Exemple #1
        public HttpResponseMessage GetPermits(
            string number  = null,
            string address = null,
            string bbox    = null,
            string types   = null,
            string fields  = "all",
            string status  = null,
            string date    = null,
            string from    = null,
            string to      = null)
            var filter = new PermitFilter();

            if (this.TryPopulatePermitFilter(out filter, number, address, bbox, types, fields, status, date, from, to))
                List <Permit> permits = this.Adapter.SearchPermits(filter);

                if (permits != null)
                    // TODO perhaps do this GeoJSON support as a filter?
                    IEnumerable <string> acceptHeader;
                    if (Request.Headers.TryGetValues("Accept", out acceptHeader) && acceptHeader.FirstOrDefault() == "application/vnd.geo+json")
                        var response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
                        response.Content = this.ToGeoJsonStream(permits, filter.Fields);
                        response.Content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/vnd.geo+json");

                    return(Request.CreateResponse <List <Permit> >(permits));
        public HttpResponseMessage GetPermits(
                                              string number = null, 
                                              string address = null, 
                                              string bbox = null,
                                              string types = null,
                                              string fields = "all",
                                              string status = null,
                                              string date = null,
                                              string from = null,
                                              string to = null)
            var filter = new PermitFilter();
            if (this.TryPopulatePermitFilter(out filter, number, address, bbox, types, fields, status, date, from, to))
                List<Permit> permits = this.Adapter.SearchPermits(filter);

                if (permits != null)
                    // TODO perhaps do this GeoJSON support as a filter?
                    IEnumerable<string> acceptHeader;
                    if (Request.Headers.TryGetValues("Accept", out acceptHeader) && acceptHeader.FirstOrDefault() == "application/vnd.geo+json")
                        var response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
                        response.Content = this.ToGeoJsonStream(permits, filter.Fields);
                        response.Content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/vnd.geo+json");
                        return response;

                    return Request.CreateResponse<List<Permit>>(permits);
                    return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
                return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
Exemple #3
        private bool TryPopulatePermitFilter(
            out PermitFilter filter,
            string number,
            string address,
            string bbox,
            string types,
            string fields,
            string status,
            string dateType,
            string startDate,
            string endDate)
            filter = new PermitFilter
                PermitNumber = number,
                Address      = address

            // Bounding box search follows OpenSearch Geo Extensions (see: http://www.opensearch.org/ look under Geo extensions)
            if (bbox != null)
                string[] coordinates = bbox.Split(',');
                if (coordinates.Length != 4)

                double xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax;
                if (!double.TryParse(coordinates[0], out xMin))

                if (!double.TryParse(coordinates[1], out yMin))

                if (!double.TryParse(coordinates[2], out xMax))

                if (!double.TryParse(coordinates[3], out yMax))

                filter.BoundingBox = new Box
                    MinX = xMin,
                    MinY = yMin,
                    MaxX = xMax,
                    MaxY = yMax

            switch (fields.ToLower())
            case "geo":
                filter.Fields = FieldChoices.Geo;

            case "required":
                filter.Fields = FieldChoices.Recommended;

            case "optional":
                filter.Fields = FieldChoices.Optional;

                filter.Fields = FieldChoices.All;

            if (types != null)
                string[] typesArray = types.Split(',');
                var      choices    = new List <TypeChoices>();
                foreach (string type in typesArray)
                    TypeChoices choice;
                    if (Enum.TryParse <TypeChoices>(type, true, out choice))

                    // TODO Ignoring bad inputs, should we return an error?

