Exemple #1
        ///<summary>If not using clinics then supply an empty list of clinicNums.  listClinicNums must have at least one item if using clinics.</summary>
        public static DataTable GetInsTable(DateTime dateFrom, DateTime dateTo, List <long> listProvNums, List <long> listClinicNums,
                                            List <long> listInsuranceTypes, List <long> listClaimPayGroups, bool hasAllProvs, bool hasAllClinics, bool hasInsuranceTypes, bool isGroupedByPatient,
                                            bool hasAllClaimPayGroups, bool doShowProvSeparate)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetTable(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), dateFrom, dateTo, listProvNums, listClinicNums, listInsuranceTypes, listClaimPayGroups,
                                     hasAllProvs, hasAllClinics, hasInsuranceTypes, isGroupedByPatient, hasAllClaimPayGroups, doShowProvSeparate));
            string whereProv = "";

            if (!hasAllProvs)
                whereProv += " AND claimproc.ProvNum IN(";
                for (int i = 0; i < listProvNums.Count; i++)
                    if (i > 0)
                        whereProv += ",";
                    whereProv += POut.Long(listProvNums[i]);
                whereProv += ") ";
            string whereClin = "";
            //reports should no longer use the cache
            bool hasClinicsEnabled = ReportsComplex.RunFuncOnReportServer(() => (!Prefs.GetBoolNoCache(PrefName.EasyNoClinics)));

            if (hasClinicsEnabled)
                whereClin += " AND claimproc.ClinicNum IN(";
                for (int i = 0; i < listClinicNums.Count; i++)
                    if (i > 0)
                        whereClin += ",";
                    whereClin += POut.Long(listClinicNums[i]);
                whereClin += ") ";
            string whereClaimPayGroup = "";

            if (!hasAllClaimPayGroups)
                whereClaimPayGroup = " AND PayGroup IN (" + String.Join(",", listClaimPayGroups) + ") ";
            string queryIns =
                @"SELECT claimproc.DateCP,carrier.CarrierName,MAX("
                + DbHelper.Concat("patient.LName", "', '", "patient.FName", "' '", "patient.MiddleI") + @") lfname,GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT provider.Abbr) Provider, ";

            if (hasClinicsEnabled)
                queryIns += "clinic.Description clinicDesc, ";
            queryIns += @"claimpayment.CheckNum,SUM(claimproc.InsPayAmt) amt,claimproc.ClaimNum,claimpayment.PayType 
				FROM claimproc
				LEFT JOIN insplan ON claimproc.PlanNum = insplan.PlanNum 
				LEFT JOIN patient ON claimproc.PatNum = patient.PatNum
				LEFT JOIN carrier ON carrier.CarrierNum = insplan.CarrierNum
				LEFT JOIN provider ON provider.ProvNum=claimproc.ProvNum
				LEFT JOIN claimpayment ON claimproc.ClaimPaymentNum = claimpayment.ClaimPaymentNum "                ;
            if (hasClinicsEnabled)
                queryIns += "LEFT JOIN clinic ON clinic.ClinicNum=claimproc.ClinicNum ";
            queryIns += "WHERE (claimproc.Status=1 OR claimproc.Status=4) "          //received or supplemental
                        + whereProv
                        + whereClin
                        + whereClaimPayGroup
                        + "AND claimpayment.CheckDate >= " + POut.Date(dateFrom) + " "
                        + "AND claimpayment.CheckDate <= " + POut.Date(dateTo) + " ";
            if (!hasInsuranceTypes && listInsuranceTypes.Count > 0)
                queryIns += "AND claimpayment.PayType IN (";
                for (int i = 0; i < listInsuranceTypes.Count; i++)
                    if (i > 0)
                        queryIns += ",";
                    queryIns += POut.Long(listInsuranceTypes[i]);
                queryIns += ") ";
            queryIns += @"GROUP BY claimproc.DateCP,claimproc.ClaimPaymentNum,";
            if (doShowProvSeparate)
                queryIns += @"provider.ProvNum,";
            if (hasClinicsEnabled)
                queryIns += "claimproc.ClinicNum,clinic.Description,";
            queryIns += "carrier.CarrierName,claimpayment.CheckNum";
            if (isGroupedByPatient)
                queryIns += ",patient.PatNum";
            queryIns += " ORDER BY claimpayment.PayType,claimproc.DateCP,lfname";
            if (!hasInsuranceTypes && listInsuranceTypes.Count == 0)
                queryIns = DbHelper.LimitOrderBy(queryIns, 0);
            return(ReportsComplex.RunFuncOnReportServer(() => Db.GetTable(queryIns)));
Exemple #2
        ///<summary>If not using clinics, or for all clinics with clinics enabled, supply an empty list of clinicNums.  If the user is restricted, for all
        ///clinics supply only those clinics for which the user has permission to access, otherwise it will be run for all clinics.</summary>
        public static DataTable GetPatTable(DateTime dateFrom, DateTime dateTo, List <long> listProvNums, List <long> listClinicNums, List <long> listPatientTypes,
                                            bool hasAllProvs, bool hasAllClinics, bool hasPatientTypes, bool isGroupedByPatient, bool isUnearnedIncluded, bool doShowProvSeparate)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetTable(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), dateFrom, dateTo, listProvNums, listClinicNums, listPatientTypes, hasAllProvs, hasAllClinics,
                                     hasPatientTypes, isGroupedByPatient, isUnearnedIncluded, doShowProvSeparate));
            //reports should no longer use the cache
            bool hasClinicsEnabled = ReportsComplex.RunFuncOnReportServer(() => (!Prefs.GetBoolNoCache(PrefName.EasyNoClinics)));
            //patient payments-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            //the selected columns have to remain in this order due to the way the report complex populates the returned sheet
            string queryPat = "SELECT payment.PayDate DatePay,"
                              + "MAX(" + DbHelper.Concat("patient.LName", "', '", "patient.FName", "' '", "patient.MiddleI") + ") lfname,GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT provider.Abbr),";

            if (hasClinicsEnabled)
                queryPat += "clinic.Description clinicDesc,";
            queryPat += "payment.CheckNum,SUM(COALESCE(paysplit.SplitAmt,0)) amt,payment.PayNum,ItemName,payment.PayType "
                        + "FROM payment "
                        + "LEFT JOIN paysplit ON payment.PayNum=paysplit.PayNum "
                        + "LEFT JOIN patient ON payment.PatNum=patient.PatNum "
                        + "LEFT JOIN provider ON paysplit.ProvNum=provider.ProvNum "
                        + "LEFT JOIN definition ON payment.PayType=definition.DefNum ";
            if (hasClinicsEnabled)
                queryPat += "LEFT JOIN clinic ON clinic.ClinicNum=paysplit.ClinicNum ";
            queryPat += "WHERE payment.PayDate BETWEEN " + POut.Date(dateFrom) + " AND " + POut.Date(dateTo) + " ";
            if (hasClinicsEnabled && listClinicNums.Count > 0)
                queryPat += "AND paysplit.ClinicNum IN(" + string.Join(",", listClinicNums.Select(x => POut.Long(x))) + ") ";
            if (!hasAllProvs && listProvNums.Count > 0)
                queryPat += "AND paysplit.ProvNum IN(" + string.Join(",", listProvNums.Select(x => POut.Long(x))) + ") ";
            if (!hasPatientTypes && listPatientTypes.Count > 0)
                queryPat += "AND payment.PayType IN (" + string.Join(",", listPatientTypes.Select(x => POut.Long(x))) + ") ";
            if (!isUnearnedIncluded)             //UnearnedType of 0 means the paysplit is NOT unearned
                queryPat += "AND paysplit.UnearnedType=0 ";
            queryPat += "GROUP BY payment.PayNum,payment.PayDate,payment.CheckNum,definition.ItemName,payment.PayType ";
            if (doShowProvSeparate)
                queryPat += ",provider.ProvNum ";
            if (hasClinicsEnabled)
                queryPat += ",clinic.Description ";
            if (isGroupedByPatient)
                queryPat += ",patient.PatNum ";
            queryPat += "ORDER BY payment.PayType,payment.PayDate,lfname";
            if (!hasPatientTypes && listPatientTypes.Count == 0)
                queryPat = DbHelper.LimitOrderBy(queryPat, 0);
            return(ReportsComplex.RunFuncOnReportServer(() => Db.GetTable(queryPat)));
Exemple #3
        public static DataTable GetClaimsNotSent(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, List <long> listClinicNums
                                                 , bool hasClaimTypeExpanded, ClaimNotSentStatuses claimStatusFilter)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetTable(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), fromDate, toDate, listClinicNums
                                     , hasClaimTypeExpanded, claimStatusFilter));
            bool   hasClinicsEnabled = ReportsComplex.RunFuncOnReportServer(() => !Prefs.GetBoolNoCache(PrefName.EasyNoClinics));
            string command           = "";
            string whereClin         = "";
            string claimFilter       = "";

