protected virtual void AsTextContent(CodeWriter writer, RenderFlags flags)
     writer.EscapeUnicode = false;
     if (_content is string)
         DocText.AsTextText(writer, GetContentForDisplay(flags), flags);
     else if (_content is ChildList <DocComment> )
         ChildList <DocComment> content = (ChildList <DocComment>)_content;
         for (int i = 0; i < content.Count; ++i)
             DocComment docComment = content[i];
             if (docComment is DocText)
                 DocText.AsTextText(writer, GetContentForDisplay((DocText)docComment, i == 0, i == content.Count - 1, flags), flags);
                 docComment.AsText(writer, flags);
     else if (_content is CodeObject)
         // Turn on translation of '<', '&', and '>' for content
         writer.InDocCommentContent = true;
         ((CodeObject)_content).AsText(writer, flags);
         writer.InDocCommentContent = false;
     writer.EscapeUnicode = true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Move any trailing post annotations on the last base type to the first constraint (if any) as prefix annotations.
 /// </summary>
 protected void AdjustBaseTypePostComments()
     if (_baseTypes != null)
         int baseTypes = _baseTypes.Count;
         if (baseTypes > 0 && _baseTypes[baseTypes - 1].HasPostAnnotations && HasConstraintClauses)
             ChildList <Annotation> annotations = _baseTypes[baseTypes - 1].Annotations;
             for (int i = 0; i < annotations.Count;)
                 Annotation annotation = annotations[i];
                 if (annotation.IsPostfix)
                     annotation.IsPostfix = false;
                     if (annotation.IsListed)
             if (annotations.Count == 0)
                 _baseTypes[baseTypes - 1].Annotations = null;
 /// <summary>
 /// Create an <see cref="IndexerDecl"/>.
 /// </summary>
 public IndexerDecl(Expression name, Expression type, Modifiers modifiers, params ParameterDecl[] parameters)
     : base(CheckUnresolvedThisRef(name), type, modifiers)
     // Save any parameters - these are NOT stored on the SetterDecl/GetterDecl, but are
     // instead accessed through the parent.
     _parameters = new ChildList <ParameterDecl>(parameters, this);
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the declaring generic type or method.
        /// </summary>
        public TypeRefBase GetDeclaringTypeOrMethod()
            object reference = GetReferencedType();

            if (reference is TypeParameter)
                CodeObject parent = ((TypeParameter)reference).Parent;
                if (parent is GenericMethodDecl)
                    GenericMethodDecl methodDecl = (GenericMethodDecl)parent;
                    return(methodDecl.CreateRef(ChildList <Expression> .CreateListOfNulls(methodDecl.TypeParameterCount)));
                if (parent is ITypeDecl)
                    ITypeDecl typeDecl = (ITypeDecl)parent;
                    return(typeDecl.CreateRef(ChildList <Expression> .CreateListOfNulls(typeDecl.TypeParameterCount)));
            else if (reference is Type)
                Type typeParameter = (Type)reference;
                if (typeParameter.DeclaringMethod != null)
                Type declaringType = ((Type)reference).DeclaringType;
                return(declaringType != null ? Create(declaringType) : null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a multi field declaration from an array of FieldDecls.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fieldDecls">An array of FieldDecls.</param>
        public MultiFieldDecl(params FieldDecl[] fieldDecls)
            : base(null, null)
            _fieldDecls = new ChildList <FieldDecl>(this);
            if (fieldDecls.Length > 0)
                // Acquire the Parent, Type, and Modifiers from the first FieldDecl
                FieldDecl fieldDecl1 = fieldDecls[0];
                Parent            = fieldDecl1.Parent;
                fieldDecl1.Parent = null;  // Break parent link to avoid clone on Add
                SetField(ref _type, (Expression)fieldDecl1.Type.Clone(), true);
                _modifiers = fieldDecl1.Modifiers;

                // Also move any annotations from the first FieldDecl
                if (fieldDecl1.HasAnnotations)
                    Annotations            = fieldDecl1.Annotations;
                    fieldDecl1.Annotations = null;

