public virtual void MapTypes(List<Type> allTypes, NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration cfg, Func<string, string> formatter)
            var m = new HbmMapping();
            m.Items = allTypes.Select(t =>
                    var sc = new HbmSubclass();
           = GetName(t);
                    sc.extends = GetName(t.BaseType);
                    sc.discriminatorvalue = map.GetOrCreateDefinition(t).Discriminator ?? t.Name;
                    sc.lazy = false;
                    sc.lazySpecified = true;

                    var propertyMappings = GetPersistables(t)
                        .Select(p => p.Attribute.GetPropertyMapping(p.DeclaringProperty, formatter))
                    if (propertyMappings.Count > 0)
                        if (sc.Items == null)
                            sc.Items = propertyMappings.ToArray();
                            sc.Items = sc.Items.Union(propertyMappings).ToArray();

                    return sc;
            var dbg = m.AsString();
            cfg.AddDeserializedMapping(m, "N2");
		public void WhenMapExternalMemberAsComponentIdThenThrows()
			var mapdoc = new HbmMapping();
			var mapper = new ClassMapper(typeof(Person), mapdoc, For<Person>.Property(x => x.Id));

			mapper.Executing(m => m.ComponentAsId(For<User>.Property(x => x.Id), map => map.Access(Accessor.Field))).Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>();
		public void ConfiguringIdGeneratorUsingAttributeAndElementIsEquivalent()
			// <id name="Employer1"><generator class="guid" /></id>
			var mapIdentityGeneratorByElement = new HbmMapping()
				Items = new object[]
					new HbmClass()
						name = "Employer1",
						Item = new HbmId() { name = "Id", generator1 = "guid" },
						Items = new object[] {new HbmProperty() {name = "Name"}}

			// <id name="Employer1" generator="guid" />
			var mapIdentityGeneratorByAttribute = new HbmMapping()
				Items = new object[]
					new HbmClass()
						name = "Employer1",
						Item = new HbmId() { name = "Id", generator = new HbmGenerator() { @class = "guid" } },
						Items = new object[] {new HbmProperty() {name = "Name"}}

		public void CanSetPersister()
			var mapdoc = new HbmMapping();
			var rc = new SubclassMapper(typeof(HineritedSimple), mapdoc);
		public ComponentNestedElementMapper(Type componentType, HbmMapping mapDoc, HbmNestedCompositeElement component, MemberInfo declaringComponentMember)
			this.componentType = componentType;
			this.mapDoc = mapDoc;
			this.component = component;
			accessorPropertyMapper = new AccessorPropertyMapper(declaringComponentMember.DeclaringType, declaringComponentMember.Name, x => component.access = x);
		public void AtCreationSetIdType()
			var hbmMapping = new HbmMapping();
			var hbmAny = new HbmAny();
			new AnyMapper(null, typeof(int), hbmAny, hbmMapping);
		public void WhenSetMoreSyncThenAddAll()
			var mapdoc = new HbmMapping();
			var rc = new ClassMapper(typeof(EntitySimple), mapdoc, For<EntitySimple>.Property(x => x.Id));
			rc.Synchronize("T1", "T2", "T3", null);
			mapdoc.RootClasses[0].Synchronize.Select(x => x.table).Should().Have.SameValuesAs("T1", "T2", "T3");
		public ComponentMapper(HbmComponent component, System.Type componentType, IAccessorPropertyMapper accessorMapper, HbmMapping mapDoc)
			: base(componentType, mapDoc)
			_component = component;
			_component.@class = componentType.GetShortClassName(mapDoc);
			_accessorPropertyMapper = accessorMapper;
		public void AtCreationSetIdType()
			var hbmMapping = new HbmMapping();
			var hbmAny = new HbmAny();
			new AnyMapper(null, typeof(int), hbmAny, hbmMapping);
			Assert.That(hbmAny.idtype, Is.EqualTo("Int32"));
		public void WhenSetSyncMixedWithNullAndEmptyThenAddOnlyValid()
			var mapdoc = new HbmMapping();
			var rc = new ClassMapper(typeof(EntitySimple), mapdoc, For<EntitySimple>.Property(x => x.Id));
			rc.Synchronize("", "  ATable   ", "     ", null);
 public void AssignsNHibernateMappingSchema()
     var mapping = new HbmMapping();
     var serializer = new MappingXmlSerializer();
     XmlDocument document = serializer.Serialize(mapping);
 /// <summary>
 /// Allows to execute custom code before the given mapping document is built
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mapping">The mapping doc</param>
 public override void BeforeBuildMappings(HbmMapping mapping)
     if (BeforeBuildMappingsDelegate != null)
 /// <summary>
 /// Allows to execute custom code after the entity types were compiled to the given mapping document
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="entityTypes">The entity types</param>
 public override void AfterCompileMappings(IList<Type> entityTypes, HbmMapping mapping)
     if (AfterCompileMappingsDelegate != null)
         AfterCompileMappingsDelegate(entityTypes, mapping);
 /// <summary>
 /// Allows to execute custom code after the given mapping document is built
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mapping">The mapping doc</param>
 public override void AfterBuildMappings(HbmMapping mapping)
     if (AfterBuildMappingsDelegate != null)
 public void CallSetCache()
     var mapdoc = new HbmMapping();
     var rc = new ClassMapper(typeof(EntitySimple), mapdoc, typeof(EntitySimple).GetProperty("Id"));
     rc.Cache(ch=> ch.Region("pizza"));
		public void CanSetPersister()
			var mapdoc = new HbmMapping();
			var rc = new UnionSubclassMapper(typeof(InheritedSimple), mapdoc);
			Assert.That(mapdoc.UnionSubclasses[0].Persister, Is.StringContaining("UnionSubclassEntityPersister"));
 public void CallSetDiscriminator()
     var mapdoc = new HbmMapping();
     var rc = new ClassMapper(typeof(EntitySimple), mapdoc, typeof(EntitySimple).GetProperty("Id"));
		public void Add(HbmMapping document)
			if (document == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("document");

