async Task Subscribe(MessageMetadata eventType, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var eventDir = GetEventDirectory(eventType.MessageType);

            // the subscription directory and the subscription information will be created no matter if there's a publisher for the event assuming that the publisher haven’t started yet

            var subscriptionEntryPath = GetSubscriptionEntryPath(eventDir);

            var attempts = 0;

            // since we have a design that can run into concurrency exceptions we perform a few retries
            while (true)
                    await AsyncFile.WriteText(subscriptionEntryPath, localAddress, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                catch (IOException)

                    if (attempts > 10)

                    //allow the other task to complete
                    await Task.Delay(100, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
        public async Task Subscribe(Type eventType, ContextBag context)
            var eventDir = GetEventDirectory(eventType);

            // that way we can detect that there is indeed a publisher for the event. That said it also means that we will have do "retries" here due to race condition.

            var subscriptionEntryPath = GetSubscriptionEntryPath(eventDir);

            var attempts = 0;

            // since we have a design that can run into concurrency exceptions we perform a few retries
            while (true)
                    await AsyncFile.WriteText(subscriptionEntryPath, localAddress).ConfigureAwait(false);

                catch (IOException)

                    if (attempts > 10)

                    //allow the other task to complete
                    await Task.Delay(100).ConfigureAwait(false);
        static Func <string, Task> BuildDefaultDiagnosticsWriter(ReadOnlySettings settings)
            if (!settings.TryGet <string>(DiagnosticSettingsExtensions.DiagnosticsPathKey, out var diagnosticsRootPath))
                    diagnosticsRootPath = Path.Combine(Host.GetOutputDirectory(), ".diagnostics");
                catch (Exception e)
                    logger.Error("Unable to determine the diagnostics output directory. Check the attached exception for further information, or configure a custom diagnostics directory using 'EndpointConfiguration.SetDiagnosticsPath()'.", e);

            if (!Directory.Exists(diagnosticsRootPath))

            var endpointName = settings.EndpointName();

            // Once we have the proper hosting model in place we can skip the endpoint name since the host would
            // know how to handle multi hosting but for now we do this so that multi-hosting users will get a file per endpoint
            var startupDiagnosticsFileName = $"{endpointName}-configuration.txt";
            var startupDiagnosticsFilePath = Path.Combine(diagnosticsRootPath, startupDiagnosticsFileName);

            return(data => AsyncFile.WriteText(startupDiagnosticsFilePath, data));
        public Task Enlist(string messagePath, string messageContents)
            var inProgressFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(messagePath) + ".out";

            var txPath        = Path.Combine(transactionDir, inProgressFileName);
            var committedPath = Path.Combine(commitDir, inProgressFileName);

            outgoingFiles.Enqueue(new OutgoingFile(committedPath, messagePath));

            return(AsyncFile.WriteText(txPath, messageContents));
        static Func <string, Task> BuildDefaultDiagnosticsWriter(HostingComponent.Configuration configuration)
            var diagnosticsRootPath = configuration.DiagnosticsPath;

            if (diagnosticsRootPath == null)
                    diagnosticsRootPath = Path.Combine(Host.GetOutputDirectory(), ".diagnostics");
                catch (Exception e)
                    logger.Warn("Unable to determine the diagnostics output directory. Check the attached exception for further information, or configure a custom diagnostics directory using 'EndpointConfiguration.SetDiagnosticsPath()'.", e);

                    return(data => Task.CompletedTask);

            if (!Directory.Exists(diagnosticsRootPath))
                catch (Exception e)
                    logger.Warn("Unable to create the diagnostics output directory. Check the attached exception for further information, or change the diagnostics directory using 'EndpointConfiguration.SetDiagnosticsPath()'.", e);

                    return(data => Task.CompletedTask);

            // Once we have the proper hosting model in place we can skip the endpoint name since the host would
            // know how to handle multi hosting but for now we do this so that multi-hosting users will get a file per endpoint
            var startupDiagnosticsFileName = $"{configuration.EndpointName}-configuration.txt";
            var startupDiagnosticsFilePath = Path.Combine(diagnosticsRootPath, startupDiagnosticsFileName);

            return(data =>
                var prettied = JsonPrettyPrinter.Print(data);
                return AsyncFile.WriteText(startupDiagnosticsFilePath, prettied);
        static Func <string, Task> BuildDefaultDiagnosticsWriter(ReadOnlySettings settings)
            if (!settings.TryGet <string>(DiagnosticSettingsExtensions.DiagnosticsPathKey, out var diagnosticsRootPath))
                diagnosticsRootPath = Path.Combine(Host.GetOutputDirectory(), ".diagnostics");

            if (!Directory.Exists(diagnosticsRootPath))

            var endpointName = settings.EndpointName();

            // Once we have the proper hosting model in place we can skip the endpoint name since the host would
            // know how to handle multi hosting but for now we do this so that multi-hosting users will get a file per endpoint
            var startupDiagnosticsFileName = $"{endpointName}-configuration.txt";
            var startupDiagnosticsFilePath = Path.Combine(diagnosticsRootPath, startupDiagnosticsFileName);

            return(data => AsyncFile.WriteText(startupDiagnosticsFilePath, data));
 public Task Enlist(string messagePath, string messageContents) => AsyncFile.WriteText(messagePath, messageContents);
Exemple #8
 public Task Enlist(string messagePath, string messageContents, CancellationToken cancellationToken) => AsyncFile.WriteText(messagePath, messageContents, cancellationToken);