                // Add with internal method to avoid changes to Type, etc.
                foreach (FieldDecl fieldDecl in fieldDecls)
 public static void AsTextConstraints(CodeWriter writer, ChildList <ConstraintClause> constraints, RenderFlags flags)
     if (constraints != null && constraints.Count > 0)
         writer.WriteList(constraints, flags | RenderFlags.NoItemSeparators | (constraints[0].IsFirstOnLine ? 0 : RenderFlags.PrefixSpace), constraints.Parent);
 /// <summary>
 /// Add the specified text to the documentation comment.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual void Add(string text)
     if (text != null)
         if (_content == null)
             _content = text;
         else if (_content is string)
             _content += text;
         else if (_content is ChildList <DocComment> )
             ChildList <DocComment> children = (ChildList <DocComment>)_content;
             if (children.Count == 0)
                 _content = text;
             else if (children.Last is DocText)
                 children.Add(new DocText(text));
             throw new Exception("Can't add to a DocComment that contains code objects - add to the contained BlockDecl instead.");
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse an <see cref="Initializer"/>.
        /// </summary>
        public Initializer(Parser parser, CodeObject parent)
            : base(parser, parent)
            MoveComments(parser.LastToken);  // Associate any skipped comment objects

            // If the initializer doesn't start on a new line, or it's indented less than the parent object, set the NoIndentation
            // flag to prevent it from being formatted relative to the parent object.
            if (!IsFirstOnLine || parser.CurrentTokenIndentedLessThan(parser.ParentStartingToken))
                SetFormatFlag(FormatFlags.NoIndentation, true);

            parser.NextToken();  // Move past '{'
            Token lastToken = parser.LastToken;


            // Parse the list of expressions
            _expressions = ParseList(parser, this, ParseTokenEnd);

            // Attach any skipped regular comment to the first item in the list
            if (_expressions != null && _expressions.Count > 0)

            if (ParseExpectedToken(parser, ParseTokenEnd)) // Move past '}'
                EndNewLines = parser.LastToken.NewLines;   // Set the newline count for the '}'
 /// <summary>
 /// Create the list of <see cref="Catch"/>s, or return the existing one.
 /// </summary>
 public ChildList <Catch> CreateCatches()
     if (_catches == null)
         _catches = new ChildList <Catch>(this);
 /// <summary>
 /// Create the list of <see cref="TypeParameterConstraint"/>s, or return the existing one.
 /// </summary>
 public ChildList <TypeParameterConstraint> CreateConstraints()
     if (_constraints == null)
         _constraints = new ChildList <TypeParameterConstraint>(this);
Exemple #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Create the list of argument <see cref="Expression"/>s, or return the existing one.
 /// </summary>
 public ChildList <Expression> CreateArguments()
     if (_arguments == null)
         _arguments = new ChildList <Expression>(this);
Exemple #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Create the list of <see cref="Expression"/>s, or return the existing one.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public ChildList <Expression> CreateExpressions()
     if (_expressions == null)
         _expressions = new ChildList <Expression>(this);
        protected void ParseParameters(Parser parser)
            // Parse the parameter declarations
            bool isEndFirstOnLine;

