Exemple #1
		public IList FindProcessInstances(DateTime startedAfter, DateTime startedBefore, String initiatorActorId, String actorId, Int64 processDefinitionId, Relations relations, DbSession dbSession)
			IList processInstances = null;
			String query = queryFindAllProcessInstances;
			ArrayList parameters = new ArrayList();
			ArrayList types = new ArrayList();

			if (startedAfter != DateTime.MinValue)
				query += "and pi.StartNullable > ? ";

			if (startedBefore != DateTime.MinValue)
				query += "and pi.StartNullable < ? ";

			if (initiatorActorId != null && initiatorActorId != "")
				query += "and pi.InitiatorActorId = ? ";

			if (actorId != null && actorId != "")
				query += "and f.ActorId = ? ";

			if (processDefinitionId != 0)
				query += "and pi.ProcessDefinition.Id = ? ";

			query += "order by pi.StartNullable desc";

			log.Debug("query for searching process instances : '" + query + "'");

			Object[] parameterArray = parameters.ToArray();
			IType[] typeArray = (IType[]) types.ToArray(typeof (IType));

			processInstances = dbSession.Find(query, parameterArray, typeArray);

			if (relations != null)

			log.Debug("process instances : '" + processInstances + "'");

			return processInstances;
		public IProcessInstance StartProcessInstance(String authenticatedActorId, Int64 processDefinitionId, IDictionary attributeValues, String transitionName, Relations relations, DbSession dbSession, IOrganisationSessionLocal organisationComponent)
			ProcessInstanceImpl processInstance = null;

			// First check if the actor is allowed to start this instance
			authorizationHelper.CheckStartProcessInstance(authenticatedActorId, processDefinitionId, attributeValues, transitionName, dbSession);

			// get the process-definition and its start-state    
			ProcessDefinitionImpl processDefinition = (ProcessDefinitionImpl) dbSession.Load(typeof (ProcessDefinitionImpl), processDefinitionId);
			StartStateImpl startState = (StartStateImpl) processDefinition.StartState;

			log.Info("actor '" + authenticatedActorId + "' starts an instance of process '" + processDefinition.Name + "'...");

			// create the process-instance
			processInstance = new ProcessInstanceImpl(authenticatedActorId, processDefinition);
			FlowImpl rootFlow = (FlowImpl) processInstance.RootFlow;

			// create the execution-context
			ExecutionContextImpl executionContext = new ExecutionContextImpl(authenticatedActorId, rootFlow, dbSession, organisationComponent);

			// save the process instance to allow hibernate queries    

			// run the actions 
			engine.RunActionsForEvent(EventType.BEFORE_PERFORM_OF_ACTIVITY, startState.Id, executionContext);

			// store the attributes
			executionContext.CreateLog(authenticatedActorId, EventType.PROCESS_INSTANCE_START);
			executionContext.CheckAccess(attributeValues, startState);

			// if this activity has a role-name, save the actor in the corresponding attribute
			executionContext.StoreRole(authenticatedActorId, startState);

			// run the actions 
			engine.RunActionsForEvent(EventType.PROCESS_INSTANCE_START, processDefinitionId, executionContext);

			// from here on, we consider the actor as being the previous actor

			// process the start-transition
			TransitionImpl startTransition = executionContext.GetTransition(transitionName, startState, dbSession);
			engine.ProcessTransition(startTransition, executionContext);

			// run the actions 
			engine.RunActionsForEvent(EventType.AFTER_PERFORM_OF_ACTIVITY, startState.Id, executionContext);

			// flush the updates to the db

/*			if (relations != null)
			return processInstance;
Exemple #3
		public void SetUp()
			simpleSingleChainRelations1 = new Relations("singleReturn");
			simpleSingleChainRelations2 = new Relations("singleReturn.singleReturn");
			singleChainRelations = new Relations("singleReturn.singleReturn.singleReturn.singleReturn");
			resultSimpleSingleChainRelations1 = new String[] {"singleReturn"};
			resultSimpleSingleChainRelations2 = new String[] {"singleReturn", "singleReturn"};
			resultSingleChainRelations = new String[] {"singleReturn", "singleReturn", "singleReturn", "singleReturn"};

			simpleCollectionChainRelations1 = new Relations("collectionReturn");
			simpleCollectionChainRelations2 = new Relations("collectionReturn.singleReturn");
			collectionChainRelations = new Relations("collectionReturn.collectionReturn.collectionReturn.singleReturn");
			resultSimpleCollectionChainRelations1 = new String[] {"collectionReturn"};
			resultSimpleCollectionChainRelations2 = new String[] {"collectionReturn", "singleReturn"};
			resultCollectionChainRelations = new String[] {"collectionReturn", "collectionReturn", "collectionReturn", "singleReturn"};