            if (hasClinicsEnabled && listClinicNums.Count > 0)           //construct the IN statement for all of the selected clinics
                whereClin += " AND claim.ClinicNum IN(" + string.Join(",", listClinicNums) + ")";
            if (hasClinicsEnabled)
                command = "SELECT clinic.Abbr AS 'Clinic',";
                command = "SELECT ";
            if (hasClaimTypeExpanded)
                command += "claim.DateService,(CASE WHEN claim.ClaimType='P' THEN 'Primary' WHEN claim.ClaimType='S' THEN 'Secondary' "
                           + "WHEN claim.ClaimType='Cap' THEN 'Capitation' ELSE claim.ClaimType END) AS ClaimType,";
                command += "claim.DateService,claim.ClaimType,";
            //Claim statuses of Unsent, Hold until pri, and Waiting are considered for "All" in this report.
            string claimStatusAll = "AND claim.ClaimStatus IN ('U','H','W')";

            switch (claimStatusFilter)
            case ClaimNotSentStatuses.Primary:
                claimFilter = "AND claim.ClaimType='P' " + claimStatusAll;

            case ClaimNotSentStatuses.Secondary:
                claimFilter = "AND claim.ClaimType='S' " + claimStatusAll;

            case ClaimNotSentStatuses.Holding:
                claimFilter = "AND claim.ClaimStatus='H'";

            default:                    //All
                claimFilter += claimStatusAll;
            string clinJoin = "";

            if (hasClinicsEnabled)
                clinJoin = " LEFT JOIN clinic ON clinic.ClinicNum=claim.ClinicNum";
            command += "(CASE WHEN claim.ClaimStatus='U' THEN 'Unsent' WHEN "
                       + "claim.ClaimStatus='H' THEN 'Hold' WHEN claim.ClaimStatus='W' THEN 'WaitQ' ELSE claim.ClaimStatus END) AS ClaimStatus, "
                       + "CONCAT(CONCAT(CONCAT(CONCAT(patient.LName,', '),patient.FName),' '),patient.MiddleI) as 'Patient Name',carrier.CarrierName"
                       + ",claim.ClaimFee,GROUP_CONCAT(procedurecode.ProcCode SEPARATOR ', ') ProcCodes,claim.ClaimNum,claim.PatNum "
                       + "FROM patient"
                       + " INNER JOIN claim ON claim.PatNum=patient.PatNum"
                       + " INNER JOIN claimproc ON claimproc.ClaimNum=claim.ClaimNum"
                       + " INNER JOIN procedurelog ON procedurelog.ProcNum=claimproc.ProcNum"
                       + " INNER JOIN procedurecode ON procedurecode.CodeNum=procedurelog.CodeNum"
                       + " INNER JOIN insplan ON insplan.PlanNum=claim.PlanNum"
                       + " INNER JOIN carrier ON carrier.CarrierNum=insplan.CarrierNum"
                       + clinJoin
                       + " WHERE claim.DateService >= " + POut.Date(fromDate)
                       + " AND claim.DateService <= " + POut.Date(toDate)
                       + whereClin
                       + claimFilter
                       + " GROUP BY claim.ClaimNum";
            if (DataConnection.DBtype == DatabaseType.Oracle)
                command += ",claim.Status,patient.LName,patient.FName,patient.MiddleI,carrier.CarrierName,claim.ClaimFee,claim.ClaimNum,claim.PatNum";
            command += " ORDER BY claim.DateService";
            return(ReportsComplex.RunFuncOnReportServer(() => Db.GetTable(command)));
Exemple #4
        ///<summary>this code is similar to code in the phone tracking server.  But here, we frequently only change clockStatus and ColorBar by setting employeeNum=-1.  If employeeNum is not -1, then EmployeeName also gets set.  If employeeNum==0, then clears employee from that row.</summary>
        public static void SetPhoneStatus(ClockStatusEnum clockStatus, int extens, long employeeNum = -1)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                Meth.GetVoid(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), clockStatus, extens, employeeNum);
            string command = @"SELECT phoneempdefault.EmployeeNum,phoneempdefault.IsTriageOperator,Description,phoneempdefault.EmpName,HasColor,phone.ClockStatus "
                             + "FROM phone "
                             + "LEFT JOIN phoneempdefault ON phone.Extension=phoneempdefault.PhoneExt "
                             + "WHERE phone.Extension=" + POut.Long(extens);
            DataTable tablePhone = Db.GetTable(command);

            if (tablePhone.Rows.Count == 0)
                //It would be nice if we could create a phone row for this extension.
            long     empNum           = PIn.Long(tablePhone.Rows[0]["EmployeeNum"].ToString());
            bool     isTriageOperator = PIn.Bool(tablePhone.Rows[0]["IsTriageOperator"].ToString());
            string   empName          = PIn.String(tablePhone.Rows[0]["EmpName"].ToString());
            string   clockStatusDb    = PIn.String(tablePhone.Rows[0]["ClockStatus"].ToString());
            Employee emp = Employees.GetEmp(employeeNum);

            if (emp != null)           //A new employee is going to take over this extension.
                empName = emp.FName;
                empNum  = emp.EmployeeNum;
            else if (employeeNum == 0)           //Clear the employee from that row.
                empName = "";
                empNum  = 0;
            //if these values are null because of missing phoneempdefault row, they will default to false
            //PhoneEmpStatusOverride statusOverride=(PhoneEmpStatusOverride)PIn.Int(tablePhone.Rows[0]["StatusOverride"].ToString());
            bool hasColor = PIn.Bool(tablePhone.Rows[0]["HasColor"].ToString());

