;

            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(floatSchedule_.Count > 0, () => "empty float schedule");
            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(fixedSchedule_.Count > 0, () => "empty fixed schedule");
            // todo if roll!=unadjusted then need calendars ...

            inflationNominal_ = inflationNominal ?? nominal_;

            List <CashFlow> floatingLeg;

            if (floatSchedule_.Count > 1)
                floatingLeg = new IborLeg(floatSchedule_, floatIndex_)
                floatingLeg = new List <CashFlow>();

            if (floatSchedule_.Count == 1 ||
                !subtractInflationNominal_ ||
                (subtractInflationNominal && Math.Abs(nominal_ - inflationNominal_) > 0.00001)
                Date payNotional;
                if (floatSchedule_.Count == 1)
                    // no coupons
                    payNotional = floatSchedule_[0];
                    payNotional = floatSchedule_.calendar().adjust(payNotional, floatPaymentRoll_);
                    // use the pay date of the last coupon
                    payNotional = floatingLeg.Last().date();

                double   floatAmount = subtractInflationNominal_ ? nominal_ - inflationNominal_ : nominal_;
                CashFlow nf          = new SimpleCashFlow(floatAmount, payNotional);

            // a CPIleg know about zero legs and inclusion of base inflation notional
            List <CashFlow> cpiLeg = new CPILeg(fixedSchedule_, fixedIndex_, baseCPI_, observationLag_)

            foreach (CashFlow cashFlow in cpiLeg)

            if (floatingLeg.Count > 0)
                foreach (CashFlow cashFlow in floatingLeg)

            legs_[0] = cpiLeg;
            legs_[1] = floatingLeg;

            if (type_ == Type.Payer)
                payer_[0] = 1.0;
                payer_[1] = -1.0;
                payer_[0] = -1.0;
                payer_[1] = 1.0;