			simpleArrayChainRelations1 = new Relations("arrayReturn");
			simpleArrayChainRelations2 = new Relations("arrayReturn.singleReturn");
			arrayChainRelations = new Relations("arrayReturn.arrayReturn.arrayReturn.singleReturn");
			resultSimpleArrayChainRelations1 = new String[] {"arrayReturn"};
			resultSimpleArrayChainRelations2 = new String[] {"arrayReturn", "singleReturn"};
			resultArrayChainRelations = new String[] {"arrayReturn", "arrayReturn", "arrayReturn", "singleReturn"};
Exemple #4
		public virtual IList GetProcessDefinitions(Relations relations)
			IList processDefinitions = null;
			DbSession dbSession = null;
			dbSession = OpenSession();
			processDefinitions = implementation.GetProcessDefinitions(relations, dbSession);
			return processDefinitions;
 public virtual IList FindAllUsers(Relations relations)
     IList users = null;
     DbSession dbSession = null;
     dbSession = OpenSession();
     users = implementation.FindAllUsers(relations, dbSession);
     return users;
Exemple #6
		public virtual IProcessInstance GetProcessInstance(Int64 processInstanceId, Relations relations)
			ProcessInstanceImpl processInstance = null;
			DbSession dbSession = null;
			dbSession = OpenSession();
			processInstance = implementation.GetProcessInstance(processInstanceId, relations, dbSession);
			return processInstance;
Exemple #7
		public virtual IFlow GetFlow(Int64 flowId, Relations relations)
			FlowImpl flow = null;
			DbSession dbSession = null;
			dbSession = OpenSession();
			flow = implementation.GetFlow(flowId, relations, dbSession);
			return flow;
Exemple #8
		public virtual IList FindProcessInstances(DateTime startedAfter, DateTime startedBefore, String initiatorUserName, String actorUserName, Int64 processDefinitionId, Relations relations)
			IList processInstances = null;
			DbSession dbSession = null;
			dbSession = OpenSession();
			processInstances = implementation.FindProcessInstances(startedAfter, startedBefore, initiatorUserName, actorUserName, processDefinitionId, relations, dbSession);
			return processInstances;
Exemple #9
		public virtual IProcessDefinition GetProcessDefinition(Int64 processDefinitionId, Relations relations)
			IProcessDefinition processDefinition = null;
			DbSession dbSession = null;
			dbSession = OpenSession();
			processDefinition = implementation.GetProcessDefinition(processDefinitionId, relations, dbSession);
			return processDefinition;
		public IProcessDefinition GetProcessDefinition(Int64 processDefinitionId, Relations relations, DbSession dbSession)
			ProcessDefinitionImpl processDefinition = null;
			processDefinition = (ProcessDefinitionImpl) dbSession.Load(typeof (ProcessDefinitionImpl), processDefinitionId);
			if (relations != null)
			return processDefinition;
		public IList GetProcessDefinitions(Relations relations, DbSession dbSession)
			IList processDefinitions = null;
			processDefinitions = dbSession.Find(queryFindProcessDefinitions);
			if (relations != null)
			return processDefinitions;
		public IProcessDefinition GetProcessDefinition(String processDefinitionName, Relations relations, DbSession dbSession)
			ProcessDefinitionImpl processDefinition = null;
			processDefinition = (ProcessDefinitionImpl) dbSession.FindOne(queryFindProcessDefinitionByName, processDefinitionName, DbType.STRING);
			if (relations != null)
			return processDefinition;
		public IList GetAllProcessDefinitions(Relations relations, DbSession dbSession)
			IList processDefinitions = null;
			log.Debug("getting all process definitions...");
			processDefinitions = dbSession.Find(queryFindAllProcessDefinitions);
			if (relations != null)
			return processDefinitions;
Exemple #14
		public virtual IActor FindActorById(String actorId, Relations relations)
			IActor actor = null;
			DbSession dbSession = null;
				dbSession = OpenSession();
				actor = implementation.FindActorById(actorId, relations, dbSession);
			catch (Exception t)
				log.Error("error when finding actor by id " + actorId, t);
			return actor;
		public IList GetTaskList(String authenticatedActorId, IList actorIds, Relations relations, DbSession dbSession, IOrganisationSessionLocal organisationComponent)
			ArrayList tasks = null;
			IEnumerator actorIdsIterator = actorIds.GetEnumerator();
			while (actorIdsIterator.MoveNext())
				String actorId = (String) actorIdsIterator.Current;
				if (tasks == null)
					tasks = new ArrayList();
				tasks.AddRange(GetTaskList(authenticatedActorId, actorId, relations, dbSession, organisationComponent));
			return tasks;
Exemple #16
		public virtual IList GetTaskList(IList actorIds, Relations relations)
			DbSession dbSession = null;
			IList taskLists = null;
			IOrganisationSessionLocal organisationComponent = null;
				dbSession = OpenSession();
				organisationComponent = (IOrganisationSessionLocal) ServiceLocator.Instance.GetService(typeof (IOrganisationSessionLocal));
				taskLists = implementation.GetTaskList(ActorId, actorIds, relations, dbSession, organisationComponent);
			return taskLists;
 public IList GetTaskList(String actorId,Relations relations = null)
     IList taskLists = null;
     IOrganisationService organisationComponent = null;
         using (ISession session = NHibernateHelper.OpenSession())
             DbSession dbSession = new DbSession(session);
             IActor actor = organisationService.FindActorById(actorId);
             taskLists = taskRepository.FindTasks(actorId, dbSession);
     return taskLists;
        public IList PerformActivity(long flowId, IDictionary attributeValues = null, String transitionName=null, Relations relations=null)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ActorId))
                throw new AuthorizationException("you can't perform an activity because you are not authenticated");

