Exemple #1
        protected void SinglePixelProcessing(ImageComponent <ushort> image, ImageComponent <int> buffer, double[] curve)
            Debug.Assert(image.red != null);
            Debug.Assert(image.blue != null);
            Debug.Assert(image.green != null);
            Debug.Assert(image.dim.Area >= 4);

            Debug.Assert(buffer.red != null);
            Debug.Assert(buffer.blue != null);
            Debug.Assert(buffer.green != null);
            Debug.Assert(buffer.dim.Area == image.dim.Area);

            Parallel.For(0, image.dim.height, y =>
                long realY = (y + image.offset.height) * image.UncroppedDim.width;
                for (int x = 0; x < image.dim.width; x++)
                    long realPix = realY + x + image.offset.width;
                    double red   = image.red[realPix] * rMul, green = image.green[realPix] * gMul, blue = image.blue[realPix] * bMul;
                    Luminance.Clip(ref red, ref green, ref blue, maxValue);
                    ColorManipulation.RgbToHsl(red, green, blue, maxValue, out double h, out double s, out double l);
                    l  = curve[(int)(l * maxValue)];
                    s *= saturation;

                    ColorManipulation.HslToRgb(h, s, l, maxValue, out red, out green, out blue);

                    long bufferPix          = Rotate(x, y, image.dim.width, image.dim.height);
                    buffer.red[bufferPix]   = (int)red;
                    buffer.green[bufferPix] = (int)green;
                    buffer.blue[bufferPix]  = (int)blue;
Exemple #2
        protected ImageComponent <int> Apply(ImageComponent <ushort> image)
            Debug.Assert(image.red != null);
            Debug.Assert(image.blue != null);
            Debug.Assert(image.green != null);
            Debug.Assert(image.dim.Area >= 4);

            //calculate the max value for clip
            maxValue = (uint)(1 << image.ColorDepth) - 1;
            HistoRaw histo;

            //TODO cut the image in patch to reduce memory

            var buffer = new ImageComponent <int>(image.dim, image.ColorDepth);

            //apply the single pixel processing
            SinglePixelProcessing(image, buffer, CreateCurve());

            ColorManipulation.SplitTone(buffer, new Pixel(SplitShadow), new Pixel(SplitHighlight), SplitBalance, maxValue);

            if (Rotation == 1 || Rotation == 3)


            //apply histogram equalisation if any
            if (histogramEqual)
                //calculate the histogram
                histo = HistogramHelper.CalculateLumaHistogram(buffer);
                HistogramHelper.HistogramEqualisation(buffer, histo);

            //apply denoising
            if (denoise != 0)
                buffer = Denoising.Apply(buffer, (int)denoise);

            //apply sharpening (always last step)
            if (sharpness != 0)
                buffer = Sharpening.Apply(buffer, (int)sharpness);

            //return the final histogram