            #region DateTimeStart
            //When a user shows up as a color on the phone panel, we want a timer to be constantly going to show how long they've been off the phone.
            string dateTimeStart = "";
            //It's possible that a new user has never clocked in before, therefore their clockStatus will be empty.  Simply set it to the status that they are trying to go to.
            if (clockStatusDb == "")
                clockStatusDb = clockStatus.ToString();
            if (clockStatus == ClockStatusEnum.Break ||
                clockStatus == ClockStatusEnum.Lunch)
                //The user is going on Lunch or Break.  Start the DateTimeStart counter so we know how long they have been gone.
                dateTimeStart = "DateTimeStart=NOW(), ";
            else if (clockStatus == ClockStatusEnum.Home)
                //User is going Home.  Always clear the DateTimeStart column no matter what.
                dateTimeStart = "DateTimeStart='0001-01-01', ";
            else              //User shows as a color on big phones and is not going to a status of Home, Lunch, or Break.  Example: Available, Training etc.
                              //Get the current clock status from the database.
                ClockStatusEnum clockStatusCur = (ClockStatusEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(ClockStatusEnum), clockStatusDb);
                //Start the clock if the user is going from a break status to any other non-break status.
                if (clockStatusCur == ClockStatusEnum.Home ||
                    clockStatusCur == ClockStatusEnum.Lunch ||
                    clockStatusCur == ClockStatusEnum.Break)
                    //The user is clocking in from home, lunch, or break.  Start the timer up.
                    if (hasColor)                     //Only start up the timer when someone with color clocks in.
                        dateTimeStart = "DateTimeStart=NOW(), ";
                    else                       //Someone with no color then reset the timer. They are back from break, that's all we need to know.
                        dateTimeStart = "DateTimeStart='0001-01-01', ";
            string dateTimeNeedsHelpStart;
            if (clockStatus == ClockStatusEnum.NeedsHelp)
                dateTimeNeedsHelpStart = "DateTimeNeedsHelpStart=NOW(), ";
                dateTimeNeedsHelpStart = "DateTimeNeedsHelpStart=" + POut.DateT(DateTime.MinValue) + ", ";
            //Update the phone row to reflect the new clock status of the user.
            string clockStatusNew = clockStatus.ToString();
            if (clockStatus == ClockStatusEnum.None)
                clockStatusNew = "";
            if (clockStatus == ClockStatusEnum.HelpOnTheWay && clockStatusDb == ClockStatusEnum.HelpOnTheWay.ToString())           //If HelpOnTheWay already
                clockStatusNew = ClockStatusEnum.Available.ToString();
            command = "UPDATE phone SET ClockStatus='" + POut.String(clockStatusNew) + "', "
                      + dateTimeStart
                      + dateTimeNeedsHelpStart
                      //+"ColorBar=-1, " //ColorBar is now determined at runtime by OD using Phones.GetPhoneColor.
                      + "EmployeeNum=" + POut.Long(empNum) + ", "
                      + "EmployeeName='" + POut.String(empName) + "' "
                      + "WHERE Extension=" + extens;
            //Zero out any duplicate phone table rows for this employee.
            //This is possible if a user logged off and another employee logs into their computer. This would cause duplicate entries in the big phones window.
            UpdatePhoneToEmpty(employeeNum, extens);
Exemple #5
		///<summary>Gets data for the history grid in the SendClaims window.  The listEtransType must contain as least one item.</summary>
		public static DataTable RefreshHistory(DateTime dateFrom,DateTime dateTo,List<EtransType> listEtransType) {
			if(RemotingClient.RemotingRole==RemotingRole.ClientWeb) {
				return Meth.GetTable(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(),dateFrom,dateTo,listEtransType);
			string command="SELECT (CASE WHEN etrans.PatNum=0 THEN etrans.PatientNameRaw "
				+"ELSE CONCAT(CONCAT(patient.LName,', '),patient.FName) END) AS PatName,"
				+"(CASE WHEN etrans.carrierNum=0 THEN etrans.CarrierNameRaw ELSE carrier.CarrierName END) AS CarrierName,"
				+"clearinghouse.Description AS Clearinghouse,DateTimeTrans,etrans.OfficeSequenceNumber,"
				+"etrans.UserNum,etrans.PatNum "
				+"FROM etrans "
				+"LEFT JOIN carrier ON etrans.CarrierNum=carrier.CarrierNum "
				+"LEFT JOIN patient ON patient.PatNum=etrans.PatNum "
				+"LEFT JOIN clearinghouse ON clearinghouse.ClearinghouseNum=etrans.ClearinghouseNum WHERE "
				+DbHelper.DtimeToDate("DateTimeTrans")+" >= "+POut.Date(dateFrom)+" AND "
				+DbHelper.DtimeToDate("DateTimeTrans")+" <= "+POut.Date(dateTo)+" "
				+"AND Etype IN ("+POut.Long((int)listEtransType[0]);
				for(int i=1;i<listEtransType.Count;i++){//String.Join doesn't work because there's no way to cast the enums to ints in the function, db uses longs.
					command+=", "+POut.Long((int)listEtransType[i]);
				command+=") "
				//For Canada, when the undo button is used from Manage | Send Claims, the ClaimNum is set to 0 instead of deleting the etrans entry.
				//For transaction types related to claims where the claimnum=0, we do not want them to show in the history section of Manage | Send Claims because they have been undone.
				+"AND (ClaimNum<>0 OR Etype NOT IN ("+POut.Long((int)EtransType.Claim_CA)+","+POut.Long((int)EtransType.ClaimCOB_CA)+","+POut.Long((int)EtransType.Predeterm_CA)+","+POut.Long((int)EtransType.ClaimReversal_CA)+")) "
				+"ORDER BY DateTimeTrans";
			DataTable table=Db.GetTable(command);
			DataTable tHist=new DataTable("Table");
			DataRow row;
			string etype;
			for(int i=0;i<table.Rows.Count;i++) {
				else if(table.Rows[i]["AckCode"].ToString()=="R") {
				else if(table.Rows[i]["AckCode"].ToString()=="Recd") {
				else {
			return tHist;
Exemple #6
		///<summary>Etrans type will be figured out by this class.  Either TextReport, Acknowledge_997, Acknowledge_999, or StatusNotify_277.</summary>
		public static void ProcessIncomingReport(DateTime dateTimeTrans,long hqClearinghouseNum,string messageText,long userNum) {
			if(RemotingClient.RemotingRole==RemotingRole.ClientWeb) {
			Etrans etrans=CreateEtrans(dateTimeTrans,hqClearinghouseNum,messageText,userNum);
			string command;
			X12object Xobj=X12object.ToX12object(messageText);
			if(Xobj!=null) {//Is a correctly formatted X12 message.
				if(Xobj.IsAckInterchange()) {
					//At some point in the future, we should use TA101 to match to batch number and TA104 to get the ack code, 
					//then update historic etrans entries like we do for 997s, 999s and 277s.
				else if(Xobj.Is997()) {
					X997 x997=new X997(messageText);
					string batchack=x997.GetBatchAckCode();
					if(batchack=="A"||batchack=="R") {//accepted or rejected
						command="UPDATE etrans SET AckCode='"+batchack+"', "
							+" WHERE BatchNumber="+POut.Long(etrans.BatchNumber)
							+" AND ClearinghouseNum="+POut.Long(hqClearinghouseNum)
							+" AND DateTimeTrans > "+POut.DateT(dateTimeTrans.AddDays(-14))
							+" AND DateTimeTrans < "+POut.DateT(dateTimeTrans.AddDays(1))
							+" AND AckEtransNum=0";
					else {//partially accepted
						List<int> transNums=x997.GetTransNums();
						string ack;
						for(int i=0;i<transNums.Count;i++) {
							if(ack=="A"||ack=="R") {//accepted or rejected
								command="UPDATE etrans SET AckCode='"+ack+"', "
									+" WHERE BatchNumber="+POut.Long(etrans.BatchNumber)
									+" AND TransSetNum="+POut.Long(transNums[i])
									+" AND ClearinghouseNum="+POut.Long(hqClearinghouseNum)
									+" AND DateTimeTrans > "+POut.DateT(dateTimeTrans.AddDays(-14))
									+" AND DateTimeTrans < "+POut.DateT(dateTimeTrans.AddDays(1))
									+" AND AckEtransNum=0";
					//none of the other fields make sense, because this ack could refer to many claims.
				else if(Xobj.Is999()) {
					X999 x999=new X999(messageText);
					string batchack=x999.GetBatchAckCode();
					if(batchack=="A"||batchack=="R") {//accepted or rejected
					  command="UPDATE etrans SET AckCode='"+batchack+"', "
					    +" WHERE BatchNumber="+POut.Long(etrans.BatchNumber)
					    +" AND ClearinghouseNum="+POut.Long(hqClearinghouseNum)
					    +" AND DateTimeTrans > "+POut.DateT(dateTimeTrans.AddDays(-14))
					    +" AND DateTimeTrans < "+POut.DateT(dateTimeTrans.AddDays(1))
					    +" AND AckEtransNum=0";
					else {//partially accepted
					  List<int> transNums=x999.GetTransNums();
					  string ack;
					  for(int i=0;i<transNums.Count;i++) {
					    if(ack=="A"||ack=="R") {//accepted or rejected
					      command="UPDATE etrans SET AckCode='"+ack+"', "
					        +" WHERE BatchNumber="+POut.Long(etrans.BatchNumber)
					        +" AND TransSetNum="+POut.Long(transNums[i])
					        +" AND ClearinghouseNum="+POut.Long(hqClearinghouseNum)
					        +" AND DateTimeTrans > "+POut.DateT(dateTimeTrans.AddDays(-14))
					        +" AND DateTimeTrans < "+POut.DateT(dateTimeTrans.AddDays(1))
					        +" AND AckEtransNum=0";
					//none of the other fields make sense, because this ack could refer to many claims.
				else if(X277.Is277(Xobj)) {
					X277 x277=new X277(messageText);
					List<string> listClaimIdentifiers=x277.GetClaimTrackingNumbers();
					//Dictionary to run one update command per ack code for many claims.
					Dictionary <string,List<X12ClaimMatch>> dictClaimMatchesByAck=new Dictionary<string,List<X12ClaimMatch>>();
					for(int i=0;i<listClaimIdentifiers.Count;i++) {
						X12ClaimMatch claimMatch=new X12ClaimMatch();
						string[] arrayClaimInfo=x277.GetClaimInfo(claimMatch.ClaimIdentifier);
						string ack=arrayClaimInfo[3];
						if(!dictClaimMatchesByAck.ContainsKey(ack)) {
							dictClaimMatchesByAck.Add(ack,new List<X12ClaimMatch>());
					foreach(string ack in dictClaimMatchesByAck.Keys) {
						List <long> listClaimNums=Claims.GetClaimFromX12(dictClaimMatchesByAck[ack]);
						if(listClaimNums!=null) {
							listClaimNums=listClaimNums.Where(x => x!=0).ToList();
							if(listClaimNums.Count > 0) {
								//Locate the latest etrans entries for the claims based on DateTimeTrans with EType of ClaimSent or Claim_Ren and update the AckCode and AckEtransNum.
								//We overwrite existing acks from 997s, 999s and older 277s.
								command="UPDATE etrans SET AckCode='"+ack+"', "
									+" WHERE EType IN ("+POut.Int((int)EtransType.ClaimSent)+","+POut.Int((int)EtransType.Claim_Ren)+") "
									+" AND ClaimNum IN("+String.Join(",",listClaimNums.Select(x => POut.Long(x)))+")"
									+" AND ClearinghouseNum="+POut.Long(hqClearinghouseNum)
									+" AND DateTimeTrans > "+POut.DateT(dateTimeTrans.AddDays(-14))
									+" AND DateTimeTrans < "+POut.DateT(dateTimeTrans.AddDays(1));
						//none of the other fields make sense, because this ack could refer to many claims.
				else if(X835.Is835(Xobj)) {
					List <string> listTranSetIds=Xobj.GetTranSetIds();
					List <Etrans> listEtrans=new List<Etrans>();
					List <X835> list835s=new List<X835>();
					//We pull in the 835 data in two loops so that we can ensure the 835 is fully parsed before we create any etrans entries.
					for(int i=0;i<listTranSetIds.Count;i++) {
						if(i>0) {
							etrans.EtransNum=0;//To get a new record to insert.
						X835 x835=new X835(etrans,messageText,etrans.TranSetId835);//parse. If parsing fails, then no etrans entries will be inserted.
						List<string> listUniquePatientNames=new List<string>();
						for(int j=0;j<x835.ListClaimsPaid.Count;j++) {
							string patName=x835.ListClaimsPaid[j].PatientName.ToString(false);
							if(!listUniquePatientNames.Contains(patName)) {
						if(listUniquePatientNames.Count==1) {
						else {
							etrans.PatientNameRaw="("+listUniquePatientNames.Count+" "+Lans.g("Etranss","patients")+")";
					//The 835 was completely parsed.  Create etrans entries.
					for(int i=0;i<listEtrans.Count;i++) {
						X835 x835=list835s[i];
						List<long> listClaimNums=x835.ListClaimsPaid.Select(x => x.ClaimNum).Where(x => x!=0).ToList();
						if(listClaimNums.Count > 0) {
							//Locate the latest etrans entries for the claim based on DateTimeTrans with EType of ClaimSent or Claim_Ren and update the AckCode and AckEtransNum.
							//We overwrite existing acks from 997s, 999s, and 277s.
							command="UPDATE etrans SET AckCode='A', "
								+" WHERE EType IN (0,3) "//ClaimSent and Claim_Ren
								+" AND ClaimNum IN("+String.Join(",",listClaimNums.Select(x => POut.Long(x)))+")"
								+" AND ClearinghouseNum="+POut.Long(hqClearinghouseNum)
								+" AND DateTimeTrans > "+POut.DateT(dateTimeTrans.AddDays(-14))
								+" AND DateTimeTrans < "+POut.DateT(dateTimeTrans.AddDays(1));
						//none of the other fields make sense, because this ack could refer to many claims.
				else {//unknown type of X12 report.
			else {//not X12
Exemple #7
		///<summary>Throws exceptions.
		///When etrans.Etype is associated to a Canadian request EType, this runs multiple queries to set etrans.CarrierTransCounter and
		///etrans.CarrierTransCounter2.  Otherwise returns without making any changes.
		///The etrans.CarrierNum, etrans.CarrierNum2 and etrans.Etype columns must be set prior to running this.</summary>
		public static Etrans SetCanadianEtransFields(Etrans etrans,bool hasSecondary=true) {
			if(!etrans.Etype.GetAttributeOrDefault<EtransTypeAttr>().IsCanadaType || !etrans.Etype.GetAttributeOrDefault<EtransTypeAttr>().IsRequestType) {
				return etrans;
			if(RemotingClient.RemotingRole==RemotingRole.ClientWeb) {
				return Meth.GetObject<Etrans>(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(),etrans,hasSecondary);
			//find the next officeSequenceNumber
			string command="SELECT MAX(OfficeSequenceNumber) FROM etrans";
			DataTable table=Db.GetTable(command);
			if(table.Rows.Count>0) {
				if(etrans.OfficeSequenceNumber==999999){//if the office has sent > 1 million messages, and has looped back around to 1.
					throw new ApplicationException("OfficeSequenceNumber has maxed out at 999999.  This program will need to be enhanced.");
			//find the next CarrierTransCounter for the primary carrier
			#region CarrierTransCounter
			command="SELECT MAX(CarrierTransCounter) FROM etrans "
				+"WHERE CarrierNum="+POut.Long(etrans.CarrierNum);
			int tempcounter=0;
			if(table.Rows.Count>0) {
			if(tempcounter>etrans.CarrierTransCounter) {
			command="SELECT MAX(CarrierTransCounter2) FROM etrans "
				+"WHERE CarrierNum2="+POut.Long(etrans.CarrierNum);
			if(table.Rows.Count>0) {
			if(tempcounter>etrans.CarrierTransCounter) {
				throw new ApplicationException("CarrierTransCounter has maxed out at 99999.  This program will need to be enhanced.");
				//maybe by adding a reset date to the preference table which will apply to all counters as a whole.
			#endregion CarrierTransCounter
			if(!hasSecondary || etrans.CarrierNum2==0) {
				return etrans;
			#region CarrierTransCounter2
			command="SELECT MAX(CarrierTransCounter) FROM etrans "
				+"WHERE CarrierNum="+POut.Long(etrans.CarrierNum2);
			if(table.Rows.Count>0) {
			if(tempcounter>etrans.CarrierTransCounter2) {
			command="SELECT MAX(CarrierTransCounter2) FROM etrans "
				+"WHERE CarrierNum2="+POut.Long(etrans.CarrierNum2);
			if(table.Rows.Count>0) {
			if(tempcounter>etrans.CarrierTransCounter2) {
			if(etrans.CarrierTransCounter2==99999) {
				throw new ApplicationException("CarrierTransCounter has maxed out at 99999.  This program will need to be enhanced.");
			return etrans;
Exemple #8
        ///<summary>Computes aging for the family specified. Specify guarantor=0 in order to calculate aging for all families.
        ///Gets all info from database.
        ///The aging calculation will use the following rules within each family:
        ///1) The aging "buckets" (0 to 30, 31 to 60, 61 to 90 and Over 90) ONLY include account activity on or
        ///before AsOfDate.
        ///2) BalTotal will always include all account activity, even future entries, except when in historical
        ///mode, where BalTotal will exclude account activity after AsOfDate.
        ///3) InsEst will always include all insurance estimates, even future estimates, except when in
        ///historical mode where InsEst excludes insurance estimates after AsOfDate.
        ///4) PayPlanDue will always include all payment plan charges minus credits, except when in
        ///historical mode where PayPlanDue excludes payment plan charges and payments after AsOfDate.</summary>
        public static void ComputeAging(long guarantor, DateTime AsOfDate, bool historic)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                Meth.GetVoid(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), guarantor, AsOfDate, historic);
            //Zero out either entire database or entire family.
            //Need to zero everything out first to catch former guarantors.
            string command = "UPDATE patient SET "
                             + "Bal_0_30   = 0"
                             + ",Bal_31_60 = 0"
                             + ",Bal_61_90 = 0"
                             + ",BalOver90 = 0"
                             + ",InsEst    = 0"
                             + ",BalTotal  = 0"
                             + ",PayPlanDue= 0";

