/// <summary>
		/// Instantiates a preset by name reference.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>The preset.</returns>
		/// <param name="presetName">Preset name.</param>
		public static PlaygroundParticlesC InstantiatePreset (string presetName) {
			GameObject presetGo = ResourceInstantiate("Presets/"+presetName);
			PlaygroundParticlesC presetParticles = presetGo.GetComponent<PlaygroundParticlesC>();
			if (presetParticles!=null) {
				if (reference==null)
					reference = PlaygroundC.ResourceInstantiate("Playground Manager").GetComponent<PlaygroundC>();
				if (reference) {
					if (reference.autoGroup && presetParticles.particleSystemTransform.parent==null)
						presetParticles.particleSystemTransform.parent = referenceTransform;
					presetParticles.particleSystemId = particlesQuantity-1;
				presetGo.name = presetName;
				return presetParticles;
			} else {
				if (presetGo.name.Contains("Presets/"))
				    presetGo.name = presetGo.name.Remove(0, 8);
				return null;
		/// <summary>
		/// Initializes the Playground Manager.
		/// </summary>
		public IEnumerator InitializePlayground () {

			// Check for duplicates of the Playground Manager
			if (reference!=null && reference!=this) {
				yield return null;
				Debug.Log("There can only be one instance of the Playground Manager in the scene.");

				// Save all children!
				foreach (Transform child in transform)
					child.parent = null;
				yield break;
			} else if (reference==null)
				reference = this;

			// Check events availability

			// New random
			random = new System.Random();

			// Reset time
			// Remove any null particle systems
			for (int i = 0; i<particleSystems.Count; i++) {
				if (particleSystems[i]!=null) {
					particleSystems[i].particleSystemId = i;
				} else {
			// Set quantity counter
			particlesQuantity = particleSystems.Count;

			// Spline preview
			PlaygroundSpline.drawSplinePreviews = drawSplinePreview;

			// Get ready
			frameCount = 0;
			threadAggregatorRuns = 0;
			isReady = true;
			isDoneThread = true;
			isDoneThreadLocal = true;
			isDoneThreadSkinned = true;
			isDoneThreadTurbulence = true;
			maxThreads = Mathf.Clamp (maxThreads, 1, 128);
			processorCount = SystemInfo.processorCount;
			threads = Mathf.Clamp (processorCount>1?processorCount-1:1, 1, maxThreads);

		// MonoBehaviours
		// OnEnable is called in both Edit- and Play Mode
		// Initializes all particle systems
		void OnEnable () {

			// Cache the Playground reference
			reference = this;
			referenceTransform = transform;
			referenceGameObject = gameObject;

			// Initialize