            _parameters      = ParameterDecl.ParseList(parser, this, ParseTokenStart, ParseTokenEnd, false, out isEndFirstOnLine);
            IsEndFirstOnLine = isEndFirstOnLine;
 /// <summary>
 /// Create the list of <see cref="ConstraintClause"/>s, or return the existing one.
 /// </summary>
 public ChildList <ConstraintClause> CreateConstraintClauses()
     if (_constraintClauses == null)
         _constraintClauses = new ChildList <ConstraintClause>(this);
 /// <summary>
 /// Create the list of <see cref="ParameterDecl"/>s, or return the existing one.
 /// </summary>
 public ChildList <ParameterDecl> CreateParameters()
     if (_parameters == null)
         _parameters = new ChildList <ParameterDecl>(this);
 /// <summary>
 /// Create the list of base type <see cref="Expression"/>s, or return the existing one.
 /// </summary>
 public ChildList <Expression> CreateBaseTypes()
     if (_baseTypes == null)
         _baseTypes = new ChildList <Expression>(this);
 /// <summary>
 /// Create the list of <see cref="TypeParameter"/>s, or return the existing one.
 /// </summary>
 public ChildList <TypeParameter> CreateTypeParameters()
     if (_typeParameters == null)
         _typeParameters = new ChildList <TypeParameter>(this);
 protected void ParseNameTypeParameters(Parser parser)
     _name = parser.GetIdentifierText();                       // Parse the name
     MoveEOLComment(parser.LastToken);                         // Associate any skipped EOL comment
     _typeParameters = TypeParameter.ParseList(parser, this);  // Parse any type parameters
     MoveEOLComment(parser.LastToken);                         // Associate any skipped EOL comment
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a multi field declaration.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="type">The type of the multi field declaration.</param>
 /// <param name="names">The list of names to be used.</param>
 public MultiLocalDecl(Expression type, params string[] names)
     : base(null, type)
     _localDecls = new ChildList <LocalDecl>(this);
     foreach (string name in names)
         Add(new LocalDecl(name, (Expression)type.Clone()));
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a multi field declaration.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="type">The type of the multi field declaration.</param>
 /// <param name="modifiers">The modifiers of the multi field declaration.</param>
 /// <param name="names">The list of names to be used.</param>
 public MultiFieldDecl(Expression type, Modifiers modifiers, params string[] names)
     : base(null, type, modifiers)
     _fieldDecls = new ChildList <FieldDecl>(this);
     foreach (string name in names)
         Add(new FieldDecl(name, (Expression)type.Clone(), modifiers));
        public static void AsTextTypeParameters(CodeWriter writer, ChildList <TypeParameter> typeParameters, RenderFlags flags)
            RenderFlags passFlags = (flags & RenderFlags.PassMask);

            // Render the angle brackets as braces if we're inside a documentation comment
            writer.Write(flags.HasFlag(RenderFlags.InDocComment) ? ParseTokenAltStart : ParseTokenStart);
            writer.WriteList(typeParameters, passFlags, typeParameters.Parent);
            writer.Write(flags.HasFlag(RenderFlags.InDocComment) ? ParseTokenAltEnd : ParseTokenEnd);
Exemple #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a <see cref="ChildList{T}"/> with the specified number of null entries.
        /// </summary>
        public static ChildList <T> CreateListOfNulls(int nullEntryCount)
            ChildList <T> list = new ChildList <T>(nullEntryCount);

            for (int i = 0; i < nullEntryCount; ++i)
        // NOTE: No parse-point is installed for general documentation comments - instead, the parser calls
        //       the parsing method below directly based upon the token type.  Documentation comments with
        //       specific tags do have parse-points installed.
        // NOTE: Manual parsing of the XML is done instead of using an XML parser - this is for
        //       performance, and to handle malformed XML properly, and also so embedded code references
        //       and fragments can be parsed properly with the main parser.

        /// <summary>
        /// Parse a <see cref="DocComment"/>.
        /// </summary>
        public static DocComment Parse(Parser parser, CodeObject parent, ParseFlags flags)
            Token token            = parser.Token;
            byte  prefixSpaceCount = (token.LeadingWhitespace.Length < byte.MaxValue ? (byte)token.LeadingWhitespace.Length : byte.MaxValue);

            // Get any newlines preceeding the documentation comment
            int newLines = token.NewLines;

            parser.NextToken(true);  // Move past '///' or '/**'

            // Start a new Unused list in the parser to catch unrecognized tokens in otherwise valid tags, etc.
            // This must be done in order to prevent anything already in the unused list from being emitted
            // within the doc comment.

            // Remove any leading blank lines from inside the doc comment
            parser.Token.NewLines = 0;

            // Parse a DocComment object
            DocComment docComment = new DocComment(parser, parent)
                NewLines = newLines

            // Restore the previous Unused list in the parser - it's the responsibility of the DocComment parsing
            // logic to flush any unused tokens, such as into the content area of the comment.