            if (guarantor != 0)
                command += " WHERE Guarantor=" + POut.Long(guarantor);
            if (AsOfDate.Year < 1880)
                AsOfDate = DateTime.Today;
            string asOfDate          = POut.Date(AsOfDate);
            string billInAdvanceDate = POut.Date(AsOfDate.AddDays(PrefC.GetLong(PrefName.PayPlansBillInAdvanceDays)));

            if (historic)
                billInAdvanceDate = POut.Date(DateTime.Today.AddDays(PrefC.GetLong(PrefName.PayPlansBillInAdvanceDays)));
            string thirtyDaysAgo = POut.Date(AsOfDate.AddDays(-30));
            string sixtyDaysAgo  = POut.Date(AsOfDate.AddDays(-60));
            string ninetyDaysAgo = POut.Date(AsOfDate.AddDays(-90));
            string familyPatNums = "";
            Collection <string> familyPatNumList = new Collection <string> ();

            if (guarantor != 0)
                familyPatNums = "(";
                command       = "SELECT p.PatNum FROM patient p WHERE p.Guarantor=" + guarantor;
                DataTable tFamilyPatNums = Db.GetTable(command);
                for (int i = 0; i < tFamilyPatNums.Rows.Count; i++)
                    if (i > 0)
                        familyPatNums += ",";
                    string patNum = tFamilyPatNums.Rows[i][0].ToString();
                    familyPatNums += patNum;
                familyPatNums += ")";
            //We use temporary tables using the "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE" syntax here so that any temporary
            //tables created are specific to the current database connection and no actual files are created
            //in the database. This will prevent rogue files from collecting in the live database, and will
            //prevent aging calculations on one computer from affecting the aging calculations on another computer.
            //Unfortunately, this has one side effect, which is that our connector reopens the
            //connection every time a command is run, so the temporary tables only last for a single
            //command. To get around this issue, we run the aging script as a single command/script.
            //Unfortunately, the "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE" syntax gets replicated if MySQL replication is enabled,
            //which becomes a problem becauase the command is then no longer connection specific. Therefore,
            //to accomodate to the few offices using database replication with MySQL, when creating the temporary aging tables,
            //we append a random string to the temporary table names so the possibility to temporary table
            //name collision is practically zero.
            //Create a temporary table to calculate aging into temporarily, so that the patient table is
            //not being changed by multiple threads if more than one user is calculating aging.
            //Since a temporary table is dropped automatically only when the connection is closed,
            //and since we use connection pooling, drop them before using.
            string tempTableSuffix           = CodeBase.MiscUtils.CreateRandomAlphaNumericString(14);//max size for a table name in oracle is 30 chars.
            string tempAgingTableName        = "tempaging" + tempTableSuffix;
            string tempOdAgingTransTableName = "tempodagingtrans" + tempTableSuffix;

