public ActionResult Transaction(BorrowEntry entry,string operation)
            //Memorized UserID and BookID data for return to page.
            TempData["UserID"] = (entry.UserID == 0)?"":entry.UserID.ToString();
            TempData["BookID"] = (entry.BookID == 0)?null:entry.BookID.ToString();
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                if (operation == "Check")
                    return View(Check(entry));

                else if (operation == "Submit")
                    return View(Borrow(entry));
                else if (operation == "Return")
                    return View(Return(entry));
                    TempData["ErrorNoti"] = "Invalid operation.";
                    return View();
                TempData["ErrorNoti"] = "Please enter Member ID";
                return View();
 public ActionResult Renew(BorrowEntry entry)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         int id = entry.ID;
         ActionResult result = RenewStrategy(ref id);
         if ((result as ViewResult) != null)
             BorrowEntry entryToRenew = (result as ViewResult).Model as BorrowEntry;
             if (libRepo.RequestEntryRepo.Find(entryToRenew.BookID) != null)
                 TempData["ErrorNoti"] = "This book is ON HOLD.";
                 entryToRenew.DueDate = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(7);
                 TempData["SuccessNoti"] = "Renew successful!";
             return result;
     return RedirectToAction("Index");
        /* [Private] MemberTransactionViewer Check(BorrowEntry entry)
         * This method will get related borrow entry and request entry of desired user
         * then parameterized it to MemberTransactionViewer to return as result.
         * If user input incorrect UserID notify user that "No member that id's exists."
        private MemberTransactionViewer Check(BorrowEntry entry)
            Member m;
            if ((m = libRepo.MemberRepo.Find(entry.UserID)) == null)
                TempData["ErrorNoti"] = "No member that id's exists.";
                return null;
            MemberTransactionViewer viewer = new MemberTransactionViewer();
            viewer.SetBorrowEntryViews(libRepo.BorrowEntryRepo.ListWhere(targetEntry => targetEntry.UserID == entry.UserID
                && targetEntry.ReturnDate == null));

            viewer.SetRequestEntryViews(libRepo.RequestEntryRepo.ListWhere(targetentry => targetentry.UserID == entry.UserID));
            viewer.Name = m.Name;
            return viewer;
        /* [Private] MemberTransactionViewer Return(BorrowEntry entry)
         * first of all check that desired entry is exist or not base on entry's id,
         * next is check that whether return date is null or not(to detect whether this entry has passed entry),
         * continued by check that there is exist request that related to return book
         * if it is exists change book status to Reserved and update expire date then save it to database
         * if it is not exists change book status to Available and set return date then save it to database.
         * Moreover check that due date is more that presennt date or not,
         * if not it mean that user is return an overdue borrow book,just calculate fine with number of day that passed
         * in linear rate base on static fine configuration class.Finally return result to user.
         * Finally call "check" method or set return value to null to return and update borrow/return list for desired user.
        private MemberTransactionViewer Return(BorrowEntry entry)
            //check that desired entry is exist or not base on entry's id.
            BorrowEntry returnentry = libRepo.BorrowEntryRepo.Find(entry.ID);
            if (returnentry == null)
                TempData["ErrorNoti"] = "No borrow record found to do return.";
                return null;

            //check that whether return date is null or not(to detect whether this entry has passed entry)
            else if (returnentry.ReturnDate != null)
                TempData["ErrorNoti"] = "This book is already returned.";
                return Check(returnentry);

            /* check that there is exist request that related to return book
             * if it is exists change book status to Reserved and update expire date then save it to database
             * if it is not exists change book status to Available and set return date then save it to database
                RequestEntry reqToCheck = returnentry.GetBorrowBook(ref libRepo).GetRelatedRequestEntry(ref libRepo);
                if (reqToCheck != null)
                    Book bookToUpdate = returnentry.GetBorrowBook(ref libRepo);
                    bookToUpdate.BookStatus = Status.Reserved;
                    reqToCheck.ExpireDate = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(3);
                    Book bookToUpdate = returnentry.GetBorrowBook(ref libRepo);
                    bookToUpdate.BookStatus = Status.Available;