            // Remove the parent DocComment if it only has a single child
            if (docComment.Content is string)
                DocText docText = new DocText((string)docComment.Content)
                    NewLines = newLines
                docComment = docText;
                ChildList <DocComment> content = (ChildList <DocComment>)docComment.Content;
                if (content.Count == 1)
                    DocComment first = content[0];
                    first.NewLines = newLines;
                    docComment = first;

            // Store the number of prefixed spaces
            docComment._prefixSpaceCount = prefixSpaceCount;

 /// <summary>
 /// Helper method to convert a collection of Attributes to text.
 /// </summary>
 public static void AsTextAttributes(CodeWriter writer, ChildList <Attribute> attributes, RenderFlags flags)
     if (attributes != null && attributes.Count > 0)
         flags &= ~RenderFlags.Description;  // Don't pass description flag through
         foreach (Attribute attrDecl in attributes)
             attrDecl.AsText(writer, flags);
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the specified type parameters as a descriptive string.
        /// </summary>
        internal static string GetTypeParametersAsString(ChildList <TypeParameter> typeParameters)
            string result  = TypeParameter.ParseTokenStart;
            bool   isFirst = true;

            foreach (TypeParameter typeParameter in typeParameters)
                result += (isFirst ? "" : ", ") + typeParameter.Name;
                isFirst = false;
            result += TypeParameter.ParseTokenEnd;
Exemple #26
 /// <summary>
 /// Deep-clone the collection.
 /// </summary>
 public static ChildList <T> Clone <T>(ChildList <T> thisChildList, CodeObject parent) where T : CodeObject
     if (thisChildList != null)
         ChildList <T> clone = new ChildList <T>(thisChildList.Count, parent);
         foreach (T child in thisChildList)
             clone.Add(child != null ? (T)child.Clone() : null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse a list of constraint clauses.
        /// </summary>
        public static ChildList <ConstraintClause> ParseList(Parser parser, CodeObject parent)
            ChildList <ConstraintClause> constraints = null;

            while (parser.TokenText == ParseToken)
                if (constraints == null)
                    constraints = new ChildList <ConstraintClause>(parent);
                constraints.Add(new ConstraintClause(parser, parent));
        protected Attribute(Parser parser, CodeObject parent)
            : base(parser, parent)
            parser.NextToken();  // Move past '['

            if (parser.PeekNextTokenText() == ParseTokenTarget)
                _target = AttributeTargetHelpers.Parse(parser);

            // Parse attribute expressions (will parse to a Call if parens are used, otherwise a ConstructorRef)
            _attributeExpressions = Expression.ParseList(parser, this, ParseTokenEnd);

            ParseExpectedToken(parser, ParseTokenEnd);  // Move past ']'
        /// <summary>
        /// Normalize content.
        /// </summary>
        public void NormalizeContent()
            if (_content is ChildList <DocComment> )
                ChildList <DocComment> children = (ChildList <DocComment>)_content;

                // Replace an empty collection with null
                if (children.Count == 0)
                    _content = null;
                    for (int i = children.Count - 1; i > 0; --i)
                        // Combine adjacent DocText objects into a single object
                        if (children[i] is DocText && children[i - 1] is DocText)
                            children[i - 1].Add(children[i].Text);
                    if (children.Count == 1)
                        CodeObject child = children[0];

                        // Replace a single DocText with a string
                        if (child is DocText)
                            _content = ((DocText)child).Text;
                        else if (child.NewLines > 0)
                            // Remove any newlines on the first child if they weren't explicitly set
                            if (!child.IsNewLinesSet && child.NewLines > 0)
                                // Move the newlines to the parent if it hasn't been explicitly set
                                if (!IsNewLinesSet)
        /// <summary>
        /// Create an <see cref="Unrecognized"/> object.
        /// </summary>
        public Unrecognized(bool parsingBlock, bool inDocComment, params Expression[] expressions)
            // Only count unrecognized "real" code - ignore any inside doc comments
            if (!inDocComment)

            _parsingBlock = parsingBlock;
            _inDocComment = inDocComment;
            _expressions  = new ChildList <Expression>(this);
            foreach (Expression expression in expressions)