            IList flows = null;
                using (ISession session = NHibernateHelper.OpenSession())
                    DbSession dbSession = new DbSession(session);
                    FlowImpl flow = flowRepository.GetFlow(flowId,dbSession);
                    ActivityStateImpl activityState = (ActivityStateImpl)flow.Node;

                    ExecutionContext executionContext = new ExecutionContext();

                    attributeService = new AttributeService(flow,dbSession);

                    transitionService = new TransitionService(ActorId, dbSession);
                    TransitionImpl transitionTo = transitionService.GetTransition(transitionName, activityState, dbSession);
                    transitionService.ProcessTransition(transitionTo, flow, dbSession);

            catch (ExecutionException e)
                throw e;
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new SystemException("uncaught exception : " + e.Message, e);
            return flows;
Exemple #19
        private static void  ResolveObject(Object persistentObject, IDictionary relationsMap)
            if (relationsMap == null)

            IEnumerator iter = relationsMap.GetEnumerator();

            while (iter.MoveNext())
                DictionaryEntry entry        = (DictionaryEntry)iter.Current;
                String          propertyName = (String)entry.Key;

                IDictionary rest      = null;
                Relations   relations = (Relations)entry.Value;
                if (relations != null)
                    rest = relations._relationsMap;

                    String getterName = propertyName.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + propertyName.Substring(1);
                    System.Reflection.PropertyInfo prop = persistentObject.GetType().GetProperty(getterName);
//					Type type=persistentObject.GetType();
                    Object agreggatedObject = prop.GetValue(persistentObject, null);
                    // log.Debug( "agreggatedObject: " + agreggatedObject );
                    if (agreggatedObject != null)
                        Resolve(agreggatedObject, rest);
                catch (System.Exception e)
                    log.Error("can't resolve property " + propertyName + " for object " + persistentObject + " : " + e.Message, e);
		public IList GetTaskList(String authenticatedActorId, String actorId, Relations relations, DbSession dbSession, IOrganisationSessionLocal organisationComponent)
			IList tasks = null;
			IActor actor = organisationComponent.FindActorById(actorId);

			if (actor is IUser)
				log.Debug("getting task lists for actor --> User : [" + actor + "]");
				tasks = GetActorTaskList(actorId, dbSession);
			else if (actor is IGroup)
				log.Debug("getting task lists for actor --> Group : [" + actor + "]");
				tasks = GetGroupTaskList(authenticatedActorId, null, actorId, dbSession, organisationComponent);

			if (relations != null)

