public static bool Transfer(UInt160 from, UInt160 to, BigInteger amount, object data)
            if (amount <= 0)
                throw new Exception("The parameter amount MUST be greater than 0.");
            if (!Runtime.CheckWitness(from) && !from.Equals(ExecutionEngine.CallingScriptHash))
                throw new Exception("No authorization.");
            if (AssetStorage.Get(from) < amount)
                throw new Exception("Insufficient balance.");
            if (from == to)

            AssetStorage.Reduce(from, amount);
            AssetStorage.Increase(to, amount);

            OnTransfer(from, to, amount);

            // Validate payable
            if (ContractManagement.GetContract(to) != null)
                Contract.Call(to, "onNEP17Payment", CallFlags.All, new object[] { from, amount, data });
        public static void _deploy(object data, bool update)
            if (update)
            if (TotalSupplyStorage.Get() > 0)
                throw new Exception("Contract has been deployed.");

            AssetStorage.Increase(Owner, InitialSupply);

            OnTransfer(null, Owner, InitialSupply);
        private static void Mint(BigInteger amount)
            var totalSupply = TotalSupplyStorage.Get();

            var avaliable_supply = MaxSupply - totalSupply;

            if (amount <= 0)
                throw new Exception("Amount must be greater than zero.");
            if (amount > avaliable_supply)
                throw new Exception("Insufficient supply for mint tokens.");

            Transaction tx = (Transaction)ExecutionEngine.ScriptContainer;

            AssetStorage.Increase(tx.Sender, amount);

            OnTransfer(null, tx.Sender, amount);