            if (DataConnection.DBtype == DatabaseType.Oracle)
                try {
                    //We would use DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS syntax here but no such syntax exists in Oracle.
                    command = "DROP TEMPORARY TABLE " + tempAgingTableName + ", " + tempOdAgingTransTableName;
                catch {
                    //The tables do not exist. Nothing to do.
                try {
                    //We would use DROP TABLE IF EXISTS syntax here but no such syntax exists in Oracle.
                    command = "DROP TABLE " + tempAgingTableName + ", " + tempOdAgingTransTableName;
                catch {
                    //The tables do not exist. Nothing to do.
                command = "DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS " + tempAgingTableName + ", " + tempOdAgingTransTableName;
                command = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + tempAgingTableName + ", " + tempOdAgingTransTableName;
            if (DataConnection.DBtype == DatabaseType.Oracle)
                command = "CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE " + tempAgingTableName + " (" +
                          "PatNum NUMBER," +
                          "Guarantor NUMBER," +
                          "Charges_0_30 NUMBER(38,8) DEFAULT 0," +
                          "Charges_31_60 NUMBER(38,8) DEFAULT 0," +
                          "Charges_61_90 NUMBER(38,8) DEFAULT 0," +
                          "ChargesOver90 NUMBER(38,8) DEFAULT 0," +
                          "TotalCredits NUMBER(38,8) DEFAULT 0," +
                          "InsEst NUMBER(38,8) DEFAULT 0," +
                          "PayPlanDue NUMBER(38,8) DEFAULT 0," +
                          "BalTotal NUMBER(38,8) DEFAULT 0" +
                command = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE " + tempAgingTableName + " (" +
                          "PatNum bigint," +
                          "Guarantor bigint," +
                          "Charges_0_30 DOUBLE DEFAULT 0," +
                          "Charges_31_60 DOUBLE DEFAULT 0," +
                          "Charges_61_90 DOUBLE DEFAULT 0," +
                          "ChargesOver90 DOUBLE DEFAULT 0," +
                          "TotalCredits DOUBLE DEFAULT 0," +
                          "InsEst DOUBLE DEFAULT 0," +
                          "PayPlanDue DOUBLE DEFAULT 0," +
                          "BalTotal DOUBLE DEFAULT 0" +
            if (guarantor == 0)
                //We insert all of the patient numbers and guarantor numbers only when we are running aging for everyone,
                //since we do not want to examine every patient record when running aging for a single family.
                command += "INSERT INTO " + tempAgingTableName + " (PatNum,Guarantor) " +
                           "SELECT p.PatNum,p.Guarantor " +
                           "FROM patient p;";
                //When there is only one patient that aging is being calculated for, then the indexes actually
                //slow the calculation down slightly, but they significantly improve the speed when aging is being
                //calculated for all familes.
                if (DataConnection.DBtype == DatabaseType.Oracle)
                    command += "CREATE INDEX " + tempAgingTableName.ToUpper() + "_PATNUM ON " + tempAgingTableName + " (PatNum);";
                    command += "CREATE INDEX " + tempAgingTableName.ToUpper() + "_GUAR ON " + tempAgingTableName + " (Guarantor);";
                    command += "ALTER TABLE " + tempAgingTableName + " ADD INDEX IDX_" + tempAgingTableName.ToUpper() + "_PATNUM (PatNum);";
                    command += "ALTER TABLE " + tempAgingTableName + " ADD INDEX IDX_" + tempAgingTableName.ToUpper() + "_GUARANTOR (Guarantor);";
                //Manually create insert statements to avoid having the database system visit every patient record again.
                //In my testing, this saves about 0.25 seconds on an individual family aging calculation on my machine in MySQL.
                command += "INSERT INTO " + tempAgingTableName + " (PatNum,Guarantor) VALUES ";
                for (int i = 0; i < familyPatNumList.Count; i++)
                    if (i > 0)
                        command += ",";
                    command += "(" + familyPatNumList[i] + "," + guarantor + ")";
                command += ";";
            //Create another temporary table which holds a very concise summary of the entire office transaction history,
            //so that all transactions can be treated as either a general credit or a general charge in the aging calculation.
            //Since we are recreating a temporary table with the same name as last time aging was run,
            //the old temporary table gets wiped out.
            if (DataConnection.DBtype == DatabaseType.Oracle)
                command += "CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE " + tempOdAgingTransTableName + " (" +
                           "PatNum NUMBER," +
                           "TranDate DATE DEFAULT TO_DATE('0001-01-01', 'yyyy-mm-dd')," +
                           "TranAmount NUMBER(38,8) DEFAULT 0" +
                command += "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE " + tempOdAgingTransTableName + " (" +
                           "PatNum bigint," +
                           "TranDate DATE DEFAULT '0001-01-01'," +
                           "TranAmount DOUBLE DEFAULT 0" +
            //Get the completed procedure dates and charges for the entire office history.
            command += "INSERT INTO " + tempOdAgingTransTableName + " (PatNum,TranDate,TranAmount) " +
                       "SELECT pl.PatNum PatNum," +
                       "pl.ProcDate TranDate," +
                       "pl.ProcFee*(pl.UnitQty+pl.BaseUnits) TranAmount " +
                       "FROM procedurelog pl " +
                       "WHERE pl.ProcStatus=2 " +
                       (guarantor == 0?"":(" AND pl.PatNum IN " + familyPatNums)) + ";";
            //Paysplits for the entire office history.
            command += "INSERT INTO " + tempOdAgingTransTableName + " (PatNum,TranDate,TranAmount) " +
                       "SELECT ps.PatNum PatNum," +
                       "ps.DatePay TranDate," +
                       "-ps.SplitAmt TranAmount " +
                       "FROM paysplit ps " +
                       "WHERE ps.PayPlanNum=0 " +                //Only splits not attached to payment plans.
                       (guarantor == 0?"":(" AND ps.PatNum IN " + familyPatNums)) + ";";
            //Get the adjustment dates and amounts for the entire office history.
            command += "INSERT INTO " + tempOdAgingTransTableName + " (PatNum,TranDate,TranAmount) " +
                       "SELECT a.PatNum PatNum," +
                       "a.AdjDate TranDate," +
                       "a.AdjAmt TranAmount " +
                       "FROM adjustment a " +
                       "WHERE a.AdjAmt<>0 " +
                       (guarantor == 0?"":(" AND a.PatNum IN " + familyPatNums)) + ";";
            //Claim payments and capitation writeoffs for the entire office history.
            command += "INSERT INTO " + tempOdAgingTransTableName + " (PatNum,TranDate,TranAmount) " +
                       "SELECT cp.PatNum PatNum," +
                       "cp.DateCp TranDate," +                        //Always use DateCP rather than ProcDate to calculate the date of a claim payment.
                       "-cp.InsPayAmt-cp.Writeoff TranAmount " +
                       "FROM claimproc cp " +
                       "WHERE cp.status IN (1,4,5,7) " +                //received, supplemental, CapClaim or CapComplete.
                       (guarantor == 0?"":(" AND cp.PatNum IN " + familyPatNums)) + ";";
            //Payment plan principal for the entire office history.
            command += "INSERT INTO " + tempOdAgingTransTableName + " (PatNum,TranDate,TranAmount) " +
                       "SELECT pp.PatNum PatNum," +
                       "pp.PayPlanDate TranDate," +
                       "-pp.CompletedAmt TranAmount " +
                       "FROM payplan pp " +
                       "WHERE pp.CompletedAmt<>0 " +
                       (guarantor == 0?"":(" AND pp.PatNum IN " + familyPatNums)) + ";";
            if (DataConnection.DBtype == DatabaseType.Oracle)
                //The aging calculation buckets, insurance estimates, and payment plan due amounts are
                //not yet calculated for Oracle as they have not been needed yet. Just calculates
                //account balance totals.
                string tempTotalsTableName = "temptotals" + tempTableSuffix;
                command += "CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE " + tempTotalsTableName + " (" +
                           "PatNum NUMBER DEFAULT 0," +
                           "BalTotal NUMBER(38,8) DEFAULT 0" +
                command += "CREATE INDEX " + tempTotalsTableName.ToUpper() + "_PATNU ON " + tempTotalsTableName + " (PatNum);";
                command += "INSERT INTO " + tempTotalsTableName + " " +
                           "SELECT PatNum,ROUND(SUM(TranAmount),2) FROM " + tempOdAgingTransTableName +
                           "GROUP BY PatNum;";
                command += "UPDATE patient p " +
                           "SET p.BalTotal=(SELECT t.BalTotal FROM " + tempTotalsTableName + " t WHERE t.PatNum=p.PatNum " + DbHelper.LimitAnd(1) + ");";
                //Now that we have all of the pertinent transaction history, we will calculate all of the charges for
                //the associated patients.
                //Calculate over 90 day charges for all specified families.
                command += "UPDATE " + tempAgingTableName + " a," +
                           //Calculate the total charges for each patient during this time period and
                           //place the results into memory table 'chargesOver90'.
                           "(SELECT t.PatNum,SUM(t.TranAmount) TotalCharges FROM " + tempOdAgingTransTableName + " t " +
                           "WHERE t.TranAmount>0 AND t.TranDate<" + DbHelper.DateColumn(ninetyDaysAgo) + " GROUP BY t.PatNum) chargesOver90 " +
                           //Update the tempaging table with the caculated charges for the time period.
                           "SET a.ChargesOver90=chargesOver90.TotalCharges " +
                           "WHERE a.PatNum=chargesOver90.PatNum;";
                //Calculate 61 to 90 day charges for all specified families.
                command += "UPDATE " + tempAgingTableName + " a," +
                           //Calculate the total charges for each patient during this time period and
                           //place the results into memory table 'charges_61_90'.
                           "(SELECT t.PatNum,SUM(t.TranAmount) TotalCharges FROM " + tempOdAgingTransTableName + " t " +
                           "WHERE t.TranAmount>0 AND t.TranDate<" + DbHelper.DateColumn(sixtyDaysAgo) + " AND " +
                           "t.TranDate>=" + DbHelper.DateColumn(ninetyDaysAgo) + " GROUP BY t.PatNum) charges_61_90 " +
                           //Update the tempaging table with the caculated charges for the time period.
                           "SET a.Charges_61_90=charges_61_90.TotalCharges " +
                           "WHERE a.PatNum=charges_61_90.PatNum;";
                //Calculate 31 to 60 day charges for all specified families.
                command += "UPDATE " + tempAgingTableName + " a," +