        public ConventionsMapper()
            this.conventionModelMapper = new ConventionModelMapper();

            var baseEntityType = typeof(Entity);
            this.conventionModelMapper.IsEntity((t, declared) => baseEntityType.IsAssignableFrom(t) && baseEntityType != t && !t.IsInterface);
            this.conventionModelMapper.IsRootEntity((t, declared) => baseEntityType.Equals(t.BaseType));
            this.conventionModelMapper.Class<Entity>(map => {
                                                     	map.Id(x => x.Id, m => m.Generator(Generators.Identity));
                                                     	map.Id(x => x.Id, m => m.Column("id"));
                                                     	map.Version(x => x.Version, m => m.Generated(VersionGeneration.Always));
                                                     	map.Version(x => x.Version, m => m.Column("version"));

            this.conventionModelMapper.BeforeMapProperty += (insp, prop, map) => map.Column(prop.LocalMember.Name);

            this.conventionModelMapper.BeforeMapManyToOne += (insp, prop, map) => map.Column(prop.LocalMember.GetPropertyOrFieldType().Name + "Id");
            this.conventionModelMapper.BeforeMapManyToOne += (insp, prop, map) => map.Cascade(Cascade.Persist);

            this.conventionModelMapper.BeforeMapBag += (insp, prop, map) => map.Table(prop.GetContainerEntity(insp).Name + prop.GetRootMember().Name);
            this.conventionModelMapper.BeforeMapBag += (insp, prop, map) => map.Key(km => km.Column(prop.GetContainerEntity(insp).Name + "Id"));
            this.conventionModelMapper.BeforeMapBag += (insp, prop, map) => map.Cascade(Cascade.All);

            this.conventionModelMapper.BeforeMapClass += (insp, prop, map) => map.Table(prop.Name);

            this.mapping = this.conventionModelMapper.CompileMappingFor(baseEntityType.Assembly.GetExportedTypes().Where(t => t.Namespace != null && t.Namespace.EndsWith("Entities")));
		public void CanSetPersister()
			var mapdoc = new HbmMapping();
			var rc = new ClassMapper(typeof(EntitySimple), mapdoc, For<EntitySimple>.Property(x => x.Id));
		public void WhenCreateThenSetDefaultTableName()
			var mapdoc = new HbmMapping();
			var hbmJoin = new HbmJoin();
			new JoinMapper(typeof(MyClass), "   AA   ", hbmJoin, mapdoc);
			Assert.That(hbmJoin.table, Is.EqualTo("AA"));
		public ComponentAsIdMapper(System.Type componentType, MemberInfo declaringTypeMember, HbmCompositeId id, HbmMapping mapDoc)
		{ = id;
			this.mapDoc = mapDoc;
			id.@class = componentType.GetShortClassName(mapDoc);
			accessorPropertyMapper = new AccessorPropertyMapper(declaringTypeMember.DeclaringType, declaringTypeMember.Name, x => id.access = x);
		public virtual void MapTypes(List<Type> allTypes, NHibernate.Cfg.Configuration cfg, Func<string, string> formatter)
			var m = new HbmMapping();
			m.Items = allTypes.Select(t =>
					var sc = new HbmSubclass(); = GetName(t);
					sc.extends = GetName(t.BaseType);
					sc.discriminatorvalue = map.GetOrCreateDefinition(t).Discriminator ?? t.Name;
					sc.lazy = false;
					sc.lazySpecified = true;

