public static OperationParameters Parse(string[] commandParts)
            OperationParameters opParams = new OperationParameters();

            DoParse(opParams, commandParts);
 private static void DoParse(OperationParameters opParams, string[] commandParts)
     for (int k = 1; k < commandParts.Length; k++)
         ParsePart(opParams, commandParts[k].ToUpperInvariant());
        public static OperationParameters ParseWithDefault(string[] commandParts)
            OperationParameters opParams = CreateDefault();

            DoParse(opParams, commandParts);
        private static OperationParameters CreateDefault()
            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;

            OperationParameters opParams = new OperationParameters()
                OperationCode = "GF",
                Day           = DateHelper.DayOfWeekToDay(now.DayOfWeek),
                Size          = 8,
                Mode          = "SM",
                Time          = now.IsDaylightSavingTime() ? new TimeSpan(18, 30, 0) : new TimeSpan(19, 30, 0),

Exemple #5
        public async Task <bool> UpdateOperation(int operationId, OperationParameters opParams)
            Operation op;

            lock (this)
                op = GetOperation(operationId);
                if (op == null)

                if (opParams.HasOperationCode)
                    op.OperationName = opParams.OperationCode;
                if (opParams.HasTime)
                    op.Date = op.Date.Date + opParams.Time;
                if (opParams.HasMode)
                    op.Mode = opParams.Mode;
                if (opParams.HasSize)
                    op.Size = opParams.Size;
                if (opParams.HasSide)
                    op.Side = opParams.Side;
                if (opParams.HasDay)
                    DateTime newDate = DateHelper.GetDateForNextOccuranceOfDay(opParams.Day);
                    op.Date = newDate + op.Date.TimeOfDay;
            await _operationUpdated.InvokeAsync(new OperationUpdatedEventArgs(op));

 private static void ParsePart(OperationParameters opParams, string part)
     if (DateHelper.IsDayName(part))
         opParams.Day = part;
     else if (part == "GF" || Operation.IsValidOperationCode(part))
         opParams.OperationCode = part;
     else if (Operation.IsValidOperationMode(part))
         opParams.Mode = part;
     else if (Operation.IsValidSize(part))
         opParams.Size = int.Parse(part);
     else if ("IMPERIAL".StartsWith(part))
         opParams.Side = "Imperial";
     else if ("REPUBLIC".StartsWith(part))
         opParams.Side = "Republic";
         TimeSpan time;
         if (!TimeSpan.TryParse(part, out time))
             throw new OpBotInvalidValueException($"Parameter \"{part}\" does not compute.");
         if (time.TotalHours > 23)
             throw new OpBotInvalidValueException($"{part} is not a valid time.");
         opParams.Time = time;
Exemple #7
        private async Task CreateCommand(MessageCreateEventArgs e, ParsedCommand cmd)
                OperationParameters opParams = OperationParameters.ParseWithDefault(cmd.CommandParts);

                Operation newOperation = new Operation()
                    Size = opParams.Size,
                    Mode = opParams.Mode,
                    Date = DateHelper.GetDateForNextOccuranceOfDay(opParams.Day) + opParams.Time,
                    Side = opParams.Side,
                newOperation.OperationName = opParams.OperationCode == "GF" ? GroupFinder.OperationOn(newOperation.Date) : opParams.OperationCode;

                DiscordMessage newOpMessage = await e.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Creating event...");

                newOperation.MessageId = newOpMessage.Id;

                string text = _ops.Add(newOperation).GetOperationMessageText();
                await newOpMessage.ModifyAsync(text);
                await PinMessage(e, newOpMessage);

                await _repository.SaveAsync(_ops);

                SendAlerts(e, newOperation);
            catch (OperationException ex)
                await SendError(e, ex.Message);
            catch (OpBotInvalidValueException opEx)
                await SendError(e, $"I don't understand part of that create command.\n\n{opEx.Message}\n\nSo meat bag, try again and get it right this time or you will be terminated as an undesirable {DiscordText.StuckOutTongue}.");
Exemple #8
        private async Task EditCommand(MessageCreateEventArgs e, ParsedCommand cmd)
            if (cmd.CommandParts.Length == 1)
                await SendError(e, "What do you want me to edit?");


                OperationParameters opParams = OperationParameters.Parse(cmd.CommandParts);
                bool success = await _ops.UpdateOperation(cmd.OperationId, opParams);

                if (!success)
                    await SendOperationErrorMessage(e, cmd.OperationId);
            catch (OpBotInvalidValueException ex)
                await SendError(e, $"That is an invalid edit command\n\n.{ex.Message}");