                           //Calculate the total charges for each patient during this time period and
                           //place the results into memory table 'charges_31_60'.
                           "(SELECT t.PatNum,SUM(t.TranAmount) TotalCharges FROM " + tempOdAgingTransTableName + " t " +
                           "WHERE t.TranAmount>0 AND t.TranDate<" + DbHelper.DateColumn(thirtyDaysAgo) + " AND " +
                           "t.TranDate>=" + DbHelper.DateColumn(sixtyDaysAgo) + " GROUP BY t.PatNum) charges_31_60 " +
                           //Update the tempaging table with the caculated charges for the time period.
                           "SET a.Charges_31_60=charges_31_60.TotalCharges " +
                           "WHERE a.PatNum=charges_31_60.PatNum;";
                //Calculate 0 to 30 day charges for all specified families.
                command += "UPDATE " + tempAgingTableName + " a," +
                           //Calculate the total charges for each patient during this time period and
                           //place the results into memory table 'charges_0_30'.
                           "(SELECT t.PatNum,SUM(t.TranAmount) TotalCharges FROM " + tempOdAgingTransTableName + " t " +
                           "WHERE t.TranAmount>0 AND t.TranDate<=" + DbHelper.DateColumn(asOfDate) + " AND " +
                           "t.TranDate>=" + DbHelper.DateColumn(thirtyDaysAgo) + " GROUP BY t.PatNum) charges_0_30 " +
                           //Update the tempaging table with the caculated charges for the time period.
                           "SET a.Charges_0_30=charges_0_30.TotalCharges " +
                           "WHERE a.PatNum=charges_0_30.PatNum;";
                //Calculate the total credits each patient has ever received so we can apply the credits to the aged charges below.
                command += "UPDATE " + tempAgingTableName + " a," +
                           //Calculate the total credits for each patient and store the results in memory table 'credits'.
                           "(SELECT t.PatNum,-SUM(t.TranAmount) TotalCredits FROM " + tempOdAgingTransTableName + " t " +
                           "WHERE t.TranAmount<0 AND t.TranDate<=" + DbHelper.DateColumn(asOfDate) + " GROUP BY t.PatNum) credits " +
                           //Update the total credit for each patient into the tempaging table.
                           "SET a.TotalCredits=credits.TotalCredits " +
                           "WHERE a.PatNum=credits.PatNum;";
                //Calculate claim estimates for each patient individually on or before the specified date.
                command += "UPDATE " + tempAgingTableName + " a," +
                           //Calculate the insurance estimates for each patient and store the results into
                           //memory table 't'.
                           "(SELECT cp.PatNum,SUM(cp.InsPayEst+cp.Writeoff) InsEst " +
                           "FROM claimproc cp " +
                           "WHERE cp.PatNum<>0 " +
                           (historic?(" AND ((cp.Status=0 AND cp.ProcDate<=" + DbHelper.DateColumn(asOfDate) + ") OR " +
                                      "(cp.Status=1 AND cp.DateCP>" + DbHelper.DateColumn(asOfDate) + ")) AND cp.ProcDate<=" + DbHelper.DateColumn(asOfDate) + " "):" AND cp.Status=0 ") +
                           (guarantor == 0?"":(" AND cp.PatNum IN " + familyPatNums + " ")) +
                           "GROUP BY cp.PatNum) t " + //not received claims.
                                                      //Update the tempaging table with the insurance estimates for each patient.
                           "SET a.InsEst=t.InsEst " +
                           "WHERE a.PatNum=t.PatNum;";
                //Calculate the payment plan charges for each payment plan guarantor
                //on or before the specified date (also considering the PayPlansBillInAdvanceDays setting).
                //We cannot exclude payments made outside the specified family, since payment plan
                //guarantors can be in another family.
                command += "UPDATE " + tempAgingTableName + " a," +
                           "(SELECT ppc.Guarantor,IFNULL(SUM(ppc.Principal+ppc.Interest),0) PayPlanCharges " +
                           "FROM payplancharge ppc " +
                           "WHERE ppc.ChargeDate<=" + DbHelper.DateColumn(billInAdvanceDate) + " " +        //bill in adv. date accounts for historic vs current because of how it is set above.
                           "GROUP BY ppc.Guarantor) c " +
                           "SET a.PayPlanDue=c.PayPlanCharges " +
                           "WHERE c.Guarantor=a.PatNum;";
                //Calculate the total payments made to each payment plan
                //on or before the specified date and store the results in memory table 'p'.
                //We cannot exclude payments made outside the specified family, since payment plan
                //guarantors can be in another family.
                command += "UPDATE " + tempAgingTableName + " a," +
                           "(SELECT ps.PatNum,SUM(ps.SplitAmt) PayPlanPayments " +
                           "FROM paysplit ps " +
                           "WHERE ps.PayPlanNum<>0 " +            //only payments attached to payment plans.
                           (historic?(" AND ps.DatePay<=" + DbHelper.DateColumn(asOfDate) + " "):"") +
                           "GROUP BY ps.PatNum) p " +
                           "SET a.PayPlanDue=a.PayPlanDue-p.PayPlanPayments " +
                           "WHERE p.PatNum=a.PatNum;";
                //Calculate the total balance for each patient.
                //In historical mode, only transactions on or before AsOfDate will be included.
                command += "UPDATE " + tempAgingTableName + " a," +
                           //Calculate the total balance for each patient and
                           //place the results into memory table 'totals'.
                           "(SELECT t.PatNum,SUM(t.TranAmount) BalTotal FROM " + tempOdAgingTransTableName + " t " +
                           "WHERE t.TranAmount<>0 " + (historic?(" AND t.TranDate<=" + DbHelper.DateColumn(asOfDate)):"") + " GROUP BY t.PatNum) totals " +
                           //Update the tempaging table with the caculated charges for the time period.
                           "SET a.BalTotal=totals.BalTotal " +
                           "WHERE a.PatNum=totals.PatNum;";
                //Update the family aged balances onto the guarantor rows of the patient table
                //by placing credits on oldest charges first, then on younger charges.
                command += "UPDATE patient p," +
                           //Sum each colum within each family group inside of the tempaging table so that we are now
                           //using family amounts instead of individual patient amounts, and store the result into
                           //memory table 'f'.
                           "(SELECT a.Guarantor,SUM(a.Charges_0_30) Charges_0_30,SUM(a.Charges_31_60) Charges_31_60," +
                           "SUM(a.Charges_61_90) Charges_61_90,SUM(a.ChargesOver90) ChargesOver90," +
                           "SUM(TotalCredits) TotalCredits,SUM(InsEst) InsEst,SUM(PayPlanDue) PayPlanDue," +
                           "SUM(BalTotal) BalTotal " +
                           "FROM " + tempAgingTableName + " a " +
                           "GROUP BY a.Guarantor) f " +
                           //Perform the update of the patient table based on the family amounts summed into table 'f', and
                           //distribute the payments into the oldest balances first.
                           "SET " +
                           "p.BalOver90=ROUND((CASE " +
                           //over 90 balance paid in full.
                           "WHEN f.TotalCredits>=f.ChargesOver90 THEN 0 " +
                           //over 90 balance partially paid or unpaid.
                           "ELSE f.ChargesOver90-f.TotalCredits END),2)," +
                           "p.Bal_61_90=ROUND((CASE " +
                           //61 to 90 day balance unpaid.
                           "WHEN f.TotalCredits<=f.ChargesOver90 THEN f.Charges_61_90 " +
                           //61 to 90 day balance paid in full.
                           "WHEN f.ChargesOver90+f.Charges_61_90<=f.TotalCredits THEN 0 " +
                           //61 to 90 day balance partially paid.
                           "ELSE f.ChargesOver90+f.Charges_61_90-f.TotalCredits END),2)," +
                           "p.Bal_31_60=ROUND((CASE " +
                           //31 to 60 day balance unpaid.
                           "WHEN f.TotalCredits<f.ChargesOver90+f.Charges_61_90 THEN f.Charges_31_60 " +
                           //31 to 60 day balance paid in full.
                           "WHEN f.ChargesOver90+f.Charges_61_90+f.Charges_31_60<=f.TotalCredits THEN 0 " +
                           //31 to 60 day balance partially paid.
                           "ELSE f.ChargesOver90+f.Charges_61_90+f.Charges_31_60-f.TotalCredits END),2)," +
                           "p.Bal_0_30=ROUND((CASE " +
                           //0 to 30 day balance unpaid.
                           "WHEN f.TotalCredits<f.ChargesOver90+f.Charges_61_90+f.Charges_31_60 THEN f.Charges_0_30 " +
                           //0 to 30 day balance paid in full.
                           "WHEN f.ChargesOver90+f.Charges_61_90+f.Charges_31_60+f.Charges_0_30<=f.TotalCredits THEN 0 " +
                           //0 to 30 day balance partially paid.
                           "ELSE f.ChargesOver90+f.Charges_61_90+f.Charges_31_60+f.Charges_0_30-f.TotalCredits END),2)," +
                           "p.BalTotal=ROUND(f.BalTotal,2)," +
                           "p.InsEst=ROUND(f.InsEst,2)," +
                           "p.PayPlanDue=ROUND(f.PayPlanDue,2) " +
                           "WHERE p.PatNum=f.Guarantor;";     //Aging calculations only apply to guarantors.
            if (DataConnection.DBtype == DatabaseType.Oracle)
                try {
                    //We would use DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS syntax here but no such syntax exists in Oracle.
                    command = "DROP TEMPORARY TABLE " + tempAgingTableName + ", " + tempOdAgingTransTableName;
                catch {
                    //The tables do not exist. Nothing to do.
                try {
                    //We would use DROP TABLE IF EXISTS syntax here but no such syntax exists in Oracle.
                    command = "DROP TABLE " + tempAgingTableName + ", " + tempOdAgingTransTableName;
                catch {
                    //The tables do not exist. Nothing to do.
                command = "DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS " + tempAgingTableName + ", " + tempOdAgingTransTableName;
                command = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + tempAgingTableName + ", " + tempOdAgingTransTableName;
Exemple #9
        ///<summary>For orderBy, use 0 for BillingType and 1 for PatientName.</summary>
        public static DataTable GetBilling(bool isSent, int orderBy, DateTime dateFrom, DateTime dateTo, long clinicNum)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetTable(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), isSent, orderBy, dateFrom, dateTo, clinicNum));
            DataTable table = new DataTable();
            DataRow   row;