			return tasks;
Exemple #21
		public ProcessInstanceImpl GetProcessInstance(Int64 processInstanceId, Relations relations, DbSession dbSession)
			ProcessInstanceImpl processInstance = null;
			log.Debug("searching for process instances...");
			processInstance = (ProcessInstanceImpl) dbSession.Load(typeof (ProcessInstanceImpl), processInstanceId);
			Resolve((FlowImpl) processInstance.RootFlow, relations, dbSession);
			return processInstance;
Exemple #22
		public FlowImpl GetFlow(Int64 flowId, Relations relations, DbSession dbSession)
			FlowImpl flow = null;
			log.Debug("searching for flow '" + flowId + "'...");
			flow = (FlowImpl) dbSession.Load(typeof (FlowImpl), flowId);
			Resolve(flow, relations, dbSession);
			return flow;
Exemple #23
		private void  Add(String fullyQualifiedProperty)
			String atomicProperty = null;
			String subProperty = null;
			int dotIndex = fullyQualifiedProperty.IndexOf('.');
			if (dotIndex != - 1)
				atomicProperty = fullyQualifiedProperty.Substring(0, dotIndex);
				subProperty = fullyQualifiedProperty.Substring(dotIndex + 1);
				atomicProperty = fullyQualifiedProperty;
			Relations subRelation = (Relations) _relationsMap[atomicProperty];
			if (subRelation != null)
				if ((Object) subProperty != null)
					subRelation = new Relations(subProperty);
			_relationsMap[atomicProperty] = subRelation;
Exemple #24
		private void Resolve(FlowImpl flow, Relations relations, DbSession dbSession)
			// resolve the flow 
			if (relations != null)
				log.Debug("resolving relations : '" + relations + "' on flow '" + flow + "'");

			// resolve the flow-details 
			IEnumerator iter = flow.Logs.GetEnumerator();
			while (iter.MoveNext())
				LogImpl logImpl = (LogImpl) iter.Current;
				IEnumerator detailsIter = logImpl.Details.GetEnumerator();
				while (detailsIter.MoveNext())
					LogDetailImpl LogDetailImpl = (LogDetailImpl) detailsIter.Current;

			// resolve the attribute values
			iter = flow.AttributeInstances.GetEnumerator();
			while (iter.MoveNext())
				AttributeInstanceImpl attributeInstance = (AttributeInstanceImpl) iter.Current;
				log.Debug("resolving attribute instance : " + attributeInstance.GetValue());

			// resolve the child-flows 
			iter = flow.Children.GetEnumerator();
			while (iter.MoveNext())
				FlowImpl subFlow = (FlowImpl) iter.Current;
				Resolve(subFlow, relations, dbSession);

			// resolve the sub-process-flows 
			IProcessInstance subProcessInstance = flow.GetSubProcessInstance();
			if (subProcessInstance != null)
				Resolve((FlowImpl) subProcessInstance.RootFlow, relations, dbSession);
        public IFlow GetFlow(String authenticatedActorId, Int64 flowId, Relations relations, DbSession dbSession)
            // first check if the actor is allowed to get this flow
            authorizationHelper.CheckGetFlow(authenticatedActorId, flowId, dbSession);

            FlowImpl flow = null;
            flow = (FlowImpl) dbSession.Load(typeof (FlowImpl), flowId);

            if (relations != null)

            return flow;
		public IGroup FindGroupByMembership(String userId, String membershipType, Relations relations, DbSession dbSession)
			IGroup group = null;
				Object[] args = new Object[] {userId, membershipType};
				IType[] types = new IType[] {DbType.STRING, DbType.STRING};
				group = (IGroup) dbSession.FindOne(queryFindGroupByMembership, args, types);
				if (relations != null)
			catch (Exception t)
				throw new OrganisationRuntimeException("organisation-exception : coudn't find group by membership by user '" + userId + "' and membership-type '" + membershipType + "' : " + t.Message);
			return group;
        public IProcessInstance StartProcessInstance(long processDefinitionId, IDictionary attributeValues = null, string transitionName = null, Relations relations = null)
            ProcessInstanceImpl processInstance = null;
            IOrganisationService organisationService = null;

            using (ISession session = NHibernateHelper.OpenSession())
                using (var tran = session.BeginTransaction())
                    DbSession dbSession = new DbSession(session);
                    ProcessDefinitionImpl processDefinition = myProcessDefinitionService.GetProcessDefinition(processDefinitionId, dbSession);
                    processInstance = new ProcessInstanceImpl(ActorId, processDefinition);
                    processInstanceRepository.Save(processInstance, dbSession);//到這裏應該存了ProcessInstance,RootFlow