                if (choices.Count > 0)
                    filter.Types = choices;

            if (status != null)
                string[] statusArray = status.Split(',');
                var      choices     = new List <StatusChoices>();
                foreach (string stat in statusArray)
                    StatusChoices choice;
                    if (EnumUtils.TryParse <StatusChoices>(stat, true, out choice))

                if (choices.Count > 0)
                    filter.Status = choices;

            if (startDate != null)
                StatusChoices choice        = StatusChoices.Applied;
                DateTime      endDateTime   = DateTime.Now;
                DateTime      startDateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(startDate);

                if (dateType != null)
                    Enum.TryParse <StatusChoices>(dateType, true, out choice);

                if (endDate != null)
                    endDateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(endDate);

                filter.TimeFrame = new Tuple <StatusChoices, DateTime, DateTime>(choice, startDateTime, endDateTime);

        public List<Permit> SearchPermits(PermitFilter filter)
            var recordFilter = new RecordFilter();

            if (filter.PermitNumber != null)
                recordFilter.customId = filter.PermitNumber;
            else if (filter.Address != null)
                Address address = new Address();
                UsAddress parsedAddress = this.ParseAddress(filter.Address);
                int strNo;
                int.TryParse(parsedAddress.AddressNumber, out strNo);
                address.streetStart = strNo;
                address.streetName = parsedAddress.StreetName;
                // address.xCoordinate = -82.458328247070312;
                // address.yCoordinate = 27.938003540039063;
                recordFilter.address = address;

            ResultDataPaged<Record> page = this.recApi.SearchRecords(null, recordFilter, null, 0, 1000, null, null, "addresses");

            var result = new List<Permit>();
            if (page.Data != null)
                foreach (var record in page.Data)
                    Permit permit = this.ToPermit(record);

            return result;
        private bool TryPopulatePermitFilter(
                                             out PermitFilter filter,
                                             string number,
                                             string address,
                                             string bbox,
                                             string types,
                                             string fields,
                                             string status,
                                             string dateType,
                                             string startDate,
                                             string endDate)
            filter = new PermitFilter
                PermitNumber = number,
                Address = address

            // Bounding box search follows OpenSearch Geo Extensions (see: http://www.opensearch.org/ look under Geo extensions)
            if (bbox != null)
                string[] coordinates = bbox.Split(',');
                if (coordinates.Length != 4)
                    return false;

                double xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax;
                if (!double.TryParse(coordinates[0], out xMin))
                    return false;

                if (!double.TryParse(coordinates[1], out yMin))
                    return false;

                if (!double.TryParse(coordinates[2], out xMax))
                    return false;

                if (!double.TryParse(coordinates[3], out yMax))
                    return false;

                filter.BoundingBox = new Box
                    MinX = xMin,
                    MinY = yMin,
                    MaxX = xMax,
                    MaxY = yMax

            switch (fields.ToLower())
                case "geo":
                    filter.Fields = FieldChoices.Geo;
                case "required":
                    filter.Fields = FieldChoices.Recommended;
                case "optional":
                    filter.Fields = FieldChoices.Optional;
                    filter.Fields = FieldChoices.All;

            if (types != null)
                string[] typesArray = types.Split(',');
                var choices = new List<TypeChoices>();
                foreach (string type in typesArray)
                    TypeChoices choice;
                    if (Enum.TryParse<TypeChoices>(type, true, out choice))

                    // TODO Ignoring bad inputs, should we return an error?

                if (choices.Count > 0)
                    filter.Types = choices;

            if (status != null)
                string[] statusArray = status.Split(',');
                var choices = new List<StatusChoices>();
                foreach (string stat in statusArray)
                    StatusChoices choice;
                    if (EnumUtils.TryParse<StatusChoices>(stat, true, out choice))

                if (choices.Count > 0)
                    filter.Status = choices;

            if (startDate != null)
                StatusChoices choice = StatusChoices.Applied;
                DateTime endDateTime = DateTime.Now;
                DateTime startDateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(startDate);

                if (dateType != null)
                    Enum.TryParse<StatusChoices>(dateType, true, out choice);

                if (endDate != null)
                    endDateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(endDate);

                filter.TimeFrame = new Tuple<StatusChoices, DateTime, DateTime>(choice, startDateTime, endDateTime);

            return true;