            //columns that start with lowercase are altered for display rather than being raw data.
            List <DataRow> rows    = new List <DataRow>();
            string         command = "SELECT BalTotal,BillingType,FName,InsEst,statement.IsSent,"
                                     + "IFNULL(MAX(s2.DateSent)," + POut.Date(DateTime.MinValue) + ") LastStatement,"
                                     + "LName,MiddleI,statement.Mode_,PayPlanDue,Preferred,"
                                     + "statement.PatNum,statement.StatementNum "
                                     + "FROM statement "
                                     + "LEFT JOIN patient ON statement.PatNum=patient.PatNum "
                                     + "LEFT JOIN statement s2 ON s2.PatNum=patient.PatNum "
                                     + "AND s2.IsSent=1 ";

            if (PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.BillingIgnoreInPerson))
                command += "AND s2.Mode_ !=1 ";
            if (orderBy == 0)          //BillingType
                command += "LEFT JOIN definition ON patient.BillingType=definition.DefNum ";
            command += "WHERE statement.IsSent=" + POut.Bool(isSent) + " ";
            command += "AND statement.DateSent>=" + POut.Date(dateFrom) + " ";      //greater than midnight this morning
            command += "AND statement.DateSent<" + POut.Date(dateTo.AddDays(1)) + " ";      //less than midnight tonight
            if (clinicNum > 0)
                command += "AND patient.ClinicNum=" + clinicNum + " ";
            command += "GROUP BY BalTotal,BillingType,FName,InsEst,statement.IsSent,"
                       + "LName,MiddleI,statement.Mode_,PayPlanDue,Preferred,"
                       + "statement.PatNum,statement.StatementNum ";
            if (orderBy == 0)          //BillingType
                command += "ORDER BY definition.ItemOrder,LName,FName,MiddleI,PayPlanDue";
                command += "ORDER BY LName,FName";
            DataTable     rawTable = Db.GetTable(command);
            Patient       pat;
            StatementMode mode;
            double        balTotal;
            double        insEst;
            double        payPlanDue;
            DateTime      lastStatement;