                    ExecutionContext executionContext = new ExecutionContext();

                    attributeService = new AttributeService((FlowImpl)processInstance.RootFlow, dbSession);
                    attributeService.StoreRole(organisationService.FindActorById(ActorId), (ActivityStateImpl)processDefinition.StartState);

                    transitionService = new TransitionService(ActorId, dbSession);
                    TransitionImpl transitionTo = transitionService.GetTransition(transitionName, processDefinition.StartState, dbSession);
                    transitionService.ProcessTransition(transitionTo, (FlowImpl)processInstance.RootFlow, dbSession);


            return processInstance;
		public IGroup CreateGroup(String groupId, ICollection userIds, Relations relations, DbSession dbSession)
			//Group group = null;
			throw new NotSupportedException("in the organisation-component, the method createGroup is not yet implemented");
			// return group;
		// method implementations ////////////////////////////////////////////
		public IActor FindActorById(String actorName, Relations relations, DbSession dbSession)
			IActor actor = null;
				actor = (IActor) dbSession.FindOne(queryFindActorById, actorName, DbType.STRING);
				if (relations != null)
			catch (Exception t)
				throw new OrganisationRuntimeException("organisation-exception : coudn't find actor '" + actorName + "' by name : " + t.Message);
			return actor;
        public IList PerformActivity(String authenticatedActorId, Int64 flowId, IDictionary attributeValues, String transitionName, Relations relations, DbSession dbSession, IOrganisationService organisationComponent)
            IList assignedFlows = null;
            // get the flow
            FlowImpl flow = (FlowImpl) dbSession.Load(typeof (FlowImpl), flowId);
            dbSession.Lock(flow.ProcessInstance, LockMode.Upgrade);
            ActivityStateImpl activityState = (ActivityStateImpl) flow.Node;

            // TODO : check which part can move to the DefaultAuthorizationHandler
            if ((Object) flow.ActorId == null)
                throw new SystemException("the flow on which you try to perform an activity is not assigned to an actor");
                if ((Object) authenticatedActorId == null)
                    throw new AuthorizationException("you can't perform an activity because you are not authenticated");
                //		else if ( ! authenticatedActorId.equals( flow.getActorId() ) ) {
                //        throw new AuthorizationException( "activity '" + activityState.getName() + "' in flow " + flow.getId() + " is not assigned to the authenticated actor (" + authenticatedActorId + ") but to " + flow.getActorId() );
                //      }

            // first check if the actor is allowed to perform this activity
            authorizationHelper.CheckPerformActivity(authenticatedActorId, flowId, attributeValues, transitionName, dbSession);

            log.Info("actor '" + authenticatedActorId + "' performs activity '" + activityState.Name + "'...");

            // create the execution-context
            ExecutionContextImpl executionContext = new ExecutionContextImpl(authenticatedActorId, flow, dbSession, organisationComponent);

            // if this activity has a role-name, save the actor in the corresponding attribute
            // attributeValues = state.addRoleAttributeValue( attributeValues, authenticatedActorId, organisationComponent );

            // log event & trigger actions
            delegationService.RunActionsForEvent(EventType.BEFORE_PERFORM_OF_ACTIVITY, activityState.Id, executionContext,dbSession);

            // store the supplied attribute values
            executionContext.CreateLog(authenticatedActorId, EventType.PERFORM_OF_ACTIVITY);
            executionContext.AddLogDetail(new ObjectReferenceImpl(activityState));
            executionContext.CheckAccess(attributeValues, activityState);

            // log event & trigger actions
            delegationService.RunActionsForEvent(EventType.PERFORM_OF_ACTIVITY, activityState.Id, executionContext,dbSession);

            // from here on, we consider the actor as being the previous actor

            // select and process the transition
            TransitionImpl startTransition = transitionRepository.GetTransition(transitionName, activityState, dbSession);
            engine.ProcessTransition(startTransition, executionContext, dbSession);

            // log event & trigger actions
            delegationService.RunActionsForEvent(EventType.AFTER_PERFORM_OF_ACTIVITY, activityState.Id, executionContext,dbSession);

            assignedFlows = executionContext.AssignedFlows;

            // flush the updates to the db

            if (relations != null)
            return assignedFlows;
		public IList FindMembershipsByUserAndGroup(String userId, String groupId, Relations relations, DbSession dbSession)
			IList memberships = null;
				Object[] args = new Object[] {userId, groupId};
				IType[] types = new IType[] {DbType.STRING, DbType.STRING};
				log.Debug("findMembershipsByUserAndGroup(" + userId + "," + groupId + "): !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " + memberships);
				memberships = dbSession.Find(queryFindMembershipsByUserAndGroup, args, types);
				log.Debug("findMembershipsByUserAndGroup(" + userId + "," + groupId + "): " + memberships);
				if (relations != null)
			catch (Exception t)
				throw new OrganisationRuntimeException("organisation-exception : coudn't find memberships by user '" + userId + "' and group '" + groupId + "' : " + t.Message);
			return memberships;