                /* check that due date is more that presennt date or not,
                 * if not it mean that user is return an overdue borrow book,
                 * just calculate fine with number of day that passed
                 * in linear rate base on static fine configuration class.
                if(returnentry.DueDate.Date < DateTime.Now.Date){
                    int dif = DateTime.Now.Subtract(returnentry.DueDate.Date).Days;
                    TempData["WarnNoti"] = "Return successfully.Fine " + (dif * ConfigurationController.getFine()) + " baht.";
                    TempData["SuccessNoti"] = "Return successfully.";
                returnentry.ReturnDate = DateTime.Now.Date;

                return Check(returnentry);
        /* [Private] MemberTransactionViewer Borrow(BorrowEntry entry)
         * This method will do borrow book operation,
         * first of all check that current user is exists then check current borrow book for desired
         * user whether is equal 3 or not,next is check that desired borrow book is exists,continue by
         * check book status... ,if it is Available do borrow normally(set borrow entry data and change
         * book's status to borrowed and return success result.)
         * if it is Lost or Borrowed notify user that book status is XXXX where XXXX is Lost or Borrowed,
         * if it is reserved check that whether request is expired or not if yes delete expired req. and do borrow like normal case
         * if no;next check is current user that want to borrow book is same as in requestentry...
         * if yes remove request entry and do borrow like normal case if not notify user that no permission to borrow
         * other request book.
         * then parameterized it to MemberTransactionViewer to return as result.
         * If user input incorrect UserID notify user that "No member that id's exists."
         * Finally call "check" method or set return value to null to return and update borrow/return list for desired user.
        private MemberTransactionViewer Borrow(BorrowEntry entry)
            //Check that current user is exists.
            if (libRepo.MemberRepo.Find(entry.UserID) == null)
                        TempData["ErrorNoti"] = "No member that id's exists.";
                        return null;

                    //Check current borrow book for desired user whether is equal 3 or not.
                    if (libRepo.BorrowEntryRepo.ListWhere(target => target.UserID == entry.UserID
                        && target.ReturnDate == null).ToList().Count == 3)
                        TempData["ErrorNoti"] = "This member borrow exceed maximum allowed.";
                        return Check(entry);

                    //Check that desired borrow book is exists.
                    Book booktoborrow = libRepo.BookRepo.Find(entry.BookID);

                    if (booktoborrow == null)
                        TempData["ErrorNoti"] = "No book was found in database.";
                        return Check(entry);

                    /*check book status... ,if it is Available do borrow normally(set borrow entry data and change
                     * book's status to borrowed and return success result.)
                    else if (booktoborrow.BookStatus == Status.Available)
                        entry.BorrowDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
                        entry.DueDate = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(7);
                        booktoborrow.BookStatus = Status.Borrowed;
                        TempData["SuccessNoti"] = "Borrow for member#"+entry.UserID+" success.";
                        return Check(entry);

                        //If book status is lost,notify user that this book is lost.
                    else if (booktoborrow.BookStatus == Status.Lost)
                        TempData["ErrorNoti"] = "This book is lost.";
                        return Check(entry);

                    else if (booktoborrow.BookStatus == Status.Reserved)
                       /* if book status is reserved check that whether request is expired or not
                        * if yes delete expired req. and do borrow like normal case.
                        RequestEntry reqentry = booktoborrow.GetRelatedRequestEntry(ref libRepo);
                        if (reqentry.ExpireDate.Value.Date < DateTime.Now.Date)
                            booktoborrow.BookStatus = Status.Borrowed;
                            entry.BorrowDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
                            entry.DueDate = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(7);
                            TempData["SuccessNoti"] = "Delete expire req.//OK.";
                            return Check(entry);
                        /* check is current user that want to borrow book is same as in requestentry...
                         * if yes remove request entry and do borrow like normal case if not notify user
                         * that no permission to borrow other request book.
                        else if (reqentry.UserID != entry.UserID)
                            TempData["ErrorNoti"] = "This user has no permission to borrow the requested book by others.";
                            return Check(entry);
                            booktoborrow.BookStatus = Status.Borrowed;
                            entry.BorrowDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
                            entry.DueDate = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(7);
                            TempData["SuccessNoti"] = "User accept reserved book//OK";
                            return Check(entry);
                    //If book status is borrowed,notify user that this book is already borrowed.
                        TempData["ErrorNoti"] = "This book is already borrowed.";
                        return Check(entry);