Exemple #1
        // Spawns a layer of stars
        public void SpawnBackgroundLayer(int count, List<BackgroundStar> List)
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                float fade = (float)(r.Next(5) / 200.0f);
                float alpha = (float)(r.Next(100) / 100.0f);
                Vector2 pos = new Vector2((float)(r.Next(-100, 1380)), (float)(r.Next(-100, 820)));

                int ran = r.Next(100);
                Texture2D text = null;
                if (ran == 0)
                    text = Star1;
                else if (ran == 1)
                    text = Star2;
                else if (ran == 2)
                    text = Star3;
                else if (ran == 3)
                    text = Star4;
                else if (ran == 4)
                    text = Star5;
                    text = Star6;

                BackgroundStar b = new BackgroundStar(text, pos, fade, alpha);

Exemple #2
        // Spawns the background liquid particles
        /*public void SpawnLiquidParticles(int count)
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                Vector2 pos = RandomSpawnPosition(1);
                int ran1 = r.Next(4);
                Texture2D tex = null;
                if (ran1 == 0)
                    tex = Gas1;
                else if (ran1 == 1)
                    tex = Gas2;
                else if (ran1 == 2)
                    tex = Gas3;
                else if(ran1 == 3)
                    tex = Gas4;

                Particle p = new Particle(tex, pos);

                p.Velocity = Vector2.Zero;

                float rotation = (float)(r.Next(628)) / 100.0f;
                float ran = (float)r.Next(100) / 400.0f;

                p.ConstantVelocity = new Vector2(ran * (float)Math.Cos((double)rotation), ran * (float)Math.Sin((double)rotation));
                p.Rotation = rotation;
                p.LiquidParticle = true;

                // Get a random color
                int red = r.Next(255);
                int blue = r.Next(255);
                int green = r.Next(255);

                p.color = new Color((byte)red, (byte)green, (byte)blue);

        // Spawns a group of nebula particles
        /*public void SpawnNebulaGroup(int count)
            // direction choice
            int ranp = r.Next(2);
            Vector2 pos = Vector2.Zero;
            Vector2 vel = Vector2.Zero;
            if(ranp == 0)
                pos = new Vector2(-600, r.Next(720));
                vel = new Vector2((float)(r.Next(5, 10) / 10.0f), (float)(r.Next(-2, 2) / 10.0f));
            else if (ranp == 1)
                pos = new Vector2(1880, r.Next(720));
                vel = new Vector2((float)(r.Next(5, 10) / 10.0f * -1), (float)(r.Next(-2, 2) / 10.0f));

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                Vector2 pos1 = new Vector2(pos.X + r.Next(-10, 10), pos.Y + r.Next(-10, 10));
                int ran1 = r.Next(8);
                Texture2D tex = null;
                if (ran1 == 0)
                    tex = Nebula1;
                else if (ran1 == 1)
                    tex = Nebula2;
                else if (ran1 == 2)
                    tex = Nebula3;
                else if (ran1 == 3)
                    tex = Nebula4;
                else if (ran1 == 4)
                    tex = Nebula5;
                else if (ran1 == 5)
                    tex = Nebula6;
                else if (ran1 == 6)
                    tex = Nebula7;
                else if (ran1 == 7)
                    tex = Nebula8;
                Particle p = new Particle(tex, pos1);

                p.Velocity = new Vector2(vel.X, vel.Y);

                float rotation = (float)(r.Next(628)) / 100.0f;

                p.Rotation = rotation;
                p.NebulaParticle = true;

                // Get a random color
                int red = r.Next(255);
                int blue = r.Next(255);
                int green = r.Next(255);

                p.color = new Color((byte)red, (byte)green, (byte)blue);

        // Spawns the backgroung stars
        public void SpawnBackground(int count)
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                int ran = r.Next(15);
                Texture2D texture;
                if (ran == 1)
                    texture = Game1.Global.Star1;
                else if (ran == 2)
                    texture = Game1.Global.Star3;
                else if (ran == 3)
                    texture = Game1.Global.Star4;
                else if (ran == 4)
                    texture = Game1.Global.Star5;
                    ran = r.Next(2);
                    if (ran == 1)
                        texture = Game1.Global.Star6;
                        texture = Game1.Global.Star2;

                float fade = (float)(r.Next(5) / 200.0f);
                float alpha = (float)(r.Next(100) / 100.0f);
                Vector2 pos = new Vector2((float)(r.Next(1280)), (float)(r.Next(720)));

                BackgroundStar b = new BackgroundStar(texture, pos, fade, alpha);