					var propertyMappings = GetPersistables(t)
						.Select(p => p.Attribute.GetPropertyMapping(p.DeclaringProperty, formatter))
					if (propertyMappings.Count > 0)
						if (sc.Items == null)
							sc.Items = propertyMappings.ToArray();
							sc.Items = sc.Items.Union(propertyMappings).ToArray();
					logger.DebugFormat("Generating subclass {0} with discriminator {1} extending {2} with {3} items ({4} property mappings)",, sc.discriminatorvalue, sc.extends, sc.Items != null ? sc.Items.Length.ToString() : "(null)", propertyMappings.Count);
					return sc;
			if (Debugger.IsAttached)
				var dbg = m.AsString();
			cfg.AddDeserializedMapping(m, "N2");
        public void CanValidateXmlAgainstSchema()
            var prevCulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture;

                Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;

                // Invalid, cannot use a default meta. Schema validation should fail.
                var hbmMapping = new HbmMapping();
                hbmMapping.meta = new HbmMeta[] {new HbmMeta()};

                var serializer = new MappingXmlSerializer();
                XmlDocument document = serializer.Serialize(hbmMapping);

                MappingXmlValidator validator = new MappingXmlValidator();
                var result = validator.Validate(document);

                result.Messages.ShouldContain("Element 'meta': The required attribute 'attribute' is missing.");
                Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = prevCulture;
		public void WhenSetSyncMixedWithNullAndEmptyThenAddOnlyValid()
			var mapdoc = new HbmMapping();
			var rc = new UnionSubclassMapper(typeof(InheritedSimple), mapdoc);
			rc.Synchronize("", "  ATable   ", "     ", null);
		public void WhenSetMoreSyncThenAddAll()
			var mapdoc = new HbmMapping();
			var rc = new UnionSubclassMapper(typeof(InheritedSimple), mapdoc);
			rc.Synchronize("T1", "T2", "T3", null);
			mapdoc.UnionSubclasses[0].Synchronize.Select(x => x.table).Should().Have.SameValuesAs("T1", "T2", "T3");
 private static string GetFileName(HbmMapping hbmMapping)
     string name = "MyMapping";
     HbmClass rc = hbmMapping.RootClasses.FirstOrDefault();
     if (rc != null)
         name = rc.Name;
     HbmSubclass sc = hbmMapping.SubClasses.FirstOrDefault();
     if (sc != null)
         name = sc.Name;
     HbmJoinedSubclass jc = hbmMapping.JoinedSubclasses.FirstOrDefault();
     if (jc != null)
         name = jc.Name;
     HbmUnionSubclass uc = hbmMapping.UnionSubclasses.FirstOrDefault();
     if (uc != null)
         name = uc.Name;
     return name + ".hbm.xml";
		public void WhenCreateThenSetDefaultTableName()
			var mapdoc = new HbmMapping();
			var hbmJoin = new HbmJoin();
			new JoinMapper(typeof(MyClass), "   AA   ", hbmJoin, mapdoc);
		public void CanSetPersister()
			var mapdoc = new HbmMapping();
			var rc = new JoinedSubclassMapper(typeof(InheritedSimple), mapdoc);
Exemple #30
		public ComponentMapper(HbmComponent component, Type componentType, MemberInfo declaringTypeMember, HbmMapping mapDoc)
			: base(componentType, mapDoc)
			this.component = component;
			component.@class = componentType.GetShortClassName(mapDoc);
			accessorPropertyMapper = new AccessorPropertyMapper(declaringTypeMember.DeclaringType, declaringTypeMember.Name, x => component.access = x);
        public void Add(Stream stream)
            HbmMapping document = parser.Parse(stream);
