DebugSystem is a helper class that streamlines the creation of the various GameDebug pieces. While games are free to add only the pieces they care about, DebugSystem allows games to quickly create and add all the components by calling the Initialize method.
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the DebugSystem and adds all components to the game's Components collection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="game">The game using the DebugSystem.</param>
        /// <param name="debugFont">The font to use by the DebugSystem.</param>
        /// <returns>The DebugSystem for the game to use.</returns>
        public static DebugSystem Initialize(Game game, string debugFont)
            // if the singleton exists, return that; we don't want two systems being created for a game
            if (singletonInstance != null)

            // Create the system
            singletonInstance = new DebugSystem();

            // Create all of the system components
            singletonInstance.DebugManager = new DebugManager(game, debugFont);

            singletonInstance.DebugCommandUI = new DebugCommandUI(game);

            singletonInstance.FpsCounter = new FpsCounter(game);

            singletonInstance.TimeRuler = new TimeRuler(game);

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the DebugSystem and adds all components to the game's Components collection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="game">The game using the DebugSystem.</param>
        /// <param name="debugFont">The font to use by the DebugSystem.</param>
        /// <returns>The DebugSystem for the game to use.</returns>
        public static DebugSystem Initialize(Game game, string debugFont)
            // if the singleton exists, return that; we don't want two systems being created for a game
            if (singletonInstance != null)
                return singletonInstance;

            // Create the system
            singletonInstance = new DebugSystem();

            // Create all of the system components
            singletonInstance.DebugManager = new DebugManager(game, debugFont);

            singletonInstance.DebugCommandUI = new DebugCommandUI(game);

            singletonInstance.FpsCounter = new FpsCounter(game);

            singletonInstance.TimeRuler = new TimeRuler(game);

            singletonInstance.RemoteDebugCommand = new RemoteDebugCommand(game);

            return singletonInstance;