            for (int i = 0; i < rawTable.Rows.Count; i++)
                row                = table.NewRow();
                balTotal           = PIn.Double(rawTable.Rows[i]["BalTotal"].ToString());
                insEst             = PIn.Double(rawTable.Rows[i]["InsEst"].ToString());
                payPlanDue         = PIn.Double(rawTable.Rows[i]["PayPlanDue"].ToString());
                row["amountDue"]   = (balTotal - insEst).ToString("F");
                row["balTotal"]    = balTotal.ToString("F");;
                row["billingType"] = DefC.GetName(DefCat.BillingTypes, PIn.Long(rawTable.Rows[i]["BillingType"].ToString()));
                if (insEst == 0)
                    row["insEst"] = "";
                    row["insEst"] = insEst.ToString("F");
                row["IsSent"] = rawTable.Rows[i]["IsSent"].ToString();
                lastStatement = PIn.Date(rawTable.Rows[i]["LastStatement"].ToString());
                if (lastStatement.Year < 1880)
                    row["lastStatement"] = "";
                    row["lastStatement"] = lastStatement.ToShortDateString();
                mode          = (StatementMode)PIn.Long(rawTable.Rows[i]["Mode_"].ToString());
                row["mode"]   = Lans.g("enumStatementMode", mode.ToString());
                pat           = new Patient();
                pat.LName     = rawTable.Rows[i]["LName"].ToString();
                pat.FName     = rawTable.Rows[i]["FName"].ToString();
                pat.Preferred = rawTable.Rows[i]["Preferred"].ToString();
                pat.MiddleI   = rawTable.Rows[i]["MiddleI"].ToString();
                row["name"]   = pat.GetNameLF();
                row["PatNum"] = rawTable.Rows[i]["PatNum"].ToString();
                if (payPlanDue == 0)
                    row["payPlanDue"] = "";
                    row["payPlanDue"] = payPlanDue.ToString("F");
                row["StatementNum"] = rawTable.Rows[i]["StatementNum"].ToString();
            for (int i = 0; i < rows.Count; i++)
Exemple #10
        public static DataTable GetSmsUsageLocal(List <long> listClinicNums, DateTime dateMonth)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                return(Meth.GetTable(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), listClinicNums, dateMonth));
            #region Initialize retVal DataTable
            List <SmsPhone> listSmsPhones = GetForClinics(listClinicNums);
            DateTime        dateStart     = dateMonth.Date.AddDays(1 - dateMonth.Day); //remove time portion and day of month portion. Remainder should be midnight of the first of the month
            DateTime        dateEnd       = dateStart.AddMonths(1);                    //This should be midnight of the first of the following month.
            //This query builds the data table that will be filled from several other queries, instead of writing one large complex query.
            //It is written this way so that the queries are simple to write and understand, and makes Oracle compatibility easier to maintain.
            string    command = @"SELECT 
							  0 ClinicNum,
							  ' ' PhoneNumber,
							  ' ' CountryCode,
							  0 SentMonth,
							  0.0 SentCharge,
							  0 ReceivedMonth,
							  0.0 ReceivedCharge 
							  DUAL"                            ; //this is a simple way to get a data table with the correct layout without having to query any real data.
            DataTable retVal  = Db.GetTable(command).Clone();    //use .Clone() to get schema only, with no rows.
            retVal.TableName = "SmsUsageLocal";
            for (int i = 0; i < listClinicNums.Count; i++)
                DataRow row = retVal.NewRow();
                row["ClinicNum"]   = listClinicNums[i];
                row["PhoneNumber"] = "No Active Phones";
                SmsPhone firstActivePhone = listSmsPhones
                                            .Where(x => x.ClinicNum == listClinicNums[i])          //phones for this clinic
                                            .Where(x => x.DateTimeInactive.Year < 1880)            //that are active
                                            .FirstOrDefault(x => x.DateTimeActive == listSmsPhones //and have the smallest active date (the oldest/first phones activated)
                                                            .Where(y => y.ClinicNum == x.ClinicNum)
                                                            .Where(y => y.DateTimeInactive.Year < 1880)
                                                            .Min(y => y.DateTimeActive));
                if (firstActivePhone != null)
                    row["PhoneNumber"] = firstActivePhone.PhoneNumber;
                    row["CountryCode"] = firstActivePhone.CountryCode;
                row["SentMonth"]      = 0;
                row["SentCharge"]     = 0.0;
                row["ReceivedMonth"]  = 0;
                row["ReceivedCharge"] = 0.0;
            #region Fill retVal DataTable
            //Sent Last Month
            command = "SELECT ClinicNum, COUNT(*), ROUND(SUM(MsgChargeUSD),2) FROM smstomobile "
                      + "WHERE DateTimeSent >=" + POut.Date(dateStart) + " "
                      + "AND DateTimeSent<" + POut.Date(dateEnd) + " "
                      + "AND MsgChargeUSD>0 GROUP BY ClinicNum";
            DataTable table = Db.GetTable(command);
            for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < retVal.Rows.Count; j++)
                    if (retVal.Rows[j]["ClinicNum"].ToString() != table.Rows[i]["ClinicNum"].ToString())
                    retVal.Rows[j]["SentMonth"]  = table.Rows[i][1];                 //.ToString();
                    retVal.Rows[j]["SentCharge"] = table.Rows[i][2];                 //.ToString();
            //Received Month
            command = "SELECT ClinicNum, COUNT(*) FROM smsfrommobile "
                      + "WHERE DateTimeReceived >=" + POut.Date(dateStart) + " "
                      + "AND DateTimeReceived<" + POut.Date(dateEnd) + " "
                      + "GROUP BY ClinicNum";
            table = Db.GetTable(command);
            for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < retVal.Rows.Count; j++)
                    if (retVal.Rows[j]["ClinicNum"].ToString() != table.Rows[i]["ClinicNum"].ToString())
                    retVal.Rows[j]["ReceivedMonth"]  = table.Rows[i][1].ToString();
                    retVal.Rows[j]["ReceivedCharge"] = "0";
Exemple #11
        ///<summary><para>Surround with try catch.  Safely renames list by creating new list, selecting existing list into new list, then deleting existing list.</para>
        ///<para>This code could be used to either copy or backup lists in the future. (With minor modifications).</para></summary>
        public static void Rename(string nameOriginal, string nameNew)
            if (RemotingClient.RemotingRole == RemotingRole.ClientWeb)
                Meth.GetVoid(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), nameOriginal, nameNew);
            //Name should already have been validated and available.
            string command = "CREATE TABLE wikilist_" + POut.String(nameNew) + " AS SELECT * FROM wikilist_" + POut.String(nameOriginal);

            //Validate content before altering and deleting things
            DataTable tableNew = GetByName(nameNew);
            DataTable tableOld = GetByName(nameOriginal);

            if (tableNew.Rows.Count != tableOld.Rows.Count)
                command = "DROP TABLE wikilist_" + POut.String(nameNew);
                throw new Exception("Error occurred renaming list.  Mismatch found in row count. No changes made.");
            if (tableNew.Columns.Count != tableOld.Columns.Count)
                command = "DROP TABLE wikilist_" + POut.String(nameNew);
                throw new Exception("Error occurred renaming list.  Mismatch found in column count. No changes made.");
            for (int r1 = 0; r1 < tableNew.Rows.Count; r1++)
                for (int r2 = 0; r2 < tableOld.Rows.Count; r2++)
                    if (tableNew.Rows[r1][0] != tableOld.Rows[r2][0])
                        continue;                                    //pk does not match
                    for (int c = 0; c < tableNew.Columns.Count; c++) //both lists have same number of columns
                        if (tableNew.Rows[r1][c] == tableOld.Rows[r2][c])
                            continue;                            //contents match
                        throw new Exception("Error occurred renaming list.  Mismatch Error found in row data. No changes made.");
                    }    //end columns
                }        //end tableOld
            }            //end tableNew
            //Alter table names----------------------------------------------------------------------------
            string priKeyColNameOrig = POut.String(nameOriginal) + "Num";

            if (!tableNew.Columns.Contains(priKeyColNameOrig))             //if new table doesn't contain a PK based on the old table name, make the first column the nameNew+"Num" PK column
                priKeyColNameOrig = POut.String(tableNew.Columns[0].ColumnName);
            if (DataConnection.DBtype == DatabaseType.MySql)
                command = "ALTER TABLE wikilist_" + POut.String(nameNew) + " CHANGE " + priKeyColNameOrig + " " + POut.String(nameNew) + "Num bigint NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY";
                command = "RENAME COLUMN wikilist_" + POut.String(nameNew) + "." + priKeyColNameOrig + " TO " + POut.String(nameNew) + "Num";
            command = "UPDATE wikilistheaderwidth SET ListName='" + POut.String(nameNew) + "' WHERE ListName='" + POut.String(nameOriginal) + "'";
            command = $@"UPDATE wikilistheaderwidth SET ColName='{POut.String(nameNew)}Num'
				WHERE ListName='{POut.String(nameNew)}' AND ColName='{priKeyColNameOrig}'"                ;
            //drop old table---------------------
            command = "DROP TABLE wikilist_" + POut.String(nameOriginal);